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Open HALO: A SPARTANS STORY (contains violence)

Meadow made it back to the team rec room, arms loaded with different types of snacks. She sorted them out on a near by table, and made sure there was everything needed. Theta was once again chatting happily, sitting on Meadow's shoulder. The large woman stood back to look at her work and nodded happily, "if anyone is in their dorms, the movies and snacks are ready to be enjoyed! Anyone joining me and Theta"?

Theta appeared infront of the movies that had been laid out and Meadow answered what ever his questions were about the cases. She herself grabbed a pillow to sit on and leaned against the couch, popcorn bowl in hand and drink beside her.
Angel heard Meadow, shrugging to hide her inner teenager, who seriously wanted to unwind with a movie about now, she gripped the side of her bunk and pulled herself to her feet. She pulled her under-armor back on, and left her hair down. Soon the 19 year old stumbled into the rec room, promptly deciding she used enough energy trying to walk on her leg and flopped into the pillows and bedsheets with an audible fwump.

The wind from her fall caused the soft material to rise and ripple around her, until they rested but the young Spartan was currently adamant on remaining face down.
"What should we watch first, my friend? You want anything? Also prop that leg up so it'll help," Meadow nudged Angel's head with her foot. The woman tilted her head to the side, theta coping her movement exactly. Her hair fell in her face and she blew it away, "got a lot of different choices. Movies and food, whatever you want I'll try and grab it".
Nathan was finishing his ajusts in his helmet interface when he heard Meadow. "Yep, i'll be right there." He was feeling incredible tired, with the mission, the ajusts, the secrets between his recent formed team, the request for a new personal VTOL and his new AI, that was creeping him out with the 'You know i can read your thoughts' thing.

Before heading into the rec room he stood in front of a mirror.Tanned skin, green eyes, and stubble on his face... Great, i look like a latin novel teen actor... He thought to himself. "I need to shave" he said looking to the short hair growing on his chin "Maybe tomorrow" he left his room.

"Sooo, what will we watch?" he said throwing a bunch of pillows at the floor and falling in the middle of them "I'll try to stay awake as much as i can, but if i fall asleep just...kick me or something ok?"
"It's up to everyone else. We have titanic, Star Wars, life of Pye, some other ones, uh I think I grabbed rocky horror picture show. Boy, did my sister like that movie," Meadow smiled brightly at her teammate and theta appeared infront of him. The Ai waved quickly before realizing that he was still in his combat form, he switched.

"Hello, my name is theta! Who are you," Theta was beaming brightly and he sat crossed leg infront of the other Spartan.
"I cast my vote for Star Wars." Angel replied calmly, propping her leg up, suddenly self conscious around her teammates. She didn't think they would tease her about her age, maybe other emotions, yes, but hopefully not teasing. Angel slipped into mature and calm, the slightly giddy and young girl who had been scraping at the surface retreated back into her dark corner of military training and Spartan expectations.

Still, it didn't mean she wasn't going make sure she had an opinion!
"Your quite young, Angel. You must have worked hard to get here for your age. Also loosen up, you sit with friends, not enemies," Meadow smiled as she pushed her bowl of popcorn towards the younger agent. She then got up and grabbed another one and looked over her shoulder, "any want anything while I'm up".
"I wouldn't say work. I didn't exactly have a choice." She shrugged, tossing a few kernels into the air and catching them in her mouth with ease. "I've been in the program longer than any Spartan, if we're getting technical, by the time I reach average age. Normally you enter at age six." She stopped for more popcorn.

"I entered at age four." She grunts, propping some pillows behind her. "Even augmentation was early, for me anyways. Everything was early, the Spartan program is almost everything I've known."
"Hi little shiny thing, i'm Nathanael, but you can call me Sting" the spartan was laying in the floor, under lots of pillows "i vote for Star Wars too". That was the first time he saw Angel without her armor, she looked kinda short, she was tall for a average human, but she was probably the shortest Spartan he ever saw. No complainings though, he had sure in the mission today that she was more than capable.
He was explaining to Theta why his nickname was Sting when Meadow stood up. "I think i want cookies, do we have cookies?" Sting said. Cookies? Really? How old are you? he thought to himself. "Do i look childish asking for cookies? I kinda feel that way..."
"We all deserve to have cookies and be childish, Sting." Angel snorts from her propped position. "I know I do. I broke my leg and three ribs today. If I don't get cookies and a movie I'm stabbing someone." Pause for a sip of water.


