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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"I don't know, but let's go!" Ry shouted running towards the door. He exited the Pokémon Center and smiled. He sent out Baxter who jumped on his shoulder. He walked through Cerulean toward the southern tip of town.
"Yeah, most of Kanto is really nice year round" Levi added as they left. Well...except Lavender Town.....but we can handle it. he added in his head. It was quiet for a short while till Levi spoke up again "Oh yeah, Knox, we havent checked out your moveset yet." he said taking out his pokedex. "Let's see....Bite, Sand Attack, and....oh cool" he said looking at Knox with a grin. "We'll save that one for later"
"We could train when we set up camp. We should have some time to kill before we hit the hay. We could train, and chill." Ry said. Baxter nodded his head in agreement to the relaxing part of it. "But don't push him to far, he's just a baby still," Ry added.
"Ya know Ry, i have a nifty little item that i think might help Baxter." Darrius says, as he pulls his back around from his back, then pulls out a small, strange looking harness contraption.
"It's called an Experience Share, I'm sure you've heard of it, but i'll explain anyway. It'll help Baxter gain some experience without actually having to battle."
"Yeah, I need to train up Elekid." Robby said as he looked at him. "Ready to get stronger buddy?" Robby asked with a smile. Elekid responded with an "Elekid!" as he made a determined fist. "Thats the spirit!" Robby said as he gave Elekid a high five. Robby pulled out his pokedex, "So you know Thunderpunch, Brick Break, and Thunder Shock, cool." Robby said as he put his dex away.
Baxter shuttered when he saw the Experiance Share. Ry noticed this and said, "Don't worry. I don't think i'll need it. I have a special way to train with Pokémon who just hatched. I did raise Fuego, Grace, and Aura from eggs." Baxter breathed a sigh of relief after Ry said this. "I'll show you guys if you want this afternoon."
Levi grinned at Darrius. "Even if the training was gonna be easy id find a way to make it harder, or else it wouldn't be worth it" he looked down at the experience share. "Nice, thats a pretty rare item, it could really improve Baxters training, I might have to borrow that during big fights so Knox could get a boost."
"I can pass my Experience Share around to the rest of you if you like. I don't really use it anymore, because all of my Pokemon are at the point where i can train them without it." Darrius offers to the remainder of the trainers.
"I'll use it if Knox is to weak for a battle but needs the xp, although I do think natural training gives better results." he looked over at Ry to continue what he was saying. "Yeah if you've got a good way to train the little guys, you'll have to show me when we set up for the night"
"I'll have to pass with the exp share I think elekid here can grow without it." Robby said as they continued walking down town. "How long do you think it will take to get to vermillion?" Robby asked as he put his hands behind his head.
"Oh yeah! The Daycare Center, lets stop by on the way" Levi said with an excited look before running off ahead of everyone to reach it sooner. "Wooooo!" he yelled as he ran, looking very foolish.
"I haven't been on a Subway since Courmarine City in Kalos. That was back when Charizard was still a Charmelon." Robby said as he saw the station come into view. Astonished by Levi's energy Robby yelled, "Wait for me!!" As he sprinted after Levi.
Watching Levi run off hooting and hollering makes Darrius laugh rather heartily.
"I'm very glad i've made friends who love Pokemon as much as I do on here in Kanto." he says with a smile before dashing off to catch up with the rest of his compatriots.
Ry who had gotten distracted by a flock of Pidgey, turned to see, his friends had ran ahead. "Wait up!" shouted Ry chasing after then, with Baxter on his shoulder.
When Robby walked into the day care, confetti popped and cover him. "Congratulations!" The workers yelled, "You are the 1,000,000th person to come here, take this free egg straight from the Johto region!" The workers said as they handed Robby the blue egg before he had the chance to say anything. "Well, thanks.." Robby said with an awkward laugh. Robby then walked outside to his friends while holding his new egg. "That was kind of cool. I wonder what this egg will hatch into." Robby said as he held the egg while Elekid curiously stared at it.
