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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

I doubt they're too rare, but you'd probably need to go to a more suitable location to catch a Chimchar.
Looking at the Map
which is still blank.....

well, default to the Map key
Yellow= Desert
Yellow-Green= Plains/Grassland
Yellow-Green with Blue mixed in= Swamp
Green= Forest
Dark Green= Jungle
Light Blue= Ocean
Bright Blue= Lake
Reddish-Brown= Mountains
Red Capped Mountains= Volcanoes
White: Snow/Tundra

Since we definitely have Volcanos on this Island all should be well as long as you make your way over there.
I think I might need to make Chaud a bit separated before I have him go with the group again since it's not exactly easy to RP after being weak from having to go to the hospital because of shock...

Also, I may have another Pokémon character, but the only question I would need to ask @Melody-Jez is if I could have them in my own coloring variation as they are not going to be anything fan made and such. (Just a retouch of their colorings and that's really it.)

Also, please note that this character might be a bit aggressive so keep your heads up and don't come crying to me if he pins someone without warning. c:
Thanks just need to now where the RP thread is and I can't access devianart coz i'm on a school computer.

also I am on moderation so it may take a while for my posts to come through.
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*Aquaman talks to you since his operator isn't here at the moment*

Y- yes... that's the only difference here. *woosh* Nothing too special like other powers and stuff, just the variation in coloration. *drip drip*
An i- idea... l- like what?! *drip drip*

(Ps, I may not be online for the first half of the day since I'm at the doc's office so yeah... I'll maybe need to do my thing once you all get traveling maybe...)
Am I the first to think this, but three Charazards at one time seems a little excessive. Especially since they are territorial pokemon, and only like their family, unless their are big enough to go alone. And even then, only the male goes hunting. And they will fight if other Charazards come by. The only exception, is Charazard Valley, but it is kept by humans, and the Charazards do fight there. And then two Tyranatars, convinced by a Nidorana, to fight such non-proper acting Charazards is extremely unlikely. Sorry about this rant, but as a pokemon theorist, I know these things. Also, what Charazard comes from a SNOW MOUNTAIN???
Map link, there are volcanoes in the mountain range. The tyranitars want to deal with other powerful pokemon and if they don't deal with it now, the Charizards could be a danger to the eggs they hope to lay whereas they can hunt at any time. The Charizards are mainly just being used to express the dangers on the island. This is the first time humans have gotten inland, after all; also it's for future plot potatoes. Basically whoever is watching you took the one Charizard's eggs and escaped to the snow mountains. She ran into the other Charizards while trying to track the egg thief down and they, being parents themselves, were sympathetic and decided to help.

Most of which was at least hinted at in the first post that had the Charizards >.>
Yet the main fact is why two more charazards? As I said, especially since they never were exposed to humans, they would follow exactly like their past selfs would do. Compete with each other, meaning they would fight each other.
I always saw pokemon as something between real animals and humans. They're more prone to animal tendencies but not immune to some human tendencies. It wasn't about following, it was about aiding a desperate mother as well as ending a trend of egg theives before they became targets themselves. Again, that connects to plot potatoes.

And furthermore, you're thinking that we as the trainer's were meant to beat them ourselves through battle. And the fact is that we weren't. I did not expect that and that's the entire point. We are trainers that would barely be past the first gym, if that far, in the games. This is a region where most of the pokemon only know what a human is through folktales and descriptions. It isn't going to be fair where we run into tough pokemon one at a time and we struggle but can still overpower it. No, sometimes we'll have to be a lot more resourceful than a regular battle or even just flat out retreat. I did say in the sign ups that this is a more adult rp because of the risk to the characters and this is just nailing that home.
These three aren't buddies for life or something, they have a truce of circumstance and as soon as things seem bad, they will leave the first one to fend for herself. Also, i didn't say it for time purposes as I am very busy and desperately trying to keep up because I love roleplaying buuut the other two are about ready to leave the first one anyway as they weren't aware she was this far behind the thief. Since she attacked Halt, they think Halt is guilty. That and food is their only issue with him and if it were just down to food they wouldn't bother since Halt and two baby mons aren't enough to share.
Kinda agreeing with Glaceon on the whole 3 Charizards since it's complete overkill but, I get what you're saying. Alternatively it's not that uncommon for Solitary creatures to form small groups against the usual norm, so I don't see 3 Charizards as a real problem.

