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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Kingsly makes no effort to move out of the way, and Knox chomps down on Kingsly's lower leg. Kingsly lightly shakes Knox off, and eyes the little Trapinch with a look that almost screams "You can do better than that, can't you?"
"All right, Greninja, Charizard, and Aegislash you guys polish up your moves on each other while dodge each others moves! Gallade, I need your help with something." Robby said as the three started battling. "Lade?" Gallade asked as Elekid faced Gallade. "All right Gallade, will help me train Elekid?" Robby asked his friend as Elekid started punching and kicking the air. "Lade!" Gallade answered as he shook his head. "Alright, thanks buddy! All right Gallade start things off with a Psycho Cut half strength!" Gallade nodded and shoot a Psycho Cut at Elekid. "Elekid now avoid it by sliding under it then jump and use Thunderpunch!" "Elekid!" Elekid responded as he slid under the Psycho Cut and jumped while his fist glowed yellow with electricity. Gallade blocked this with ease, but stumbled back a bit. "Nice Elekid, that was really good now, Gallade charge at Elekid and use False Swipe!"
"Gallade!" Gallade responded as he flew toward Elekid. "Now Elekid use Brick Break to Deflect it!"
"Hm....." Levi thinks about what he could do. "Alright Knox jump" Knox ran and jumped up to about Kingslys head. "Use Sand Attack!" Levi yelled making Knox shoot sand at Kingslys eyes.
Kingsly reels, momentarily stunned by the sand being flung into its eyes.
"C'mon Kingsly, you're a rock type. How does sand bother you?" Darrius asks, teasing his Pokemon.
"Tar!" Kingsly growls at Darrius, then starts to shake the sand out of his eyes.
Slightly irritated now, Kingsly throws Knox across the makeshift battlefield, then stares at Darrius, as if telling him to give a command.
"Tired already Kingsly? Alright. use Stone Edge." Darrius says. It's clear he'd hoped Kingsly would be a bit more patient with the little Trapinch.
"Tar!" Kingsly summons shards of rock from the ground, and flings them at Knox.
The False Swipe and Brick Break clashed over and over again until Gallade had over powered Elekid, send him flyback a few feet. "Way to hold you own Elekid! Now, get up and use Thunderpunch!" Robby exclaimed as Elekid got up with a determined smile.
"Ele!!!" Elekid roared and rushed at Gallade with incredible speed, hitting Gallade directly with the Thunderpunch causing. "Wow, good job Elekid!" Robby yelled "I didn't even have time to give Gallade a command! Gallade, are you okay?"
"Lade" Gallade said as he brushed off dirt. "Good, now use Close Combat!" Gallade rushed toward Elekid "Elekid try and block with Thunderpunch full power!!" Robby exclaimed
"Elekid!" Elekid yelled as Gallade had collided with him, but he didn't block with Thunderpunch, he blocked with Protect.
"Sweet you learned Protect, nice work!" Robby said as Gallade bounced off of the Protect.
"Dig into the ground!" The moment the Stone Edge hit, Knox was underground. "Now use Earth Power!" Levi yelled throwing his arm forward. Energy began to erupt from the ground around Kingsly.
"And we're good to go for dinner!" Landon said as he finished drying the last of the dishes, "Now who's ready for some battle practice," all his Pokemon immediately cheered. Landon walked over to the river," Mizu, Hydro Cannon, Spike, Flamethrower, Doku, Poison Sting, Tori Quick Attack, Iwa Sandstorm!" Landon called and his Pokemon all launched their attacks creating an explosion in the water dousing them all in water, "Alright let's keep going!"
"Tar?" Kingsly looks around at the earth around him as blasts of energy erupt to smack him.
"Kingsly, counter with Earthquake!" Darrius says. After enduring the hit from Earth Power, Kingsly let's out a shockwave that rocks the area around, probably drawing the attention of the other trainers nearby.
Robby and all his pokemon stumble, "Woah, what was that?" Robby asked. When that happened Charizard had shot off a Flamethrower at Greninja due to their battling practice but had been shot of course due to the earthquake.
The Flamethrower hit Robby right in the face. "Oh man again?" Robby asked as he fell over. Gallade shook his head and chuckled a bit and again, Elekid started patting Robby on the back "Ele Ele." Elekid said with a sigh.
"Aah, Knox!" Levi yelled as the field shook. Knox was launched out of the ground across the field, knocked out. "Knox.." he walked over and picked up his fainted pokemon. "Return buddy, you did great" Levi said as he walked over to Darrius with a slightly dark look. He brightened up adn smiled while holding a hand out. "It was a good fight."
Still laying on the ground Robby says, "Man, I'm still hungry. Alright guys, time to eat!" He yells to his pokemon as he gets up and wipes the ashes from his face.
"Right so what do you guys think we're ready?" Landon asked his Pokemon cheered as a response, he looked towards the sky as his Venomoth flew by. "Did you find him?" Landon called up, Doku nodded, "Alright return for now everyone, Doku lead the way!"
"Sorry about that. I guess Kingsly wasn't as patient as I had expected him to be. Here, let me at least heal Knox for you, as an apology." Darrius said, pulling a revive and a super potion out of his backpack.
Robby walked over to his friends, "So, Knox lost I see. It's okay, he will get stronger and stronger." Robby said to Levi. "Also, where is Landon going?" Robby asked as he watched Landon run off.
