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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Knox tumbled back from the Earthquake. "nice..." Levi said quietly Knox stood up, hurt by the attack but not seriously damaged. "Alright Knox, lets try again, Crunch!" Gotta play it safe for this fight, Eon is clearly stronger than Knox, doesnt mean the result is set in stone... he thought to himself as Eon was charge by the attack.
"Alright guys let's do some training before the tournament!" Robby said to all of his Pokemon as they finished eating.
They all responded, agreeing. Robby and all his Pokemon went outside and began to train. Charizard, Aegislash, Greninja, and Gallade spared with each other to hone their skills. Elekid and Phanpy trained with Robby, doing some drills to raise their level and strength.
"Oh yeah! We need to buff everyone up for it!" Robby exclaimed as he and his pokemon trained. "Who do you want to be on your team?" Robby asked as he looked at Landon.
Levi flinched as the morning sun hit his eyes. "Oh man, its tomorrow already!?!?!" he yelled in a panic. "Uh Casys I gotta go, thanks for the warm up, Knox return!" Levi yelled putting his pokemon away before heading to the pokemon center. He made his way to the pokemon center only to see Robby and Landon outisde. "Hey guys, what I miss?" he said slightly out of breath.
"Oh well, to put it lightly, everything. My egg hatched, me, Ry, Darrius, Brief, Landon, and I think Aaron has defeated Surge. And we are going to participate in a tournament on the SS Anne." Robby explained to Levi. "Man, you really have some catching up to do." Robby said with a laugh.
"Probably same old, same old," Landon said, "Good luck in the tournament, I hope I'll get to battle you."

"Welcome challenger to the Vermilion Gym!" Surge called out to Moar as he got to the field and tossed a Pokeball, "Go! Electrode!"
Levi sat down against a tree catching his breath. His clothes were covered in rips and dirt and he had several scratches along his arms. "So, looks like ive gotta badge to earn huh? But what about the tournament, when does it start? I dont wanna challenge the gym if it means I miss out" he said with a goofy grin thinking about the battles ahead.
"I'm not to sure, Ry knows more than I do. Also, what happened to you? You looked like you've been mauled by an Ursaring or something." Robby asked, looking at Levi.
Levi smiled standing up, brushing the dirt off him. "Been doing some special training with Knox hehe, I think he's ready to fight the gym leader." he took out Knox's pokeball. Lets just hope his rage doesnt cost us a badge.... Levi thought before looking up and Robby. "I think we sync well together." He began to walk towards the center. "Good luck in the tournament, you'll need it" Levi said with a sly grin.
"Yeah, good luck to you too, Levi!" Robby said as he watched him walk away. "Alright guys! We can't fall behind let's continue training!" Robby yelled as him and all his pokemon continued to train together.
I can't wait to battle with Levi. Robby thought to himself as he smiled.
"Oh, okay-," Casys replied to Levi as he ran off. Casys looked up toward the faint sunlight of morning, cringing as he realized that he had been so wrapped up in the battle that he had forgotten to sleep. Casys returned Eon to his Ball, then walked back to Vermillion. He grabbed a room at one of the hotels, seeing as he may be staying there for another day or two, and tumbled onto the bed. Casys' eyes slowly closed, his subconscious mind taking over as he slipped into the world of dreams...

Casys was running, but to or from what he couldn't figure out. A fearsome roar sounded from ahead, and the boy stopped in his tracks. A Heracross stood in the center of the path, eyes glowing purple. "Apollo," Casys breathed before the Heracross leaped at his former trainer, a vicious gleam in it's eyes and a powerful attack in one hand...

