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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Knox jumped on Levi's shoulder's he went to his seat. "You did very well" he said to Knox, petting him as he looked down at the badge. "Looks like ill have to train all my new pokemon like that, the progression you made in such a short time was amazing!" he said giving a grin. Levi wanted to believe that his intense training was why Knox got so strong, but he knew in the back of his mind that Knox's hidden strength was the reason for there easy win.
"Go! Jolteon!" Surge called as he threw a Pokeball, Jolteon burst out onto the field, "Now use Thunder!" Jolteon shot a Thunder attack at Setchi.
Robby and Moar barged through the doors out of breathe. "Yeah guys, I'm back!" Robby exclaimed as he sat down. "Just had to meet someone." Robby said.
"Hey guys, your just in time, Aaron's battle just began." Levi said as he kicked his feet up watching the battle. Lets see if this Z-Move is as powerful as Aaron says it is. He thought as a serious look flashed across his face.
Smack Down hit Jolteon sending Jolteon flying back into the wall, "Jolteon!" Surge called, Jolteon laid on the floor unable to battle, he re-called Jolteon, then threw another Pokeball, "Go Pikachu!" A Pikachu burst out of the Pokeball and onto the field, "Use Iron Tail!" Pikachu sprinted towards Setchi with Iron Tail and incredible speed.
"Okay Star, you good?" Ry asked. The Staraptor nodded. "Okay now use Brave Bird!" Star hit the sky and swung back down charging while covered in energy.
(OOC sorry for the delay. Life sorta happened and i got distracted BIC)
"Wow, Surge really switched up his team." Robby said as he watched the battle. "I also wonder when we will see the Z-Move." Robby said as he rubbed his cheek. Man that really hurt, and I wasn't even that late! Robby thought to himself.
"So where did you run off to?" Levi asked turning to Robby. "You seemed to leave in a hurry, just making sure everything is okay" he added with a smile.
"Oh, I just meet up with a childhood friend. She gave me some items from the Professor." Robby said as his face turned slightly red. "Thanks for worrying about me though." Robby said with a laugh.
Pikachu's and Setchi went head to head with Iron Tail and Thunder Punch, "That's it Pikachu just keep on going!" Surge cheered on, but he could tell Pikachu's endurance was weakening.
Levi looked over to Moar raising an eyebrow. "Oh...you must be the guy who pretended to be the Johto Champion, yeah hey" he said slowly shaking the strangers hand. "Could I ask what she brought you?" Levi asked changing his focus back to Robby.
"Okay, this is what she brought me." Robby said as he pulled the two items out of his bag. "A new pokedex because I broke my old one during trainer and this yellow cube that is said to be used on Electabuzz to evolve it. Oh and new pokepuff recipes." Robby told Levi while showing him all the items.
'' I've heard that you're strong Levi.It's better to be careful.Many people will try to defeat you. '' Moar speaks looking at Levi''first, I hope we can battle one day. '' Moar talks and heads for the pokemon center .
"Reaper, bounce off of the Brave Bird with U-Turn!"
"Scizor!" Reaper charges forward, and makes contact with Star, immediately bouncing away from the resulting explosion, and back into her Pokeball.
"C'mon out Storm!" Darrius calls, as the little Raichu comes bursting from it's Pokeball.
"An Electrizer huh? Thats a really rare item." Levi said looking at the new gear, a slight gleam in his eyes. "Ive seen one before but never this up close. Aaron plan on using a Z-Move in this fight?"
"Setchi quick grab Pikachu, hug him close, and use explosion, galvanize should give it just the boost you need!" Aaron yelled to his Pokemon, Geodude proceeded to catch Pikachu's tail pulling him close and gripping as hard as possible, the ore scattered throughout his body started to glow yellow as Geodude began to shoot a bright white light out of his body, moments later there was a giant explosion scattered with electric tendrils. Once the explosion was finished all you could see was smoke, but with the power that spread through the arena, there's no way either Pokemon were left standing.
Ry smiled. "Types don't matter, go use Aerial Ace!" RY shouted. Star shrugged off the recoil from the Brave Bird attack and then charged at Storm with his body surrounded in white energy.
"It is? I had no idea it was so rare." Robby said as he put the items back in his bag. "Yeah, I think Aaron is going to use a Z-Move." Robby says as he watches with an excited look on his face.
"Well, once the battle's over ill have to head to the pokemon center and pick up my team." Levi said sitting back again payng close attention to the battle at hand.
"Pikachu, Return," Surge said calmly as he re-called Pikachu, "Now, go," Surge said as he threw a Pokeball, "ELECTIVIRE!" The Pokeball flashed open and Electivire started by kneeling then got up ready to battle.
"Setchi come on back, you did well, Yajirushi, it's your time to shine buddy" Aaron said calmly as he returned his Geodude and sent out the Dicidueye
"WOAH AN ELECTIVIRE!" Robby yells as he stands up "I've always wanted one! Elekid come out and watch this guy fight!" Robby exclaims, sending out Elekid "Elekid!" Elekid responds as he watches the battle closely.
"Wait Levi?! What team?!" Robby yells, "don't you already have a team?!"
"You see my Electabuzz evolved into Electivire, I needed to make sure we were at our fullest potential," Surge said with confidence, "Now use Fire Punch!" Electivire's fist lit on fire and began charging at Yajirushi.
Levi raised his eyebrows and shot up. "AW C'MON! I WANNA FIGHT ELECTIVIRE!!!!" Levi yelled with a almost comical sad face while jumping up and down.
"Woah, what's a Spirit Shackle?" Robby asked as he show the arrow shoot out from Yaji's wing. "Man, I need to get to Alola!" Robby exclaimed.
Levi turned and grabbed Robby's shoulders. "Do you see that!?!?! I coulve fought an Electivire!!!!" he said shaking Robby, so close that there noses were almost touching, his eyes burned like fire.
"Thunderbolt!" Surge called, Electivire shot a Thunderbolt and destroyed the Spirit Shackle, "Now use Thunderbolt again," Electivire shot another Thunderbolt at the flyind Yaji.
"I SEE THE ELECTIVIRE!" Robby yells as Levi with excitement! "That's what Elekid will evolve into eventually!!!" Robby exclaimed as he shook Levi's shoulder as well.
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