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Open HALO: A SPARTANS STORY (contains violence)

Skylar smiled then she felt her body fell less Gravity which made her even more Excited "and she makes it where i can float ...haa" she moved as she easly dodges thanks to her body then she grabbed a branch and she smiled "haa nice one but i'm a such a better spartan sweety" she cracked her knuckles and she then grabbed her sniper and she shot at her.
Angel muttered curses under her breath in some alien garble, choosing to ignore the bullies.

They threw pieces of food at her, and she still ignored them, they called her a slur of offensive names and she still ignored them.

Until they slammed their fists onto the table next to her she couldn't ignore them. She looked up with an exhasperated look.

"Picking on the injured is an all time low for you, Tiny." she smirked at the towering black and yellow armored male above her.
As everyone else had left the dorm while Caleb relaxed, he decided he should get out, too. "Maybe one of the other SPARTANs around here wants to test out that new lockdown paint they came up with." Caleb said to Omega, as he began putting on his armor. "I don't recommend going to the ring so soon, Caleb. Your still under mental exhaustion from before. You could black out again." Omega said. "That was a one time mistake, I know my limits now. Trust me." Caleb replied. "Fine. There's usually a decent amount of SPARTANs socializing in the mess hall." Omega advised. "Great, let's go." Caleb gladly replied as he slid on his helmet.

As he entered the mess, saying he was displeased was an understatement. He saw the shortest, but definitely not the least fiery, of his team being harassed by another SPARTAN. *I want to see how she'll handle this before I act. She may yet get this under control.* He thought to himself. He was already having a bad day, so it wasn't unlikely he would go off on the SPARTAN if he kept it up much longer.
"You just pushed yourself further into the air and away from any form of grip," Meadow smirked and her gravity hammer turned off, reversing the effects she had cause. Gravity returned quickly and she swung her hammer to intercept the other Spartan as she fell, hopeful sending her flying into the closest wall, "try and take this"!
Skylar gasped as she felt the hammer hit her and she went flying and she hit the wall hard "oww..." she grabbed her sniper and she shot her hand that held the hammer , she waited for her shields to rise back up then she smiled at her , "you know your really good..." she smiled then she took off her helmet then she threw up due to the hammer hitting her stomach "ohh i've been beat " she got up and she walked over to her and she smiled " that hammer really hurt.."
"And, it's done!" Sting said, he had finished the ajusts in his new armor, her new color shining as he put his helmet on.
"Yeah...I think you just ruined your armor...i mean, she is looking terrible" said Gamma in his head.
"Yeah...I think i'm gonna turn you off permanently." the Spartan replied. "What do we have in menu today?"
"Bacon i bet...there's bacon every day." the A.I. said "They should give you guys something more healthy don't you think? I mean you're soldiers and stuff.
"Yeah. 'I really wanna fill my belly with salad.' said no one in the entire history." Sting said as he walked down the hall to get some bacon.
He found his teammate standing in the entrance.
"Heeey buddy!" he said poking Caleb with his elbow "What are you doin....Oh... i see" Angel was facing another Spartan with a pretty unhappy face. "I think we should help her right? I mean, that guy have an armor on, and Angel not, besides... she kinda have some ribs and one leg less."
"You gotta lot of nerve saying that to a team captain." The Spartan snarled at her, Angel merely shrugged. "You're not my boss so...."

"I came back to get even with you," he barked again, probably referring to that time she broke his nose. She remembered now, it was definitely him that she injured. "Get the rest of your team and then it'll be an even fight then, Tiny." Angel quipped. "I'm warning you Angelica-"

"Oooh, first name base already? You still need to take me out to dinner, babe." Angel snarked back. She got up to leave. The Spartan looked to his teammates who stepped back from him. He growled and grabbed a fistful of Angel's hair, yanking her head back and kicking her injured leg.

Angel reacted quickly, using his momentum and off balance stance to flip him, or tried to. With him wearing his armor, and having her injured leg being kicked, she couldn't help but yelp in pain as she crashed to the floor. The Spartan's flailing and metal covered arm struck her in the head, at least she thought so, she couldn't tell if it was the floor.
The fuse finished burning up. "Oh yeah, we're definitely helping out. Let's go." He said, clearly P.O.'d. Caleb walked over to "Tiny" and lifted him up, throwing him down onto an empty table, the weight of the SPARTAN and the strength of Caleb's throw breaking the table. "Don't mess with my team." He said, as he walked over to Angel, extending his hand to help her up. "You alright?" He asked.
"Define 'Alright'" She groaned from her spot on the floor, looking up at her fellow teammate. "Were you always that tall?" she murmured. Everything hurt, which sucked. It wasn't like augmentation, but everything felt like it had been filled with lead.