"Thanks...it did help a lot though, I can tell. I just wish I could've done more, Knox has power, I just failed at bringing it out, ill get it eventually" he said as Darrius healed up Knox. "How ya feeling buddy?" Levi asked with a small smile. "Pinch...." Knox said sadly. "Hey buddy, you did great, im sorry I couldnt be of more use, return and sleep for awhile. Levi said petting Knox before returning him.
"We close yet Doku!?!" Landon called up, Doku flew down with a confused look, "Didn't you say he was hear?" Doku nodded, "Maybe he went back, lead the way." Landon continued to walk back until he came across the campsite, "Oh, hey guys!" he called.
"It's not your fault. It was his first battle, and he did hold his own against a much more experienced tyranitar. Now, how about we eat." Robby said as he filled all of his pokemon's food bowls.
"Oh were doing good, just preparing lunch." Robby said as he threw each of his pokemon a pokepuff along with their food. "Where did you go?" Robby asked as he pulled out a pokepuff for himself.
"Alright, thanks. Hey Landon, lets eat guys!" he yelled throwing his pokeballs up releasing Cronus, Orion, Vex, Knox, and a new pokemon he hadnt had before. "Ninjask!" Vex yelled as she ran up to the other floating pokemon. "Hehe, figured you guys would be glad to see eachother." Levi said with his arms crossed. "Shedniinja!" it responded, flying in a circled around Vex.
"Yes, let's get some food for our friends." Darrius says, putting out and filling bowls of food for his Pokemon. Most of his Pokemon come along and start eating, with the exception of Sol, who seems to have disappeared.
Robby looked over at his pokemon and seen they had all already finished their food. "Gosh, did you guys even taste your food?" Robby asked as his pokemon lied back and started relaxing. He then turned to Landon and said, "Whats on the menu today?"
"I actually had Doku my Venomoth go looking for you, Robby," Landon replied, "Doku said he found you but I guess he didn't," Landon glared at Doku who was giggling, he re-called Doku, "So Robby I'd like to ask for a rematch after lunch, and as for the menu I take requests"
"Oh really, I'm up for a rematch anytime!" Robby exclaimed as he made a determined fist. "Who do you want to battle today?" Robby asked as he looked at his pokemon.
"Sure, you good with that Greninja?" Robby asked Greninja
"Nin!" Greninja said as he nodded his head to say yes.
"Alright, so would you like to begin now?" Robby asked Landon as he and Greninja stretched in sync.
"You know it, but this time we don't plan to lose!" Landon called, as he threw a Pokeball into the air, "Spike, let's heat things up!" Spike burst out of it's Pokeball immediately ready for battle.
Sol ventures out of the woods, drawn by the smell of her food.
"Hey girl, just in time to watch a battle." Darrius says, petting her head as she comes to eat her food and watches the battle.
"Welcome back girl!" Levi said petting the excited Shedninja. "Ninjaa!" it said playfully. "I see gramps has raised you well. Lets meet the rest of the group" he said before walking over to his friends and pokemon.
"Alright lets battle right here, I'll attack first, Start off with Water Shuriken!" Robby exclaimed as held out his palm
"Ninja" Greninja said as he did a hand sign, then throwing three Water Shurikens straight at Spike.
"Spike use Flamethrower to block it!" Landon cried, Spike shot a Flamethrower at the Water Shurikens, "Now Thunder Punch!" Spike began charging at Greninja.
"Greninja confuse it with Double Team then use Ariel Ace!" Robby yelled as the Thunderpunch almost hit Greninja.
"Nin, Nin."Greninja said as dozens of clones appeared, then his hands and feet glowed white as he rushed toward Spike with Ariel Ace.
"Blaze Kick back to back along with Brick Break!" Spike began using Blaze Kick and Brick Break to destroy the clones but was hit by the real one from behind.
"Good job Greninja, don't give it time to recover! Water Shuriken!" Robby exclaimed making a fist
Greninja responded as so and threw two Water Shuriken straight at Spike's back.
"Spike, backside dodge," Spike understood and performed a back flip to dodge the Water Shuriken, "Now Brick Break!" Spike turned and began charging at Greninja with Brick Break.
The Brick Break hits Greninja doing damage, sending Greninja flying back a few feet. "Greninja, hang in there, I believe you! Water Shuriken full power!!" Robby yells as Greninja gets up.
"Ninnnnjaa!" Greninja yells as he creates a Water Shuriken about four times bigger than a normal one and throws at directly at Spike with incredible speed.
"Spike!" Landon yells as the Shuriken hits dealing major damage, "Spike can you go on?" "Blaze!" It called back, "Right we won't lose, now Flamethrower!" Spike shot a Flamethrower straight at Greninja. 'Spike's reaching his limits, but that won't stop us' Landon thought to himself.
"Greninja, Cut through the Flamethrower with Night Slash, then rush it with Ariel Ace!" Robby exclaims as he starts sweating
The Flamethrower's damage is reduced from Greninja Cutting it in half, Greninja then runs at Spike at full speed with an Ariel Ace ready to strike.
I can feel me and Greninja's heart connecting as this battle rages on! Robby thought to himself with an excited look on his face. This is the most fun I've had in a battle in a really long time!
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