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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Knox and Vex slid across the field away from each other, both breathing heavily. "Pinch!" Knox yelped as he was hit with Night Slash. "Okay Vex, back down for now." Levi commanded but turned to see Knox back up, glowing red eyes and power much greater than before. He charged Ninjask with Bite, but Levi noticed something. "Wait...his teeth are glowing...that's Crunch!" he yelled as Knox barreled into Vex, throwing it against a tree. It charged Vex again but Levi jumped in the way, getting bitten directly on the arm. "Aaaahmmm! C'mon Knox, c'mon....." Knox released his grip on Levi only to charge at Cronus, in responce Cronus used Skull Bash, completely KO'ing Knox. "Whew...close one" Levi said clutching his hurt arm. "I think its time to hit up the pokemon center hehe..." he said returning all his pokemon except for Cronus who acted as a crutch while they walked. Knox is improving at an incredible pace....but that could be bad if he doesnt learn to control his rage....
"Dang, did this kid just fall asleep during a gym match?!" Robby yelled with a surprise look on his face. "I've been up for two days straight and I couldn't sleep here if I tried!" Robby exclaimed as he watched Moar sleep.
"How can you sleep in peace in the middle of a gym match with huge explosions?!" Robby exclaimed. "How'd this kid become Johto Champ?" Robby asked as he continued to watch the battle.
Brief walks into the gym to see if any of his friends are in here battling he sees Ry currently in a heated battle with Surge. "Nice I didn't mess Ry's battle" said Brief as he sits in the sidelines with Melody resting on his head he releases Bang to watch as well to see the battle. Magmar takes notice of the trainer that he remembered using the Infernape he now idolized with hope of seeing Fuego in the battle. "I bet you hoping to watch Fuego battle don't you Bang" said Brief to his pokemon.
"Hey Brief, long time no see." Robby said as he waved to his friend. "You did miss Darrius and my matches though." Robby said. "We both handled Surge with relative ease. Will you also challenge this gym?" Robby asked as Brief sat down.
Brief turns to see Robby waving to him and telling him what he missed. "What I missed you guys battle man that bites, well I guess I take him on I still have to catch up too you guys so I can face off against you all in the League" Brief said to Robby he sees a new trainer talking to him not wanting to be rude he answers back. "Hey there Moar the names Brief and yes I will be challenging the gym" Brief lazily said.
Landon continued to watch the battle intensely he didn't realize the new trainer who walked in, "Oh hey, I'm Landon," he introduced.
"Hey Moar, I'm Aaron, and how are you the Johto champion at such a young age? Most people don't even make it to where we are now until you're 15" Aaron questioned Moar
"Well, at least I'm not the youngest anymore." Robby said positively, being 14. "Are you sure you really the Johto Champ?" Robby asked Moar with doubt in his voice.
"I bet I could take him on with just Greninja and Aegislash." Robby said with a smirk "I knew it!" Robby said with a laugh. "You almost had me believing you for a few seconds!" Robby exclaimed as he look at Moar
"I wouldn't say anyone." Robby said with a laugh trying to be humble.
Who am I kidding? Greninja could take anyone Robby thought to himself
"Sorry that I didn't show you Greninja's power Aaron. I forgot in the heat of the battle. I'll make sure to show you it next time." Robby says as he turns to Aaron. "Maybe during the tournament on the SS Anne. That is supposed to be happening in a few days." Robby said to the whole group.
"I want to win the Kalos league and become champion." Robby said with a determined face. "I came here to gain more experience and participate in the Kanto league." Robby said as he remembered the day he set off on his journey.
(OOC if I stop talking my phone died, it's at 10% I'll be home on a couple minutes if it comes to that BIC)
"I'll make sure to show you a z-move in my battle with surge and maybe a different one on the S.S Anne if my battle gets heated" Aaron responded
Baxter got hit with the Supersonic confusing him Then the Thunderbolt struck knocking him back. "Baxter, return, and go Fuego!" Ry shouted. The Infernape took the field in a flash of white. "Go Flame Wheel!" Ry shouted. Fuego started barreling towards Magneton at full force, while surrounded in flames.
"Well Robby good luck on becoming the Kalos Champion," Landon said, "Personally I want to win the Sinnoh League and beat Cynthia, but I'm miles away from that."
The Flame Wheel was too fast for Magneton, it hit and knocked it out. "Err, Return Magenton." Surge said with a grumble. "This is just like the other two battles. Go Raichu!" Surge said as he threw out Raichu's pokeball. "Raichu, use Thunderpunch!" Surge yelled as he made a fist.
"Counter with Thunder Punch!" Ry shouted. FUego nodded and charged Raich, with his Thunder Punch. The punches collided in an explosion of electricity.
The two Thunderpunches neutralize each other. "Use Thunder while the dust in the air so they can't see it coming!" Surge yelled with a grin on his face.

Robby: "Thanks Moar." Robby says as he scratches his head. He then turns to Landon and says "You aren't that far off. You're really strong, I could see you becoming SInnoh Champ, but you will probably have to face Ry for that." Robby said as he continued watching the battle.
The Thunder attack struck Fuego. Both the Infernape and Ry both grinned. "Now use Flare Blitz!" Ry shouted. Fuego rushed towards Raichu with his body ablaze. "Go for it!" Ry shouted.
June stood up in the crowd. "Go Fuego!" She yelled.
"Meet it head on with Wild Charge!" Surge yelled! "I will not be swept again!" He yelled with great determination.
The two moves collided and caused a huge explosion.

Robby: Robby turned to Landon and Aaron and said "June definitely has something for Ry." Robby said quietly with a little laugh.
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