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Open HALO: A SPARTANS STORY (contains violence)

"Yea! I love Lota! now, When is our next Mission?" jack asked as he grabbed some Popcorn "I would very much like to know" He added, Trying not to act like he always wanted to do a Mission
Skyler smiled then she sighed "well i could get beta but then the Ai would probably only like me if i be a winner and that would be ok....i'll make beta like me even if i do fail which i won't i don't like to lose and i always try my best " she giggled then she nodded "yep it seems that beta may be my perfect Ai" she smiled then she looked at Meadow and she nodded "of course no saying it" she smiled then sat back down and she smiled "i hope Theta is alright...i'm sorry for saying the name" she smiled
"There is also Eta, their around or I think I heard that right. Eta is Iota's opposite as they desperate to fear, once again don't quote me on that. I'm not sure if I'm rembering that properly. He should be fine, I'm not sure why he acts like that though. Apparently we are matched with Ai due to our personalities or because we are best fit for them, their not fit for us," Meadow hummed as she tried to remember everything correctly, her body posture relaxing as she watched the movie that was still playing. Theta seemed to put all of his attention on it, soaking in information and Meadow shook her head when he closed it with random thoughts, "no theta we aren't going to build a light saber".
"Wait, i think i forgot something in here..." Sting had returned, now wearing a hoodie "Buddy why are you wearing your Mjolnir in here? Believe me, that's not the best way to relax..." He said staring at Jack "Let's find whats is your room..." he said walking towards the hallways and not looking back to see if Jack was actually following.
"Hey" he said throught communicator "You know, the word with A... mine's Gamma, so it's deceit... what do you guys think that means?"
Angel snorted at the shutdown look crossing the AI's face briefly. "Dear lord help us if you two succeeded. When I say help us I mean the Covenant. They won't know what hit 'em." The girl huffed and sunk deeper into the pillow sea erected around her.

Before she knew it, Angel went limp, out like a light, so asleep not even the glassing of the planet would wake her. Thank goodness Angel doesn't snore.
"I dunno" Jack said through it "Also im not following you and there is a Jacket in my Room!" He replied "A fun question: has anyone Wielded a Energy sword?" Jack asked, Presuming that their would be a 50 50 for yes or no
"Maybe you'll get better at lying? Maybe he'll like knock knock jokes? I dunno just hopefully he doesn't start fights in the group, I'm not sure how you put an Ai in a time out corner," Meadow was now fully relaxed and theta was back on her shoulder, both Spartan and Ai watching the movie. She had now tucked her arms behind her head, gently laughing at spam of the thoughts theta was having about making a light saber and trying to use the force. She slowly built up her friendly spirit again and quietly listens to what was going on around her, "I haven't, prefer my gravity hammer over anyway though".
Skyler smiled then she looked at the movie and she smiled "aww cmon Meadow let him dream " she chuckled then she sat beside her and she looked at theta and she grinned at him, to her he was funny. "your Ai is funny and so where is this Beta..i want to get ..um is beta girl ai or a boy ai" she asked her then she tilted her head. Skyler then heard the communicator and she smiled "i don't know sting " she answered then she laid back into the couch then she heard Jake "Nope...sniper here" she smiled then she waved at Jake
"Oh, that's good Jack, its cold anyway... try to wear it. I bet it doesn't bite" He said jokingly, what was the think with that guy? Of course there was a jacket in his room we all had one... "Oh, found it!" He said picking up his gloves he left at the kitchen.
"Well now i'm going to sleep..." He said while entering the rec room "I'm gonna lay near that other mount of pillows, remember the rule right? if you need me, just kick me. Have a good night Meadow. Jack. Skyler. Ange...She's already sleeping... Anyway. Good Night."
"I don't know? Theta introduced himself as a guy and Delta introduced herself. So I'm not sure what they refer to themselves as," Meadow shrugged and shook her head when theta jumped up and motioned to Skyler with his arms wildly, "fine, we'll try and build a ligh saber then and only then will we try and use the force. Sky, you do realize your not helping me here. I'll try and move you guys to your rooms once everyone is done here".

