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Open Experiment: Monster

Cephalos reluctantly looked over toward a dead harpy; one of the two that Orlocke killed, in fact. Surely it was like the wild fowls and birds his father hunted back at home...except once upon a time, this creature had it's own life, ambitions and dreams. Shuffling over toward the body, he wiped off some of the saliva still coating it, tears filling his eye again. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. He then began to eat.

(I'll post again later tonight. Got a lot of work to do.)
Xonak jumped down, landing right on his face. "Ouch." Was his response, and heard about the food thing. He scrunched his face at the thought of eating another monster here. Then he remembered one of the monsters he "accidentally" shot. He dashed through the battle, unaware of his turret. The turret changed from, well, a turret to some sort of ball. The gray, metallic ball started cracking with electricity, and shocked a nearby bat monster. The catch was, the electric current stuck to the bat, and did some sort of sucking motion. Xonak stopped, feeling his hunger diminish. He put his hand on his hip, saying "Well, I guess food is outta the question." to himself. My stomach is empty, but I'm not hungry. Guess the zap I hear was that thing Chiko was talking about. Xonak shrugged, realized he was in the midst of battle. "Uh." He dashed to a wall, and crawled up. The ball switched back to the turret, and shot relentlessly. When's the battle over?
As Lydia was tearing into her meal, a large winged monster snuck up behind her. Lydia could sense the dangerous presence, and turned to attack, but it was too late. The monster had tackled Lydia to the ground using razor sharp fangs to slice at her skin. She tried to escape by flying but the other monster was too powerful. It grabbed her by the wing and pulled her down again. Lydia used her limbs to thrash around, cutting into the monsters skin. One cut was deep in the creature’s throat, and it bled to death. Lydia tried to fly away again, but fell down again. Her wing was broken.
Roger stood in the middle of the arena holding one of his many victims rubbing his fingers over it again and again, he had no intention of eating it he just liked petting it like a doll. More monster circled around Roger as he stopped petting the body. He knew they where there, he could hear them, suddenly they all attacked in different ways but Roger still did not care and just walked up to them and touched them with his long arms killing all 8 of them. As some of the monster began to thin out Roger left the main area and went looking for the stragglers.
Lydia scurried over to an area where hardly any fighting was taking place and sat down. It didn’t bother her that her wing was broken, she had had it happen before. But she was in a dangerous place, with no room for weakness. She hoped her wing could heal quickly, it could mean life or death.


Previously Breon
Lao minions begins to rush at other monsters tearing their flesh apart, but when the Monsters slice them open the tar begin to enter their body making them into new minions, and as for Lao he was walking towards the middle of the battlegrounds and sees lydia injured and so begins to walk towards lydia and when in front of her, he bends down so he can hear her

"........... are you all right your wing looks broken, you probably can't fight anymore can you."
Lydia bows her head in defeat. “ Most likely....not...” She says. She didn’t want to bother anyone with her own problems. They had to fight for their own survival. Besides, she didn’t like defeat, nor was she used to it.
Lydia hesitated but nodded her head. “ I’m really sorry...you don’t have to...” She muttered. She hated being a burden to others, and even though she was a monster, whose bones could heal quickly, she didn’t want others worrying about her. “ It’ll heal soon...you can keep fighting if you want.”


Previously Breon
Lao remain in silent and continues to sit next to lydia and while he's doing that the minions continue to destroy the remaining monsters.

Orlocke watched as some blue team monsters began to retreat, knowing that they were both outnumbered and outclassed. He smirked a bit at the sight, finding it amusing, then looked down to the goblin he had pinned under his foot. "Well, looks like you've lost. But don't worry. You might be lucky enough to find peace in your next life." he whispered to the whimpering creature. Then, applying pressure to and breaking it's neck, he ended it's life.

Cephalos's mind was whirling. He had just eaten another monster... something that felt like taboo to him. Staring down at the stains on his hands, he looked up at the ceiling of the chamber. Why are they making us do this?! What did we do to deserve this kind of hell?! he wondered.


Previously FearfulNights
Chiko laughed as she tore the heads off everyone from the blue team who was in her reach "Best time I ever had in a long time" she said glancing over to Lydia "and your first time..". (I'm grounded so please just continue with out me)
(So, here's a minor addition to the system I had in mind, just for the heck of it. If you don't approve, feel free to let me know.)

A scoreboard of sorts lowered down on each side of the room, a picture of each monster on it, their name, and the following statistics: Kills, KOs, and Assists.

Orlocke looked up to his record for this session: 63 kills, 0 KOs, 0 Assists. Smirking, he felt a bit of pride in himself for performing so efficiently. Honestly, this seems to be more like a private gladiator show than an experiment during these sessions... He thought to himself.

Cephalos didn't even bother looking up at the screen. He felt utterly exhausted and stressed.


Previously Breon
Lao looks at the scoreboard.

