In terms of Yugioh monster strength, I made a more expansive scale. Keep in mind that this scale can be very inaccurate depending on what monster it is, specifically.
0 - No attack strength.
100 - Can’t destroy much. Can maybe scrape tree bark.
300 - About the strength of the average human, maybe.
500 - Can kill a human without a lot of trouble.
1000 - Strong enough to break materials like wood.
1500 - Could probably break most types of stone and wood.
2000 - Can destroy most types of metal
2500 - Can destroy many different materials in large quantities
3000 - Would likely have the destructive capabilities of a few powerful rocket launchers.
4000 - Could destroy buildings, maybe a town, without much effort at all.
5000 - Can destroy one or multiple towns with ease.
6000 - Could probably take hits from many of humanity’s more powerful weapons, and destroy cities with little trouble.
10000 - Borderline god-like abilities.
@Eeveechu151 how many knights would you say are in Camelot Castle?