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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"Hahaha, We all make mistakes!" Robby yelled at Surge, "Aegislash, use Swords Dance again, then follow it up with Sacred Sword!" Robby exclaimed while making a fist.
Swords Surrounded Aegislash, then it's Blade grew and glowed blue as it charged quickly at Magneton.
"Counter with Wild Charge!" Surge yelled. Magneton charged in to clash with Aegislash. As the attack hit Surge yelled. "Now use Thunderbolt!" Electrode used the attack while in contact with Aegislash.
"King's Shield" Robby yelled as Aegislash changed forms, the Thunderbolt was blocked. "Use Sacred Sword full power!" Robby yelled with passion
"SLASSH!!" Aegislash yelled as he changed forms again and rushed at Magneton with Scared Sword with incredible speed.
"Aegislash your attack is high enough, just cut right through it!" Robby yelled as Aegislash completely cutting through the Zap Cannon and still charging Magneton.
Magneton was hit head on with the attack and was sent flying, fainted. "Hm, fine. Return Magneton. Surge drew his last pokeball. That Shield is annoying but Aegislash has still had to tank a lot of hits, it cant be feeling good. he thought looking over at the strange pokemon. "Go Raichu, start things off with Thunder Wave!" the electricity flew across the floor at Aegislash.
"Use your sword as a grounding!" Robby yelled. Aegislash stabbed down into the ground, nertualizing the thunder wave.
"Use Shadow Sneak!" Robby exclaimed as aegislash disappeared then reappeared behind raichu, ready to strike with incredible force.
"Hehe sorry but thats not how it works" he said pointing at Aegislash who had static coming off of it. "As long as Thunder Wave comes in contact with the user Static will take place! But as you said, we all make mistakes. Spin and use Thunder Punch!"
"Oh shoot!" Robby yells as aegislash is hit directly. "Aegislash return!" Robby yells as he recalls it.
"Charizard, I choose you!" Robby said as he threw charizards pokeball. Charizard roared as it came out.
"Charizard dragon dance then earthquake!" Robby yelled.
Charizard glowed red and blue as his attack and speed raised. He then punched the ground, creating a giant earthquake.
"Jump and use Wild Charge!" as Surge yelled this Raichu jumped in the air and launched forward from Wild Charge, he flew over the Earthquake and shot at Charizard.
"Lets show them everything we've got Charizard! Meet it head on with flare blitz full power!" Robby exclaimed as he made a fist.
Charizard was covered by a blue flame and meet Raichu head on, causing a massive explosion.
The arena was filled with dust from the attacks when the dust cleared Raichu was panting but still up. "Use Thunder!" Surge yelled causing Raichu to make large bolts of lightning rain down above Charizard.
"Charizard avoid it and use flamethrower!" Robby yelled with a burning passion
Charizard roared and a power flamethrower spead toward Raichu.
"Counter with Wild Charge!" Surge yelled. Again another clash, again another explosion. They're pretty even... Surge thought while the attacks met. "Use Thunder!" Raichu fired the attack before the dust cleared, making it almost impossible to see.
The thunder hit Charizard causing serious damage,Charizard only heald on with will power. It's flame on it's tail grew bigger and brighter then ever as blaze activated.
"Yes it's blaze!" Robby exclaimed. "Charizard let's finish this! Blast burn full power!!" Robby yelled.
Charizard roared and punched the ground a giant explosion of flames shot up and spead toward Raichu with indcredible speed and power. The light was so bright it filled the whole gym
"Aahhh!" Surge covered his eyes from the attack. When the light faded Raichu was seen on the other side of the arena having been thrown by the attack. "Hmp.....Raichu....return" Surge said recalling his pokemon before walking over to Robby. "Man that shield was one of the best defensive weapons ive ever seen. For beating me I reward you with this, the Thunder Badge, good luck on your journey. With that, he left to heal his pokemon once more.
(OOC Going for the night, will probably be back on tomorrow morning. BIC)
"Good job Charizard!" Robby said as he patted him on his head. "Returned and take a good rest." Robby said as he recalled Charizard. "Thank you Lt. Surge." Robby said as he took the badge.
Levi continued to battle with Knox in hopes to gain control of his immense power, but after several attempts, he realized it would only be unlocked with time and real battles. "Alright Knox.......lets..call it....for awhile....." Levi fell over slowly fading out. He woke up several minutes later with his pokemon standing over him, deep concern on all there faces. "Hey guys..its okay im fine..." he said clumsily getting to his feat. Knox was laying down a few feet away when it heard Levi's voice and jumped up. "Pinch!" he said happily knowing his trainer wasnt hurt. "Well buddy, youve gotten a lot stronger than I was expecting in a short period of time. I think its time you spar with something outside your comfort zone." he said before walking over to his other pokemon, whispering things to them back and forth. "Okay...Vex, lets go" he said surprising the pokemon. "Ninjask!" it said to Levi as it took position on the field. "Okay Knox, you feeling fine?" Knox looked at Vex then back to Levi and gave a nod. "Lets see how you handle a flying type, ready...begin!" and with that, the intense fighting began. Just hope Vex is prepared if Knox goes into his rage state... Levi thought to himself slightly worried.
"Okay now it's my turn," said Ry jumping over the stands. June grasped for his arm, but he had already gotten to the field. Lt. Surge returned with his team healed, and nodded.
"Go Electrode!"
"Go Baxter!"
The Electrode and the Tyrouge both took their places.
"Double Team Go!" Ry shouted. Baxter jumped on the multiple rocks, with clones appearing.
"Break the rocks with Rollout!" Lt. Surge shouted. Electrode started to roll towards the rocks shattering them. Baxter fell down and got slammed by Electrode.
"Counter with Bullet Punch!" Baxter swung wildly, hitting Electrode with every hit.
"ShockWave!" Electrode fired a wave of electricity that hit Baxter, knocking him back.
"Go Use Mach Punch!" Ry shouted. BAxter rushed and swung his arm punching Electrode. Electrode fainted.
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"Good luck Ry!" Robby yelled as he watched the battle start. "Man, I wonder when this egg with hatch." Robby said as he look down toward his egg. Just as he said this the egg glowed once then stopped. "Oh, well that answers my question." Robby said with a laugh as he held the egg.
"Electrode, return." Surge grumbled as he recalled Electrode. "Go! Magneton!" Surge yelled as he threw out its pokeball. "Use Thunderbolt!" Surge exclaimed as Magneton shoot a bolt of electricity straight at Baxter.
Noticing the new kid at the door of the gym Robby says, "Uh.. Sure, but who are you?" Robby asks as he looks toward the kid.
"Hello Moar, my name is Robby, this is Elekid, and this is my egg." Robby said as he waved while holding the light blue egg in his other hand. "Ele Ele." Elekid said while waving. "Come and sit down we are just watching our friend's gym match right now." Robby said as he motioned for Moar to come and sit.
Baxter got blasted by the hit. "Baxter, counter with Mach Punch," Ry shouted. Baxter rushed forward with his fist raised.

