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Ask to Join Fantasy High School Discussion: Accepting New RPers 6/19/18


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Also should we use the next day to get the character to get to know each other. (I was gonna say notice their senpai but decided not to xd)
But what will come of the void?

We’ve created the void, cursed ourselves to eternal damnation in a grave we’ve dug ourselves.

Is there a chance that we will prevail, and learn to accept the void as home? Or will we be incapable of managing unknown destinations and suffer?

Everything we’ve ever done is all for naught. It will be to no avail when we are all dead, with no one to remember us except time, where we’ve made an image of us as monsters.

Perhaps we are monsters.
Do we truly have the right to separate the light from the dark?

Have you seen the era of man. Have you seen what they've done.

The void can do anything. If you make one move in it, it could alter history.

Wars could not be fought.

Babies could not be born.

Entire worlds could be vaporized by us, mankind.

So. We truly are monsters,


Previously Kyle From Hoenn

O i ship Abyss with Zoro's sis

I ship Aubrey with Parker = Ray

I ship Kyle with the word lonely (xd)

Pisces with Aubrey = YMCA

Zack with Mallory = Flashy Rocks

Kyle X Lonely = The Nyle river xd


Previously Swirled
"Listen Aubrey... I'm not mad at you, really. I just worry about you, I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want any of you to get hurt. So please don't make me stand behind while you guys go risk injury or worse." Parker looked away from the girl, scared to proceed with the conversation. "A-And if you need somewhere to stay tonight my dorm is pretty empty..."
Is he referring to Aubrey, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
plz don't kill me


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Ayyee Abyss don't kill the innocent kid with ya roast, besides we all know you can't be a player anyways :/

I'm always on point so you can't roast this boi :3
24/7 i am living for the ships
once again i have another scenario that could potentially happen but also shouldn’t
Aubrey falls asleep in Parker’s room
because yeah
and parker’s hand is like ‘yes now would be a good time for poison HWUP’
so poison
and aubrey usually wakes up early so when she doesnt it’s kinda like ‘HMMM’
and then he notices the layer of.. fog?
in the room?
and he’s like hardcore panicking
and she wakes up and is definitely not dead and is confused because
A. its foggy??
b. she just woke up and

and so relief and highkey adorable stuff follows
the eND

i really need to stop with all these scenarios


Previously Swirled
I am actually living for these scenarios, so yee, and also, Violet is still not part of a ship, so that's a thing.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
I mean, I kind of planned on that to being with. Like, he gets so nervous that she's there he can't control it. Basically they would both freak out and it would end with Parker princess carrying Aubrey out of the room because he's worried she might die.
our poor anxious boy
save him

Also I literally just think all these little scenes in my head and honestly I hate myself for it lmao
and- I thought Pisces and Violet was a possibility?