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Open HALO: A SPARTANS STORY (contains violence)

Caleb followed his C.O.'s order. He magnetized his Magnum to his side and holstered his knife, de-magnetizing his M90 Shotgun. He ran straight towards the Hunter. As the Hunter went to take a swing at him, he'd slide under the Hunter, shotgun in one hand. As he finished the slide, he quickly grabbed a Plasma Grenade from an Elite, then shot said elite in the face.

Afterwards, he ran up behind the Hunter and shot it several times in the back, before running up it's back and grabbing a hold of it's "neck." After that, he activated the Plasma Grenade, slamming his fist with it in the Hunter's "face," then ripping his fist out, leaving the grenade inside. He grabbed a hold of the Hunter's helmet and used it to allow him to frontflip over the Hunter, landing next to Zak as the grenade blew up the Hunter, effectively killing it.

"Mgalekgolo always travel in pairs, with their 'bond brother.' Where's the other one?" He asked.
"I got it." Angel confirms for Caleb. Adjusting her feet and bending her knees, she came crashing down on the body of an Elite.

She completely decimated the shields and the impact killed it, but she flinced a little at the squishy feeling. Removing her boots, she suspicions were confirmed as they were covered on blue blood and there were two boot shaped holes in the alien's body.

After her shields recovered, Angel grasped her shotgun and sprinted out of cover. Her shields lit up but her nimble and small form had less areas to hit. Rapidly she zigzagged towards the AA gun, every shell she used finding a lovely home at point blank range in an aliens' head.
Meadow was forced to leap back or be hit by another hunter's sheild. Her hammer slammed into the sheild as she tried to keep it distracted. The two opposing bruisers either dodging, exchanging, or blocking blowers from one anther, "I think I found him"!

Theta was busy switching power from her sheild to armor then back, trading the two off so Meadow could both hit and be hit. The red Ai panicked and Meadow had to give half of her attention into calming him down, "it's going to be OK, theta. We got this".
Angel ran out from cover again, taking on more Elites and grunts. Leaving behind a trail of carnage, until she was under the AA gun.

With the tinyest of smirks, she chucked about every plasma grenade she could find, and along with two well placed fuel rod shots, the warning alarms blared above her.

"Clear the area!" she yelled over her com, making a mad sprint and finding more fuel rod ammo. Spotting Meadow, Angel changed course. Growling, she pulled the trigger, letting out 3 rapid shots on succesion, the large green orbs exploding into the creatures back before she discarded the gun and continued running over.
"Boss, you get what we need! Meadow, Angel, and I can hold 'em off!" Caleb said, as he shot one Elite in the face, then magnetized his shotgun, as he had run out of ammo. He de-magnetized his Magnum and unsheathed his Combat Knife, shooting Elites and Grunts at a long range, stabbing others that got too close. "Angel, you can make it to our position, right?" Caleb asked, as he hit an Elite in the throat with the hilt of his knife, then stabbed it in the chest. "If not, I can grab one of their Carbines and give covering fire." He offered.
"Holy shit!" He said loudly when he saw Angel falling towards the AA.
"Guys, i'm ready to do it, but as i said before, i don't know how much time i can keep it distracted without turning into a pile of ashes" He said to everybody while shooting some elites on the floor near Caleb and Zak.
"Well, here i go" he said while flying towards the Anti-Aircraft Weapon and shooting at the machine. The AA quickly aimed at his Wasp, starting to fire, Sting dodged the missiles doing his besto to keep the AA distracted.
"Language" Dillon sarcasticly said over the radio "but in all honesty This is a hornet not a VTOL" as he piloted he saw the shot missed his teammate so he opened fire on. He stopped firing to go help his team and changed course to the last location "I'll be supporting from the canapy" Dillon landed the Hornet and begun climbing up the tree to get a height advantage.
"I'm a big girl, I can get to you guys just fine." Angel snorts, shooting the hunter a few more times as she sprints past, orange blood splattering across her visor. Behind her she heard the AA gun explode. She smiled, job well done.

She left Meadow to deal with the weakened Hunter, and continued shooting her way to her other teamates, working around her growing limp.
"AV-14, Hornet, is a attack VTOL" He said over the radio "But honestly, that's not important right now, what is importante is...Language? Really?" He said, smiling when he heard the AA exploding
"Hey girl...Sorry, Angel, can you get more of that stuff? I think we still have a bridge to blow up". Sting was doing his best to understand the mission with the limited amount of information he had.
Meadow slammed her gravity down into the Hunter's back after having dodged around him. The red and white Spartan then switched out for gun again, firing at any enemies that dated to try and engage them. She threw up her sheild after theta warned her about a jackel sniper near the entrance to the compound, effectively blocking a bullet that would have went into her skull, "sniper near the building's entryway. Could use a little help with him. Also any movie suggestions? I'm teaching theta about the classics".
"Got him" Sting said in the radio in the exactly moment the Wasp autocanons turned the sniper in a blood strain .

