Previously SamCats
Now with a discussion thread: Boop
Welcome to the Kalos region, a land full of people and Pokémon of all shapes and sizes. Some people in this land capture Pokémon, some for companionship, some for work, and some... well, some people, called trainers, capture Pokémon for battles. At first this sounds cruel, but every battle brings trainer and Pokémon closer as friends and builds a strong bond between them.
You are a trainer, about to start your Pokémon journey. You leave your home and race to Professor Sycamore's Pokémon Lab, where you'll be given your starter Pokémon: Chespin, Fennekin or Froakie. Tell me, who will you choose?
1. No swearing
2. No inappropriate stuff (kissing is allowed, but no making out)
3. No godmodding or autohitting
4. You can have as many OCs as you want, as long as you can manage all of them; you can RP your own Pokémon
5. This is first come first serve, unless I disapprove your character
6. No starting off with legendaries
7. This is Kalos, so Gen 1 to 6 Pokémon only; no Z-moves, but Mega Evolution is allowed
8. I will play most NPCs, such as Prof. Sycamore, but if you go to a Pokémon Center or shop you can RP the person behind the counter.
9. Put your character's opinion of peppermints somewhere in your form. I'll tell you why later
Pokémon Team: (if you're a new trainer, just put your starter here; I'll update this post whenever you catch a new Pokémon. For experienced trainers, you can keep your team a secret, providing none of them are mythical or legendary)
New Trainers
Kai - Chespin
Jake - Fennekin, Litwick
Mikaela - Shiny Froakie
Experienced Trainers
Sam - Team: Secret
Welcome to the Kalos region, a land full of people and Pokémon of all shapes and sizes. Some people in this land capture Pokémon, some for companionship, some for work, and some... well, some people, called trainers, capture Pokémon for battles. At first this sounds cruel, but every battle brings trainer and Pokémon closer as friends and builds a strong bond between them.
You are a trainer, about to start your Pokémon journey. You leave your home and race to Professor Sycamore's Pokémon Lab, where you'll be given your starter Pokémon: Chespin, Fennekin or Froakie. Tell me, who will you choose?
1. No swearing
2. No inappropriate stuff (kissing is allowed, but no making out)
3. No godmodding or autohitting
4. You can have as many OCs as you want, as long as you can manage all of them; you can RP your own Pokémon
5. This is first come first serve, unless I disapprove your character
6. No starting off with legendaries
7. This is Kalos, so Gen 1 to 6 Pokémon only; no Z-moves, but Mega Evolution is allowed
8. I will play most NPCs, such as Prof. Sycamore, but if you go to a Pokémon Center or shop you can RP the person behind the counter.
9. Put your character's opinion of peppermints somewhere in your form. I'll tell you why later

Pokémon Team: (if you're a new trainer, just put your starter here; I'll update this post whenever you catch a new Pokémon. For experienced trainers, you can keep your team a secret, providing none of them are mythical or legendary)
New Trainers
Kai - Chespin
Jake - Fennekin, Litwick
Mikaela - Shiny Froakie
Experienced Trainers
Sam - Team: Secret
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