(OOC I'll be off for a hour Sorry, BIC)
The Mach punch hits Magneton hard but doesn't knock it out. "Alright Magneton use Supersonic, then use Thunderbolt again!" Surge yelled as Magneton shoot a beam of energy straight at Baxter, followed by a Thunderbolt.

Robby: "So, will use also challenge this gym Moar?" Robby asked as he continued watching the battle.
"I see, but if you've defeated the Johto champion, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Johto defending your title?" Robby asked in a confused tone. "Also shouldn't you have challenged the Johto league instead of going straight for the elite four and Champ?" Robby asked as he remembered back to the Kalos league.

(OOC this is like the anime, so we won't really have an elite four, we will have a Kanto league BIC)
"Well, you won't beat me to the champion spot." Robby said with a determined smile. "Things must have been easy in Johto." Robby said with a laugh. "Me and my Pokemon each have a special bond." Robby said as he look at his pokeballs. "We never will give up, no matter the challenge."
''Good, so good luck at defeating me. In Johto it was not easy. But now ... Here it will be. I rebuild my team, and I intend to improve it. I will defeat the league here, the gyms, and I will be a pokemon master. , With the complete pokedex!''

Speak Moar, with all the certainty of the world.
"Oh really, we'll see about that." Robby said with one eye closed and the other slightly opened looking at Moar. "A Pokemon Master huh? That sounds really familiar." Robby says quietly as he remembers back to him
"Yup, definitely." Robby says as he puts his feet up on the chair in front of him. "Dang it, I forgot to show Aaron Greninja's power during the gym battle." Robby said as he thought out loud.
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