• A reminder: If you want to ask an RP thread creator if you can join their RP, do so in private - via conversation or profile messages - or via the thread's discussion thread, if one exists. Do NOT ask if you can join an RP on the RP thread itself! This leads to a lot of unnecessary OOC chatter and that's not what the RP boards are for.

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Private/Closed Journey in the Gitatla Region!

You are about to start a journey in this region, Gitala. This region is inhabited by species called Pokemon. Pokemon are special creatures that are used in battle, or used as pets. This world is a blast, people looking to complete the Pokedex. I am Proffesor Fern, and welcome to the Gitlala Region!
Meet me at my lab, and you will get your starter Pokemon!

You just hop right in. No form needed, as I am a chicken lazy right now..
Please read the RULES.
Once one page is filled in here, this role play will be closed, so hop it in quickly!
Your starter can be any baby Pokemon, aka the first stage. Ex: a Weedle, or Starly
No one-Linet's. Aim for a paragraph and three lines. That isn't much.

Gavin was a new trainer in the Vitala region. He was in a journey in the Sinnoh region, so he wouldn't see Unova or Kalos Pokemon there. He always wanted to see those Pokemon, he wanting to get a starter Pokemon from those regions.

It was breezy outside, so Gavin would want to get a fire Pokemon to feel the 'heat'.

Gavin raced into Proffesor's Fern lab, and Proffesr Fern greeted him, "Hello, Gavin. I heard your mom tell that you will be getting your first Pokemon in this Region. There are many pokeballs on the table. Choose one that you will want."

Gavin looked around, grabbing this Pokeball. It had a picture of
a Fennekin, that seemed like it was a fire-type.

It was his now, and the professor said bye when Gavin went out the door.

He sent it out, and it didn't look familiar to him. "Are you from Kalos?" he asked his Fennekin.
The Fennekin nodded yes.

Upcoming Gym:
In: Flarebelle City
Type: Fire
Gym Leader: Rochfire
Pokemon: Slugma, Torchic, Charmander
Format: 3v3
Badge: Flame Badge
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Diamond sighed walking into Prof. Fern's lab. He yawned. He was woken up early. He walked over to a rack of Poke balls. He grabbed a Poke ball. He completely ignored the prof. and walked out. He released his Poke ball and a Riolu appeared. The Riolu closed his eyes, crossing his arms. Diamond sighed. "Intimidating." He smirked then walked off Riolu behind him.
Carol was super excited, but also tired to the bone. She'd stayed up all night learning about type match ups and moves. It was incredibly complex and Carol hoped it was worth it. As she walked to the town lab, giddy with excitement and lack of sleep, she asked herself what Pokemon she wanted. Hmm… Carol reached the lab before she could decide.
(OOC: I'm a little curious here, can the starter be a Fakemon here? I've been wondering since although the RP rules don't mention them. I still would like to know here, and the Fakemon I'm using are my own, in the first basic, baby evolution stage.)


Kite had gotten into Professor Fern's lab a little later, as he had been doing a lot of research on other Pokémon and their evolutions the day before. He looked around in the lab, as he thought to himself, "Wow... so many Pokémon here, this is might be a tough decision to choose one."
(OOC: are shinies allowed? If not, I'll remove the shiny part. I do have a reason.)
BIC: Carol walked into the professor's lab, noting the other trainer(s). "Who to choose, who to choose…" she murmured to herself. She picked a Pokeball at random, and inspected it. It contained… a Pidgey. Um… Carol saw another one and immediately thought, That's the one. She picked it up and released the Pokemon, a Magikarp. Oh. Oh jeez.
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Castor had woken up that morning with a festive feeling in his chest, as if his heartstrings themselves were strumming with music. He had hardly slept the night before, much too anxious for the morning to come to even close his eyes. Although the approximate four hours of sleep didn't hold him down, as it seemed he could run on straight adrenaline and coffee alone.
His parents pestered him at the breakfast table on which Pokémon Castor would choose to be his partner for the rest of his years as a Pokémon trainer, which only brought on a new wave of anxiety.
He'd had his eyes set on either Chatot or Igglybuff, as he'd always been very streamlined when it came to music and decided he'd need a Pokémon to reflect that.
As he entered Professor Fern's workspace, however, he glanced around at the crowded room, stricken dumbfounded. There were Pokéballs labeled with pictures of each Pokémon they contained which he studied thoroughly.
"Somebody stop that Pokémon!" cried one of Fern's assistants, covered in stage-one pocket monsters. Castor looked up in surprise to see a pink splotch scrambling away from the rookie. Before Castor could react, the speed demon clung to his pant leg and clambered up his torso and over his shoulder. He jumped in surprise and stilled, glancing at the assistant with stony concern.
"I think he likes you," they said in surprise and the Gligar peering over his shoulder flattened its ears to its head and hissed with great hostility towards the assistant, clinging to Castor defensively. "Would you like to take him off our hands?"
He studied the Gligar from the best angle he could, straining his neck in the process, mouth in a thin line. "Sure. Why not?"

