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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"Spike just a little longer!" Landon yelled as he sprinted towards the subway which had begun to take off. "3... 2... 1... NOW!!" Landon dove into the subway, "Thanks Spike."
"Alright, you're right. Hopefully they won't have to wait long for the next subway." Robby said as he sat back and gave Elekid a pokepuff. Watching Landon fall to the ground Robby said "Guess it wasn't enough time, but at least you tried."
Levi ran up to the train tracks to just in time to see end of the train leaving. "Well......thats a shame" Levi simply waved to the train before walking away looking down at the pokeball he'd received. He shrugged "Guess will have to wait for the next train hehe" he said not really caring to much about the predicament.
"Thats good, I thought we were going to have to wait a day or something for them to arrive. So, how long do you think it will take to get to Vermillion?" Robby asked as he polished his badges.
"I wonder what Vermillion will be like." Robby said as he took out the light blue egg from his backpack. "So, what do you guys think this will be, the Daycare guy said it was from Johto." Robby said as he rubbed the egg.
"My first guess would be a Phanpy." Darrius says, as the subway comes to a stop.
"All passengers for the route 6 station please disembark now." a voice over the PA says, as the doors slide open with a hissing sound.
"Yup, were should we wait?" Robby asked as he looked around the station, putting the egg back into his backpack.
Darrius steps off the subway, and migrates towards the stairwell that leads out of the terminal, then leans against the wall.
"Guess we just wait here for the others. You guys see a vending machine anywhere?"
Looking around, "No, I don't see one." Robby said as his stomach growled. "Guess I'm getting hungry too." Robby said with a laugh.
"I was more concerned about getting a drink. I should have stocked up while we were still in town. I didn't anticipate getting separated from the others." Darrius says with a sigh.
Levi was on the second train heading towards the others. "I wanna use Knox it the gym..." he said to himself quietly while petting Knox. "But....." he looked down at the pokeball he got from his Gramps. Should I use her? he thought to himself. "All passengers for the route 6 station please disembark now." Levi stood up. "Huh...pretty quick trip" he said to himself before leaving the train. "Looks like the others are about to leave" he said while petting Knox, making his way over to them.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, and sorry for leaving you guys behind, haha." Robby said. Noticing Levi's new pokeball,"Who's in there?" Robby asked.
"Hey, you sound like this guy named Brock I once met Ry! He was an awesome chief, and always said his food was the best too." Robby said as they began to walk outside.
"You've met Brock?" Levi asked with a slightly surprised look. "He was my master while training in the Kanto region, he help me buff up" he said proudly.
"Oh, food contest? That means more food! Man, I'm really starving now!" Robby yelled as they continued walking.
"Yeah I meet him in Kalos in some Pokemon Center. He was hitting on Nurse Joy. When I we tallked he said I reminded him as a friend and cooked me an awesome meal!" Robby told Levi.
"My mom taught me everything i know! She's a master cook and breeder!" Ry shouted. He stopped by a river. "Let's start things off right now!" He shouted smiling.
"All right, I'll help set up our stuff." Robby said as he started unpacking. "Everyone come out, its break time!" Robby yelled as he threw up all his pokeballs. "Man I can't wait until the food is done." Robby said as he watched the two cook while cleaning his egg.
"Well let me tell you tell you feeding isn't easy," Landon said as he unpacked some ingredients. "Everyone come on out, I need help cooking!" Landon yelled as he threw out his Pokeballs, "Spike, help me with the flame, everyone else I'll need some berries."
Baxter started doing some thrusts and punches. "Hey Landon, can we stall the contest, and have it for dinner. Baxter's dying to start training, and we'll have time to get some berries." Ry said i king up Baxter and running towards the woods. "Thanks," he called out.
"Well, I guess there gonna start cooking....." Levi said plainly before setting up his tent. "So, since there gonna be....busy, wanna start training?" he said after walking up to Darrius.
Completely forgetting about his growling stomach Robby yelled to his team, "Lets train guys! You guys know the drill!" Charizard, Gallade, Greninja, and Aegislash began running to a clearing to start battle practice. "Come on Elekid, let me teach you what this is all about." Robby said as he smiled down to Elekid while holding the egg. "Elekid!" Elekid said as he held up a determined fist.
After exploring the subway terminal a little more, Darrius found a vending machine with bottles of tea in it. When he came up from the station and approached the camp, he saw what appeared to be a cooking competition happening, as well as Robby and his pokemon clearing out a space for training.
"Huh, well, time to let everyone out to relax." Darrius remarked to himself out loud, then tossed his Pokeballs into the air. Kingsly, Reaper, Storm, and Havoc appeared immediately, and Sol shortly after.
"Alright friends, time to relax. Don't go roaming too far now." Darrius says with a chuckle, knowing Sol's tendency to wander off on her own.
"Kingsly, you stay close alright? I'll need your help." he says. He then turns to Levi.
"Certainly, i'm ready to start training whenever you are."
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"Great, should we spar to test how me and Knox work together?" he asked with a grin. "You up for it Knox?" Knox raised his head proudly. "Piinch!" he responded.
"I think it'll be less like sparing, and more like Knox repeatedly attacking Kingsly until one or the both of them get tired or bored." Darrius says with a chuckle as the two trainers and their Pokemon walk a little ways away from the camp.
"Start off however you like. Kingsly was raised with high defense in mind, so feel free to have Knox go all out."
"There you are," Landon called out to his Pokemon who came running back with berries, "Thanks everyone, but turns out we'll be having our cooking contest for dinner." His Pokemon looked at him with dumbstruck faces, "I know I'm hungry too, so how about I whip the six of us up a quick lunch and then we'll do some training," Landon began to cook again and after a while finally had some food prepared for his Pokemon, "Eat up you guys, Mizu don't take food that isn't yours, Spike Flamethrower burns food it does not heat it up, Tori you share the same stomach so there's no need to fight, Iwa I added Figgy Berries just the way you like, and Doku... I haven't dealt with you enough yet when it comes to eating so just eat." Landon stepped back as he watched his Pokemon eat their food vigorously, he reached over and grabbed a sandwich and began to eat along with his Pokemon.
"Just because he's young doesnt mean you should take him lightly" Levi said with a grin. "Now use Bite Know!" he yelled making Knox charge forward at Kingsly.
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