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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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The Rollout connects with Heavy doing some damage too him. "Heavy sent Electrode flying back down to the ground Iron Head" Heavy covers his head in steel energy as he charges toward the airborne pokemon.
"Alright it's settled we will compete in this tournament." Robby said with a determined fist. The egg glowed five times then, it cracked. "Woah, is it hatching?" Robby asked in awe as the egg hatched in his hands. They shell had fully cracked open, and disappeared.
"Phan?" The little Phanpy asked as it opened its eyes. "Wow a Phanpy. Hey little buddy, I'm Robby, your trainer." Robby said to the newborn.
Electrode fell to the ground, unable to battle. "Er um.. Return Electrode. Man I hate Ground types." Surge grumbled. "Go Magneton! use Tri Attack!" Surge yelled.
Three beams appeared, fire, ice, and electric and speed straight for Heavy.

Robby: "Alright little guy, do you want to come with me on my journey?" Robby asked.
The little Phanpy said "Phan!" as it shook its head yes. "Alright hear goes." Robby said as he gently tapped a pokeball to it's head.

"Yeah! I caught Phanpy!" Robby exclaimed.
Eon was hit back a few feet by the Crunch, though he didn't take any serious damage. "Are you okay, Eon?" Casys asked the Dragonair. Eon nodded back toward him. "Okay, then-," Casys said, "-Use Dragon Rage!" A sphere of bright blue energy materialized in Eon's mouth, and he sent it rushing toward Knox.
"Phanpy come on out!" Robby exclaimed as he called out Phanpy.
"Phan!" Phanpy said as Robby held it. "All right little guy, let's go stronger together." Robby said to Phanpy.
"Phanpy Phan!" Phanpy said as it smiled determinedly and shook Robby's hand with its trunk.
Cant stay underground for long....better get this right... he thought to himself. "Use Dig!" Knox burrowed underground avoiding the attack. "Use Earth Power and Crunch!" While Knox was hidden a faint glow came from under Eon and a rumble as the attack was about to launch. "Now!" as Levi yelled this Knox shot out of the ground behind Eon. Earth Power below, Crunch behind... Levi though confidently while focusing on the battle at hand.
The Tri Attack speeds towards Heavy hitting him hard Steelix cries in pain. "Hang in there big guy Double Edge" Heavy charges with great force rocketing toward his opponent like a speeding locomotive.
"Twirl to avoid the Earth Power," Casys called to Eon. Eon spun around gracefully, avoiding the stones and chunks of earth that were hurled his way from underground. Casys was confident until he saw Knox appear behind Eon, a Crunch primed between his jaws. "Eon, look out!" Casys yelled, but to no avail. The attack landed, bringing both Pokemon down to the ground. A quick idea popped into Casys' head. "Eon-," he shouted, "-wrap yourself around Knox then use Dragon Rage!" Hopefully this works.
Levi went wide eyed. Looks like im gonna have to take a risk... "Knox! Bite down on his tail and use Earth Power!" Knox clamped his extremely powerful jaws down on Eons tail holding on as tight as he can. Then the ground began to rumble as another Earth Power was prepped and about to fire. Levi closed his eyes. C'mon.....
Landon noticed it was starting to get late, "Hey guys I'll be right back," he said before dashing off towards the port. When Landon got to the port the sun had begun to set, "I hope you can see this," he mumbled to himself while twiddling his Pokegear in his hand.
The Double edge hits Magneton doing some damage. "Use Gyro Ball!" Surge called out as he made a fist
Magneton speed toward Heavy while spinning.

Robby: "I wonder where he went?" Robby asked as Landon ran off. "Phanpy." Phanpy said as its stomach growled. "Oh, are you hungry little guy?" Robby asked as he pulled out a chocolate pokepuff "Here try this." Robby said as he gave Phanpy the pokepuff.
"Phan!" Said with a smile as it gobbled down the pokepuff.
"Uuugh" Aaron said as he woke up "Holy crap, the battlefields destroyed and there's another battle going on, how did I stay asleep..." Aaron wondered aloud
"Met the attack Heavy use Iron Tail" said Brief the two attacks collide sending sparks flying as the attacks cancel each other out. "This is great steel against steel don't this bring back memorys" Brief said to his Steelix. "Steel Steelix" Heavy agreeing with his master.
"Use Tri-Attack again!" Surge yelled yelled as Magneton shot the beams straight at Heavy.