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
The door of the lab swung open as a different kind of trainer appeared. "Move out of the way!" The trainer grunted, as he pushed several trainers away from him, who were eagerly grabbing pokeballs.
"Who are you?" One trainer asked.
"I'm James, now move away from me now!" He shouted.
With his eyebrows dropped down on his eyes, he looked very angry. He grabbed a poke ball, instantly knowing he had made the right decision. Then he left.
"Those fools don't know what hit 'em! I hit them, with this!" His poke ball fell to the ground as he came out of the lab. A Murkrow was seen. "I got the best one hahaha!" He laughed. He was very cocky.
(Fakemon are allowed, and so are shinies. Please don''t use them as starters though, you may catch them on the way. Just remember: you need the creator's permission to use a fakemon, unless you drew it. It means you cannot use shinys or fakemon for starters. Starters start at level 5.)

"Wow, cool!" Gavin said to his Fennekin, petting the female fox Pokemon. It was soo cute, and Gavin blushed a bit. "Fen, Fen!" (I'm excited!)

Gavin and Fennekin strolled right over to Route 1. A lot of cute, first stage Pokemon lived there, including Pichu, Vulpix, Eevee, Emolga, and Shiny and other Pokemon. A sudden Axew appeared right in front of his eyes, and Gavin said, Fennekin, let's catch this Pokemon! Fennekin went against the Axew. "Use Ember on the Axew, now!" Gavin ordered Fennekin. Fennekin listened, and used Ember on the Axew. The Axew looked too weak to attack, so Gavin tarted throwing a Pokeball. The ball shakes three times, and Axew was caught!
(Sounds, fun. What starters do we have to choose from? Can i do more than one character?)
FLame was excited to get his starter. He wanted to start his journey since he was 5, now that he's 10. He can start his journey. He was at the lab waiting for his starter. Hopping to get a Froakie or a Charmander. But he didn't know what there was to choose from.
A girl named Shura arrived at the Pokemon a little later than everyone else and some people had already come and gone when getting their starter Pokemon. She walked into the lab feeling a bit anxious and nervous about meeting other trainers and what Pokemon she'll get as her starter. As she walked in she took a deep breath and said to herself "Your journey is about to begin, there's no need for your anxiety to get the better of yourself"
Diamond smiled, he made it to Route 1, the beginning route. He looked around finding an Eevee, but it was a different eevee. It was a Shiny. Diamond had no idea. and no experience either. He sent out Riolu. Alright Lucky, use Force Palm!" Diamond commanded. The Riolu nodded. He dashed over placing his palm on his forehead. The Riolu let out a shock. The Eevee was paralyzed. Diamond then threw A Poke ball at it. He missed about four times before he finally hit, the Eevee getting sucked into the Poke ball. The Poke ball nodded three times before stars emitted from it. He frowned "Dang it! Four wasted poke balls for a stupid eevee." Diamond sighed.
Shura was starting to get pumped with excitement as she got close to all Pokeballs which possibly contained her future partner. "I was hoping that i would get given one and not have to choose one myself," She was completely stumped with what her starter should be. However, a Pokeball then fell off of the shelves and rolled in between her feet. "If that's not a sign to take that one, I don't know what is" So she picked up the Pokeball, she didn't even check what Pokemon that was inside. She went straight to the Professor which gave her a Pokedex and extra Pokeballs to assist her on her journey. Shura walked outside to find out what her starter will be. As she prepared to throw the Pokeball she filled with emotions from excitement to nervousness. She released the Pokemon out of their Pokeball and it was a... A Buizel!
Carol hurriedly took her Pokeballs and Pokedex, thanked the professor and ran out the door, bouncing off the frame. She sprinted onto Route 1, pausing to catch her breath. Carol waded through the tall grass and got tackled by an Eevee! "Woah!" She shouted. "Go, Magikarp!" Her first Pokemon flopped pathetically on the ground. Magikarp, huh? "Um, Splash?" She said. The Magikarp flopped. The Eevee bit the Magikarp. "Alright then, this is going nowhere." Carol sighed. She tossed a Pokeball, somehow getting lucky and hitting the Pokemon. Carol held her breath in anticipation. Come one, come on! Click. Carol walked over to her first catch in awe. "Yes!" She shouted her glee to the sky.
Seeing one trainer near him, Gavin saw Diamond catch a Eevee. He went in Kanto to catch a Eevee before, and it became a trusty Vaporeon.