She was acutely aware though that her leg was fine. She didn't need to injure it anymore, so that was a relief. She probably should have gotten a crutch from medical. Oops.
"Well, I haven't grown a few extra feet in the past five minutes, so, yeah." He quipped. He then turned around and looked down in the direction of the SPARTAN he just threw down. But he wasn't looking at him, he was more concerned about the table. "If anyone asks, I didn't break the table. It was someone else entirely."
"Fine by me." She grumbled. Propping herself up on her elbows unsteadily. "I think Tiny needs a new nickname." She frowned as if she had been told a bad joke, "It doesn't piss him off as much anymore."

She frowned a little bit more, "Too bad Tiny sticks though. I can't think of anything that would fit him better." Her face twitched, and her cheek stung.

"Hey, am I getting a bruise?"
"It's supposed to. You give up? I'm actually getting kinda hungry. Could go for grabbing something from the mess," Meadow hummed crouching down to pick up her dropped weapon. Spinning itaround a few time to show off before connecting it to her back again. She rolled her shoulders and neck, growling when there was an audible pop, "your shots weren't to bad either. Precise and pretty hurtful, if I do say so myself".
"Buddy that really wasn't nice..." Sting said while walking towards the fallen Spartan "Did you ever heard about fair fight? I mean... not attacking fallen people, injured people, not attacking from behind?" the Spartan asked stepping over the Spartan's leg on the floor "Yeah, me neither,.." he said forcing Tiny's leg down until he heard a 'crack'. "Now it's fair..." he said walking towards his teammates.
"Oh! If anyone asks, i didn't break his leg... It was someone else entirely."
Dillon ran the program again and again, over and over. Now the count was over 75 completing the training simulator under seven seconds but to him of course it was still, still to slow "Sir it's under 7 seconds it's quiet fast even for your standards" Sigma said with a sigh.
"Maybe for my standards but I still haven't bet her score" Dillon replied with a bit of a exhausted tone in his voice.
"Hers?" Sigma asked with a surprised voice.
"yeah" Dillon responded as he walked to the mess hall. On his way there he came across an old friend someone who he trained with until they were placed on different. After that they became more frenemies and from that point on they were rivals.
"No idea what you're talking about. He must have broken it when he decided to slam himself into the table." Caleb said, smirking under his helmet. "So, you guys hear about that new training-room bullet-replacement they're using? Instead of normal weapons, everyone is equipped with a Magnum with this special paint. Turns your armor hard as a rock and stings like all hell." He said, trying to change the subject from the SPARTAN that they just took down.
"Sounds like fun. Too bad I got a broken leg down here." The teen quipped from the floor. "I would love to join in on the glorified paintball game. Maybe I can just snipe whoever I feel like."

Suddenly she smirked, "Or sit in the observation deck with some popcorn and watch my teammates cream each other. Both options are in my favor."
Dillon's helmet was in his hand as he entered the mess hall. When he entered the first thing he noticed was his team standing at a broken table "Uhh I'm guessing he body slammed the tale a little to hard" he commented as he chuckled at this "Or, did he trip on something." Dillon looked at everyone but before they could say anything he walked away to get some food. Of course him being the soldier he was he just left the area returning to where he was before,
After a Nightmare Jack awoke and looked at his Surroundings "Same old Dorm..." He sighed as he Jumped out of his Bed, It was a Normal Thing for him, He Normally Put on his Armour and Looked at his Door "Im gonna go get Breakfast...." He said, Leaving his Room for the Mess Hall Kitchen

