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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"No actually I'm from Sinnoh," Landon replied to Robby, "Never been there either, going to go there for a bit after the Indigo League and get a Z-Ring of my own, hopefully." Landon watched Ry take off, "Why was he in such a rush?"
"I would also like to get my third badge right away!" Robby said with a determined smile. "I wonder how strong he will be." Robby said as he held his egg close as they walked down the road. "Woah, Ry wait up!" Robby yelled as he ran after him! "Woo! I love running!" Robby exclaimed as he ran, egg in hand.
As Robby ran up to Ry and the girl over hearing at bit of the conversation, "What happened Ry?" Robby asked as he saw the girl crying.
"I think someone took her pokemon?" Robby said with a confused look on his face. Robby eyes then glowed red "Who takes other peoples pokemon?!" Robby grumbled with an angry look on his face.
"Charizard, fly up and look for theives with a Squirtle! Once you find them get Squirtle back and bring it to us!" Robby yelled as he threw up Charizard's pokeball.
Charizard responded with a roar and flew off. "He should be able to find them and stop them. He is strong!" Robby said with a determined fist.
"Havoc, go help Robby's Charizard!" Darrius calls, tossing his Salamence's Pokeball into the air. Havoc fans out away from Charizard, looking to try and find the Squirtle.
"Doku we need your help too!" Landon called as he tossed a Pokeball into the air, "Doku can help in the air, now let's look around the town," Landon said, then looked at Darrius "Sound good Prince Charming."
"All right lets find this girls Squirtle Elekid!" Robby yelled as he ran off. "Wow this town is nice, it's been a while since of bend to the ocean!" Robby exclaimed as he ran.
Aaron showed up a little later gasping for air "Come on guys I'm out of shape you can't do that to me" Aaron said "Whats going on?" he says as he watches 3 Pokemon fly off
Levi was in the middle of training his pokemon so he didnt hear the commotion of the others. Cronus charged Orion with Skull Bash and Orion countered with Zen Headbutt. "Go now guys!" they clashed causing a large wave of air to push the other pokemon, along with Levi, down hard. Dust cleared to show Cronus and Orion standing back to back, both obviously tired. Levi jumped up. "Whew! Good match guys, take a break" Orion and Cronus set back to back. "Okay Vex use Night Slash! Uri use X-Scossor!" ther glowing claws connected pushing back and forth against each other. "Keep pushing, both of you!" he yelled before that locked there attacks together trying to overtake each other. They flew mirroring each others movement by flying back to gain some distance. "Okay break for now!" Levi yelled. All his pokemon rested whole Knox kept biting Levi's leg in anticipation. "Ah, okay okay, we'll start your training...ive got an idea." he said with a grin.
Asking everyone around town if they seen any suspicious characters around, Robby comes back to were they originally separated empty handed. "Oh man, I wanted to be the glorious hero today." Robby said with a sigh. "Well Charizard hasn't come back yet so that could be a good or a bad thing." Robby said as he cleaned off his egg.
Landon continued to go around the town asking everyone if they've seen anyone suspicious, but had no such luck, so he begun heading back, until something hit him... he was lost, "You've got to be kidding me, from now on I pay attention to the path I take,"
Levi walked over to his resting pokemon, whispering something to them, "And remember, only 20% okay?" his pokemon nodded at what he told them. Levi walked out into a large opening before turning to face Knox. "Okay, come at me" Knox went wide out. "Pinch Trapinch!?" it saud surprised. "C'mon buddy, lets see what you can do." he gave a grin gesturing for his pokemon to attack. Knox sweat dropped, unsure what it should do, it decided to listen. "Pinch!" it said nervously before charging at Levi with a Bite ready.
"What kind of monster steal a person Pokemon!?" Aaron yelled, obviously angry " Hidori, Yajirushi, fly, were catching a Pokemon thief"
"Hey where is Levi?" Robby asked to himself as he sat on a bench with a soda pop. "Oh well we can just catch him up as soon as he gets here." Robby says he and Elekid take turns sipping from the can.
Ry rushed through an alleyway, chasing the thief. "Get back here!" Ry shouted.The their topped to see a man in a camp uniform. He grabbed the thief and snatched the pokemon from the thief. "Name's Lt. Surge, and here is the criminal."
Charizard flew down to Robby and Elekid gesturing to get on it's back. "Oh all right it's go time!" Robby said as he climbed on Charizard's back with egg and Elekid in hand. "Charizard land there I see Ry and the pokemon!" Robby yelled as they flew through the air. When Robby landed next Ry, "Did you find the Squirtle?" Robby asked as he climbed off of Charizard.
"Chinder! Chinder!" Hidori cried, signaling he had found the thief "You found him? Good, lead me to him so we can take this guy in and get that Pokemon back1" Aaron said enthusiastically, hoping to be the savior of the day. When he arrived where Hidori led him he realized that Ry and LT. Surge had already beaten him to it.
Darrius hears a deeper voice talking nearby, and goes to investigate, seeing Ry, the thief, and Lt. Surge standing in the alleyway.
"Huh. Looks like case closed then. Lt. Surge, right? I'm your next challenger.
"Um, yeah, I'm gonna return him to June, oh yeah and this is Lt. Surge." Ry said picking up Squirt and running back towards the Pokemon Center.
"Hey Mr. Lt. Surge Sr. I would like to request a battle a little later if thats ok with you, but I gotta go now, bye!" Robby yelled to Surge as he ran after Ry. "Thanks Charizard, return."
"Hey, lieutenant, long time no see, I just took a trip down to get the Pewter and Cascade badges and I think I might be strong enough to beat even you now!" Aaron said happily
When June received Squirt, she gave Ry a hug. Then she noticed Robby. She grabbed Ry's arm and said, "Let's go catch up." She glanced over at Robby and added "Alone." Ry shrugged as he was dragged off towards a nearby cafe.
hearing this Robby feel over. "Come on!" Robby said as he cried. "Ele Ele!" Elekid said with a sigh as he patted Robby on the back.
"I think I saw him. The Venemoth right? He was with Havoc a moment or two ago." Darrius says, then whistles loudly as he walks out of the alleyway. The blue dragon quickly descends from the skies to his side.
"You did a great job. Thanks for the help Havoc." he said, rubbing the dragon beneath it's chin.
"So, who wants to come watch me battle Lt. Surge?" he asks those still gathered around him.
"I will, I want to challenge him after you!" Robby said determined, completely forgetting about what had happened a few seconds before with Ry and June.
(OOC This is what's happening the day before the various Lt. Surge battles as well as the day of the first few. Also, I know that Dragonair can't learn Earthquake via TM, but Dragonite can so...BIC)