Gavin saw some rain coming, and it was raining cats and dogs (Idiom translation: it was raining hard.)

Then he saw Carol catch a Eevee with a Magikarp.

Well. Someone with a Magikarp. Ha ha ha ha, Gavin thought. He put on his jacket, and walked over to Route 2. He knew he had to get some more pokemon for the Fire Type gym in Flamebelle Town. A sudden Piplup appeared right in front of his eyes.

"Ok, Axew! Your turn!" he said, throwing out Axew's pokeball and sending it out. "Use Dragon Claw!" he commanded Axew. The dragon-type listened, and used the move. The Piplup got hit hardly, but used Bubble. The Axew also was hurt, attacking again without a command to use Toxic. The Toxic poisoned the Piplup, and the Piplup was weak. "Pokeball, let's go!"

A pokeball got thrown at the Piplup, and it shaked, one, two, three! Piplup was caught!
Fennekin- LVL 6
Axew-LVL 7
Piplup- LVL 8
Losnar had woke late, so late when he did he looked at his clockand saw it was 9:35. He slowly got outta bed and went off to the lab he grabbed a pokeball and snuck out while the professor was talking to him he walked to route 1. He saw something rustling in the bushes he let his pokemon out it was a Starly he had it use scratch then threw a pokeball at which landed next to it and threw another one but caught it this time. He let out his pokemon he just caught ans saw it was a Vulpix. So he had a Starly and a Vulpix
Sasuke woke up, realized how late it was, and bolted to professer fern's lab. There will still many poke balls on the table. "Good, there's still some left." Sasuke saw the signs. "So many to choose." He then saw a Pokemon that caught his eye. It was a small grey land shark with sharp fangs, which was cool to Sasuke. It was a Gible. "This one." Sasuke said. He then got his poke balls and pokedex from the professor. After that, he started his journey.

Sasuke was excited as he roamed route 1. "This is exciting!" He cried out happily. He bolted into the tall grass and ran into a wild Pokemon. "Awesome, it's a Pidgey!" The Pidgey chirped angrily and got into a battle stance. "I'm gonna catch my first Pokemon, sweet!" Sasuke was ready. He was gonna catch that Pidgey.

(Do the movesets have to be accurate to the games? I'm on a school device and all the websites like Pokemondb and bulbapedia are blocked.)
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Carol continued onwards, trying to avoid confrontation when a glimmer caught her eye. It was a very sparkly Furfrou. Right as she went to send out Eevee, it dashed away. "Hey, come back!" She hollered, and chased it, Eevee in tow. The Furfrou, unsurprisingly, fled, leading Carol deeper into the grass.
(OOC EDIT: I'm sorry if I asked again, I need to seriously read everything. And well I have my own here, and I understand that they can't be starters.)

