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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Landon walked alongside his friends towards Lt. Surges gym, "Hey did anyone tell Casys or Levi that we were leaving?" Landon asked
(OOC Yeah I got it BIC)
Levi took Casys' hand. "Hey, your the reason the attack hit!" he said with a grin. "Knox, lets take a break buddy...you got me good haha"
"Check this out," Casys said to Levi. Casys pulled Eon's Dive Ball out of his pocket and pointed it at the ground. "Come on out, Eon!" The Dragonair materialized in front of them and gave a small cheer. "He evolved while I was training with Misty," Casys explained to Levi.
"Not as far as I'm concerned. But they're not too far outside of town, so i don't think it'll be too big of a deal." Darrius replies before entering the gym.
"Alright Surge, are you ready?"
"I don't know, but they'll figure it out." Robby said with a laugh as they entered the gym. "Good luck Darrius." Robby said to darrius as he sat down.
Levi: "Wow, your training went that well!?" he said staring at the Dragonair before turning to Casys. "Well if everything goes to plan, we'll hvae another dragon type to help out, isnt that right Knox!?" he said excitedly. "Trapiinch!" it said proudly.

Surge: "Of course im ready, lets see if you'll be able to handle the power of electric types!" he yelled throwing out a pokeball. "Electrode!" the pokemon cried as it appeared on field. "Challengers get first attack!" he said to Darrius.
"So an electrode huh." Robby said aloud. "Aegislash will probably do good here, then Charizard with Earthquake. Robby says he takes mental notes.
Darrius draws Kingsly's Pokeball from his belt. "Go Kingsly! Lead off with Dragon Dance!" he shouted. Tyranitar bursts from it's Pokeball.
"Tar!" responding to it's trainer's command, it surrounds itself in a bluish red aura, raising it's speed and attack power.
"Elekid, watch Surge and his pokemon closely, we can learn from them." Robby said to Elekid.
Elekid replied with an "Ele!" and sat down, watching the battle very closely.
Surge: "Go Electrode!" he yelled watching his pokemon shoot around the field at a high speed closing in on Kingsly. "Rollout!" he said and Electrode charged straight at Kingsly.