"Did guys remember a movie about a boat? A very, very old movie? It was a classic, but i can't remember the name right now, i just remember the boat sink at the end of the movie...Well, whatever i never liked that movie anyway..." he said happily, then he recoved his focus on the mission "the Wasp missiles are ready, just waiting for everybody to cross the bridge before i blow it all...i mean, that still the...plan, right?"
"Boat boat oh Titanic" Dillon replied thinking of the classics "yeah worst three hours of my life" Dillon grinned as he aimed at the hunter "I can't take it down but I can distract it" he started firing at the hunter and it turned around aiming in Dillon's direction but missed. Dillon took one last look through his scope "Brute" he calmly whispered before shutting down his radio he then proceeded to activate his camo and made his way stealthily to the bridge. After a quick minute some elite opened the door not knowing Dillon was there "thank you" he whispered so quietly even he didn't hear it and then proceeded to enter the base.
"I hope, I have way too many explosive things for us to cancel at this point" Angel quipped, making good progress at a fairly rapid pace. But it was clear she was slower than before.

Almost automatically she hijacked a Ghost and lessenee her load of charges found lying around. Reving up the smoking vehicle, she sped off and across the bridge, shooting and running over bodies along the way.

She let out a tiny yet audible sigh of relieve now that pressure was off her leg and she wasn't straining her lungs against her ribcage.
"Here we go" Dillon had found what he was looking for in covenant files but this part of the mission was something not for the UNSC hands but his own and this information was for a friend, a freelancer he had met with, "Alright pal it looks like you'll be getting that info drop I told you about," he whispered this to himself his radio still off. All the data he was collecting was needing sent to a spare AI drive with no AI on it leaving at least 30 or 40 terabyte s of empty space and soon all the data was on the drive, "Time to see what else there is," he whispered as he begun heading to the armory of the base.
Zak ran into the control room looking for the plans
He saw holographic images and ran over to browse through them
"What the hell Delta when we get back to base can you decipher these" Zak asked
"sure!" Delta chirped
Zak grabbed the USB stick and ran out of the control room.
"huh i know a movie its not a classic but its good The life of Pye anyone" Zak said dropping to one knee and taking out explosives.
He set them next to the tower and started running
"everyone to the the damn ship!" Zak yelled

He turned round and saw the air shimmer
"Dillon what the hell are you doing!" said grasping the Spartan
Dillon deactivated his camo and looked at Zak "we have a mission as a team and I have a personal mission" Dillon uttered with his radio back on as he broke free of the Spartans grasp and continued to the armory but when he got there the only thing he grabbed was a needler rifle and Brute spiker. He made his way back reactivating his camo "Sigma get a message to our friend we have his drop" Dillon said to the AI he was working with.
"Yes Dillon do you want to set up a meeting time and location," the AI answered.
"13:00 hours outside the main UNSC complex tonight" Dillon told the AI as he exited the covenant complex.
"Bridge down" He said proudly when the bridge exploded with the missiles and explosives "and armory plans at hand, i think our mission here is complete.
"Since i'm at the air i'll stay behind and grant cover so you guys can reach the shi...." Sting was saying when a Elite aimed a missile at his Wasp, forcing the Spartan to dive his Wasp in a almost suicidal way, he had to jump of the Wasp when a second missile hit her left wing.
"Remember when i said i could provide air support? Yeah, forget about that..."
Sting switched the neural interface to the ground combat mode while falling. He felt the impact in his legs when he hit the ground.
"Wow, almost...Okay, Cap, Dillon, i'm near your guys location." He said at the exit of the building, while grabbing his dual pistols. "Hi Dillon, nice armor." It was the first time he was seeing one of his teammates in person.
Sting could start a fight with Dillon because of that data, but that wasn't the Captain order, or the mission objective, so he decided to do nothing, it wasn't his problem after all...
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Meadow laid down cover fire so her friends could get away, throwing up her sheild to cover herself backing away. Theta updated her on her sheild's life and incoming attacks, the small Ai keeping focus on the battle field but slow led down when he heard Zak talk about his choice in movie, "why will we be watching a movie about a earth based dessert? Are we going to learn to make pie or maybe enjoy pie"?