Kite saw that there was a Poké Ball that wiggled and jiggled around the table, as he picked it up. The Pokémon came out, as it was a Mudkip! He looked around, as he went to Kite's leg. Kite picked him up and held him in his arms, as he said, "So Mudkip, I see that you're my first friend here. Let's be a good team alright?

The Mudkip replied, "Mudkip." [Translation: Alright got it.] Kite walked outside with Mudkip, as he looked around and saw that Route 1 was straight ahead. He walked to the Route with Mudkip, as he noticed that he squirmed down and walked alongside with him. He smiled as he thought to himself, "It's time to catch some more friends!"
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(OOC: Vulpix says you can't use them for starters.)
BIC: Carol eventually caught up to the Furfrou and it turned around and attacked, as cornered animals usually do. Carol sent out Eevee. "Use Tackle!" She commanded, and Eevee obeyed, hitting the Furfrou soundly. The Furfrou retaliated with Bite. Eevee was thrown backwards. "Powerful! Wow! Eevee, don't give up! You can do it!" Carol exclaimed. Eevee, emboldened by Carol's words, Tackled the Furfrou once more. Carol saw this as a chance to catch it. She missed. Eevee swiftly dodged another Bite and attacks with one of its own. Soon both are panting heavily. Carol approaches slowly and the Furfrou growls. Carol tries her hardest not to flinch, but instead falls backwards. The Furfrou laughs, but not without consequences. Eevee jumped up, Pokeball in mouth and caught it. "Eevee, how did you… What?!" Carol stuttered in astonishment. "Vee-eevee." Eevee said, shrugging. Furfrou popped out. It rolled it's eyes before sitting next to Carol. Said girl releases her Magikarp and they're all one big happy mess of a family thing. The power of Pokeballs. Carol gets up and recalls her Pokemon, setting off towards the first gym.
-Harper Magikarp LVL 6 Male
-Alex Eevee LVL 7 Female
-Mack Shiny Furfrou LVL 9 Male
Kite walked around with Mudkip in the tall grass on Route 1, as he noticed a lot of different Pokémon. He saw several Weedle, and even a Pidgey that was on a tree.

He still roamed around, as he picked up Mudkip and held him tightly. He felt a rather strange source of heat. He thought to himself, "Hmm, there's a lot of heat here, I sense a fire type." He went closer to the Pokémon, as he peeked over and noticed that it looked like a bird, while its colorful feathers shined at Kite brightly.

He said to Mudkip, "Alright Mudkip, I want you to use water gun on the bird!" Mudkip nodded and used water gun on the wild Pokémon! A surge of water erupted from his mouth, as the Pokémon was startled! It quickly flew upward to dodge, as it quickly flew deeper into the grass.

Kite was determined, as he grabbed Mudkip and said, "Alright, we are going after that Pokémon!" He quickly dashed after it, as Mudkip tried to get a clear shot on the Pokémon. Mudkip exclaimed, "Mudkip!" [Translation: Stop running birdie!]
Carol heard something running in the underbrush and saw someone else with a Mudkip chasing it. "Hey, wait!" She screamed, chasing after the trio. Mack ran behind her and Alex started lagging behind, only to be picked up by Mack. Carol held Harper tightly, as the Magikarp wouldn't have been able to follow them easily.
Kite and Mudkip didn't seem to have heard the scream, as they were too focused on chasing down the Pokémon. Kite continued to tightly hold onto Mudkip, as he said, "Alright buddy, when the sight's clear, fire the water gun!" Mudkip nodded, as he looked around while he tried to find the Pokémon that they continued to pursue.

Unfortunately, the poor Pokémon got cornered at the dead end of a mountain. She tried to fly up, but she hit her head on the cliffside! She fell down, as Kite commanded Mudkip, "Alright, now's our chance! Water gun that birdie now!" Mudkip nodded at Kite and looked at him with trusting eyes, as he used water gun at the wild Pokémon again! A quicker stream of water erupted, as it unfortunately missed her. She fell down next to Mudkip however, as she was severely weakened from the fall.