BTW a flamethrower to the river will work wonders even if he's hiding there xD.
Yea but it's not like diving into a river instantly makes you untouchable. Well unless that's a fairly deep river. If the river is pelted with a few flamethrowers or maybe a fire blast or so you'll still sustain damage from the heat and impact.
True :3 but the first one is a mother on a mission and the pair with her, while not parents this season, have been before and were hoping to eliminate a threat. They aren't out to get themselves hurt though so two pseudo legends that are strong against them will send those two flying home with little trouble.
And then the two psudo legends go along their merry way, when they would probably be pissed because some humans distracted them, and made them fight?
We didn't make them fight :/ and no, they won't be happy about humans in their territory. Not spoiling but the inland pokemon have reason to really not trust people. But if you were a tyranitar in the middle of breeding season with an egg on the way any time now, what would be the bigger threat? Some humans who you could kill with a single hyper beam and then eat all their pokemon or three fully evolved pokemon that hunt similar foods you do and thus threatening your supply while also invading your territory and potentially be looking to take over?
Well first off the Tyranitars haven't seen us at all, or at least I don't recall reading that they have. Thus it's not like the Tyranitars are dead set on murder or anything, more like they noticed a minor threat (Jitter) and they're gonna deal with it, the Charizards will quickly steal their interest and we can leave unnoticed.
Jitter ran through the trees, his trainer close behind. The path he took twisted and turned through the groves. The branches almost entirely barren of leaves, the undergrowth brown and withered from the weather. It didn't take long to find a large cave. Asriel could just barely make out two hulking figures sleeping inside. Jitter stopped just outside, trembling from nerves. He cried out, his voice barely a squeak. No response from the sleeping giants. Steeling his resolve, he dashed forward and shrieked into the cave, the echose rousing the pokemon within.

Angry black eyes blinked open, glaring outside. The two stood slowly and made their way out, revealing two Tyranitars. They were large, even for their kind, and very, very pissed. In the cave was the nest they had been wrapped around; a mated pair trying for an egg. "It's breeding season for a psuedo-lengendary?" Asriel whispered yelled, terrified.

The smaller of the two, presumably the female, licked her lips at, what she presumed to be, walking meal that saved her a hunt. The male, more pissed than hungry, opened his mouth to charge a hyper beam. In panic, Nidoran tried to reason with them. "Ni-nido nido nidoran! Nido nido nido ni!" The news woke both of them right up. The pair looked at each other in shock. Looking back at Jitter, the female Tyranitar replied in a low rumble, "Tryran?"

"Nidoran!" Jitter replied, pointing with one foot towards the river. The two giants looked to each other before heading towards the river, deep growls rumbling in their throats. "We need to go after them," Asriel said. "Halt may get caught in the crossfire."

Meanwhile, back at the river, the other two Charizards had joined in the assault. And these two were only using attacking moves after seeing the strategy against their fellow fire type.

Well they haven't seen any humans >~>

And I don't think shriek = humans

So I'll assume they're aware something is present but they don't know the specifics. Which means they don't have a reason to go human hunting.

We'll conveniently ignore things like scent because factors like direction of the wind and all haven't been established.
All that would be helpful if it if it weren't for how with the Fearow with a camera and the Gyarados with a necklace holding mystic water as a pendant, there is a human presence here we just don't know how widespread it is or which pokemon have seen people before.
My notifications have been weird lately :/ just so everyone is aware, I work 1pm-10pm tomorrow and 7am-4pm the following day. It is currently 9:57. I won't have much time tomorrow to rp
Only just realizing the sweet scent in the air was a signal, Zak rushed over to the newly met stranger that was so called Halt and yelled, "Hey! We need to follow that scent! I think it's a signal!" Zak rushed onward with Honedge towards the scent only to hear calls from ahead. He ran even faster and came across multiple dead trees blocking his way. But with one quick cut from Honedge and they were no problem at all. Then the real problem arose. They were face to face with two Tyranitars. Then Zak saw the person who was signaling him. "Are you Ok over there?" he shouted.

Well.... the Sweet Scent wasn't a signal, I was just taking advantage of it to use Stun Spore without anyone noticing. If you're heading towards the sweet scent you've chased after Asher, and not me.