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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"Oh boy look at that! A primape. It looks like it's chasing that kid though. Quick charizard flamethrower!"
Charizard flew up and shot a flamethrower right a the primape
"Maaaape!" it yelled as it was thrown back by the Flamethrower. It slowly tried to get up. Primeape and there temper tantrums.... Levi thought to himself as the events started.
"Sol!" a panicked Sol comes charging through the grass towards Darrius.
"Sol! Come here girl!" Darrius calls, and takes her into his arms.
"Havoc! Hyper Beam!"
"Graoooh!" Salamence reared back and blasted the Primape with a purplish black beam of energy.
He then quickly finished his dishes. he had made a Sirtis berry sandwich, for each person, and a homemade Hot Pecha juice. "Finished." He called out. "What did i miss?"
"Only the scariest thing ever," Landon said, "It was filled with rage, and had a look of death in it's eyes... Robby, and there was a Primeape, anyway who wants to eat?"
Immediately turning back to normal. "Finally its done! Robby exclaimed as he jumped into a seat at the dinner table. "Oh, and who's that new kid?" Robby asked as he looks towards the person running from the primape
Darrius is stroking Sol's fur gently, trying to get her to calm down.
"Shh baby girl, it's okay. you're safe." Darrius croons softly to Sol, who is trembling in his arms.
"Ok, just give me some food... or die." Robby said. "Haha just kidding, but please I'm starving." Robby said as he looked at the soup.
(OOC) Sorry had an issue, gonna have to go in ~30 minutes (BIC)
"Thanks for dealing with the Primeape for me" Aaron said "Ooh food, can I have some?"
"Great, ive been looking forward to the food." Levi said as he gestured for the new trainer to sit down. "Seems like you've gone through a lot so just relax for a bit" he said with a smile.
(OOC I gtg for the night, be back on early tomorrow. BIC)
(OOC i'm tagging out for the night as well. I'll be back around 2 P.M. EST tomorrow BIC)
"It's okay Sol, I'm here. Be calm." He starts singing softly to her, and her trembling slowly ceases.
"Here you go everyone, Berry Muffins, fresh Berry Juice, Sandwiches, and... soup," Landon said setting down the food for everyone, "Dig in, and don't be shy," he added as he placed food on the plate.
"Thanks for the food!" Robbys says as he starts digging in. "Wow, everything is delicious!" Robby exclaimed as he ate quickly
(OOC also going to bed, got school again tomorrow I'll probably be on a bit in the morning then again at 3. If you continue assume I'm with you guys. BIC)
"No problem, and there's plenty to go around!" Landon replied as he continued eating.

(OOC Tagging out for bed as well be back at some point in time)
(OOC) If everyone's leaving for the night, I might as well too, we can continue my introduction tomorrow, I'll be on around 4:30 MST, so will Pyro (BIC)
"Sorry for not introducing myself" Aaron said chomping on food "I'm Aaron" he released all his Pokemon "This is Yajirushi, you can call him Yaji" Aaron said pointing at his Decidueye. "This is Shimo" Aaron pointed at an Alolan Vulpix "This is Hidori" He pointed at a Flethinder "And finally this is Setchi" Aaron pointed at an alolan Geodude, finishing his speech
Levi ate quickly before walking over to his pokemon. "Everyone doing okay?" he said loudly. His whole team cried back loudly as they enjoyed there food. "So Knox, you doing okay around all these bigger pokemon?" he asked as he knelt down. Knox stopped eating to look up and around. Orion stopped and looked down at Knox before giving a friendly. "Metaa!" Levi smiled. "Great, your fitting in just fine!" he said before walking over to Shedinja. "Hey Uri, so how's it feel to be back?" Uri looked up and nuzzled against him. "Inja!" it said before eat its food again.
"Woah cool a shedinja!" Aaron almost shouted as he ran over to greet it "I heard if you stare into his back he'll steal your soul!"
Levi's went wide eyed. "WHICH IS WHY YOU SHOULDN"T DO SO!" he said standing in front of Uri. "BE CAREF- hey....you called out a Vulpix but said its name was Shimo, thats a word derived from cold......why would a Vulpix-" Levi cut himself off looking at the snow white Vulpix. "EHH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR VULPIX!!?" Levi started panicking.
"Oh don't worry, it's Alolan, back in Alola some Pokemon are different like Shimo, or Setchi over here" Aaron said and pointed at his Alolan Geodude "Setchi use thunderbolt on the ground there to show what Alolans can do!" Aaron's Geodude used Thunderbolt on the ground leaving a scorchmark as big as Aaron's head
"Alola huh.....Never heard of it." Levi said shrugging as he continued tending to hos team. "Im from Kanto ya see, the only other region Ive been to was Hoenn. Truth is, im still pretty new to taking Journeys, but I plan to travel around exploring different ones, maybe ill com across Alola one day, seems like theres some research I should be receiving over there. And I thought I was making great progress with my research...looks like I dont know as much as I thought... he said to himself internally.
"Alolas pretty neat, down there you have Island trails instead of Gyms and your rewards are Z-Crystals which you can use in tandem with your bond to release amazing power with your Pokemon, sometimes the power that's released is more than that of a hyper beam from a mega-Metagross!" Aaron mused
Levi froze in place. Mega Metagross..... Images of his fight with Steven flashed through his head. Yeah, ill unlock the power of Mega Evolution and the power of these Z-Crystals to beat Steven....it'll be a lot of work and take a long time. Levi continued what he was doing after the moment of shock. "But it'll be worth it..." he said under his breath. "Hey, thanks for the info, uh...Aaron right? I'll definitely be visiting Alola in the future."
"Huh? Oh, unlocking that kind of power" he said looking back over his shoulder. And pairing it with Mega Evolution would make it insane. he thought to himself. "We've all got our own personal goals Aaron, if you stick around.....you'll change for the better, and will reach your goals."
'Z-Moves' Landon thought to himself 'I remember Kiawe saying something about them' Landon shook his head back to reality, "Well I hope everyone ate well," Landon said, "Well I'm gonna get ready for bed."
"Maybe you guys will get to see me use a Z-Move 1 day, but for now it'll have to wait, Z-Moves are nothing to laugh about, they take a lot out of you and your Pokemon. I'd never use one unless I had to!" Aaron informed the group "Wait what do you mean who won?" Aaron wondered out loud
"Well then I guess I'll have to eat a little more then, give me a small serving of everything both of you cooked, don't tell me who made what and I'll rate everything on a scale of 1-10!" Aaron yelled getting really excited about an excuse to eat more food
After having sampled food from both Trainers, Darrius laughs a little.
"I'd say Ry won. His food is just a tad more flavorful, and more fitting to my own taste. Not to say Landon's food was anything less than delicious." He says, smiling.
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