Angel allowed herself to relax a bit, the look in her teammate's eyes so far held no signs of malignant intent. If anything she mostly saw curiosity. There better not be any short jokes or I'm grabbing my gun.
"We got cookies. I raided the kitchen for everything we could want," Meadow smiled as she walked back over, arms filled with cookies and more popcorn. She handed over the bounty she had to the people who had asked to them and then popped in the first Star Wars prequel in. Flopping back into her original spot she pressed play, theta jumping back over her shoulder to watch happily, "Angel, I don't think you should do anymore training or missions til you heal up properly. Don't want you to get a rib through one of lungs or anything".
"I speak common sense fluently y'know mate." Angel huffed. She bit her tongue to keep from blurting out I've had worse than punctured lungs because honestly, this was in the past. It wasn't important to her anymore. Why bother?

She stared at the stolen cookies, blinked once, shrugged and thought To hell with it, and turned into a squirrel. Stuffing her cheeks and hoarding a few more the teen settled back into some stance more relaxed, noticing the throbbing in her ribs and leg went away as she released her tension.
"Theta, watch and listen. We are gonna show you the best movies know to man," Meadow laughed as she skimmed through the previews to the actual movie. Her tiny Ai nodded, focusing all of his attention to the tv. Deciding to go against her better judgement and grabbed a cookie. Just one couldn't hurt her blood sugar that bad.
Dillon joined the others in watching the Star Wars movies with the others. He sat down on a chair close but still separated from the others "If we are watching the prequels first we cannot watch Episode 3 until after we watch Episode 4 and 5 got it cuz if we don't then some surprises will be ruined" Dillon chuckled at what he said. He looked at sting "Not a word about what happened" he looked at him with a intimidating glare before switching his focus back to the movie.
"There are snacks on the table if you want some. I got everything from cookies to popcorn. Also managed to grab a wide assortment of drinks. Man I wish my sis was here, could make a mean cocktail. Can I tell you," Meadow reminisced happily but ahut up when the movie started to play. She leaned back and got comfortable, smiling when she noticed theta's look of wonder. She didn't care if she had just met him today, the little Ai was like a little brother to her and she would do anything to protect him.
Name: Skyler
Service code (max three numbers):219
Description: Dark blue Visor. Light blue armor kind of like designed like chiefs armor
but her armor has a more female appearance.
Ability: Camo
Type of soldier: Sniper
Weapons: Unsc Sniper Rifle and Shotgun.
Angel looked around the room, slightly disheartened at the obvious tension between the two males that were present. She chose not to comment, the movie was starting anyways. Of course, once meadow brought up the mention of family Angel's heart had a slight pang.

Not that it bothered her too much... maybe. She really didn't know much about family. She met her parents a few times and then got thrown into the Spartan program. Her childhood wasn't the best but it wasn't anything to cry over. She wasn't an orphan like many kids.
Caleb had put all his armor in the dorm, and turned off his comm. Now all he wore was his standard issue UNSC pants and sleeveless shirt. On his right shoulder was a UNSC tattoo, pretty common for loyal members of the UNSC. On his left was a tattoo reading "SPARTAN-III," and right under that, his Serial Code, "B818."

Right under his shoulder tattoos, he had more. On his right arm was a serpent, slithering across his arm, seemingly hugging it. On his left was an M90 Shotgun, along with several vicious Earth animals, such as a lion and a wolf. He was in the training room, practicing his hand-to-hand skills. Before doing so, however, he had requested to have his A.I. implanted in his skull, instead of just inside his armor.

