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Flarea nodded and rushed back to the ship. "Good news. He's going to take us to his fundamental under the condition that only one of us goes and that the rest of us leaves. The question is, who should go and where will we meet back up at?"
Flarea gave a worried expression. Yuro and Star looked at her. "You should go," Star said, mater-of-factly, "You and Yuro know Windraza better than I do, and it would have more impact if you introduce yourself as her sister." Yuro gave Flarea a worried expression before nodding.
Flarea sighed. "Where do we meet back up at then?"
The other two were silent, not knowing a common location to go to. "Maybe back at Dragnos?" Yuro suggested. The three quickly decided that was probably not a good idea. At this point, they were stuck.
Flarea nodded and left the ship. Yuro ran up to her and stopped her midway. "Good luck," he said, nosing her quickly before heading back inside of the ship.
Flarea gave Yuro a brief smile before turning around again. She made her way back to the champion and sat down in front of him. "Ready, everything was taken care of."
The ships door closed and turned around, stalling in place a second before blasting into orbit around the planet. The man nodded "Follow me" he walked forward and waved his hand, a doorway made of a swirled marble raising out of the ground, the doorway leading into a seaming endless hallway, some of the doors labeled.
Flarea followed the man, not saying a word. Instead, she looked at the doors curiously, sniffing the air every once in a while. Her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.
The man walked up to the door labeled 'Balance' he knocked on the door, and a voice responded "Who is it?" "It's me, Rodney, your champion" "Please, come in" he opened the door to reveal a figure that seamed to be made of the swirled marble, a small bowl like thing on each shoulder, sitting at a desk
Flarea blinked twice at the figure. "Um, hello." She waved her talons as she gave the figure a curious look. Was this disrespectful? Probably was. She sat down once she was inside of the room and curled her tail neatly around her talons.
The figure stood up "What is the meaning of this? Last time I checked, there are no dragons in your universe" he bowed his head "She declared it important, something about he destruction of the multiverse"
"Star said 'rebuild'. Which means destroying in the process. Which means, yeah. Forget about my attempted correction." She sighed. "So Windraza, my sister, got her talons on some scroll she had some dragons steal from Eli's ship for her. It told her how to rebuild the multiverse. She also made to where we couldn't track her for a bit due to her dragon team also taking out the power while they stole the scroll. We also think that she's receiving help from someone. At least, that's what I think."
Balance chuckled "Do you know how many stary scrolls say that, the blood of a innocent sheep or something else absurd, what makes you think she has the right idea, or power?"
Flarea narrowed her eyes and twitched her tail. "Would Eli keep the thing in terminal ten if it wasn't the 'right idea'? Windraza is no fool, I can tell you that. Nor is she easily discouraged. In fact, I think that she becomes even more dangerous if she fails something. The question isn't if she has the right idea or power, is when is she going to strike." Her demeanor changed from her lightheartedly giving a bit a a recap of what happened to her giving a full on warning. Wasn't her fault if Balance didn't listen.
Balance sat down "Thank you for your, warning, I'll make sure to et it handled, now I have a lot of work to do, new information to sort, and a piece of advise, if you ever have the grace to speak with one of us again, be a bit more respectful"
Flarea unfurled her wings in shock. "So sorry!" She lowered her head and started to beat herself up. Why was she so prideful? Was she prideful? Balance's words seemed to suggest that. "And thanks for listening, even when I got to serious about my warning." She looked around, and didn't know exactly where to go from there.
The fundamental nodded "Yes yes, good favor and good bye" Balance waved their hand as a grey swirl enveloped her and transported her straight to the ship. Rodney looked at Balance "Do you think its real?" Balance looked on in thought "Never hurts to be careful... Have your colleges tell the others" Rodney nodded "Yes Balance" he hurried away to inform his co-workers
Flarea, once she realised that she was back at Eli's ship, looked at everyone. "So I might have been a bit disrespectful." She gave a nervous chuckle as the others gave her a weird look.
The arm descended from the ceiling, glowing orange "You, what? please tell me you were disrespectful to one of the most powerful beings in the universe, responsible for the whole thing existing in the first place! did they listen to you"
Flarea jumped back. "I think so. I hope so. She did say she'll handle it." Flarea shook her head. "I just couldn't help myself when she said it was probably nothing to worry about." Flarea snorted and frowned. "I guess I just lost control of what I was saying."
