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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"Counter back with Thunder Punch!" Landon called, Greninja and Spike met exchanging Thunder Punch and Aerial Ace. 'We won't give in will we Spike' Landon thought 'Robby and Greninja are really strong, which is why we can't give up yet'
The Thunderpunch and Aerial Ace collide, causing a huge explosion.
"You guys are really strong!" Robby saids as he and Greninja's movements sync up. "That is we can't lose this battle! Greninja Let's finish this! Double Team then Water Shuriken FULL POWER!!!!"

"GRENINJAAAAA!" Greninja yells as his eyes glow red, dozens of clones appear with giant Water Shurikens in hand, they all throw it directly at Spike at maximum speed.
"Landon and Spike are doing much better than last time" Levi stated while watching the fight. "I feel like they've strengthened there bond, which in turn, made them sync better in battle. he smiled as the fight raged on.
"JUMP!" Landon yelled immediately, Spike leaped but wasn't able to intime, "SPIKE!" Spike laid down unable to battle. "Good job Spike, take a good rest," he said as he re-called Spike, "Robby, and Greninja were great."
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"Thanks, so were you two. I feel like we both increased our bonds with our pokemon during that battle." Robby said as he and Greninja fell to the ground in exhaustion. "Great job Greninja!" Robby said out of breathe. "Ninja!" Greninja replied and nodded to Robby.
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Accepting Landon's offer "No, thank you, that was the best battle I've had in a while" Robby said as Landon helped him. "You and Spike are definitely something." Robby said with a smile. "Great job again Greninja, you deserve a good rest." Robby said as he recalled Greninja.
Levi approached Robby. "Hey I was thinking, Elekid has more experience but Knox has a type advantage, that should make for good training buddies, if you want?" he asked with a confident grin.
"Sure, I'd be happy to accept that offer." Robby said as he smiled back at Levi, "Right Elekid?" Robby asked Elekid. 'Ele Ele!" Elekid said with a determined smile.
Charizard then walked up to Robby with the egg, it started making tiny noises. "Wow, I think it may hatch in the next few days!" Robby said as he listened to the egg. "Thanks for watching it for me Charizard!" Robby exclaimed with a smile. Charizard smiled and roared.
Ry walked from the tree line smiling. Baxter followed him, doing his best to look tough. "Hey gus, what did i miss?" He asked. He was covered in sweat, and breathing heavily.
"Just an awesome battle between me and Landon. I could feel my heart connect with Greninja's." Robby said as he looked at Ry. "Hey, I never ate lunch, and now it's dinner time! So I say let the contest begin!" Robby exclaimed as his stomach growled loudly.
Darrius sits up and watches as the cooking contest is about to get underway.
"A different kind of battle. I think i'll enjoy this one as much as the last." he says aloud.
"Hey, did you ever find Sol?" Robby asked as he looked at Darrius. "I never recall her returning when you called your pokemon back.
Landon continued cooking as he pulled out a Pokeball, "Doku," Doku popped out of his Pokeball, "Doku I need Oran berries, Sitrus Berries, and Figgy Berries!" Doku took off into the forest in an instant, while Landon began mixing batter up, "Good that'll be ready for the Muffins, now the soup."
Levi stepped forward. "I believe in order to fairly test your skills you should be given the same amount of time as one another, I suggest 30 minutes to finish your food, ready....BEGIN!"
"VENO!" Doku cried as it was flying with a ton of berries with it, "Thanks Doku just set them down there," Landon said, pointing to a cutting board, "Mizu," Landon mumbled as he pulled out another Pokeball, and continued to stir the soup, Mizu popped out, "Cut the berries, muffin sizes," "Empol!" it replied as it started to cut the berries.
"Okay Jet, slice and dice those Pecha berries," said Ry pointing to a pile of berries. Jet sliced them up while Ry started a pot of boiling water using Fuego's fire type attacks. Ry silently worked, with the occasional commands to his pokemon. Baxter sat down and watched his trainer, who was acting with so much passion.
"They both seemed really pumped up about this. It's kinda like a cooking show or something." Robby said as he watched the two cook. "I just can't wait to try both of their food!" Robby exclaimed while he held the egg.
"20 minutes left!" Levi yelled as both challengers worked hard on there meals. He sat down and continued to watch. "Ry's a great cook but im looking forward to tasting Landon's food for the first time" he said drooling slightly.
"Yes Robby, Sol found her way back. But it would appear she's wandered off again. I don't mind though, she can handle her own. the wild Pokemon around here don't seem very strong." He says to Robby.
"Man, the only thing I can cook is Pokepuffs and thats from watching a friend cook them everyday for her pokemon back in Kalos." Robby said a bit sadly as he ate a piece of pokepuff. "Oh, ok just looking out for you." Robby said to darrius with a smile.
"Alright soup's done, now the muffins," Landon pulled out a Pokeball, "Hope you got enough rest, Spike," Spike popped out, "Spike I need a small flame for the muffins," "Blaze," it replied, Spike started a small fire. "Thanks," Landon said, as he walked over to Mizu, "Thanks this is perfect," Landon, grabbed the chopped berries and threw them in the batter. Landon began mixing the batter, then poured it into the pan, "Good now just to set the timer," Landon said as he set a timer for 13 minutes, "How are you doing Ry?"
After a short while longer Levi stood up. "Last 10 minutes, dont waste it" he said with a serious face before sitting down smiling. "Man ive always wanted to see what it was like to host a competition!"
Ry smiled. "I'm rockin and Rolling," he said. He nodded at Jet who mixed the berries into the boiling water "Okay Jet you slice up the Sirtis berries and Fuego toast em."
"Can you speed up time, I'm dying here." Robby says as he starts falling out of his chair. "I can go without sleep but not food." Robby says as he lays on the ground.
"Alright Sandwiches," Landon said to himself as he pulled out a bag of veggies, "Spike can you quickly stir the soup," "Blaze," it replied, "Mizu chop the veggies quickly," "Empol!" it replied back. Landon pulled out a bad of bread, and began turning the extra Oran and Sitrus Berries into goo, "There, nothing beats homemade Berry Juice," he said as he poured it into a small jug. Landon pulled a small measuring cup out of his bag, "And just in case you're wondering I keep Pokeballs and a sleeping bag in here the rest is food items," he said as he ran to the river to collect some water. "There," Landon said as he added the water, "Mizu, stir the juice up, I gotta make the sandwiches," Landon buckled down and began powering through making sandwich upon sandwich using up every ingredient.
"Hurry timer!" Robby yelled as he anxiously watched the time slowly tick down. Hearing the scream, "huh, what was that? It sounded like a scream." Robby said.
Landon looked behind the person who came running in and saw a rampaging Primeape, "He's right there's a Primeape coming this way!" Landon cried.
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