"Well... I can't say that I am a friend of those humans neither, at least now. My name is Rage, by the way. At first, I almost felt happy when those humans brought me there. They were always saying things like "This one has a great potential. I am pretty sure that this one is very strong". And I wanted to become stronger too. But time passed... I don't know... Days? Weeks? Months? I didn't see the daylight, I didn't even know when it was day or night. But they started to care less about me, they were asking me always to do things, disturbing my dreams... then, they stopped bringing me food and that stuff... And... Well, I got fed up. I took the opportunity that they left me alone, and then let's say that Mint appeared there, answering to my help requests. I am happy to meet of all you, I am sure that we wouldn't have achieved that without our mutual help."