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Ask to Join Explore the Bloka Region (Anime style) Discussion

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Guys, one other thing, is it ok if, sometime before we finish all our gym battles, the team rocket guys from before come in in another Medoum-Sided-Automobile and burst through the wall, before demanding all of Lenox's Pokémon or something

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
And on the same RP (you are talking about League Tournament right?)
I woke up twice to find two new pages of RP and caught up on them without asking for help

Plus, so much has happened i these ten pages it would by pretty hard to sum up, especially since every character had their own little journey to where we are now and didn't meet up for quite a few pages, and even major events happening in multiple places. For example when most of the RPers were on route 1 but there were a few back in the starting city fighting a resurgent Team Rocket, before beating them.
Then, a different three people went and were attacked by another group of Rockets with the worlds greatest Motto, if I do say so myself, while the rest were out eating at a fancy restaurant
I am trying to read the 10 pages now. I am only on page 3/4 and it was 40 minutes ago that I started reading! I do not normally have this much time! If I join, what I might end up doing, is flying into that city with the first gym (Gronu or whatever it's called) on my character's pokemon.
He could actually jump in now, Lenox's previous battles he really only needs to know what Pokémon he has (Ryhorn and Sandile), the entire Blitzle thing isn't really that important anymore, and the entire Team Rocket event I could easily clear up by having the rockets do some weird Rambly Expositiony things about how they were going to get revenge

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Name: Kane Lawson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Personality: Harsh, arrogant, self-centred, mean
Dream/Goal: To become pokemon champion and show off his skills
Appearance: Brown spikey hair, with a mean looking scar over one of his eyes



Species: Snover

Name: Captain/Crack
Species: Corphish

This is what i've thought of so far.
Well poor Oshawott, he's still being chased down by the Sylveon. I wonder how the professor would act if they were to see an oddly colored Pokémon in the class being chased by a fairy type.

(Also I'll introduce my old characters at the city at the right time.)
Gym Battles so far (I think)

Yolie: Lost
Alan: Gave such a beatdown that Sandile was still near-death during the next battle
Will: Undecided, Lenox was not able to battle because Sandile still had not recovered from previous battle
Soras: Win
Marin: Fighting right now.

Will will do his second battle after Marins, but I might have it interrupted again by TEAM ROCKET, who will bring their iconic motto and their Pokemon, note for the new people, this isn't the Anime Team Rocket, its a different group, with another awesome motto :)
I might introduce one last character most likely since I don't like to have too many characters at a time in a roleplay. I'll post him below and I'll be introducing him at the Pokémon Center.

Sylveon's still chasing the Oshawott so... and well they're going to probably run back to the gym again after running to the school. Hopefully the Professor won't care too much about it.

EDIT: Actually I'll be having one other character that will be my last, and see my later post to see where I'll be introducing him.
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Name: Cheri (cherry)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Personality: Cheri is a bit mischievous and playful, just like her Pokémon. She cares for Roto and Spirit immensely as she practically grew up with them from a young age.
Dream/Goal: To become a gym leader, specializing in Ghost Type
Appearance: Cheri has an even tan from spending time outside playing with her Pokémon. She has violet hair that matches her eyes. Her outfit consists for a black blouse, purple skirt, black OTK socks, purple boots, and a black trench coat with a purple trim on the bottom and end of the sleeves.
Other: Roto was given to Cheri from her parents when she was 8 years old. Spirit joined Roto and Cheri when Cheri was 10. The Gastly had spotted Cheri and Roto playing in a forest and wanted to join, but was afraid to. Roto had sensed a Pokémon nearby and went after it, causing Cheri to follow. Once she caught up with her Pokémon, she spotted the oddly colored Gastly. Cheri was quite anxious to have it join her and Roto in playing. Eventually Spirit did join Cheri and Roto in playing, and it never left, joining Cheri as one of her Pokémon.
Roto (Rotom):
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
Moves: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Signal Beam

Spirit (Gastly) (⋆):
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
Moves: Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball
Another person joined! Fun times! Anyways, for everyone's convenience, here is a plot summary

Some of us start at Quinten city, where we each get five Pokeballs and a Pokedex. Then, most of us leave to travel across route one to Cronk City, while someone else (Def i think) stayed behind and helped the Professor fend off some Team Rocket Grunts who were attacking the lab.
Then, after most of us arrived at Cronk City, a different group of grunts attacked, this time with an awesome motto, but we beat them too.
Most of us ate at a fancy restaurant and went to bed.

After a whole bunch of stuff in between, we finally reached Grioru, I missed a lot of this bit, but from my understanding they helped an injured Blitzle heal or something.

Now, we are all battling the gym leader, a man named Lenox with a Speciality in Ground Types and a stern, no-nonsense attitude. He owns a Ryhorn and Sandile, and has already fought many of us. (Yolie, Alan, Will, Soras, Marin)
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Well, I guess this is a quick joining Period
Name: Jack Devlin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6
Personality: Jack is just a Normal trainer, He wants to beat all the Gyms and do it with friends but he also hates losing (Alot....)
Dream/Goal: to become a Pokemon Master and catch Rayquaza
Appearance: Jack has Black messy hair and a Red and White Jacket (Zipped) and Black Shorts down to his Knees
Other: Nothing really
Charmeleon (Ignis) Ignis is a Pokemon that always wants to Improve and will always help a Friend

Shelgon (Soar) Soar always wants to find a Way to fly, He will never fly though.....

Eevee (Fluff) Fluff does not want to battle and would Rather watch from the Sidelines (Shiny)

Scyther (Claw) Claw is one of Jacks strongest Pokemon and will always fight for Jack

Mawile (Fang) Fang is Jacks also one of Jacks strongest Pokemon and will always fight for Claw Fluff Soar and Ignis (She does not like Jack)

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
I will try and read some of the other pages. Then, I might have my character jump right in at Grionu City where the first gym is. He has a Honchkrow anyway, so he can fly to it.
Well if there's a plot needed for filling part of the gapping holes here... I'll summarize it up with my characters so far.

I'll also put the information on my last character below everything most likely.

So essentially, the Oshawott is running away from the Sylveon that is chasing him down. They both run to the School and the class gets dismissed early, as the Oshawott tries to find a way to evade her.

Meanwhile, Charles had gotten to Gronk City, and he is going to the School with his Pokémon and his special device to investigate the mysterious energy that the device had sensed.
I would recommend doing a Random Pokemon encounter generator online. That's what I do, make it a forset or plains habitat when doing it. Obviously I'm not forcing anyone
Have fun RPing :)

Personality:kind caring
Dream/Goal:I wanna be the very best (do do) that no one ever was
Appearance:purple hair green shorts blue shirt
Pokemon: chim the chimchar