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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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(OOC Moar, we aren't supposed to double post, the rp might get muted. Just edit your first post with the "Edit" button BIC)

"No-," Casys replies, "-Eon and I have been doing a bit more training before we challenge Surge." Casys tossed one of the Rowap berries he had been carrying up into the air, and Eon snapped up to catch it. "Have you challenged the Gym yet?" Casys asked Levi.
"Now Spike! Flamethrower Again!" Spike shot a Flamethrower at the Thunder causing a large explosion and cloud of smoke covering the field. 'Now we can't see them' Landon thought.
Surge smiled, "Quick while they can't see us, use Thunder again!" Surge yelled as Magneton sent a bolt of lightning straight at Spike.
(OOC, Dude you are losing me in the battle what exactly os going on)

Brief watches as Moar returns his pokemon after taking the Thunder Punch. "Is everything alright?" Brief asks his opponent.
"BLAZE!" Landon heard from the field, he saw the smoke clear and saw Spike on the ground being hit with Thunder, "Hang in there Spike I know you can!" Landon called out, Spike stood up while still being hit with Thunder, "Now! Brick Break!" Spike leaped towards Magneton with Brick Break.
The Brick Break hit Magneton hard, and Magneton was shot toward the ground, and fainted. "Grr, not again." Surge grumbled as he recalled Magneton. "Go Raichu!" Surge yelled as Raichu emerged from his pokeball. "Use Thunder Punch!" Surge yelled while he grit his teeth.
"Raichu!" Raichu yelled as he shot toward Spike with a Thunder Punch ready to strike.
"Counter with your Thunder Punch!" Landon called, Spike began going head to head with Raichu both using Thunder Punch, but Riachu was able to get through with a Thunder Punch, knocking Spike back. "Spike take a rest!" Landon said as he re-called Spike. "Go Iwa!" Iwa burst out of it's Pokeball with enthusiasm.
"I guess he forgot this was a one on one battle" Brief sweatdrops at his opponent forgetting the rules. "Well no matter Drago use Thunder Punch on yourself" Drago strikes himself the attack shocking him out of his confusion. " Nice now use Dragon Claw" Drago rushes toward his new opponent with glowing claws he slashes at Alakazam.
"Ha, this one should be easy!" Surge said with Confidence. "Go Raichu, use Brick Break!" Surge yelled as he made a fist.
"Rai!" Raichu said as he shot toward Iwa with a Brick Break ready to hit it's mark.

Robby: "Oh no, that is really effective against Iwa!" Robby yelled as he watched Raichu close in on it.
"Iwa Sandstorm!" Landon called, Iwa summoned a sandstorm knocking Raichu back a bit, "Never doubt my Pokemon, Now Iwa use Bite!" Iwa began charging at Raichu preparing to use Bite.
The bite hits Raichu and does some damage, the sandstorm really irritates Raichu. "Raichu let's finish this! Wild Charge!" Surge yells with passion.
"RAICHU!" Raichu yells as it glows yellow and heads straight at Iwa
Robby: "Yeah, you're right Ry. Oh, yeah and where's June?" Robby said with a smirk while nudging Ry in the shoulder.
"Iwa use Thrash," Landon called, Iwa met Raichu's Wild Charge with Thrash, and jumped back un-harmed, "Hey Surge you may wanna open up a book of Pokemon because because Larvitar's a Rock and Ground type," Landon looked at Iwa who was swaying randomly, "Of course I forgot we shouldn't be using Thrash!"
Surge growled. "I did the same thing with that kid's Aegislash!" Surge yelled. "Raichu use Iron Tail!" Surge yelled, frustrated.
"Rai!" Raichu yelled as it's tail glowed white and charged straight at Iwa

