He smiled "It was not a glamorous meeting, not some grand scheme where one of us had built up a dramatic meeting, I had been apprehended by the local guards, and the warriors were called in to escort me a few universes over to a prison"
"Now, I was stuck there a while, oddly enough not because of a crash, though that's another story, anyways, I had been walking in the woods for a few minutes, understandably disoretated, when I was tackled, by what I later learned was a patrol, they were concerned I was from one of the other clans, I was escorted back to their base, they called it their camp, it was next to the river, now these cats had their fur brushed back, you see they swam a lot, I was there for three years, I was frustrated with my randevu obviously, but anyways, after explaining that I was not there to invade them, they kept me there for a week or two, asking the other clans if I was theirs, of course I was not, and in that time I learned a lot, boh from being told, and just listening due to just being cooped up in the same camp, now, at this point I asked if I could be a part of their community, they said no, I still brought it up while I was there, and eventually said if I could prove I was worth their time, I could stay, they did not yt know I did have plans to leave when I could, not because I didn't like them, they were really charming, more a duty thing. Anyways, at this point, I did not have a ton of experience as a cat, the exact amount I had been there, but I had been things semi-similar, so I was not a total novice, so I fought well enough for them to move me out, and I went hunting under close watch, I was much better at this, having a bit of knowledge over them, but that's not important"