"It's spelt differently. Sound the same but has a different meaning and spelling. Yeah we can watch it, maybe a movie marathon? Grab some snacks and all the fixings," Meadow dove behind a tree and started her way to the Pelicans. Her armour now splashed with blue, a hand coming up to wipe some of the fluid off of her visor with a huff, "I don't like Hunters. Like they look cool and all but I just don't like them".
Zak watched as Dillon took the weapons
'i still trust him but just in case' Zak thought to himself and soundlessly placed a tracker on Dillons back
Zak exited and started running towards the pelican "Alright Team in the Pelican other wise your being left behind" Zak said not entirely meaning it.
"Roger that" Sting said, entering the Pelican "I think this is a mission complete...It was nice...simple, but nice" The Spartan was feeling nervous now that the mission was over. Coming to though, that was the first time he was getting to see his comrades... not as soldiers in technological and big armors, but really meet them, he was curious to find out about their personalities and stuff...after all, that was a team he would probably spend a lot of time with.
Meadow got onto the pelican and raised her gun incase any enemies had escaped the fight and tried to follow them. Theta popped up again and started to chat with his Spartan, the little red figure taking his spot on her shoulder, "are we to going to watch titanic or Pye".

"We'll watch both, theta," Meadow smiled under her helmet as her Ai cheered and jumped over to infront of Zak. She shook her head as he started talking about random things, bouncing around the place happily, "we are not eating sugar though. You can choose any snack you want as long as it doesn't have to much sugar".
"I'm almost sure AI's can't eat...But whatever, it's not like i'm a expert...Oh, i almost forgot...I didn't receive mine yet." He said taking off his helmet "Hi, sorry for being rude, i'm Nathanael, or Sting if you prefer. And you're Dillon, and Captain Zak, and... Meadow, did i get it right?" he stood his hand towards Meadow "Pleasure to meet you all".
"Pleasure to meet you too" Zak said "And don't Worry I am fairly sure I can convince Spartan Palmer to get you one"
Zak sat down and waited on the rest of his team
"Hey Delta how about a movie night?" Zak asked looking at his AI
"Yeah it Meadow. Nice to meet you too. I thought I read somewhere that an Ai can pick up on eating because their pretty much contected to our brains so they can process the information? Some thing like that," Meadow nodded and Theta chirped agreement. The small Ai now sat back on his Spartans shoulder, swinging his feet and humming. He waved over at delta and then turned to look back at Meadow.
Dillon listened to the others talk but right now he had a mission of his own. Sigma appeared in the bottom left hand corner of Dillon's H.U.D. "Dillon our 'friend' has agreed to the meeting time and location are we still gonna try and make it even with Zak on us" The AI said to Dillon.
"Yeah we will" Dillon responded to the AI. Sigma nodded before he deactivated for awhile and Dillon pulled the AI's chip out of his AI port on his helmet. He sat back in the seat fully relaxed.
Caleb had followed them all the way back, providing covering fire when needed. Though he was silent, until they had reached the Pelican. "Good to meet you, Sting. I'm Caleb." He said, nodding to Sting. "Also, movie recommendations. All the Star Wars movies. Now THOSE are classics. We gotta start with Episodes Four, Five, and Six though. Then we watch One, Two, and Three. Then Seven, and so on."
"No if we watch those it goes 4,5,2,3,6,7 etc" Dillon said as he chuckled "It's the best order to 'em in cause all the crap is left out when you remove phantom menace so." Dillon looked at Caleb and started to lightly laugh "but to each man his own I guess" he looked away from every one and took off his helmet and stood up walking farther away from everyone. Before he sat down he said without turning around "Zak when we get back to headquarters I need to talk with you." He.sat down with no intent on speaking the rest of the trip.
"What's this about Star Wars!?" Angel yelled as the blood covered spartan leapt into the Pelican as it took off, cutting it close.

Some of the multicolored war paint coating the Spartan from head to toe caused her to slip foreward and crash onto her injured ribs. Uttering a lovely string of curses consisting mainly of a word starting with F, she settled with rolling over and sitting on the ground. Her right leg lay stretched out in front of her and the other tucked in close to her.

The pose was quite relaxed, nonchalant, and neutral if it weren't for her blue and purple armor that showed no trace of its original coloring.
Zak shrugged "okay then" he said
He got up out of his seat and hoisted Angel up
Zak looked at the way she held herself
"Dammit your hurt bad" Zak said pointing for her to sit down.
Zak looked outside the Pelican and saw the base ahead of them.
The Pelican hovered above before landing on a drop pad. Zak climbed out he tapped a worker on the shoulder "Hey can you get a doctor or Something for Angel"
The man hurried off in search of the closest Medic.
Zak stood still and waited for Dillon
"You think they would have at least specified a rule about bone breaking. But they didn't. Or how about better splints, but nooooo." Angel huffed, thankful for the captain's shoulder to lean on. With a grunt she tested her right leg again. "Yup, definantly going to need to reset that." she groaned.