Kite quickly got out a Poké Ball from his bag, as he exclaimed while he threw it in a swift motion at the Pokémon, "ALRIGHT, Poké Ball, GO!" The Poké Ball had directly hit the Pokémon, as it wiggled in a very rapid motion. It continued to wiggle and jiggle, until it eventually stopped.

Kite had caught the Pokémon! He picked up the Poké Ball and said in excitement, "Alright, we did it! First catch ever! Nice job Mudkip. Although you did miss that one, it was still a job well done." He placed the Poké Ball on his belt buckle, as he patted it and said, "Alright buddy, just relax now. We'll do introductions later alright?" The Poké Ball wiggled in a nodding motion at Kite, as he smiled at it.
Mudkip- Level 6
???- Level ??? (This is my Fakemon here, I'll reveal it soon since I want it to be a surprise.)
Gavin sent out his pokemon, and they all followed them to Route 2. He'd seem a stronger trainer fro now on, looking to evolve his pokemon.
He was to go in the Gitatla League, and his first goal was to head to the next gym, in Flarebelle City. The gym was included with of course fire type pokemon, and a red hot Gym Leader.

Gavin still had his coat on, and he returned Fennekin to her pokeball, as he knew that she dearly hated the rain.

(OOC: I'll give the next gym's info in my next post. Gotta go to bed right now, see ya guys tomorrow!)
Carol reached Kite and Mudkip, breathing heavily. "Good job…on…your catch!" She wheezed, before sitting down with a hand on her heaving chest. "Ugh…" she coughed. "I can't run…"
(OOC: Goodnight everyone!)

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
James looked at all the weak pokemon in Route 1. 'This is absolutely pitiful.' He said to his Murkrow, who was now on his shoulder. He suddenly spotted an unusual looking pokemon, which was on it's own. He chased it and ordered Murkrow to use peck on the beast. The pokemon fell down and James saw that it was a Platypus looking pokemon. I've seen such an odd looking pokemon!" He exclaimed. He looked at his pokedex.
'Platy, the Platypus pokemon...' There was then a large description of the pokemon and it's life, which James did not pay much attention to. He threw a pokeball and the pokemon did not struggle whatsoever. He picked the ball up. "Nice." He said.
(Platy is a Fakemon I created)
Shura introduced herself to Buizel whilst shaking his hand. "Hey there Buizel it's a pleasure to meet you, we're gonna be partners you and me and I can't wait to get started," Shura said calmly. Shura pulled out her Pokedex and scanned Buizel and it said, "Buizel, the Sea Weasel Pokémon. Buizel's collar can be used as a flotation device when inflated. Its head stays above water when floating." Shura saw everyone else heading to Route 1, so she followed everyone else to possibly catch a new team member. So she approaches Route 1 and she notices everyone has almost made it to the other side of the route already. Shura and Buizel started strolling through the route looking around and admiring the natural beauty of the area. Then a Pikachu then jumped out of the bushes and it seemed to be scared and running away from something. Another Pokemon jumped out of the bushes in pursuit of the Pikachu and it was a Pinsir!

Shura turned to Buizel. "We need to help that Pikachu, Quick use Sonic boom!" Shura demanded. Buizel jumped and swung his tail unleashing a sonic boom hitting the Pinsir, launching it back. Pinsir turned its focus to Buizel now and Pinsir leaped at Buizel and grabbed it using Bind and was about to combine it with Vice grip. Shura shook with fear of Buizel getting hurt, and slightly started panicking. She then remembered about Buizel's flotation sacs. "Buizel, inflate your flotation sacs then use sonic boom!" Buizel got free of the Bind using his sacs and avoided the Vice Grip in time. Buizel then unleashed another Sonic Boom with a powerful war cry. "BUUUIII!" The sonic boom hit Pinsir right on the head before the Pinsir retreated back into the forest.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
James took a look at Platy. It had a small bill and a beaver like tail. James examined the pokemon's moves: Tackle, scratch, water gun and tail whip. "Hmmm, I need to delete some of these moves..." He said to himself.
Kite smiled at Carol and replied to her, "Well thanks, you seem tired though. I also just want to ask, what's your name? I'm Kite here, and this is Mudkip. I might need to probably do research on this bird since not even this Pokédex can't get through."