"This is gonna be great! Maybe we can get Delta to help and maybe sigma, I head sigma is good with creating things," Theta was now chatting animatedly now while he watched the movie. The small red hologram seemingly really excited about his new adventure.
"Good night!" Jack yelled before he ran off "So what are you guys doing in the Morning?" He asked "Im gonna Train then go to whatever we have to do with Palmer" He added "Also you could use the Lightsaber in battle!" He added again
Skyler smiled then she chuckled then she poked her nose "aww cmon Meadow ... i am helping...i'll help you build the lightsaber and ill help you with theta and she then she giggled. " hehe if he does use the force i will be surprised " she told her then she smirked "ok so i'll go talk to Palmer and go get beta tomorrow " she told her then she smiled " so do you really think we can make one" she asked
"Not by a long shot but there might be an energy sword we can fix up and if you distract him I can use my hammer to simulate a force push," Meadow whispered to the other female Spartan after she crumpled up her nose when It was touched, theta had completely ignored that statement as he had gone back to watching the movie, trying to figure out the best way to build a light saber. She rolled her shoulders and sighed when she heard them pop, " I think I should start getting everyone to their rooms. Do you mind helping"?
Skyler smiled then she nodded "i knew it and that would be easy to distract him. just put on the starwars series " she giggled then she looked at her and she smiled at her "sure i'm probably gonna go to bed right after i help you" she smiled then she looked at her and she smirked " wow hey what do you do...like front lines?" she asked with a smile
"Pretty much. I'm a bruiser so I bruise people. Deliver cover fire, block bullets, charge, be distractions for snipers, the whole thing. And you? What's your specialty," Meadow now was standing up, placing furniture back and shutting off the tv much to Theta chagrin. She the started sorting pillows and blancmets that didn't belong to her. Then she went over to Angel, picking her up to deleiver her to her room as gently as she could, "it's times to go to bed theta. Say goodnight and shut down for a bit okey".
"Well since everyone is going to bed i guess i will as well" Jack said as he started to walk to his Room "See ya!" Jack yelled back, He arrived in his Room and Put his Armour back and Jumped into his bed "Im ready for tommorow...." He said as he Fell asleep
Skyler smirked then she looked at herself and then at her "well i'm a sniper ..and i like to get in close range with my shot gun " she smiled then she looked at her as she took Angel to her room "thats why my armor is so small and it looks like i can move around quick in it and other stuff but other than that i'm just a normal sniper who takes out the enemys who are ahead and those so hard to kill hunters " she smirked then she looked at her.
Angel groaned as she was moved, but didn't wake. Sure she felt her leg and ribs twitch and the sharp pain only lasted a microsecond before they felt heavy and sore.

Other than that, she had her faced scrunched up in a way that meant she was dreaming. Nothing good or bad, she saw and heard things but couldn't seem to remember.

