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Open Just my Version of a Romantic Superpower High School (Discussion)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Name(1st and last): Asta Akuma
Gender: Male
Species: Human/ Unknown hybrid
New Appearance: His short gray hair had become long and messy. He lost the jacket and white shirt to gain a blue and white hoodie. Still rocking some blue jeans and white Nikes to match his hoodie. His eye color went from a light gray to a storm gray. He barely grew from 5.5ft to 5.8.
Abilities and Powers: He didn't gain powers over his leave. Still has his anti-power book and his muscles. He also improved Specialist but nothing else.
Personality: He's back in action with a new edgy but shy personality. Now he really doesn't give a shit but he couldn't hurt a fly. It's like he cares but doesn't want to do anything about it... Unless it benefits him. This probably makes him a true neutral character now.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): He passed the test
Important Traits: Nothing I'm pretty much a side character.
Crush: None same answer
Other: Why do even have this?

Well I had to get an updated version of Asta out.
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Previously EeviumZ
@EmoKitty21 I made a mental point of addressing that in my posts but it slipped my mind. Sorry.

Also, quick notice to all of you.
I'm going to be away with relatives starting tomorrow until September 6th. I'm going to see if I can bring my laptop with me (i.e - a good amount of convincing directed at parents) - but if I can't, my posting ability will be extremely limited.
I'm really nervous that this will impact my ability to have my characters participate in the conflict. If I absolutely need to, I will ask someone to auto my characters. I don't like doing that but I don't want my characters to be useless. Plus, Allie being in the conflict sets up a story arc for her that I'm planning.


Previously EeviumZ
After this big conflict, I plan on dropping the resolution to Allie's major character arc.
@Cryronn the Mudkip, if you really want me to clear it with you first, then I'd prefer to PM it to you - it's a big spoiler that I've planned for a while. Otherwise, I'm keeping it to myself.
oh whoops ! sorry, my bad, definitely fixing that now. when i wrote that response, i was on my phone at 2% so i was really just trying to get something up. again, my bad, thanks for letting me know !


Previously SlicertheGallade890
I may introduce some character arcs for Marcel and Alexis finding out more about their importance to each of their respective powers.

Marcel would most likely have more lessons from both his Dad and Zarathos (The Vengeful One) to master being the next leader. At the grand finale battle he should be able to use all of his brimstone to the maximum potential and use the hidden power of the Brimstone Buster.

Alexis would go on a research and power exploration hunt thing to find her origins of the Curse of Babylon. (She may be a bit unstable at the battle of the winter dance) but when it comes for the rematches then she will slowly have control over her powers. Until the grand finale and she will have mastered control.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
*Double post*
I had a couple of Ideas after the Rouge Al fight. Sure Valentines day is fine with me. But I had an idea as like a contest-ish thing that involves the other schools. Like a giant Talent show basically. Also you aren't limited to just your school you could work with students from other schools. I.E. Marcel and his band "Blood of Brimstone" the other students are from other schools. Now since of how many people there are...limit yourself on how many performances you think you are going to do. I think this could be in like March or something.
You can always do something that helps your character gain more confidence in their actions. What I have read of your character he seems to be somewhat shy and unsure of who he is. It would help him to grow in the end. Also if this RP does get a sequel like we were talking about, it will give you a good foundation to do more complex writing.


Previously EeviumZ
OK, FINE. I'LL REVEAL BACKSTORY STUFF HERE becauseIcan'tstandkeepingsecrets.
Some time after the clash, news will likely get out about the teens who so valiantly fought. The news will reach Allie's old tormentor, Adelyn.
Adelyn is a Fire Luxien, and currently next in line to join the Imperium Council. She is the ringleader of the event that caused Allie's banishment (yeah, remember that? That was all leading into this.) She believed that Allie was dead. Until now.
Upon realizing that Allie is very much alive - and powerful - she will gather her friends/followers and appear in the school unannounced. She will demand to see Allie, and when she does, she will provoke her into a battle.
She will try to make Allie lose control, to make her classmates see the "real" Allie. Don't forget, these two are some of the highest caliber fighters of their race - and the fight will be a crazy one, to say the least. After an extremely vicious battle, Allie will just barely come out on top. This will cause Allie to accept that this is the way she is, and that's okay.
However, Adelyn doesn't take Allie's victory so well. Out of pure rage, she attacks Allie and all who dare defend her - resorting to incredibly cruel tactics that are outlawed by the Imperium Council. This severely weakens the Ice Luxien. Ideally, Allie's classmates stand up for her, showing Adelyn that Allie is not universally hated, and that she won't be able to turn Allie's friends against her. This causes Adelyn to leave in a huff.

Later in the RP, Allie finds out that Adelyn lost her position as next Council member due to the Council finding out about her use of illegal magic.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Name(1st and last): Scarlet Evergreen ( if you get it props to you)
Age: 18
Gender: female
Species: human
Appearance: she has jet black hair with is uncommon for people in her home town. scarlet has emerald green eyes that glow in the light a little. She wears a white crock top/ tank top with a red hoodie over it and a pair of white skinny jeans with red sneezers
Abilities and Powers: power the make crystals and control them
Personality: Scarlet is cold hearted and almost emotionless. She sometimes fakes some emotions and is mostly cold, but when she opens up to someone she breaks down and softens to her friends, she is very easily to scared in some ways
Way of Application(Completedtest/Recommendation/Etc.): Completed test
Important Traits: 100 % tysunderay 50% Yandery
Crush: none yet

Thunder Quack
Hey @Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX I found your character sheet. I found it on page 36 of the discussion.
After reading some of the RP with her in it, I saw that I might have unintentionally made someone who is very similar to her. They would be very good friends at least.


Previously EeviumZ
Thanks! I just wanted to clear it with you to make sure that it won't be too over-the-top. I've wanted to do this since I joined this RP so I'm really excited.


Previously Lily May
Name(1st and last): Celia Sharp
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: Celia has neck-length dark blue hair and her bangs are parted into three strands. Her dress is cream in color with short sleeves, with an orange ribbon hanging in the middle of the collar, a grey skirt, dark blue socks and dark purple shoes. Her skin is fair and her eyes are greenish-gray. She wears red-framed eyeglasses, usually left on top of her head.
Abilities and Powers: Can control the wind and can read the minds of those whom she touches.
Personality: She is caring, loud, energetic, understanding, gets scared easily, and stubborn.
Way of Application(Completed test/Recommendation/Etc.): Passed the exam with no question.
Important Traits: She has random memories that go through her head of her brother who disappeared, and then she starts crying. So if she starts crying randomly, thats why…
Crush: No one yet… and btw she is straight...
Other: She’s not crazy comfortable about making friends, because she thinks she might loose them like her brother.

btw……..Thunder Quack

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