Lydia can you tell me what the scores are I can't really see it well I still need some glasses. Lao said as he looked at lydia.
Lydia lifted her head to look at the score board. “I think it says you got 68 kills, 0 KOs, and 0 Assists. I got 1 kill, 29 KOs, and 2 Assists. “ She explained.
Roger heard a click that he knew to be the score board. He could not see his score because he was blind but he had a photographic memory and he knew that his score was 70 kills, 1 KO, and 0 assists. The one he kept alive he was planning on eating it alive. Suddenly one Monster that was in a very good hiding spot ran for it while Roger was distracted. Roger ran after in and although it was faster than him his long fingers and arm got it anyway. Click, was all Roger heard after that. The kill frenzy was over for Roger and he heard talking and recognized it has Lydia's voice. Roger walked over to see what they where doing.
Orlocke strode up to Lao, still smiling. "Not too shabby, especially if you're new around here." he said, "You might make a solid competitor against me if I'm being completely honest." He took out another rose as he glanced back up at the scoreboard. "Looks like my cell mate's on a roll too. Then again, he's always enjoyed this session." He then saw Cephalos's score: 0 kills, 1 KO, 0 assists. "I thought I told that cyclops to contribute to the team effort." he sighed, "I guess I'll have to get another goblin to attack him. Or maybe he's only aggresive toward trolls...?" he chuckled at the thought.
Lydia narrowed her eyes towards Orlocke. “ Don’t you dare send someone to attack him, not only is it cowardly, but heartless at the same time. “ She hissed. “ Cephalos has a heart. He doesn’t want to cause death to others. Unlike you. “ She retorted.
"And that's his weakness." Orlocke pointed out, "He's too soft. If he comes across an opponent and knocks him out, who's to say that they won't wake up and try to stab him in the back? Amusing as that might be to watch." he chuckled. "A soft, bleeding heart is so easy to take advantage of, and here in this institution, it's a sign of weakness." He then looked up at the scoreboard. "Also, you're no better in the regard of killing others, it seems."
It took a lot of self control from Lydia to not pounce on this monster and tear his throat out. “ Perhaps what this place needs is a reminder that we are all alive and beings that can feel. “ Lydia replied.


Previously Breon
Lao looks at lydia

" lydia calm yourself it's none of your business anyway and orlocke it's not yours either it's cephalos problem, if he gets killed because of his own weakness so be it, but if he changed its because he wanted to no one else's has the right to change somebody." lao said in a angry voice.
Orlocke replied with a nonchalant chuckle and a shrug of the shoulders. "Very well, if that's what you want to believe. But I have one question for you..." He looked over to the two, particularly to Lydia. "Suppose he was placed on the opposite team from yours. Could you truly find the will to fight or kill him?" He then left them to think the question over.


Previously Breon
Lao looks at lydia with a motionless face.

"....................... if he was my enemy I kill my on the spot without a moment of hesitation." Lao said,
Lao puts his arm on the ground and as he did his minions begin to fall over one by one when the tar leaves their bodies and entering back into lao.
That was a tough question. She never meant to kill anyone. Not even that rabbit hybrid. However, if it was a matter of life or death, yes. She would kill him.
Cephalos noticed the commotion was beginning to die down and flopped onto his back to rest for a bit, taking the opportunity to catch his breath. This whole day so far had been nothing short of a nightmare, even if, at least to him, he made at least one friend here. Rubbing his dislocated shoulder, he wondered how the others he had met were doing...except Orlocke. He'd never say it out loud, but frankly, he just saw the vampire as an arrogant, sociopathic jerk. Which, come to think of it is actually pretty accurate...I mean, he did force that goblin to attack me. Who does that to their own teammate?! He ranted in his head.


Previously FearfulNights
Chiko still had not walked into the scoreboards room but still had heard what orlocke had said "why do you have anything to say" she said as she kicked him to the ground and then held a wooden stake to his chest "after all....I know your weakness. everyday.....in these test labs I have to kill all my friends....I have to be the reason some of you are here....I have to do these things so they wont kill me forever....." chiko said madly "so your the last one to talk about weakness..." chikos face calmed down "well we got to change clothing now......its gym time!" she said happily as she tossed them all outfits *no one has seen chiko in a state of anger exept for roger....orlocke
had been here long enough to see*
Roger was just listening to this conversation not saying a word, he did not talk much to begin with. When Chiko said it was gym time Roger was not really interested. He had done it a thousand times and with his tentacle like arms and his size mostly all he did was throw the weights around and then clean them up when their done, Roger cleaned most things around here, it was his hobby that was much more pleasant than his other hobby of keeping peoples bodies as dolls like some sort of horror movie. Roger began walked towards the door to the gym with everyone else.
Orlocke smiled as he got up from the ground. "I always did enjoy strong, feisty women." he said under his breath. Though maybe I should tell her to use Hawthorne instead of Oak to pierce my heart...Or just let her find out the hard way. He mentally added. He then changed into his gym outfit in one of the stalls, admiring himself in the mirror for a moment before making his reflection vanish.