The Pokémon had gotten out of the ball, as she went onto Kite's arms in a swift motion. Kite said to her, "Oh my... you were hurt from the fall it seems. Well don't worry, I could treat you here." Mudkip went on the ground, as he sat next to Kite's leg. The fin on his head wiggled, as he looked at Kite. He noticed that Kite was trying to get information on the Pokémon, as he scanned it.

The Pokédex said, "This Pokémon is unknown in this region, please insert the appropriate regional chip to get full information on this Pokémon. Its type appears to be Fire/Flying, it knows Tackle, a unknown move, and Ember. It's level appears to be around five to ten, while the name of this Pokémon appears to be unknown here."
"I'm Carol." Carol said, smiling. "We should probably hurry to the Pokemon Center. Also, what's your name?" She asked. Mack caught up to them and dropped Alex on the ground. "Vee…" she complained. Harper flopped uselessly.
Kite replied to Carol while he chuckled, "Oh I'm Kite, and this is Mudkip. I'm surprised that I'm the only one that's known about this Pokémon... even this Pokédex can't seem to scan it."

The Pokémon introduced herself as Pyravi, as she weakly said to Carol, "Pyravi ravi..." [Translation: Hello, I'm Pyravi, and well I'm kinda hurt, ow...] Kite looked at her with worried eyes, as he walked for the Pokémon Center. He said to himself, "Well, time to find this Pokémon Center, Pyravi needs to get healed up. I'll probably see if they can find out anything on her."
Mudkip- Level 6, Gender: Male, Moves: Water Gun, rest are unknown since he hasn't used them.
Pyravi- Level ???, Gender: Female, Moves: Tackle, ???, Ember
Shura looked around for the Pikachu to see if it was alright and saw it run into the bushes, Shura had a sigh of relief. "That's good that Pikachu is just fine, let's go Buizel" Shura and Buizel then continued their way through route 1. "We should make our way to the Pokemon centre after that battle, that was pretty intense, I'm just glad that my anxiety didn't get the best of me there," Shura said. They reached the end of route 1 and made their way to the Pokemon centre.
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"Well, nice to meet you Pyravi… right?" She said. Mack rolled his eyes, as always and shoved his snout in Carol's face. "Frou!" He barked. "Hey, hey, stop it!" Carol laughed. "Ok, return, the lot of you." All her Pokemon are sucked into their Pokeballs. "We should get going." She said, starting to get up.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
In the trees, a Chimchar was hanging around. He made strange noises towards James. James turned around and saw the creature. "Look, a Chimchar!" He said to his Platy. "After him! Use tackle, then water gun on it!" Platy jumped up towards the Chimchar and bashed into him but the Chimchar dodged the attack. Platy was wounded. It continued, firing a small cylinder of water towards the pokemon. This time, Chimchar tried avoiding it but got hit and fell to the ground. "Go poke ball!" James threw a poke ball towards the Chimchar. It caught the pokemon and James rejoiced, knowing he had caught a rare pokemon. "Now what to name this strong one..." He wondered.
Murkrow Lv8
Platy Lv7
Chimchar Lv5
Gavin sent out his pokemon, and they all followed them to Route 2. He'd seem a stronger trainer fro now on, looking to evolve his pokemon.
He was to go in the Gitatla League, and his first goal was to head to the next gym, in Flarebelle City. The gym was included with of course fire type pokemon, and a red hot Gym Leader.

Gavin still had his coat on, and he returned Fennekin to her pokeball, as he knew that she dearly hated the rain.

(OOC: I'll give the next gym's info in my next post. Gotta go to bed right now, see ya guys tomorrow!)
(Hey, I asked this in my post before but you never responded. Do the movesets have to be accurate to the games? I'm on a school device and websites like bulbapedia and pokemondb are blocked.)
(Sorry for late post, @Riely Brooks. Since mine are, yes it has to. However, since you are using a school device, you may have moves that would maybe fit into that pokemon.

