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Yeah, seems like Sam was just kinda brushed off lol. Speaking of, I'm surprised Sam has something to do in the Battle of Camelot. Or was this a different Sam? Either way, I wasn't clued into this :p
As for being ignored, at least this gives a good segway into the next post. Maybe now is a good time for Kiran and Bro to sneak off...So Bro doesn't get his puppet rekt'd.

Also, @The Bog Hog if I end up finishing my post before you post with Samus, I'm not kidding. I'll take her. Yes, this is blackmail. I understand it's probably character overload for me, but being petty is a lot higher on my list than collapsing in on myself >=O
I'm figuring something out for each fighter in the Battle of Camelot, even if it's a relatively minor role of taking on a Gargoyle with a partner or something. Which tbh is no small feat considering a single Gargoyle's most powerful attack can destroy a small village, and in the main game needs nine fighters to take out efficiently.
Oh but Yang still gets to dominate one by herself, no worries there GJ, she gets her moment against it and it'll be awesome.
Speaking of the Artifices, it's likely Team Lora won't make it to Camelot in time to help because, while they do see Camelot is under attack and go to help, they'll have to deal with an Artifice Colossus - which is gonna be a REALLY tough fight.
Fortunately they've got the King Arthur fight to teach them about Blade Combos!

Funny Sans Rat

Previously The Bog Hog
Yeah, seems like Sam was just kinda brushed off lol. Speaking of, I'm surprised Sam has something to do in the Battle of Camelot. Or was this a different Sam? Either way, I wasn't clued into this :p
As for being ignored, at least this gives a good segway into the next post. Maybe now is a good time for Kiran and Bro to sneak off...So Bro doesn't get his puppet rekt'd.

Also, @The Bog Hog if I end up finishing my post before you post with Samus, I'm not kidding. I'll take her. Yes, this is blackmail. I understand it's probably character overload for me, but being petty is a lot higher on my list than collapsing in on myself >=O
When will you post? Because I am very busy at the moment and I can only use phone now.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Question. Alphys brought TWO weapons to combat Gaster. She dropped one to wield the other with two hands.
What does the other one do?
Cause knowing that Jet's the only one left, he's gonna put up a valiant last stand.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Question. Alphys brought TWO weapons to combat Gaster. She dropped one to wield the other with two hands.
What does the other one do?
Cause knowing that Jet's the only one left, he's gonna put up a valiant last stand.
The 'Barrier Gun' as Alphys named it.
It uses the SOUL of the user to power it, and can create barriers powerful enough to even block almost all of Gaster's attacks in his current state of power.
though over-using it could damage the users SOUL.

also, Blaze is still there with Jet. the one that Silver "killed" is a fake- though Silver has no way to know that. Gaster is efficient in his mind games.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
So the Gastblaster Gun was the Flash Gun.
No. The Flash Gun was set aside after she used it to get through the wall. It's still usable.

Also, Alphys will have left behind a pack of Instant Ramen Jet could use to heal his wound. Not exactly ideal to fight with a sword lodged half a foot into your shoulder toward your chest.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Also, does JET know that Blaze is alive? Or just Silver?
Silver has been pulled into the void with the real Gaster, as the one the group has been fighting has been a weaker projection, which is still there.
Silver "killed" Blaze because of Gaster, but she was a fake, as the real Blaze (alongside Jet) just witnessed Alphys' death as the Gaster projection taunts them.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
@Comic ...So, the Flash Gun.
From what I've gathered, it rearranges the molecules in front of somebody. Would it have any affect on Gaster as an offensive weapon?
Possible, though not against Gaster, as he can already technically rearrange his own molecules.
regardless, the Flash Gun allows objects to become passable, as displayed by Alphys when using it to walk through the wall. If used on Gaster, or anyone else, they'd still be relatively fine, but be able to walk through walls and whatnot.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
hm. I just got an idea for the Barrier Gun.
Say someone like Dexon or another tech genius got their hands on it. Would they be able to use its abilities to project a bladed weapon that could in turn damage Gaster?


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
hm. I just got an idea for the Barrier Gun.
Say someone like Dexon or another tech genius got their hands on it. Would they be able to use its abilities to project a bladed weapon that could in turn damage Gaster?
I mean, that's over-thinking it a little.
the Barrier Gun creates a bubble-like shield around the user, preventing most attacks from hitting the user, reminiscent of the bubble-shield in Halo, minus the whole 'passing through' concept.

Funny Sans Rat

Previously The Bog Hog
Tempted to have one of my characters be a masochist, but I don't know who, if somebody ever takes Darkness from Konosuba, they could probably end up being friends, but Idk, I haven't watched that show.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
It’s a good thing Silver is in the Void.
Because if he was still in the Underground, THE ENTIRE TRUE LAB WOULD BE COMING DOWN ON THEIR HEADS.
only problem is, Gaster has full control in the void. he can negate everything Silver does there. even Silver in his strongest form he's ever appeared in wouldn't be enough to take on Gaster in the void, considering Gaster is seriously gonna keep pulling his mind games.
of course, he's got other things to get to, so consider this a show of Gaster's power.

...Also, turns out Dry Ramen and Chocolate can help cure anything, including sword-in-my-shoulderitis.
in Undertale, only monster food can heal you.
so unless Jet's chocolate was made by monsters, he's not getting insta-healed by it.
by the Instant Ramen would, considering that particular one Alphys has was made by monsters.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Yeah, I thought so. Which is a good thing Gaster brought Silver to the void.
Though I think Silver will be taking the Time Stone back.
that's a big maybe, considering...
you know...
mind games. Gaster can make Silver go through what feels like a nightmare. he's already had Silver "kill" Blaze.
and if you have Silver somehow assume it's a fake, I will definitely need your reasoning to be convincing.
Oh no, he CLEARLY won’t. He’s not going to be able to even PROCESS that was a fake. He’s going to be attacking in a blind rage, and when he gets wrecked, that’s when the gears will start turning. Not about Blaze, about the Time Stone. That’s his way out.
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