Although she swore she heard her full name being called several times.
Meadow smiled as she watch Sky take the smallest of the group. She then finished cleaning up the ref room and gathered all of the untouched food so that she could deliver it back to the kitchen. As she strolled down the hallway she noticed someone was laying face down. Making her way over she noticed it was Caleb and panicked, dropping the food to pick up/drag the man to the infirmary, ordering Theta to warn them a head of time.
Skyler smiled then she laid angel in her bed and she then ran back to meadow and she saw caleb and she gasped "hey is he ok Meadow" she ask a little scared and worried for him "What happened to him" she asked her friend then she started to shake a litttle. she then helped Meadow carry the man to the infirmary
Medics were already racing to meet them, one dragging a gurney along behind them. Theta was hovering over Meadows shoulder quite literally and she had to quite him down a few times when he start running calculations in his panic. Meadow let the Medical staff get close to her teammate, trying to balance the Ai and her own mind.
Zak sprinted down from the hall saw that Caleb was being carried away by Medics
"what the hell happened i go to the gym for a few hours and this" Zak said worried
Zak ran over he was stronger then any human without modifications
Zak picked Caleb up and cradled him he started running towards the Med bay
When Zak arrived he placed Caleb took of Calebs helmet helmet
'huh i am the youngest one at 17' Zak thought
He grabbed smelling salts off a table and held them under Calebs nose
'these will definitely wake him up they are made to do this' he thought to himself
Dillon looked down at his hand and in it medicine bottle with detailed writing on it saying that the contents within were prescribed to Dillon. The pills within were an old anti-depressants called serotonin and he wanted to keep this a secret. He put the pill bottle in his hand and looked at his finger, the way his snake tattoo rounded its way down his arm the head stopped right before the ring finger and on it lays a ring and a ring someone would just wear no, it was a wedding ring that he bared to remember. He sat there being absorbed not knowing what was going on even Sigma couldn't get Dillon to snap back to reality.
The medics guided Zak out of Caleb's room. "Calm down, sir. It's more than likely due to his rushed A.I. skull implantation." The medic assured Eclipse's squad leader. "We'll perform an X-ray to make sure, though. Assuming our assumption is correct, though, he just needs rest. SPARTAN-B818 will be perfectly fine in a couple of hours." The medic said, closing the door in Zak's face, preventing any possible questions the SPARTAN might have asked.
Meadow was slower to follow her team leader, stumbling at some points from theta's over worring. She kept a smile on her face and tapped Zak on the shoulder so he could know she was there, "you missed the movie. I'm thinking about trying to make it an annual thing, so it would help if you tried not to miss it".

Of course she was poking fun but the twenty one year old was tired and had just finally gotten theta to shut down. She looked over at her team leader and nodded to the door, "have you heard anything? Me and theta were pretty spooked when we saw him out in the hall. The cooks arnt going to be to happy with me when they learned I dropped all that food".

She then knocked on the door, opening it quietly so that she could peak in. Her eyes narrowing as she tried to get a better look at what was happening inside the room.
Angel had woken up a little while after she had been moved. A little confused why she was on the bunk and not the floor, she suddenly realized one of her teammates had moved her. She allowed herself a smile in the dark. It was nice, to be cared for. She remembered a bit, maybe when she was 2 or 3, a time when she could be cared for. She couldn't remember a face or a voice, but the feeling was similar.

Groggy and tired, she realized she left her hair tie somewhere in the rec room. Groaning, she stubbornly decided not to wait until morning, and had gotten up to search for it. That would explain why the teen was sprawled on the floor, nursing a bruised hip and pretty sure her good food would protest at her later. Goddamn darkness, goddamn corners.

But hey she found her hair tie!
Dillon snapped back into reality from the memory he was reliving one that has haunted him for the last year. He thought he was still at the grave but when he looked around but he was still in the team rec room pitch black either someone turned off the light or he unconsciously got up and went in the rec room and sat down. He got up and left the team dorm heading back to wear he was before Zak followed him. When he was there he check a watch he used just for this and grabbed the chip that still laid on the ground where he threw it "Time, non military 1:00 a.m." he whispered as he walked towards the meeting location. When he arrived at the meeting location Washington came out of the shadows "Do you have the data" the Spartan in black armour with yellow strips said.
"Yeah, here" Dillon said as he slipped the data drive to the Spartan.
"Thanks see you later" Washington said before disappearing back in the shadows.
After peaking her head inside the room she retreated when a doctor spotted her. She backed out and turned to leave, patting Zak on the shoulder with a smile, "I'm sure he'll be fine. We just have to wait for them to let us see him or for him to leave".

She then strode back to the dorms amd went to collapse in her bed but noticed Angel moving about. Flipping in the light switch she folded her arms and tried to look as intimidating as she could, "shouldn't you be sleeping? It's not good for your bumps if your body to tired to heal".
"Mhmph." Angel muttered into the floor. Without moving she tied her hair up messily. After a bit she pushed herself up to look at the senior Spartan. "I was sleeping but I woke up." She retorted.

