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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

Everyone, there's something I have to let you guys know. Tomorrow is a....very personal day for me. My uncle, who was more of a father or grandfather than my actual ones, passed away a year ago tomorrow. Just thinking of it has me nearly in tears.

My point is my will to do anything has been slowing down as we get to that horrid day and, when it arrives tomorrow, I'll probably be absent completely from the website or what I post will be much slander and lacking inspiration that my usual posts. I should slowly get back in the usual pace once that is gone. I just wanted to let you guys know I was not abandoning the website.
Well, I'm the same as Glaceon. I haven't lost any family members I wad particularly close to. I have however lost a few family friends who were family in all but blood. So my condolences.
Asher had no reaction whatsoever to Jason, Kaleb's Pidgeotto, or Jason's Slowpoke and Treecko. Also, is it a Slurpuff or a Swirlix?
It's a Slurpuff, it was probably just a typo.

Btw, the Auralian leaders are controlled by @Melody-Jez so this;

Ninjask and Pidgeotto were scouting the island. Ninjask saw what happened with Asriel, Qin, and Quilla, and flew back to Kaleb to report. At the same time, Pidgeotto saw Angel grab Finna, and she dove towards them, hitting the Gallade with Aerial Ace, her new TM move, and Salamence with Twister.

Is auto-ing because they're controlled by another RP-er. You'll need to change that so there's no definite hitting.
Well, Aerial Ace ignores Accuracy and Evasiveness, i will change the Twister part though.
That's only for games, for an Anime-styled RP there is no such thing as a certain hit move.

Well, Stellar recently updated the Rules to Roleplay so I'll just Quote a section of it.

Gameplay and Story Segregation - "What is a 'level'?"

Finally, it bears noting that while Pokémon is a game series - a realistic, living Pokémon world does not follow game mechanics to the letter, and would more likely be similar in the way it works to the anime or some of the manga incarnations of the world. This means that things that are blatantly game mechanics and nothing but - the concept of levels and the four-move restriction of the games, for example - would be far more nebulous and may serve as rough estimates, but really do not mean much in any real context. "Catching 'em All" is not a feasible option as Pokémon are living, breathing creatures and not bits to catalogue on a Pokédex. Elite Four and Champions are not people you challenge repeatedly for cash and experience points - they are VASTLY powerful trainers far beyond the level of any but the most powerful characters, and are NOT idly defeated. Journeys across a region should a reasonable period of time rather than a few hours, sometimes through rough terrain. These are all things that you should keep in mind as you write your posts.
That's the thing about Angel. He doesn't care about the order or the king or what the king wants. He lays low in the order because then he can perform his sick dreams and the order will cover it up for him.