The eye stared at the dragon for a few seconds in disbelief, the computer would never show disrespect for its creators. It swiveled around "I'm going to search for their ship" and left through the ceiling again
"Do you think I made her upset?" Flarea asked she glanced at Yuro and Star. The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Star simply nodded and wandered off to do her own thing. Yuro strode up to her and brushed his wing against hers.
Windraza woke from her slumber. "Already? That seemed much quicker than the other times. Of course, this time I was sleeping." She sat up and stared at Kerco. "Let me guess, same plan as last time?" She smiled. "Your success rate is flawless." She was silent for a second before saying, "Not that I expected less."
Kerco rolled his eyes, spliping on his gloves as he walked up to the temple, sneaking a peak around the doorframe, he saw the pedestal was empty, he stood there a second before walking back and calmly saying "It's gone"
Windraza narrowed her eyes at Kerco. "What do you mean it's gone?" It was clear that she was not happy that the diamond was gone. "Unless, do you think that we lost the element of surprise?" She tapped her tail in agitation of the fact the diamond was removed.
Kerco walked over to the main console "Well, we don't know where this one is anymore, but that just adds one person to our list" he pulled up a picture of a female human "She has one as well" he turned around "So, since they can probably guess what I would do, whos our next target?"
"Did you properly read the scroll I gave you?" Windraza asked. She stood up, giving Kerco a look as if he should already know. "Life is our next target. I cannot believe that you even asked that." There was no anger in her voice, but no other emotions showed that much verbally for Windraza either.
Kerco shrugged "Well, I ask for a reason" he turned around "Now, to get life to appear, we need to create an emergency where there is no Champion, or we will have to deal with all the champions"
"And where exactly is there no champion at?" Windraza asked, not wanting to deal with the unknown amount of people. She didn't think that was a good idea anyway. To deal with that. She secretly hoped that she didn't have to cause havoc in Dragnos. She was their queen, after all.
Windraza gave a small chuckle. "You think I don't know that." She was silent for a second. "To be fair, I was only assuming that." She thought for a second. "Would a universe new to the multiverse work?"
He smiled "Well, depends on how new, but probably" he leaned forward slightly "Do you have something in mind?" he thought she probably did, but you never know
Windraza gave a small smile. "My home universe. The country of Dragnos is off limits, due to the fact I'm the leader there." She shook her head. "But anywhere else, is fine." Her smile grew. "Yes, I know once I remake the multiverse, Dragnos will change, but I need their loyalty until the very last moment, just in case."
Kerco smiled "That should do, just tell the ship to go back, we'll find a city or something, and we will cause mayhem, that should attract life, maybe death, maybe both"
"Anywhere but Dragnos. That is the only rule here." Windraza said, her talons clicking on the metal as she walked closer to Kerco to show she was serious. "I'll count it as betrayal." She told the ship to return to her home universe.
Flarea decided that it would be a good idea to check on Eli. He must have been so lonely. She walked to the hall with bedrooms and stood there, not knowing which one belonged to her friend. She sighed as she looked at each door, trying to find some sort of sign of which one belonged to him.
Eli was sitting up, eating a bowl of tomato soup, just starting and eating kinda slow, clearly thinking about something else, he caught sight of her and nodded "How'd it go?"
Frostbite growled to himself under his breath. He felt as if it had been an eternity since he had left the medical bay. Although his wing seemed to be on the mend, it still hurt him a good deal, and the cast that kept his wing in place was constantly itchy. He hated it all, and wished he could just go home back to the north. He doubted anyone wanted him there anyways... and he missed the freezing winds and the thrill of the hunt. He groaned aloud and wished he could ram his head into the wall without jarring his broken wing.
Swiftbrush's tongue curled out as the kit gave a wide yawn. He had just woken up from a long nap; in fact, he spent much of his time sleeping lately. The ship was becoming dull and uninteresting to the silver kitten, because once he had explored what he could there seemed to be nothing else to do without getting himself into trouble. Even though he was a bit less wary of Eli after the wirebox incident, he still didn't want to risk getting on the human's bad side. Thus the long hours of sleep. At least his dreams kept him slightly amused.
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