She then situated herself into a sitting position. Staring up at Meadow. Moments of silence passed. "Can you help me up?"
"Of course I'll help you up. How's the leg, do you need a piggyback ride," Meadow let her mild concern show as she strides over to the other girl. Holding out her hand so that she could help the girl up, looking over the nineteen year old over for any worrying injuries that she may have gotten. The colonial woman then realized she was in her big sister mode and face palmed with her other hand, "sorry about my actions, I have a younger sister so I've kinda have this big sister complex".
"I didn't notice." Angel replied seriously, taking the helping hand. "It's nice though, to have teammates watching your back. I've kinda had to look over my own shoulder most of the time." She shrugged, "But the leg's fine. Sore. But it's fine."
"Then march back to bed! I will take the blame if the docs call you out on hurting it more but I'd rather not. You don't need Spartan Palmer or someone like you breathing down your neck, especially in your state," Meadow smiled before ruffling Angel's hair playfully and then finished up cleaning the movies, deciding that should would try and make it an annual thing even if it killed her, "see you tomorrow, warning if you try to wake me up don't stand to close. I've been known to throw a punch if I get startled".
"Really? Usually with me it's a magnum." Angel quips, limping her way back to the bunk. Flopping back down she shifts some more, not quite comfortable. IN fact, it seemed to be incredibly hard to even get close to comfortable. Then she figured it out.

Meadow had ruffled her hair. Not that the thought of having her hair ruffled bothered her. But her hair was stuck up oddly and that for some reason bothered her. The team room suddenly had a soft "Oi" echo through it.
Meadow laughed as she heard the noise and shut off the rec room lights, peaking in angels door to stick her tounge out as she walked by, "prop your leg up"!

She then made it to her room, flopping face first onto her bed and cocooned herself in the blankets. Only the top of her head poked out and she soon found herself dozing off. Her sleep held no dreams and no nightmares, just an empty void that was warm and comfortable.
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Dillon entered the dorm quietly not wanting anybody who was home to know he was gone at all. He walked to his bunk and sat down looking at Sigma who reactivated himself running his calculations. Dillon began being torn apart from the inside with his past eating him and not knowing whether he can trust his new team or if his team trusted him. Tears were slowly dripping down his face, this is why he had anti-depressants to help with this grief he had he pulled out the pills and popped one into his mouth needing it. He emotions once again became non-existent and he put the pill bottled away. He laid down but didn't fall asleep but laid awake for the entire night.
Zak sighed
"How the hell am I supposed to do this I am the youngest Spartan they have why chose me" He groaned
"one teammate is collapsed on a bed the other is making deals with a murderer"
"and I missed star wars"
"hey Delta whats the quickest way to the armoury I want to change my armour" Zak asked
"Right down the hall captain" Delta responded
"okay lets go tomorrow cause I need just a full grey and blue suit"
Zak got up and started walking towards the dorm he turned on Promethean vision
"We got new teammates cool" Zak said and hopped in bed
Skyler woke up from her small nap and she sighed , she then looked at her armor and she got up and she put on her helmet and she turned on the camo and she went outside and she sat down in her clothes with her helmet on. She felt the scar on her cheek and the cut in the helmet and she sighed "i will never get this fixed " she told herself then she went back inside and she laid on the couch and she took her helmet off and she sighed "i wonder if i'll find someone nice here " she whispered then she fell asleep once more.
Meadow flopped out of bed and waddled into the common room, still wrapped in her blankets looking like a fabric monster. She wandered out in the hall way then down the hall toward the mess hall. She got weird looks, grabbed a cup of coffee then waddled back to her room. The colonial woman hummed in happiness, before noticing Skylar was sleeping on the couch. She put her cup down and unravel one of her blankets before laying it on her teammate and going to her room to finish her coffee.
Skyler felt the blanket go on her and she smiled softly then she opened one of her eyes and she yawned "Meadow?" she asked then she whimpered a little, wanting someone to talk to. then she looked around for her and she drooped "hey you there meadow..." she blushed alittle then she smiled "can you sit with me for a bit" she asked
Hearing skylar talk she turned on her heel and sat down on the other end of the couch, sipping her coffee. She tilted her head to look at skylar with a questioning, "why are you up? It is quite early even for Spartans".

She offered a drink from her cup and sat crosslegged on the couch looking at her teammate. She smiled gently and uncurled another blanket from around her to give to skylar.