Not like I'm not used to getting beaten and bruised by my fellow Spartans.
Dillon got out of the Pelican and found Zak "Listen I need to talk to you about what happened and what I was doing" Dillon said with a serious voice "I'm slipping information to someone another Spartan but not one who follows under the UNSC" he looked around making sure no one else was around "He works with a group called Project Freelancer and the agent refuses to give me his real name but goes by the codename Washington and I slip covenant info to him so they can complete their mission" Dillon looked at the time and it was almost time for him to be at the meeting. He looked back at Zak "I don't know if you trust me but if you do don't follow me." He ended on that note as he walked away activating his camo so he can't be followed.
Zak thought about this
'Washington, Washington Ohhh no not him' he thought to himself.
He saw the Medic arrive and told him to watch Angel.
Zak turned on promethean vision and located Dillon he hadn't gone far
'Active came can't hide from promethean vision' he thought to himself and took off running he grabbed Dillon by the shoulder and turned him around
"Dillon have you any idea who your dealing with this man murders his friends like in Red vs Blue war he killed Donout and a bunch of others so please if you have any loyalty to your captain don't go" Zak said
"Murders, I've been working with Washington for 8 years now the RvB conflict was no where in his power he was givin a side and had to fight" Dillon almost shouted but kept it low "And don't forget he helped stop a civil conflict" he got Zaks hand off of him "I guess some action speak louder than others."
Angel huffed as she was hauled into med bay. Her armor was stripped off, and hauled off to be cleaned, leaving a rather beat up looking teenager in her underarmor.

She lay down, and a splint was placed over her middle to protect her ribs. She hisses as they began her leg. A yelp and string of curses later, the bone was reset and placed in a lightweight cast and boot.

However she was going to have to wait in med bay for her armor.
"Well, don't know about you guys, but i'm gonna grab some food, i'm starving" He said to his teammates. His armor were in a good state, but he thought it would be better to ask the mechanics and people around what he could do to improve it "I think i'm gonna change her color... maybe white and green?"
He would have a chat with his others superiors, his armor was suppose to be a perfect match with the Wasp VTOL, but his just got destroyed in the last mission, he should try to get a new one.
"Well, any new missions or assigments, you can always reach me using the radio. See you all later."
Dillon stared at Zak with eyes of rage "how can I have loyalty for someone when they can't show
trust even the slightest" as Dillon said this he pull the AI drive out of a bullet and threw it on the ground. As Dillon started to walk towards the mess hall he whispered to Zak "If you want to know what kind of info I carry its on that drive" with that he disappeared into the darkness of the night hidden but not gone "I lost my trust in the UNSC a while ago." He was gone not a trace to be found hidden in the shadows of the night.
Angel groaned, some of the teenager in her bubbling to the surface. "I doubt I'm going on another mission anytime soon... may I report to the team dorm? It'll be hours before that armor is cleaned and repaired again." The doctor in the room gave Angel a strange look that made him appear constipated. "If you can drag yourself there, then yes." he snaps in a harsh and disbelieving tone.

With a shrug, and that same teenage I'm going to do this because you told me not to attitude, hauled herself to her feet and hobbled down the hallway.

Many long minutes later the dorm had an exhausted, disheveled, but smirking and satisfied teen sitting on one of the bunks. She had peeled off the top of her one piece under-armor, showing off her tan and scarred upper half only covered by a UNSC issued sports top. Her legs lay sprawled in front of her, and she was watching what appeared to be a centuries old show on a tablet.

Star Track or something, she laughed at what they thought the 2500's would look like, although it was infinitely nicer than what they were dealing with for sure, she wouldn't mind being transported there.
Meadow made it to the team dorm after checking into the armory to put her weapons away. Her armor was cleaned then tucked away neatly in her room. She pulled chairs, pillows, blankets and other confortable things infront of the common room's tv, then got to work pulling out the movies for the night. Theta floated about as he followed his Spartan around. Meadow then went to the mess to grab food, leaving behind giant pile of barrowed bed coverings.
After staying at the mess hall for a bit Dillon made his way to the team dorm. With a stop at the armory Dillon was wearing casual clothes unarmed. When it came to tattoos Dillon sported a phoenix emblem on his upper right arm and a snake swirling around to the base of his left arm. When he got to the dorm he didn't say anything he just made his way to his bunk sat down. He activated Sigma and watched as Sigma did calculations or something he didn't really care it was a stressful day.
"Ok, that isn't even remotely accurate... or possible." Angel growled at the screen. Finally shutting it off, she ran her fingers through her hair, wincing as she felt a thin coat of oil. Shower is definantly on the list.

But for now, she untied the loose bun that hung low on her skull, whipping her hair around before finger combing it.