Gym info will be posted later in the main post.)

Gavin kept strolling around, looking for maybe just one more pokemon before heading on. He searched and searched around, and basically not that much strong pokemon were in the area. However, there was a Larvatiar showing no harm in the rain, and the rain was almost gone.
Oh, this looks strong! Piplup, your up! (get it) Piplup went into battle, as Fennekin was in her pokeball and Axew watched.


Piplup used Bubble, and somehow Larvaitar dodged. The Larvaitar used Bite, and it hit Piplup harshly. "LUPP!!!" (HELPP!) Piplup cried.
"Use Bubble with all your power!" Gavin commanded. Piplup used Bubble, and it finally hit. Larviatar was put down, and catchable for Gavin.

Gavin threw a pokeball at the Larvitar, and it shaked 1...2...3... Larvitar was caught!

Fennekin- LVL 6
Flame had recieved a Froakie from the Professor. Flame was eager to go to the first gym but he know he had to have more than one pokemon to challenge it. Then a Fletchling flew by. "Froakie I choose you." Flame said. "Froakie use Pound." Fletchling was weakened. Then Fletchling used Tackle on Froakie and Froakie was weakened. "Froakie use Pound." Flame said and Fletchling was weakened. "Pokeball go." Flame said and threw a pokeball at Fletchling. Ball shook a few times then Fletchling was caught. "Awesome." Flame said. "Why not, Froakie wanna hang out on my shoulder?" Froakie responded by getting on Flames shoulder. Flame picked up the pokeball of Fletchling and put it on his belt. "My first catch, I wonder if we will met any other trainers." Flame said to Froakie. "I don't want to travel alone."
Froakie-level 5
Moves: Pound, Growl, Bubble
Fletchling- Level 6
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack
Seth ran into a poochyena and sent out Froakie. "Froakie use pound!" Seth said. "Froakie!" It was a direct hit. Seth threw a pokeball at it and he caught the poochyena. "Nice now I have 2 pokemon."
Poochyena level: 3 male
Carol got up and dusted her pants off. "We'd better get going." She said. "Wanna race?" Without waiting for an answer, Carol sprinted away, which was going to be her downfall later. She tripped over a very angry Pichu. If you have any experience with Electric types, you'll know what happened. Alex released herself from her Pokeball and struck the rampant Pichu, startling it and leaving Carol in a daze. The Eevee Bit the Pichu viciously, and the Pichu retaliated by shocking the living daylight out of Alex. Finally, Carol recovered enough to throw a Pokeball, and catch the enraged Pichu. Alex stood there, breathing heavily, before tackling Carol and licking her face. "Woah! Alex, it's ok! I'm ok!" Carol said, trying to avoid the Eevee's licking. She got up shakily, and tried to recall Alex, only to get the Pokeball refused. "No? Ok." Carol walked unsteadily towards the Pichu's Pokeball, half afraid it would pop out and bite her face off. She picked it up and stored it carefully away. "I can nickname you later, ok?" She told it.

Harper- Magikarp LVL 6
Alex- Eevee LVL 8
Mack- shiny Furfrou LVL 9
???-Pichu LVL 4
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"Go Gible!" Sasuke yelled. "Pidgey!" (Translation: Come at Me!) "Gible use Bite!" Gible bearded his fangs and ran towards the Pidgey. Despite its attempt to dodge, Pidgey was hit by the bite. The Pidgey charged at Gible and tackled it, doing some damage. "You alright Gible?" Sasuke asked. "Gible." (Translation: Just fine.) "Alright, go poke ball!" Sasuke threw his poke ball and hit Pidgey. The ball opened and captured Pidgey inside. After 3 wobbles, the Pidgey was caught. "Yes!" Sasuke cheered. "Gible Gible!" (Translation: We did it.) Sasuke returned Gible to his poke ball and continued on. Further up the route, Sasuke saw Flame. "Oh hey, are you a new trainer too?"

Gible: Level 5
Pidgey: Level 3