Robby: "Wow, Surge can sure be a noob sometimes." Robby says while he laughed. "He used Explosion on my Aegislash and it did nothing!" Robby said as he continued to laugh.
"Naw, ive been here training Knox up for the gym as well...looks like we had similar ideas." he said petting Knox. "So shall we do some training then challenge the gym tomorrow so we have a fresh start?" he suggested, Knox getting pumped by the aspect of new training.
"IWA!" Landon yelled, Iwa snapped out of it's confusion but was immediately hit with Iron Tail right after slamming it against the wall. "Iwa..." Landon said softly as he pulled out a Pokeball, "LAR!" It cried back as it struggled to get up, "Iwa get back in the Pokeball you need rest!" "LARVITAR!" It yelled as a white glow surrounded it, "Iwa!" Landon cried with cheer, Iwa's appearance began to change into a more shell-like shape with spikes coming off it. "Pupitar!" Iwa called when the white glow had faded, "Iwa just evolved into Pupitar!" Landon called in joy as he pulled out his Pokedex, "And you've learned new moves too, So now Iwa Stone Edge!" Iwa shot rock shards at Raichu.
"Sure, we can do some training," Casys replied. Eon let out a noise that sounded like a mix between a growl and a cheer. Casys chuckled at the sound of the Dragonair's purr. "Do you want to train anything specific in Knox, or do you want just to have a training battle?"
"RAII" Raichu yelled as he fell over and fainted. "Uhhh. Raichu return." Surge said as he recalled Raichu. "That was a good battle kid, I should have never underestimated your Pupitar there. Here, take the Thunder Badge." Surge said with a smile on his face.

Robby: "Wow, It evolved! Congrats Landon!" Robby yelled as the battle ended.
"Thank you very much sir," Landon said as he grabbed the Thunder Badge, "Check it out Iwa Badge number 3!" "Pupitar!" It exclaimed happily.
"Now take a rest," Landon said as he re-called Iwa and walked off the field.
"That was awesome Landon!" Robby exclaimed as he walked toward Landon. "So, does anyone else have to challenge the gym today?" Robby asked as he looked around, holding his egg close.
"Oh okay, I think I'm going to go for a walk. You can come if you'd like." Robby said as he started walking out of the gym.
Hopefully it will be enough to hatch this egg. Robby thought to himself.
"Sweet!" Ry shouted raising a fist in the air. Unfortunatly he leaned on the guardrails, and he fell over. "Ow," he said, getting back to his feet. "Hey wait up," Ry said beginning to follow Robby.
"Hmm I guess a battle would be nice, but its gonna be a challenge with Eon evolving...think you can do it?" Levi asked Knox. Knox studied Eon for a second before looking at Levi and nodding. "Okay, lets go!" Levi said taking his position on the field.
Brief returns Drago. "It sounds like Landon just finished his gym battle we will battle some other time Moar" Brief said as make his way back to the gym.
As Robby and his friends walked down the street, "So, where are we going next?" Robby asked as the egg kinda wiggled in his hands.
(OCC who going to control Surge so I can have my gym battle are am I going to wait?)

"Hey Surge are you still abled to battle or what I am looking to challenge your gym!" yell Brief.
(OOC I guess I can do it do again BIC)
"Welcome, challenger." Surge says. "You know the rules here. Electrode I choose you!" Surge said as he sent out Electrode.
"Alright, then," Casys said. "You might want to back up a bit," Casys said to Levi. He turned to Eon and asked, "Can you make a small battlefield with Earthquake?" Eon nodded before sticking his tail into the ground and shaping the earth, turning the small clearing into a makeshift battlefield. Casys walked to one end of it and said to Levi, "You can have the first attack."
"Lets make this fun, Beat em down Heavy!" Brief releases his Steelix. "Let start off strong Heavy use Iron Tail" Heavy's tail begins to glow a bright white as he swings his mighty tail at the Electrode.
Okay....this is a big deal, first real fight. Levi smiled "Okay, lets start off with Crunch!" Knox charged at at Eon with surprising speed, teeth glowing white.
"Use Rollout to avoid it! Then Charge Steelix!" Surge yelled as Electrode swerved around Heavy, then flew up into the air and charged right at it with rollout.

Robby: "I heard there was the SS Anne tournament we could do, I think it is tag battles. Considering we have tickets we should do it!" Robby said to Landon and Ry.
"Yeah, June told me it was tomorrow," Ry said smiling. "We could battle and win. I even heard that the Viridian Gym Leader Blue will be there to watch."
"Dodge it with Agility," Casys said to Eon. Eon jumped above Knox while simultaneously performing a complicated series of spins and flips. Eon landed with a slight glow, reflective of his Speed increase. "Now use Water Pulse!" If this connects then Knox will definitely be feeling some hurt. Better tone it down a bit to give Knox a fair fight.
"Spin and use Crunch again!" Knox rotated as the attack came at him, the rotation causing him to barely shift out of the way before using the momentum of the fall to increase the speed of his Crunch.
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