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Open HALO: A SPARTANS STORY (contains violence)

Skyler smiled then she took the blanket around herself and she then got close to her and she smiled. "i woke up early and i got lonely and i went in here" she smiled.

She then took the glass and she took a sip and she gave it back. "so why are you up" she asked moving on her and sitting really close to her lap
Zak groaned and woke up
He pulled on his hoodie and tracksuit
And climbed down the stairs to the main room
Zak looked in and saw Meadow and one of the new recruits He checked Promethean vision and identified her as Skyler
He walked in and dropped into a beanbag and waved
"Hi! i'm Zak your idiot captain and youngest among the UNSC" Zak said and held his hand out for her to shake
"sorry i'm just having a bad week its a pleasure to meet you"
Thinking about Skyler was quite pretty the thought of this made Zak blush
Skyler looked at her captain and she smiled then she shook his hand and she let go of it " well its nice to meet my captain but i thought the captain would be the oldest " she teased then she smirked "so what do you do capt" she smiled then she looked at him and she was glad it was dark or he would see how tired she really was but she was hiding it behide her cheerful face.
Zak shrugged
"ehh i guess i am a scout but double as a sniper so yea" Zak said
"i need to ask are you single"Zak blushed
and edged backwards to the door
"and please god dont tease me" Zak said
Sky heard him and she gasped 'what we just meet whats with him i mean i hardly know him' she thought then she shook her head
" Yes i'm single but i'm not dating anyone right off the bat" she sighed then she looked over at meadow and she blushed slightly because she wasn't just bi....she kind of liked big strong girls like her. " sorry capt...but maybe if you did something " she smiled then she giggled "aww cmon capt its fun to tease you"
Meadow faced palmed at her captain, shaking her head with a laugh. She then took a sip of her coffee, and cuddled further into her blankets with a content sigh. She then fixed the blankets she had given Skylar, so that her companion would be warmer. She giggled at the other girl's comment agreeing with her fully,"smooth sir, smooth. Nice moon walk though not even I could do that. We don't mean any harm, Zak. Just trying to lighten the mood".
Skyler chuckled then she hugged meadow and she cuddled up to her and she smiled "meadow... ..." she whispered then she moved her hands over around her and she smiled "hey Would you like to train with me when the sun comes up" she smiled happily then she looked at her and she giggled at her and she hugged her again.
"Sure," Meadow's face warmed up a bit as the other woman did this. Hiding her face in her cup she took a drink of it and smiled gently when a small glowing hologram appeared inbetween the two curled up then disappeared again. She snuggled more into the blankets and wrapped one of her arms around the other Spartan, "I'd love to. I'm feel I might have an unfair advantage with theta though. As much as he can be a handful he is also a great help".
Skyler chuckled then she smiled "yay and don't worry i'll get beta before we train " she smiled then she then desiced to tease her and she moved into her lap and laid on her chest " hey Meadow are you single " she asked her with a grin then she poked her nose like she did from last time " remember last time i did that..well lets just say i think i like you" she whispered in her ear then she smiled.
"Uh yeah I'm single. And let's say you... You do like me," Meadow stuttered as her blush darkened, as she looked at the woman in her lap with a cautious smile. Her nose crunched up again when it was tapped, "so uh what about it? Uh yep. This is this is happening".

She mumbled the last part, fixing the blankets around them. She put her coffee on the floor and leaned back to try and give the girl some more space.
Skyler giggled then she nodded "yeah i do like you Meadow " Skyler Replied excitedly as her blush darkened. she then looked at her with a smile. she could help but hug the big lady " yep this is happening..hey wanna maybe go on a date with me " she asked with a smile. then she hugged her tightly " So do you like me?" she asked
Angel snorts as she wakes up with tremendous bed head and the awesome taste of morning breath.

Damn she needed a coffee. She peeled off her one piece armor and slipped into a wrinkled and ruffled pair of UNSC sweats and tank top. She rubbed at her eyes as she stumbled and limped to the reck room like an elephant.
Caleb opened his eyes groggily. He saw unfamiliar surroundings, and bolted into a sitting-up position lightning fast. "Where am I?! How did I get here?" He asked rapidly, looking around. "Relax. You're fine, we're in the infirmary." Omega assured, popping in front of Caleb. "Ah, hell. What happened, then?" He asked the A.I. "Remember when you decided to get me implanted into your skull, and the doctors recommended rest for a few hours? But what did you do instead, and right after a mission, may I add?" Omega asked.

"Yeah, well, I didn't think a little bit of exercise would make me pass out." Caleb retorted. "So, any visitors?" Caleb asked, getting up fully, seeing he still had is usual clothes on. "Zak was here when you were first brought to the infirmary, but he was quickly ushered out. Meadow tried to peek in, as well." Omega reported. "Alright, well, let's go." Caleb said, heading for the door. "The doctors said that they will let you out tomorrow." Omega said. "Well, I'm fine. Besides, if I get tired or anything, I'll go get rest immediately. I promise." He said.