"Ill just Grab some normal Toast" He sighed, Putting two Pieces of Bread into the Toaster "1.... 2...... 3..... 4..... 5.... 6..... 7..... 8..... 9..... 10.... 11..... 12.... 13.... 14..... 15... And Done!, I love UNSC Toasters, Very quick" He Said Happily, After Quickly Grabbing his Toast he Walked through a Door to the Actual Mess Hall, He would Rather Sit in his Room Eating but he wanted to meet his Team more Properly, When he arrived he saw everyone at a Broken Table "Hey guys.... How are you doing today?" He asked, Trying not to look like he was the Nerd or Weird Person of the Group
Zak shrugged and stepped outside.
'And I'm a freak' Zak thought to himself
"No your not quick Zak jump" Delta replied
Without words Zak jumped backwards as a banshee dove straight down.
Zak looked up
"Oh crap" he murdered he ran in and picked up his helmet. Zak turned on the .com and yelled
"Back up Eclipse Banshees inbound!" Zak said
When Meadow heard the announcement, she sighed loudly and patter Skylar on the back before booking it in the direction the message had originated from. Theta led her in the direction the banshee was coming towards and she checked to make sure she had a significant amount of ammunition, "well let's set up the welcoming committee and give them most Spartan welcome we can".
Skylar nodded then she put on her helmet again and she grabbed her sniper and she aimed at the banshee and she fired one shot into the small hole between it and the bullet went straight into the enemy. "yes ...And they have no chance with us" she smiled then she held her stomach and she groaned "still hurts...damn you hammer " she whispered.
"Might want to get that checked out," Meadow chuckled as she took aim with her weapon. Theta was chatting quietly in the back of her mind and his Spartan talked back. She turned her helmet a little ways toward Skylar and hummed in thought, "might want or wait for the rest of our team. It's the polite thing to do and Theta wants to know if you know how to use the force".
Skylar smiled then she looked at her and she shook her head "i'm fine Meadow....its just a little pain " she replied then she smiled "beta are you mad at me for losing " she asked her. Beta appeared and she just shook her head "well no and yes...you fought better than the last spartan i had...and you didn't give up" she told her. Skylar smiled "thanks...and sure we can wait " she smiled "but if i see a grunt i'm playing kicker.." she joked
"I'm not sure that would be the wisest decision but it's up to you. Where's Zak? Wasn't he the one who called this in," Meadow asked and theta popped up to sit on her shoulder. The little red hologram was humming and swinging his feet with a bright smile, sitting on his no armoured form. Meadow started to hum along with him and kept watch down her weapons sight, "I would what grunt golf is like? What do you think Theta"?
Caleb heard the message. "Aw, hell." He said. He helped guide Angel to a table, then made his way outside. He stopped by his dorm to grab his weapons, and went back on his way. He reached Meadow and Skyler. "Alright, any idea what we're specifically dealing with?" He asked, pumping his shotgun. Omega already pulled up several view screens showing live security camera feeds onto Caleb's Heads Up Display.
"Banshees. Don't know anything else other than that," Meadow acknowledged her teammate's presence, watching for any other hostiles. Theta popped over to say hello to Caleb, waving happily and running calculations in Meadow's heads. The woman continued to scan over the environment and used one hand to motion to the banshee a little while off, "only thing we have seen. Or atleast I've seen. How's omega treating you by the way. Not to many angry outbursts I hope".
Skylar smiled then she nodded "yeah Grunt golf " she smiled happily then she looked at beta who was on her shoulder , she was a light blue hologram "so what now " she sighed then she looked around and she then sat down "Beta is a good Ai for me " she smiled happily then she
looked at the others "yeah hows omega treating you"
Angel sighed as her teammates rushed to action, along with the other Spartans making a dash too.

With a groan she lifted herself from the table and limped back down the hallway towards the team dorm.

She thought she heard something echo down the hallway, and she grew ever more cautious. It didn't sound like it came from outside.
Zak ran into his room hopping the couch
He pulled on his Armour and dropped from the window
He stared up and with the help of his helmet he zoomed in on the banshees.
Zak stared and noticed something shimmering behind them
"Ahh c'mon lads! alright Caleb i need you and Dillon with me cause we are gonna enter that damn Corevet the rest of you help defend the base and make sure we dont lose too many UNSC thats an order" Zak said
Meadow followed her order, firing at anything that got too close for comfort. She unloaded her battle rifle, reloaded and moved to new cover. The red and white armour she wore shin gas she blocked bullets and threw UNSC personal out of the way of projectiles, "I'm on it sir. Good luck with your objective"!