Casys woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of his phone buzzing. "Hello?" He croaked as he answered the call. It was Misty. "Have you challenged Lt. Surge, yet?" Casys mentally groaned.
"No, not yet."
"Well, are you going to today?"
Cassy thought for a moment. He remembered seeing a poster for some kind of tournament aboard the S.S. Anne. "I think I'm gonna try the S.S. Anne tournament first, then the Gym battle unless I can get a chance before the tournament starts."
'' Alakazam, Go! '' Moar throws the pokeball and Alakazam comes out of it. '' Use Alakazam Confusion! '' Moar yells at the pokemon. Alakazam uses Confusion''Good, I'm just going to leave with the badge! '' Moar speaks to Scorge
Levi slowly entered the pokemon center. He healed his pokemon before taking a seat. "Now...who do I use in the tournement" he said to himself as he thought about his team. He seemed calm on the outside but he was really jumping for joy on the inside, this would be the first time since he returned to Kanto that he would be able to go all out in battle. Maybe I should use Knox, it'll probably crush my chances of winning but the experience would be great...
The Confusion hit Electrode sending it flying back, "Gah, Electrode Thuder!" Surge called, Electrode shock a Thunder attack straight towards Alakazam.
The attack hits Alakazam, who goes back! '' Alakazam, is everything okay? '' Moar asks. Alakazam roars in affirmation. '' Ok Alakazam,Phychic! '' At the time, Alakazam uses the hit to strike electrode
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(OOC sorry, i got caught up in some stuff lol BIC) Reaper and Star collide yet again, causing another explosion. Reaper shoots down towards the ground, stabilizes herself, then lands on her feet.
"You okay Reaper?" Darrius asks.
"Zor!" she replies.
"Alright guys! I think we are ready for the tournament!" Robby says as he feeds all of his pokemon.
"Okay, let's get going guys." Robby said as he recalled all his pokemon except Phanpy. Robby walked over and picked him up. "Phanpy, I would like you to root for us during the tournament." Robby said as he smiled at it. "Phan!" Phanpy said as it shook its head yes. "Thanks buddy!" Robby said as he and Phanpy walked back to the Pokemon Center.
Alakazam picked up Electrode with Psychic and slammed it into the ground, "Electrode!" Surge yelled as Electrode was slammed into the ground, Electrode laid there unable to continue. Surge immediately re-called Electrode and threw his second Pokemon, "Go Magneton!" Magneton burst out, "Use Thunderbolt!" Magneton shot a Thunderboth towards Alakazam.
'' Alakazam, cancel the blow with Shadow Ball! '' Alakazam immediately creates a black ball in the palm of the hand and throws it at the blow. The collision makes an explosion and Alakazam goes back!
'' Alakazam, use confusion to make him crash! '' Moar Speaks. Alakazam obey and Use confusion''Let's see who is stronger! '' Moar yells at Scourge. The attack hits Alakazam, who goes back!
Levi took a shower and put on a fresh set of clothes. "Man......my jacket...." he said loudly as he went to the video phone and asked his mom to send his other one. "Of course sweetie, it'll be there soon!" Levi thanked his mom and got off the phone before walking over to Robby. "Im gonna go check out the gym, wanna come with?"
"MAGNETON!" Surge yells as Magneton was slammed into the ground, Magneton struggled to get up but ended up falling and unable to battle, Surge re-called Magneton, "You kids sure know how to battle, but this time there's no holding back, Go Electabuzz!" Electabuzz burst out of it's Pokeball with fierce determination to win, "Thunder Punch!" Electabuzz began charging at Alakazam using Thunder Punch.
Robby arrives at the pokemon center. "Hey Nurse Joy, will you take care of these for me?" Robby asks as he hands her his pokeballs. "Sure, they'll be as good as new." Nurse Joy said as she took Robby's pokeballs. "Thank you." Robby said as he walked toward the Pc to call someone. Robby talked to this person for a while then said. "Alright, thanks, I'll see you soon at the Performance hall." Robby then hung up to see his pokemon done. "Thanks Nurse Joy." Robby said as he retrieved his pokeballs and walked out the door.
Man, I have sometime to kill, might as well just walk around town. Robby said as he walked, sightseeing.
''Alakazam, I count on you!''Moar speaks determinedly''Use Shadow ball to defend yourself!''Moar shouts at Alakazam' 'You can, my friend!' 'Alakazam roars and makes a black ball, then throws it at the blow.An explosion is made, and reaches Alakazam, That goes back, hurt!
The warm water cascading out of the shower soothed Casys' mind and cleared it from the thoughts of his dream earlier. The shower soothed his aching muscles and it felt good to clean the dirt from his body after the battles yesterday. The feeling of the water brought back thoughts of his time training at the Cerulean Gym, swimming in the crystalline pool with Eon. Those thoughts led to others, and Casys found himself standing in the water thinking of Misty. He snapped out of it and shut off the flow of water, got dressed in black jeans and a t-shirt with the Toxic Badge design on the back, and left the hotel room. Maybe I'll head down to the S.S. Anne to get a good spot in the tournament.
Hearing Levi's question. "Oh yeah, sure I'll go to the gym with you, seeing as I have nothing else to do." Robby said with a laugh. "I wonder if anyone is battling right now." Robby said as they walked toward the gym.
Electabuzz was sent back by the blast but continued to hang on, "NOW ELECTABUZZ, GIGA IMPACT!" Electabuzz began charging towards Alakazam using a full force Giga Impact.
Levi walked with Robby to gym. Upon opening the doors Levi could see a battle was underway. "So this guy Surge just hasnt had a break from battles huh? Levi asked with an eyebrow raised as he walked to a seat, calling out Knox as he did so. "Okay buddy, watch how he fights..." Levi said staring intensely at the battle.
"I don't think so, maybe just a few hour break." Robby said as he sat down. "Oh yeah, Phanpy, you come out too." Robby said as he called out Phanpy. "Phan!" Phanpy cried as it rubbed up against Robby. "Watch the battle to see if you can pick up on anything." Robby says as he looks down at Phanpy. "Phanpy!" Phanpy says as he turns to carefully watch the battle.
Aaron yawns as he climbs out of bed "Damnit, Slept in again" He said as he looked at the clock "Better get moving, I still need to get that badge before the S.S Anne tourney!" He talked to himself while getting dressed
'' Alakazam, Focus Blast! '' Alakazam creates a ball, which flies to Electabuzz! Both blows collide, creating a big, big explosion! Alakazam falls! '' Alakazam, is everything okay? '' Alakazam stands still, but with much effort gets up!
"Electabuzz don't back down!" Surge called out to Electabuzz who roared in response, 'We'll just have to hope this kid doesn't use a super powerful attack because Electabuzz needs to recharge it's strength' Surge thought to himself.
'' Hunf ... Let's put an end to that. Alakazam, use Focus Blast again! '' Moar speaks as he smiles at alakazam. '' You can! '' Alakazam is determined and focuses his energy on the blow! Created, and thrown in the direction of Electabuzz
After having woken up Brief was having Nurse Joy heal his pokemon. "I hope this tournament on the S.S. Anne is going to be worth it" Brief throught to himself after getting back his pokemon he heads off to the S.S. "I wonder what the teams going to be in the tournament?"
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"Woah, that's a strong Focus Blast." Robby said aloud. "Maybe this kid isn't that bad." Robby said as he watched the battle. Robby then turned to Levi, "Who will you use in your gym match?" Robby asked Levi.
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