Caleb approached the door to Eclipse's dorm, and opened the door. The first thing he saw was Zak standing still. "Hey, boss, you good?" He said, looking at Zak, snapping his fingers in front of his face. "What's gotten into you, boss? You fall asleep with your eyes open and standing up? You seriously need to teach me that, man. Those mission debrie-" He stopped as he looked over. "Oh, alright. I see now. Okay, I'm not going to intrude, so, I'll be in the mess hall." He said, turning straight around, leaving the room, and heading towards the mess hall.
"Uh sure, yeah. That's something I would like to do," Meadow whispered as she nodded back to Skylar. She then noticed the retreating form of Calleb, the sound Angel getting closer and the frozen form of her team leader who had just asked Skylar out before. She made a noise that sounds kinda like a duck and rolled off the farside of the couch, avoiding her coffe as she did so.
Angel finally entered the room, her tired eyes not making much sense of the scene in front of her.

"Did I miss something again?" she yawns. Then she dramatically collapsed upon the couch ignoring her teammate's... whatever it was.

"This teenager needs caffine. And she demands it now." although it was a bit muffled.
Skyler blushed then she nodded then she watched as she moved away from her and she just laid on the couch then she noticed Angel "oh it was nothing just some friendly teasing " she smirked then she looked at her and she smiled "yeah i think you do angel" she giggled happily then she got up and she smiled "um Angel what kind do you want i'll fix everyone some coffee if you want"
From her spot on the floor, Meadow raised her head with a huff and a blush. She checked to make sure she hadnt spilt her drink, "I don't care but a refill would be nice because someone drank all of mine".

She then got off of the ground, and held up her cup. Dusting her self off and frowing of the loss of her blankets she took up residence in one of the chairs, stretching out as far as she could with a loud sigh of comfort.
Skyler looked at her covers and she gave them back to Meadow then she smiled "ok ill get you a refill and i'm sorry for drinking it all" she blushed then she walked into the kitchen and she started to make the their coffee
*That was, well, unexpected.* Caleb thought to himself as he walked to the mess hall. "Hey, Omega, what do they got at the mess today?" The SPARTAN asked his A.I. companion. "On the main line is chic-" The A.I. started. "Slop" Caleb interrupted. "Secondary line is hambu-" "Slop." He interrupted again. "On the third line is bacon." Omega said, clearly frustrated. "Bacon it is!" Caleb said, quickening his pace.
Meadow stood up again and started to collect all of her blankets. She then marched back to her room to tidy up. She fixed her bed, cleaned up whatever dirty laundry was laying about, and cleaned her armour and hammer quickly. After that she decided she'd get dressed and take a shower, so she grabbed so clothes and went off to the wash racks. Whistling as she went, she told Angel where she was going if anyone came looking for her then started off again.
After he finished eating his breakfast, Caleb headed back to the dorms. Opening the door slowly, as to not interrupt a moment or anything. After seeing Meadow was off somewhere else, and Skyler doing something else, he decided he was good. "So, I'm going to pretend what happened... last night? I think it was last night, never happened. Cool? Cool." He said, not waiting for an answer from his fellow SPARTANs.
Skyler made coffee and she then smiled "hey everyone i made coffee "she called then she looked at caleb and she sighed "wow why is everyone a hater" she stuck out her tongue out then she giggled then she ran off "hey I need to talk to that person who is gonna give me beta" she smiled happily
Meadow finished getting cleaned up, got dressed and made her way back to the common room to grab her armour. Theta had woken up after she had gotten dressed and they were chatting when they got into the room. She dressed into her armour and stretched so that when Skylar got back she would be ready for their little brawl.
Skylar got done and she went to her room and she got into her armour and she smiled "well i'm ready" she smiled then she grabbed her shot gun then her sniper and she walked back into the living room and she smiled "hey Meadow i'm ready" she called then she walked outside and she waited for her then she smiled alittle "this is gonna be so much fun" she grinned
Meadow grabbed her weapons, her signature hammer on her back as she heard the call. She then followed to the training room and set a regiment timer, and stood on one side of the room, smiling under neath her helmet. Theta floated beside her, talking to her alone about different strategies that could work of the used the force. She laughed and chatted with her Ai for a bit then looked at Skylar, "be careful with that Ai of yours. We don't want you collapsing from over working yourself".
Angel huffed, getting up slowly and grabbing a mug of straight black coffee. She'd have to get some help getting to the messhall to eat...

She ran a hand through her hair and winced. "I really need to shower..." she muttered into her drink.