After a few hours he quit his training, and decided to join the others. He opened the door to the dorm. "Sorry I'm late, guys. I had to do some stuff." He said, as he found an open space in the corner, he sat down. He glanced over at his teammates. He knew who Meadow was, and the only other girl on the team was Angel. That meant the shorter girl was her. *She has to be the smallest SPARTAN I've ever seen. Oh well, being small and lithe is sometimes more advantageous as to being large and bulky.* He thought to himself. He's seen Zak, so he knew that wasn't him. Perhaps Dillon? No, he saw Dillon stalk off not long after they landed. He didn't seem to be in that kind of mood. *That must be Sting.* He concluded, silently. That makes the other Dillon. He decided, however, to turn his attention back to the movie.
"I can believe that" Dillon grinned at as he looked at the drinks "who needs a cocktail when you have a good canned beer" he found a budlight or another brand but either way it was beer so he popped it open and started to drink it and stopped " Well maybe a cocktail would be better I don't know" he said as he shrugged. He drank a little bit more and stopped as the iconic theme came on words slowly started to scroll down the screen.
"I guess we all are eachother family now, huh. Atleast that's home in going to look at it, it's better to protect your friends then your enemies," Meadow had caught the sudden change in mood with the smaller girl. She ate a hand full of her popcorn, eyes looking around to see who was all here.
"Do you think that by looking at me that way will make me shiver? For god's sake, i'm a Spartan for a reason..." he said after noticing Dillon glare. "Your actions and schemes will only be a problem to me when they give the order to care..." he said with the same dark expression as Dillon "until there...i see no reason not to be friends..." Sting was now smiling. "In fact it would be great to have me as a friend, i can even prepare cocktails!" He said after Meadow suggestion.
"Actually... i can only prepare one kind of cocktail" he said on his way to the kitchen "but i guess one can do it right?"
He started to look for ingredients "The name is Caipirinha, it was pretty famous in the place where i was born. I just need a lemon...Oh, nevermind, just found it." he said.
When Caleb entered the room Sting raised his hand as someone who says hi and said "Now, who wants some alcohol?"
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"I'm fine. Angel I'm not sure if you should be drinking," Meadow called after Caleb, now glaring at both of them for arguing with eachother for some reason unknown to her. She folded her arms around her bowl of popcorn, ready to jump up and put the two in time out corners if they started anything. She settled back down and asked theta how he was enjoying the movie. The Ai didn't reply, his hologram eyes glued to the screen in interest. She shook her head with a soft laugh and turned her attention back to the screen as well.
Skylar arrived late for everything, she missed the mission and now she was probably gonna get yelled at or something worse . She then looked around and she sighed then started to walk around the place hoping to meet the others and she went to the kitchen and she saw a guy and some other spartans and she took off her helmet and she looked other at the other and she waved " um hey guy..sorry i missed everything " she sighed then she brushed back her dark blue hair then she looked at Caleb and she smiled "hey would it be alright if i had a drink " she smiled then she groaned when she noticed she was still in her armor and she sighed "um should i keep my armor on in here" she asked them.
"Just go throw it in your room. Form fret about being late. A lot of our team was late," Meadow smiled at the blue haired girl over her shoulder, theta grumbled at this as she jostled his sitting place but Meadow just laughed at this, "hate to break it to you bud but you can float. You don't need to be sitting on me".

"Oh! By the way, I'm Meadow and this little guy is Theta. Welcome to the team, we are watching the star wars movies. Feel free to join us," the large woman smiled brightly and motioned with her arm to come take a seat and relax.
Skyler smiled at her then she went to her room and she took off her Armor and she laid it on the floor and she smiled "wow this stuff is heavy once you are not wearing it " she groaned then she laughed "but i can carry it ..." she chuckled then she got dressed and she put on a t-shirt and then she put on shorts and she then walked back to the room and she smiled at Meadow and she sat beside her and she grinned " Nice to meet you Meadow ...i'm Skyler " she smiled then she looked at Theta "so he's an Ai" she asked
"Yep," Meadow popped the p when she said that, and offered the girl some of her popcorn. She then brushed some loose strands of black hair out of her eyes and looked back at the tv, "acts like he a seven year old kid sometimes but I've only had him for a day so I can't make judgments".

"Star Wars is so cool. I didn't know they had documentaries like these," theta beamed as he appeared closer to the tv but Meadow put a stop to that by calling him back. Giggle and soft laughs escaping her as her Ai said this.
Name: Jack Devlin
Service code: 913
Description: His Visor is Pure Red and his Armours Main Colour is White and Secondary is Black
Ability: Bubble Shield
Type of soldier: Recon
Weapons: DMR And Dual Pistols
Jack woke up, He had missed the Mission like a Absolute Idiot "Ugh..." He sighed as Put his Armour on "I can act like i was doing a Special Mission!" He yelled as he ran to the Kitchen to grab Food, He could see other People talking, They looked like they were a Part of a Team but he could not tell, He had already forgot who was on his team so he walked up to them and asked "Hey do you know where Team Eclipse is? I was doing a Sec.... I mean i was late...." He Didnt want to lie, He was just looking for his Team
"awesome man i wish i would have got here earlier then maybe i would have got an Ai" Skyler replied then she noticed the popcorn and she smiled "thanks Meadow" she said then she took some in her hand and she started to munch on them " yum " she smiled then she breathed in some air and she coughed "oh and the air doesn't taste like metal..." she chuckled then she looked at theta and she smiled "ha he's pretty funny" she smiled happily then she looked at Jack and she smiled "hey its ok i was late to so its ok" she smirked
"Your looking at them," Meadow waved to the new agent, making sure theta wasn't getting to close to the screen. She then turned her attention to her other teammates and smiled brightly, "you could probably go ask Spartan Palmer. She's in charge around here and probably wouldn't mind giving you one".