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"You got an egg? Nice" Levi said with a faint smile while staring at the building. Good to be here again.... Levi breathed slowly before entering the pokemon center. "Hello?" he called waiting for a response, nothing. He stepped further in. "Hello?" He heard an older voice. "Im coming just hold on, and im not giving out anymore eggs!" the old man stepped into the main room a few feet away from Levi before stopping in place. "....Levi, is that you?" he said slightly shocked. "Hey gramps!" Levi rushed forward hugging the old man. "Ohohoho its been so long Levi, how was your trip to Hoenn?" the old man asked with a large grin spread across his face.
Ry walked in to see Levi talking to a man, whom he called his Gramps, and Robby stuffing an egg in his bag. "What did i miss?" He asked. Baxter jumped on his head and looked around.
"Well I'm the luckiest person in the world right now, and this guy seems to be Levi's gramps." Robby says he puts his backpack carefully back on.
"My trip was great, hey check it out" he threw Cronus' pokeball out releasing hi. "Blaaaast!" he said nudging the old man. "So he evolved huh? Good job Levi" the old man said patting Cronus' head. Levi turned to Robby "Uh well yeah hehe, you do know im form Knato right? I used to come here all the time while studying pokemon evolution cycle. And since eggs show it up the daycare so often I loved it" he turned back to the old man. "Theres so much ill have to tell you about later gramps!" Levi said giving him a hug. "Oh, hey Ry" Levi said turning to the group. "Well technically we're not related, but I used to be here so often he's basically taken me in as a grandson" Levi had sparkles in his eyes from the nostalgia of the room.
"Wha?! You're from Kanto! I had no idea. I thought you were from Hoenn or something like that." Robby said with a surprised look on his face. Robby then turned to the old man "Thanks for the egg again, any idea what it will hatch into?" Robby asked the old man. Robby then glanced at Ry and said, "Maybe a Phanpy?" Robby asked.
Levi laughed. "Nope, Cinnabar Island born and raised. I just traveled to Heonn for a year to do research." He smiled inspecting the egg. "Knowing gramps it'll be a pretty bulky pokemon"
"Okay well shouldn't we head towards the subway?" Ry said checking his watch. "Um guys, the subway leaves in 1 minute!" He shouted.
"Oh no!" Robby yelled as he bursted through the day care doors and started full out sprinted for the subway. "Hurry guys, were going to miss it!" Robby yelled as Elekid struggled to hang onto Robby's shoulder as he ran.
'Oh alright!" Levi said, quickly turning to the Daycare Man. "Hey gramps I know its been awhile but I gotta go!" The old man grabbed Levi's arm and pulled him in whispering something into his ear. "Oh yeah...wow, thanks gramps" Levi said as the old man handed Levi a pokeball which Levi pocketed. "Okay lets go!" Levi yelled before running out the door.
Darrius is standing aboard one of the subways, waiting for his friends to catch up.
"The Subway for the Route 6 station leaves in 1 minute. Please stand clear of the closing doors!" a voice over the PA call.
'Well, guess I'll just wait for them at the station then.' Darrius thinks to himself as he sits down in the subway car.
"Wait! Don't close the doors yet!" Robby yelled as he burst through and dove onto the cart Darrius was on. Robby landed, but on Elekid. "Ele!" Elekid yelled as he electrocuted Robby. As smoke came off of Robby he said, "Sorry Elekid." with a weak laugh as Elekid patted Robby on the back.
"Guys hurry!" Landon yelled, "Spike, I choose you, Hold the doors!" He cried as he tossed the Pokeball into the subway car. Spike burst out and held the doors open so they couldn't close
"Yeah just a little out of breathe." Robby said as he got up and wiped some sweat from his brow and sat down. "I'm used to getting hit by pokemon moves." Robby said with a laugh.
"I don't know. I think I out ran them, haha." Robby said, he then though for a second. "OH NO! WE LEFT OUR FRIENDS!" Robby yelled as the subway took off.
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