Robby: "Yeah! Also, where were you this whole?" Robby asked as he talked to Aaron.
"Ummm... I was kinda sleeping... no clue how I was able to fall asleep or how I stayed asleep but... I was sleeping" Aaron slowly explained
"You're just as weird as that Johto boy." Robby said with a laugh. "What's going on in there now?" Robby asked as he tried to look through the gym doors.
"Hey Landon! Aaron was just asleep in the gym as a battle was going on. Where did you go?" Robby asked as he cradled Phanpy to sleep.
"Not this time Heavy Dragon Breath!" commanded Brief Heavy fires a greenish mist flame toward the Tri-Attack creating an explosion.
"Now, while they can't see us use Gyro Ball full power!" Surge yelled as Magneton rushed quickly at Heavy, spinning at a very fast speed.
"Oh okay. Hey you guys wanna go get dinner somewhere? I'm really hungry." Robby said as he recalled Phanpy to its pokeball. "I haven't eaten all day." Robby said as his stomach growled, "Also, I'm on a record, two days without sleep." Robby said with a smile as they walked down town.
"Alright where should we go? I heard there was a Pangoro Express around the corner." Robby said as they continued to walk around the city.
With Heavy unabled to see throught the smoke he is suddenly hit hard from the side with a full powered Gyro Ball. Senting him to the ground unabled to battle. "You did well big guy, Ok your turn Beat em down Bang!" said Brief unleaseing his Magmar. "Bang use Flamethrower" Bang fires a powerful jet of flames toward Magneton.
The Flamethrower hits Magneton directly, knocking it out. "Shoot, Magneton return." Surge grumbled "Go Raichu, lets win!" Surge yelled as he sent out Raichu. "Raichu! Use Thunder Punch!" Surge yelled
"Raichu!" Raichu yelled as he speed toward Bang with Thunder Punch.
Brief and Bang smirks. "Bang use your left arm to guard the Thunder Punch strike back Fire Punch" spoke Brief. "Mar" said Bang as he brace him to take the attack. Raichu speeds toward Bang with its fist being covered in electricity the attack connects with Bang's left arm Bang endures the pain as he engulfs his fist in flames as he strikes back at Raichu.
Raichu gets hit directly, only hanging on by a thread. "Raichu hang on, use Thunder!" Surge yelled while clenching his teeth.
"RAICHU!!" Raichu yelled as he shot a Thunder right at Bang.

Robby: "Alright, here is the Pangoro Expresse." Robby says as he runs up to it. "Come on guys hurry up!" Robby yells back to his friends who are a little ways behind.
By the time Landon and Aaron got to the restaurant Robby was already done eating. "Wow, that was good." Robby said as he stretched. "Oh hey guys, I told you were slow." Robby said as he laughed.
"I'll just cook something at the Pokemon Centre and then hit the hay"' Landon said as he left the restaurant.

(OOC I've gott go for the night BIC)
"I need to sleep too. I'm really tired." said Robby as they walked toward the pokemon center. "Good night guys." Robby said as he fell asleep in a chair by the pc.

(OOC gotta go too, I'll be on tomorrow around 3:00 EST)
"Bang use Smokescreen quickly" commented Brief Bang quickly fires out a large cloud of black smoke covering the whole battlefield the Thunder strikes where Bang was at the attack blown some of the smoke away revealing Bang was gone. "Bang lets end this with our combo attack Burning Brick Break!" inside the thick smoke Bang's right arm begins to glow white all of a sudden it bursts into flames he rushes Raichu from his hiding place in the smoke. Surge notices Bang in the smoke. "Raichu behind you" yelled Surge to his pokemon Raichu turns around but it was to late the attack connects senting Raichu flying to the other side of the battlefield with Raichu no longer abled to battle.

"Raichu returrn, man today isnt my day well congrats on winning the Thunder Badge" said Surge as he hands Brief the badge. "Thanks for the fun battle Surge come on Bang with need to go hit the hay at Pokemon Center" yawned Brief as he make his way to the Pokemon Center for a good nights rest.

(OOC Rhabby told me it was cool for me to take control of Surge just incase anyone was wondering)
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"Well, since I'm here, I'm going to get my pokemons back." "He thought Moar. Moar goes to the nearest pokemon center and heals his pokemons.
The Women standing At the counter says to always come back
'' Okay, probably after my fight with the gym, I'm going back here! '' Moar says to the woman. '' Well, now I'm going back to the Gym and I'm going to win! '' Moar speaks, determined to win.
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Ry stifled a yawn. "I'm gonna get some shot eye," he mumbled. He walked towards the pokemon center and went into his room. He wasn't hungry, but just fell asleep on his bed.

June meanwhile sat down at a table and sipped some tea.
Darrius strolls into the Pokemon Center, after having gone sight seeing in Vermillion City following all the Gym Battles.
"I guess everyone went to bed." he says with a shrug, then sees June sitting at one of the tables.
"Well, at least someone's awake. June, right? Ry's friend. Do you mind if i sit with you?"
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