Theta ran checks in the background, keeping sheilds and armour in the front and everything else in the back. The Ai and Spartan working together to try and keep note of the battlefield as they traversed it.
"sting you can either come with us or stay and defend the base i can fly jets and stuff but your better" Zak said
He ran through the court yard and fired at any covenant who got close enough.
Zak saw a Spartan get impaled by an energy sword
Zak froze 'they can kill us so easily' he thought to himself
"Please dont die everyone if you do who am i going to tell my bad jokes too" Zak said "no but seriously dont"
"Got it!" Caleb replied, running to his leader's position. "Grenade Launcher to your right." Omega said, highlighting the weapon. Caleb magnetized his M90 as he grabbed the launcher and ammo, firing a couple at a Banshee, effectively destroying it. He made his way back to his leader, shooting down two other Banshees, then dropping the Grenade Launcher. He slid to a stop at his leader's side, demagnetizing his M90, aiming it around. "Lead the way, boss." He said.
"That vehicle over there" Zak pointed at what looked to be a support star ship
Zak fired and killed an elite that was rushing at him.
He picked up a knife from a fallen UNSC and threw it.
It hit an elite right between the eyes
"Caleb we cant leave till Dillon gets here so protect that ship" Zak said
"I certainly don't plan on it," Meadow commented as she proceeded to punch an elite in the face then shot. She dodged around an energy blade, switching her gun out for her hammer. She slammed the hammer into an elite's skull, and growled when two needles dug into her back. She spun and threw up her sheild to block another load of crystalline needles.
"I'm blind," Angel muttered as she hobbled down the hall, without her helmet she had no way of contacting her team or other Spartans. Her best move would be to get back to the dorm, she can't do jack squat injured.

She continued along, and heard it again. Something was in the halls.

"Hell." she thought. She kept limping, slowly, but the sound didn't come back.

Eventually she had to stop and rest, and the sound was back, with a growl she spun on her good heel. Nothing.

Wait, something was shimmering. She stared at the spot, neither moved until they flickered.

And there, stood a near nine foot Ultra Elite, staring her down.

It didn't have its weapons drawn, but at the same time... "Fuuuuuu...."
Skylar watched her new girlfriend fight some enemys "don't go down" she said as she started to snipe off the grunts that were shooting her and she saw a hunter in the distance and she growled "no not those" she growled then she aimed for them then she sniped it in its orange spot "ha its dead" she smiled then she ran down to Meadow and she smirked "i'm here Meadow " she smiled then she pulled out her shotgun and she shot at a incoming elite
Angel was taught to kill these things, and she overall found great fun in killing them. Nothing to be afraid of. But that was when she had armor, no injuries, and a gun sat comfortably in her hand.

She had no such comfort now. She didn't move, neither did the Elite, both of them locking each other's gaze as if daring them to make a move. She couldn't see the Elite's eyes, and hers were full of fear.

Then along came a grunt, hefting a fuel rod gun. It was almost surreal, as she couldn't move even as it took aim. The green blast flew towards her, and she finally dove, the heat scorched her back, and suddenly she was pinned.

Looking through the smoke she found part of the hallway collapsed on either side of her, a heavy piece of ceiling not crushing her to death because of the Elite?

The monstrous creature tossed the metal to the side, and began roaring at the makeshift debris walls. Probably cursing the grunt's aim.

Then Angel realized she was trapped inside the dim pocket of the collapsed hallway with a freaking Elite.
"Good to see that," Meadow smiled under helmet, slamming her hammer into another enemy. She saw a breach in the compound where covenant was surging in and motioned to Skylar to follow her. She charged forward, sweeping and roaring as she force them to back up of be sent flying. The Spartan woman kicked an elite back who was also wielding a gravity hammer, the two clashing together in a lock for power, snarling and growling at eachother.
"Hey big guy! May i have your attention?" he said shooting the Elite "By the way blondie, i think this belongs to you" Sting said when he threw to Angel her shotgun "I think this belongs to you. I thought you may need it, since you can't wear your armor and stuff." Now coming to thought i pretty much entered her room without permission... dear god, she's going to kill me...with the same shotgun i just gave her... Sting decided to ignore this for now... she may kill him later... when the Elite in front of her is out for good, but for now they had to focus.
"Sorry Cap...I'm kinda busy right now..."
Angel grunts, loading the gun with practiced speed and raised to shoot the Elite and end it, only it had disappeared. She narrowed her eyes, looking for a shimmer or anything to give away its position, but there was nothing. She growled, and got back onto her feet.

She gave Sting a grateful look that also doubled as a glade clearly indicating a talk was going to be held later, and she continued to the relative safety that was the team dorm, where she could barricade her injured self in and maybe break a few rules so she could get most of her armor on.