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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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The Eartquake shook the ground doing some serous damage to Voltage. "Now Wild Charge!" Ry shouted. Voltage raced out of the crater and charged at Kingsly at full power, with his power boosted by the Electric Terrain.
Levi walked around staring at the pokeball for awhile before a smile crept across his face. "This is gonna be fun!" he said before running back to the location Darrius and Ry were battling. "WOOOOO!" he screamed, heart pounding as he heated himself up for battle. "C'mon boys we've gotta tournament to go to soon!" he yelled as the powerful attacks clashed.
"Voltage use Wild Charge!" Ry shouted, as Voltage stood up. "Let's end it right now!" The Luxray, was hurt, but had a look of fury in his eyes. He wanted to win. The rushed forward and surged with power.
The stones hit Voltage, only slowing down his oncoming approach. Then he charged the Tyranitar, he got caught in Kingsly's teeth and let loose his barrage of electricity.
The resutling explosion knocks both Pokemon out.
"Kingsly Return!" Darrius shouts, recalling Kingsly to his Pokeball. "Alright Storm, let's finish things off!"
"Rairai!" Storm cries as he comes out of his Pokeball.
"Let's go Baxter!" Ry yelled. Baxter hit the field ready to go. "Storm is damaged, but's it's not over yet," Ry thought to himself. "Go use Mach Punch!" Ry shouted. Baxter rushed forward with incredible speed ready to strike.
"Good fight..." Levi thought as he watched the fight go on. He was more calm now than before. This tournament is gonna be great he thought to himself while the match raged on.
The Thunderbolt hit Baxter knocking it back. Baxter fell on his knee. "Baxter!" Ry shouted. Baxter struggled to his feet. Then he started to glow. He grew in size until he was standing tall. In his new form he was a Hitmochan. "Sweet, you evolved!" Ry shouted. "Now use Ice Punch! Baxter rushed forward with his first glowing with a pale white color.
Levi jerked forward where he was standing. "Already!?!" he yelled. "I mean...goob job Ry!" he said shaking away the confusion. Guess that means Knox could evolve at any moment now then huh....
"Focus Blast! Then follow up with Hidden Power!" Storm fires another blast into the barrage of punches, creating a cloud of smoke, then fires another mystical pulse of energy straight into the cloud.
The blast connected with Baxter knocking him back. "Baxter, all we got. Ice Punch!" Ry shouted. Baxter and Ry moved in sync, and Baxter's fist began to glow, and together, they swung at Storm. "Go!" Ry shouted.
Robby and all of his Pokemon had been training for a few hours. "Alright guys! I think we are ready!" Robby yelled to his pokemon, out of breath. "Let's head back to the Center to get you all back in tip top shape." Robby saided as he and his Pokemon started walking toward the Pokemon Center. "Nurse Joy, will you take care of these?" Robby asked as he handed her all his pokeballs. "Sure thing! They be good as new!" Joy said with a smile. Robby then walked over to the Pc and made a call to the Professor.
"Oh hello Robby, did you need something?" Professor Sycamore asked. "Oh nothing much, I justed wanted to tell you that I'm doing fine in Kanto, and I'm entered a tournament with my friends on the SS Anne." Robby said. "That's Marvelous! I'll make sure to tell your mother." Sycamore said with a smile. "Uh, thanks.. Also, any any update on him?" Robby asked. "No, nothing. We just can't seem to find him." Sycamore said with a solemn face. The Pokemon healing noise played.
"Okay, Professor I gotta go, bye." Robby said as he hung up. Robby then grabbed his pokeballs and ran outside to see Ry and Darrius battling. "Well, I might as well watch this to kill the time." Robby said as he walked over to where Levi was standing.
"Hey Moar, of course I'm ready for the tournament, are you?" Robby said as he looked at Moar. "It got all my Pokemon trained up and we are ready to win." Robby said with a confident expression.
There was a large explosion that rocked the field. "Are you okay?" Ry asked Baxter. he got no response. When the smoke cleared he saw Baxter struggling to stand. Then he fainted. "Baxter return." Ry said. He didn't look at Darrius' Raichu, but he ran instide the Pokemon Center to heal his injured team.
'' That Gym was a training for my Alakazam, I trust him. '' Moar told Robby, determined. '' Well, I think I saw Blue when I went on the ship. '' Moo looks serious at Robby. I think I have nothing to worry about. '' Moar tells Robby
"Oh I see, I also saw Blue, but it was early in the morning when I was having a pep talk with Elekid." Robby says as he watches Ry and Darrius go into the Pokemon Center. Robby then thinks to himself, Was Ry upset that he lost?
"Anyway, I have a feeling that something surprising is going to happen on the SS Anne.." Robby says with a smile. "I can't wait to find out who my teammate is." Robby says quietly.
"I did." Darrius replies. "Though not by much. As I already knew, Ry is a fierce battler, and his Pokemon are strong. Certainly did a number on Storm, Reaper, and Kingsly." he says, setting his Pokeballs on the counter for the nurse.
"Man, I can't wait for this tournament." Robby says as he stretches, "Oh, I've been meaning to ask you, where are we heading after we are done in Vermilion?" Robby asks as he sits down in a chair while eating a protein pokepuff.
Ry stretched his arms and legs. His team was healed, and Baxter had evolved. He had heard Robby's question. "Well we should head north to Saffron, and then west to Celadon. Maybe stop at the Saffron City dojo. I heard that the Saffron Gym Leader is apparently off in Unova finishing a movie. She should be back soon, but not for a while." Ry said.
'' I do not know. I'll challenge all the gyms, and when I'm done, I'll go back to Johto and defeat the last two gyms that are missing. '' Moar looks at Robby '' I'll defeat the elite four after the Champion.And capture All the pokemons. '' Moar said determined
Levi turned to Ry. "Well I if im not mistaken Diglett Cave should be interesting to explore." he while fumbling with the pokeballs on his belt, thinking about the tournament.
"Alright, sounds like a plan." Robby said as he looked at Ry. "When should be go to the SS Anne to sign up?" Robby asked as he sat back in the chair.
Landon was woken up by his Pokegear's alarm and noticed what time it was, "I slept in!" he called out. Landon grabbed his Pokemon, bag, and got changed then ran downstairs in a hurry, however Landon didn't realize the extra step and fell face first and went skidding into the lobby, "Hey guys," he said in pain.
"Once the Indigo League is done, i'll go back to Orre, and see where Professor Krane is going to send me next. I know not which professor he'll be collaborating with next." Darrius says.
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