With a shrug she parked her butt back on the couch and calmly drank her bitter coffee.
Skylar smirked then she looked over and she saw beta floating beside her, she seemed to be a little happy " Fight...fight ..win...win...win" she called out then she looked at skylar "oh Sorry" she smiled. Skylar could help but chuckle then she looked at Meadow and she smiled "oh i'm sure she will be fine" she smiled then she got ready "you go first" she winked from inside her helmet
"Thank you for the honor," Meadow smirked and charged quickly, her hammer humming to life and dangerous in her experienced hands. Theta disappeared back into her helmet, throwing up calculations to help her. She swept for the legs, keeping her visor trained on the others in an act of intimidation.
Skylar smiled then she used her camo and she disappeared and she moved out her way and she felt her legs be swept and she gasped and she fell but she quickly got up and she pulled out her Shotgun and aimed at the large girl and she shot at her legs and then she ran at her and she jumped and she tried to kick her legs
Theta warned her about the incoming attack. With a laugh she turned feeling the hit to her legs, she twirled her hammer around, falling toward the hit so that she could pin her opponent. The red and white wearing woman having fun and theta cheered as they continued the spar, "come on! Got to do better than that, Sky. How about we make a deal? You win you get to decide on where we go for that date. I win and you have to run around the entire base yelling I'm the best Spartan here"!
Skylar smirked then she felt something happen and beta did something to help her and it enhanced her vision and her speed "aww i don't want to lose " she grabbed her shotgun and she shot her right in her chest and she got away from her at that moment and she then jumped in the air and she aimed her sniper and she shot four rounds in her armor " Well my dear if i do i would be proud and happy but i'm not because i'm the fastest spartan here " she grinned
The shotgun blast sent her back on her feet and she threw up her sheild, blocking the sniper rounds. She moved forward smirking under her helmet, theta covered her blind spots. The Spartan marched forward, pride full in her strides. She then started charging when theta told she was close enough, priming the gravity part of her gravity hammer, "well well will se about that".
Skylar smirked then she ran faster and she at her back knowing that a shield only covered the front and she fired five rounds into her back and she jumped to a branch and she smiled, she just loved how light she was, beta was having fun , "beta can you help me..i need you to tell me when she is getting near and when she is about to charge so i can move " she smiled at her. Beta nodded then she smiled "alright sky" Beta said
Meadow flinched when she was hit but the didn't call her a brute for nothing, theta suggested she switched up their tactics and the Spartan agreed. Looking directly at Skylar she back off and ducked behind cover, moving out of sight of the sniper. She switched out her weapons, changing to her battle rifle, "come get me".
Skylar chuckled then she shook her head "nah i'm good " she jumped in the air and she shot a round at her arm then she ran over to her and she pulled out her shot gun and she Jumped again and she shot her in her chest again "don't think just because i'm sam doesn't mean i'm weak " she winked then she jumped away and she climbed up a tree and she used her camo and she fired two rounds at her.
Angel sat around for a good while after her coffee was finished, eventually she hobbled to her feet and started down the hall.

Using the walls, the Spartan entered the mess hall. She got a few raised eyebrows but as soon as their gazes landed on the casts around her leg and ribs they looked away.

It was a little awkward to say the least. But she made a beeline for the bacon, and reluctantly grabbed other items resembling food and sat down.

It seemed the peace wouldn't last as she heard some old aquantances begin jeering at her....

"Aw hell..." she whispered to herself.
Dillon sat in his bunk still awake, "No sleep," he said in a still awake and alive, "once again in the past year no sleep." After a few more minutes he finally stood up looking around and walked into the common room and grabbed not coffee but like the last night he grabbed a beer but due to his metabolism he couldn't get drunk. Afterward he drank it he made his way to the armoury getting his armour on and grabbed a weapon he used back in his training days the Humbler Stun Device or as he called it the Shocky Stick since he never took it seriously. He made his way to the combat training area but not where Spartans fought but where they just practice. Okay the room was bland until the device was activated, when activated you stood in the middle of a circular area with green hexagons floating around and they turned red when hit. Dillon stayed and ran the program finishing it in 8.79 seconds "not fast enough" he whispered to himself . He ran it again, finshing it in 8.40 seconds "Still" he paused "not fast enough" said again but a little louder. He ran it a third time finishing with a score of 8 seconds "Still not fast enough" he said loud enough for anyone in the observation room to hear. He ran it again and again and again then again, then once more stopping at 15 times all about seven seconds but below eight.
Meadow took the shot to her arm and dodged the one to her chest. Theta told her were the other rounds were coming from and she dodged and shot, moving between walls and cover to fire off shots then duck behind them, "not bad, snipes. Got to try a lot harder to take me down. Oh beta! How's it gonna feel when you lose! Not to good I think".
Skylar smirked then she jumped down and she pulled out her shot gun and she shot her three times in her chest then she aimed right down the sights and she shot her legs and she then landed. " She smirked as she didn't hit her but she hit the walls and the had large holes in them "good now you can't hide " she smiled then she pulled out her sniper rifle and she shot her stright in her stomach and she smiled "go down !" Beta yelled
Meadow threw up her sheild just in time to block the shots and a hologram of Theta popped up. She laughed loudly under her helmet, having primed her gravity hammer, "theta you want to try that thing we discussed? I think we should , show me what this brute and Ai got"!

"Yeah! Show them what we got," Theta cheered fist bumping the air and disappeared again. Dropping her sheild, Meadow twirled around her hammer, the lights on it turning a dark green before slamming it into the ground, releasing a shockwave that lifted every thing up for a moment of less gravity. Freeing on hand she grabbed her battle rifle and fired at the other Spartan in rapid succession.