"Dragon Rage!" A bright blue sphere erupted from Eon's mouth, hitting Gyrados full force. The bigger Pokemon fell back into the water of Cerulean City's Gym, fainted. Misty returned her fallen Pokemon, and called out to Casys, "Good job, Casys!" Eon, now a powerful Dragonair, slithered to his trainer's side and received many praises. "You weren't bad, yourself," Casys called back. He had been training with Misty to help Eon get stronger, since she was a Water-Type specialist and Eon was a water dweller, she was a perfect training partner. Misty plunged into the water, gracefully swimming to the other side of the battlefield where Casys stood. As she emerged from the sparkling water, she asked Casys, "Do you wanna go get some lunch before we continue?" Casys said yes, and together they walked from the Gym over to the Pangoro Express. "Two orders to-go, please." Casys said to the woman behind the counter. She disappeared through a doorway, then emerged with two bags of steaming food. Casys paid the woman, and he and Misty walked out to Nugget Bridge to eat.

Casys knocked on the door of the Gym early in the morning. Misty appeared on the other side of the glass and unlocked the doors. "You're here just in time," Misty said to him. Together they walked into the arena and stepped up to the battlefield. Misty walked to the far end, while Casys stopped at the end closest to him. In near unison, they drew Balls, one Poke and one Dive, and tossed them up. Eon and Gyrados appeared, each diving into the water and swimming happily around. "I thought we'd work on something new, today," Misty called. She drew an item from the bag she'd dropped on the floor, and tossed it across the battlefield to Casys. He caught it with both hands, realizing that it was a TM. It had the word "Earthquake" written one side with permanent marker. "Earthquake," Casys breathed. He called Eon up to the surface, and the serpentine Pokemon slithered out of the water to join him on dry land. "Eon, wrap your tail around this TM." Eon obeyed and when he came into contact with the Technical Machine his body gave off a faint glow. He unwrapped his tail from the TM, regal eyes full of power. Misty smirked from across the arena. "This will help you with not only a few Gym battles, but also to cover Eon's eventual weakness in Rock and Electric." Casys called back a thanks, and with that the pair began training. Around noon, Casys and Eon had mastered Earthquake, and the pair decided that it was time to catch up with the rest of the group. Casys said to Misty, "Eon and I are gonna get on our way to Vermillion." Misty understood completely and replied, "See you later, then." Casys awkwardly stuck out a hand for a handshake, but when Misty took hold of his hand she pulled him in close for a hug. "See you later," she whispered. With that, she waved him goodbye and Casys left Cerulean City.

Casys caught a bus to Vermillion City, but decided to back track to Route 6 only to find Levi. "Hey, Levi!" Casys called.
"You okay man, DOKU GET BACK HERE, everything okay, I SWEAR DOKU, anything you want to talk about, DOKU I SEE YOU," Landon said as he wqlked next to Robby
Brief has been following the others after taking notice of them flying off. After watching them get back the Squirtle he decides to continue off to Diglett Cave. "Its nice to see them helping out people in need well I guess I'll met up with them when they take their gym challenges" Brief said to himself as he walks off.
Knox bit down hard only to realize he hadnt made contact with Levi. "Pinch!?" he opened his eyes to see Levi coated in a green aura. "Nice Protect Cronus" he said giving his pokemon a thumbs up. "Your gonna battle me, but since I cant use moves, im getting a little help" Levi said with a grin. "Orion use Psychic on Knox!" Orion did as said, the blast of Psychic energy hit Knox, he was slammed into a tree. Man...I though he could handle 20% there power...I should've been more careful. he said slowly walking over to Knox but, to his surprise, Knox shot up using Sand Attack on Levi. "Ahhgg!" he yelled as the sand hit his eyes. "Use Ice Beam!" he yelled to Cronus who shot a much weaker beam of Ice than normal. Knox dug underground. Hehe, im the one who taught you that trick. Levi lost his train of thought as Casys yelled to him. "Casys?.....OH NO!" he yelled as he felt the ground under him rumble. "Use Protect!" he yelled, Cronus responded at the last second. The green aura went up but some of the attack got through. Levi crossed his arms over his face, his clothes rippled as the violent wind from the attack pushed upwards, some scratches appeared across his arms and his clothes were torn in some places. "Rrrrrrgggghhh!" he growled as they attack faded, he fell to one knee, breathing heavily. "Pinch!" Knox yelled as it shot out of the ground in front of Levi looking slightly concerned. "huf....huf....good shot buddy...." he said slowly smiling at Knox before looking up at Casys.
"All tights let's head for the gym darrius, Landon, Aaron!" Robby exclaimed as he got up and started running toward it.

(OOC Levi your gonna act as surge right? BIC)
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