Cephalos changed quickly, glad that the carnage was finally over. He had never felt so terrified in all his life. Before he hit the gym, however, he needed to get his shoulder checked. "Hey, Roger, is there an infirmary where I can get my shoulder fixed?" He asked as he approached Roger. "It got dislocated when I stopped a troll's club."


Previously FearfulNights
Chiko ignored the fact that she heard what orlocke said under his breath and went to talk to lydia and Xonak "vampires.........the person to talk about weakness was a vampire..........." she said as she rolled her eyes. Chiko loved gym because of one thing......swimming. She knew that Roger wasn't a fan and wasn't sure about the rest of the monsters. "well.....I know this is off topic and all but ........never mind" as they headed to gym. She watched as Cephalos walked over to the infirmary.
Lydia quickly dressed into the uniform, and headed to the gym. She hoped it had nothing to do with flying, her wing couldn’t quite healed yet, and it was still sore. “ What will we do in gym? “ She asked Chiko.


Previously FearfulNights
Im doing the pool " Chiko said in a quick respond "Gym is like......the only place you can do whatever you want to do" she said with a smile "I like the pool, its very cold.....you should try it lydia, I think you will like it too" she said as she jumped in and emerged in a new morph like in the battle grounds "its the only place where girls are better than boys" chiko said as she stuck her tounge out at orlocke, who was walking by.


Previously Breon
Lao puts on the uniform

" you can do any.....thing-." lao said as he smacks down into the floor sleeping.

Lao body begins to shrink turning into a ball growing and shrinking as he snores.
Lydia perked up at the prospect of swimming. “ Sure, that actually sounds....fun. “ She said. She quickly walked over to the pool and dived in, enjoying the coolness on her feathers and fur.
"Love you too, Chiko." Orlocke said as Chiko stuck her tongue out at him. He then went to a more open area of the gym and began practicing his fighting techniques. From the infirmary window, Cephalos watched him as an employee began fixing him up.

"I gotta say, you're pretty strong for your age." The scientist said, giving him a creepy look. "Cyclopes are actually my latest topic: Their anatomy and culture, rather. Do you think I could examine you, maybe ask you some questions?"

"Let's focus on the shoulder, first." Cephalos said, looking rather unnerved and uncomfortable. The scientist grumbled, but he continued.

"Okay, I think it just needs to be pushed back into place. So hold still...and try not to scream."

"Wait, what do you mean by th- GAH!" Cephalos shouted out as the scientist jerked his shoulder back into place. After a moment of soreness, however, his shoulder felt much better. "Huh...that actually worked..." he muttered, rolling his shoulder.

"Well of course it did." The scientist chimed, "Now, whenever you feel ready for that examination/interview, tell the guards (or other scientists if you're in medical testing) that Dr. Victor Falenstein has requested an appointment with you."

"Okaaay?" Cephalos said, raising his eyebrow. "Well thanks for your help! Bye!" With that, Cephalos went out the door into the gym and dove right into the deeper part of the pool. "Ahhhhhh, I needed this..." he said as he floated in the water for a moment.


Previously FearfulNights
Chiko was in the mood to mess around with someone and she knew not to mess with orlocke till later and was scared of roger, so she looked over to Celphos "hey watch this" she said as she dove under water and swam up as fast as possible flinging herself into the air and throwing herself down. Angling the wave of cold water to orlocke and splashing him "you need to cool down Orlocke" she said when the wave hit him. Chiko winked at him before diving under water so he couldn't get her unless he wasnt afraid to get wet.
Cephalos snickered a bit at Chiko's antics. Orlocke, meanwhile, pulled his hair up from over his eyes, smirking. He then flicked his hair back elegantly and tied it into a braid, gently brushing the surface of the water with his foot as he did so. "mm, not too bad, I suppose." he muttered. He then took a couple steps back and took a running start, doing a swan dive and plunging beneath the waves. Laying at the bottom of the pool, he beckoned to Chiko with a charming smile.

Back at the surface, Cephalos looked to Lydia. "So, how long do you think Orlocke and Chiko have known each other, and what do you think their relationship is?" he wondered.
Lydia looked at Cephalos, having to brush a few feathers out of her eyes. “ Dude, I totally ship them. “ She said quietly. “ They must have known each other for a while. “
"Same." Cepalos laughed. "Don't tell them I said that, though. They'd probably kill me the next chance they get." He then fell silent for a little while, his eye shifting every so often. "So, what was your life like before you wound up here?" he asked, curious.
Lydia looked down. “ My life was one of kill or be killed. My family left me because I couldn’t keep up with them. I had to fight everyday to survive. So, it wasn’t a walk in the park. “ She joked at the end.