"Miss Palmer can be scary sometimes," theta commented making Meadow's head drop as she broke into more laughs. She slowly got a hang of herself and smiled, theta looked over at everyone, "their should be other AIs. Just because someone is late doesn't mean they should get less then people on time".
"Oh Thats good, I thought i was the only one" He chuckled "Well thats good that ill get one" He said happily, Looking at Meadow "Is there something like Delta left? or maybe Omega? Is there one known as Alpha? that would be cool" He added, Looking at the Popcorn
"Actually Skyler, i think this is one of the only places you can wal without that armor. So you're our new teammate? Welcome beauty, i'm Sting." he said while offering to her a cup of cocktail. "Nice hair by the way."
It felt weird to flirt with a newly met teammate, he could've done that with Meadow... No, that would be strange, Meadow was start to look like a Big Sister....
"And you are?" He said looking at Jack "Don't be excited about the AI's, i got late too and when i got to see Palmer she gave a AI named Giullia...or was it Gamma...Strange right? All the others have cool names, anyway i liked Giullia..." Sting was looking drunk, but he was probably just tired "Well... i think i'm going to sleep for a while, there's more Caipirinha over the table right there..." He said walking towards his room "Oh, by the way if any of you guys need me, i'll be at my room, i won't wake up easily, so feel free to kick or something...anyway, have a good night."
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"Delta belongs to Eclipse's leader, Zak." Caleb said, looking at the new arrivals. "Omega is my A.I., and Alpha is off limits to us. I'm Caleb-818, by the way." He said, introducing himself to the two newest members. Technically, this was the first time he formally introduced himself to Angel and Sting, too. "I swear, with how many members we have I think they're gonna send us in smaller groups during our missions." He said, half jokingly.
Angel shrugged, "I'm 19, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be drinking even if with our Spartan metabolism it is physically impossible for us to get drunk." She glanced at the two late members. "We are growing in size... except me. I have to keep looking up at all of you." She quipped, staring up from sitting on the floor.

She glanced at Theta, narrowed her eyes, then shrugged. "Not entirely sure if I want an AI or not... I'm fine with sharing space with a team, not too keen on sharing my head."
"Don't say the A word," Meadow growled quietly as theta froze but went lax again to watch the movie. She sighed loudly and said goodnight to Caleb befor turning her attention back to the new team members, "theta reacts weirdly when it's said. Maybe that's their plan? Create large groups that can be made into smaller splinter cells to combat bigger jobs".

Theta continued to watch the movie like nothing had happened and Meadow looked at him for a moment to make sure he was okey. She then ate another handful of popcorn ,"we should make this an annual thing, like have a movie night or something. Give us something to look forwards to and relax".
Skyler smiled then she nodded "i will soon ...where is she ?" she asked her then she looked back at Sting and she took the cocktail and she took sip then she looked at Caleb and she smiled "um what about beta?" she asked caleb " she smiled at him then she got up and she grinned " well if i get an Ai i hope its really cool" she said with a grin then she looked at them and then she looked the popcorn in her hand and she ate it. "so whats with alpha" she asked Meadow
"How long do you think it will take the kitchens to realize this annual thing when suddenly all the cookies and beer go missing." Angel smirked, grasping another sugar treat. "But it does sound nice. I think this will save my life one day. I'll resurrect myself and drag my arse back here, I will not miss one of these." She smirked, finally, there's a snarky teenager. Although it was probably the sugar.
"Ok...." He said in confusion "Ok.... Does anyone own Lota? i really like Lota" He said, Watching the Movie with Theta "Can anyone Get me Popcorn?" Jack asked, Taking off his Helmet, He had Hair dyed Red and Yellow eyes "Im really Hungry" He added
"Uh, yeah. That sounds good." Caleb said, feeling his forehead. "Sorry guys, I got one hell of a headache." That was weird, he was feeling fine a few seconds ago. "I need to go grab a burger, or something. I'll be right back." He said as he got up and opened the door, heading to the mess hall. The hallways were almost entirely empty, other than Caleb. Suddenly, his vision started getting really blurry. He leaned against the wall as his vision started to grow dark. The last thing he saw was a small bit of light, then nothing. Nothing but darkness.
"It's on the table and don't say the A word! I don't know what's up with it but Theta is reacting weirdly to it," Meadow hissed, her friendly state turning cold as once again theta froze at the name. This time his frozen state took longer to get out of but the Ai pulled through, "come on guys just don't say the name please. He's starting to worry me".

"Iota and beta, I don't think are taken. If I'm not correct iota is happiness while Beta is failure. So for beta be ready to not having a Ai that doesn't like failure with you," the colonial woman sighed deeply as her eyes, now gentle, watched over her Ai partner.
"An AI that is most likely a constant optimist or an AI that is a sore looser and will scream at every mishap I make." Angel snorts, Pass thinks. "Charming." she said instead, continuing instead to observe the movie, but to be honest, getting to know her teammates sounded better at the moment.

"Anyone here had a broken bone before?" Ouch, those social skills.