Levi: "Well, im gonna get back to training, talk with you later" he said to Casys before turning to Knox. "You ready to keep going?" he said with a sly smile. "Pinch!" it cried as it charged Levi. "Ill take that as a yes!" Levi yelled charging at Knox.
"Grab Electrode then use crunch!" Darrius called. Kingsly allowed Electrode to hit it, then closed it's arms, pinning Electrode against it's chest, then comes down with Crunch onto the Electrode.
"That's an interesting technique, letting your pokemon take damage to get into a better position." Robby said as he watched Kingsly crunch into Electrode. "With Aegislash, this will become really interesting." Robby said as he though about his strategy.
Electrode was hit with Crunch hard. "Use Discharge while he's close!" Surge yelled. "Trode!" it yelled as it release the electric attack point blank.
The attack shocks (quite literally) Kingsly into releasing Electrode.
"Kingsly, Earthquake!" Darrius commands. Kingsly responds by striking the floor of the gym with his foot, sending out a shockwave that rocks the gym.
"Rgggggh!" he growled as Electrode was slammed by the effective attack, knocked out. "Okay...I see your stronger than I thought, ill show you some real power then!" He threw another pokeball out. "Go Magneton and use Flash Cannon!" Magneton was released and immediately charged and let loose a powerful silver beam.
"A magneton. Charizard will be perfect, just gotta avoid those electric attacks." Robby said as he continued watching the battle closely. He then turned to Aaron and asked, "Didn't you say Surge was your mentor or something?"
"After a while of dealing with June, she finally let him go to the gym. He walked in and sat in the stands next to his friends with June next to him. he saw Darius and Surge battling. "Sweet, battle, is this the first one?" He asked his friends.
"Oh, I see." Robby said as he looked at Aaron. "Will you also be challenging him?' Robby asked as he looked back toward the battle.
"Yah, I'm gonna go last since I know him, I haven't battled him yet because I wanted to get the Boulder and Cascade badges first" Aaron told Robby
"Oh okay." Robby said to Aaron. Seeing Ry walk in, "Hey Ry! Darrius is starting thing off here, I think I may go next." Robby says as Ry sits down. "Hey, are you and June a thing?" Robby said nudged Ry in the shoulder with a smirk.
Levi and Knox slid back on the field away from each other. "Hehehe, your doing great Knox..." Levi said clearly tired. "Pinpinch!" it said back also looking warn down. "Okay, same as before, lets see how you do. Psychic!" again the blast of Psychic energy hits, and again Knox is thrown back. "Pinch!" it yelled as it slammed into a tree. "You ready to break now!?" Levi yelled. Knox got up with his eyes closed. "Trap....PINCH!" he roared, his eyes glowing red as it charged Levi with Bite. "Knox?" Levi said confused as the look of hate took over Knox's face. He bit down on Levi's arm and spun, throwing Levi across the field. "Ahhggg! Quick Orion use Zen Headbutt!" Levi yelled as he hit. Knox charged him again only to be cut off by Orion who picked him up and headbutted him just hard enough to knock him out. Levi shakily got up with the assistance of Cronus. "W....what was that? That wasnt an attack...." Levi said in aw.
"She kind of reminds me of this cute girl I used to know named Serena. She's the one who taught me how to make pokepuffs." Robby says he watches the battle.
"What are pokepuffs by the way, are they treats for your pokemon? What we have in Alola are pokebeans" Aaron asks pulling outa small bag of jellybean-like candies
June giggled, while Ry shrugged. "Nah we're just friends from Sinnoh." He said, whiteout noticing June's furious glare at him. "so who has the next battle?" Ry asked.
"Me, I think." Robby said as he pulled out a chocolate pastry and handed it to Aaron, "These are pokepuffs, both people and pokemon can eat them." Robby said as he ate one.
"Yup, I have a strategy too." Robby said as he waited. Robby then whispered to Landon and Aaron,"She's totally into him."
Aaron took a cautious bite out of one then chomped down the rest "Wow those are really good actually, I didnt expect them to taste all that great, here lots of people in Alola get hooked on the taste of pokebeans too, especially the rarer ones, here's a spotted blue" Aaron said as he gave Robby a pokebean
Surge: "Dodge and use Thunder Wave!" Magneton swerved to side being grazed by attack but following through by shooting the static blast at Kingsly.

Levi: Knox slowly woke up to see Levi looking down at him. "Pinch?" he said confused. "Hey buddy, do you remember anything that happened?" Levi asked with concern in his voice. Knox shook his head. "Looks like you've got some serious hidden strength haha!" Levi laughed as he thought about the way Knox looked. "But it looks like you enter a state of rage when you use it, you wouldnt follow my commands" Knox looked down saddened by the news. Levi could see the sadness on Knox's face. "Hey, ill help you learn to control this power.....how about some more training? Levi asked with a grin as he pet Knox.
"Thanks!" Robby said as he took a bite into the bean. "Wow, these are just like candy or something! I'll have to tell Serena about this when I get home!" Robby said as he finished the pokebean.
Landon got up from his seat, "I just remembered I have to make a phone call, be back soon," he said as he exited the gym, 'I am soo dead' he thought to himself 'I promised I'd call them when I got to Kanto and have yet to call them'. Landon walked around to the back of the gym and pulled out a Pokegear and began dialing a number.
The attack rocked Magneton. "Oh no!" Surge yelled as Magneton cried out. After the attack died down Magneton could be seen still up looking forward at Kingsly. "Huh...alright! Lets use Flash Cannon again!" Surge yelled. Magneton began to build up energy before it slowly flickered out. "Magne...ton...." it said as it quickly dropped to the ground. Surge looked angry. Man...this guy will not sweep my team! Surge thought. "Final pokemon....Raichu, go!" he yelled releasing his final pokemon.
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