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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Darrius graciously accepted the badge. "That was a well-fought battle Misty. I was not prepared for face a Dragon Type today." he says with a smile, before recalling Sol and Storm to their Pokeballs. He attaches Storm's to his belt, then clips Sol's back to his necklace, and tucks it under his jacket. He then makes a Gladiator pose in front of the crowd of spectators.
"Are you not entertained!?" he says with an obvious joking smile.
"Very good, congrats Darrius. And thanks for the help Cronus, return." Levi said recalling the Blastoise to his pokeball and walking over to Darrius. "I believe everyone has battled Misty now correct?"
"Marvelous battle Darrius!" Robby yelled down to his friend. He then said "Yeah, I do think everyone has battled Misty."
Darrius laughs at Landon. "Thank you for playing along Landon!" he says, then walks over to Kingsly, recalling him to his Pokeball.
"Alright, shall we rest up the night here, then head to Vermillion City in the morning?"
"Sounds good to me! I felt like I haven't slept in a few days!" Robby exclaimed with a yawn looking at Elekid who was asleep wrapped up in his hat.
"Sounds good to me, and I have a surprise for everyone," Landon said as he reached into his backpack, to pull out a small stack of tickets, "Ta-da Tickets for all of us for the St. Anne."
"Oh I remember going to Virmillion City during my research, quite a unique town in the Kanto Region. Good thinking Landon" Levi said as he took one of the tickets storing it for later. "Shall we head to the pokemon center?" he asked walking towards the door.
"Cool. I've heard a lot of stories about the S.S. Anne, she only docks in Vermillion every once and a great while. It'll be an awesome experience, and we'll all get the chance to relax and party a little bit!" Darrius says, as he heads out of the Gym towards the Pokemon Center.
Taking the ticket, "Thanks Landon." Robby said with a smile. Returning Elekid and Greninja to their pokeballs. "Man, how long were we at that gym these two days?" Robby asked as they walked toward the pokemon center.
"Sure tomorrow we head for Vermilion City," Landon responded, "Someone also remember to tell Ry and everyone else that we'll be heading out, and as for you Robby I wanna know how you're still walking."
"I just have lots of energy I guess." Robby said with a laugh. "Besides, I can't miss my friends gym matches can I?" Robby asked with a smile.
"Any way.. I can't wait to get to Vermillion! I get to see the Ocean again!" Robby exclaimed as he walked into the pokemon center.
Levi entered the pokemon center happy to relax after the intense battles. "Man....these gyms are easier than I remember haha!" he said with a laugh before taking a seat and relaxing. He looked over at Darrius when he walked in. "Tomorrow we can start our preparations for the next gym, and thanks for agreeing to help me out with Knox's training." he said with a faint smile, Knox jumping from Kingsly's head and landing on Levi's lap. "Whoa, someone's feeling more daring huh?" he said before stretching out on the couch with Knox in his arms. "Night guys, sleep well!"
(OOC I'm going to bed. I have school tomorrow, so I won't be on for a while. If you continue just assume I'm there with you guys)
Darrius brought all his Pokemon out, and fed them.
"Storm, Sol, you two did great in your battle today. Especially you Storm, i'm proud of you." Darrius says, smiling and rubbing the little mouse's head. After they all ate, Darrius falls asleep on the couch, with Storm and Sol laying around him.
(OOC, it's relatively late here as well. I get done with classes at just after noon, I'll be on around 1 P.M. make the same assumption for me as well until then. BIC)
While his companions headed off to bed, Ry didn't. He quietly wandered around the city. Baxter followed his master as Ry wandered. Ry exited the city and went to Route 24. It was a quiet night, but Ry couldn't sleep. After a while, he sat by a tree and leaned back. "Tyrouge," Baxter said quietly. "It's okay," Ry said softly. But on the inside he was scared. "What was Dennis doing?" He asked himself. He then closed his eyes and let sleep take him. He woke up the next morning, still in the woods. It was early. He went to the Pokemon Center and started to cook breakfast for everyone. Baxter ran around the table, playing with Ry's other Pokémon. they were all willing exept for Jet who stood off to the side watching.
Levi did sleep that night, but he wished he hadnt. Thats night he had terrible nightmares about being dragged into Cerulean Cave by some unseen entity, the last thing he saw was a pair of glowing purple eyes just peaking out through the darkness of the cave before he woke up. There was a ring of sweat around his collar, Knox was still asleep so he slowly got up and went to take a shower. When he came back down he noticed movement in the kitchen. ".....Ry?" he asked as he slowly walked into the brightly illuminated room. "What are you doing?"
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Ry smiled when he saw his friend enter the kitchen. "I'm cooking breakfast," he said as he worked. Baxter continued to run around until he bumped into Levi's legs. "Tyrouge," he said apologetically.
"Its fine Bax" Levi said patting the top of Tyrouge's head. "So, today's the day. We're gonna start heading to Vermilion City" Levi said as he sat down in one of the chairs. "Think Lt. Surge might finally give our group a challenge? He probably will for me seeing as I intend to use Knox in the battle"
"You guys can get your badge first, I got a friend, who I'm gonna meet up with in Vermillion," Ry said placing a bowl of Oatmeal in front of Levi. He sent out his Pokémon and gave them each a bowl of food.
"Morning everyone..." Landon said walking into the lobby while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Here Ry," he said handing him a ticket, "Anyone want pancakes?"
"Morning, you hungry?" Ry asked facing Landon. Baxter sat down on the floor and started to eat his food. He gobbled it down. Ry's other pokemon took a slower approach.
"I was just gonna make some pancakes," Landon replied, " Want some?"

(OOC I've gotta go for school just assume I'm with you guys)
"Ill go ahead an challenge the gym second before last so I can work out my victory a bit better" Levi said as he began to eat the oatmeal he was given. "Hey.....have you heard any weird things about Cerulean Cave?" Levi asked looking up from his food. Gotta be a reason behind what happened the other day.... Levi thought to himself waiting for a response.
(OOC pokecharms is acting up BIC)
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"Okay, then we got a plan, but i haven't heard anything involving Cerulean Cave," Ry said standing up. He walked over to the video telephone and made a quick call. "Okay so let's finish up, so we can head to Vermillion," he said when he got back. He swung his bag over his shoulder and returned his pokemon to their pokeballs.
"Alright, ill wake the others" he said before grabbing his belongings and setting Knox on his head. "Pinch!" it said happily. "Today's the day, you ready to start your training buddy?" Knox gave a confident nod in response. "Alright guys! Wake up!" Levi yelled into the large open room so it echoed down the hall to the others. "Once there all ready we can had head. Theres a pokemon daycare near Vermilion so if anyone wants to drop a pokemon off thats a possibility"
Hearing Levi's yelled, Robby fell out of bed and said. "Good morning Levi. Are we heading off to vermillion?" Robby asked as he scratched his head and stood up. Robbys stomach growled, "Oh man I'm hungry!" Robby said as he walked out into the main lobby.

(OOC I have a few more classes left, I'll be back on around 3 BIC)
Darrius jerked awake to a jolt of electricity from Storm, who had been startled by Levi's shout.
"Urf. Morning everyone." He grunts, shaking the smoke off of him. "So we're heading to Vermillion City then huh? That'll be fun."
"We'll probably Vermilion by the end of the day but I suggest we camp out tonight, ya know since we've been staying in the center so much it would be a nice change of scenery" Levi suggested while everyone else got ready.
"I'd be alright with that. It's been a long time since i've been able to go stargazing. Maybe spending a night on the route outside of Vermillion would be a nice change of pace." Darrius remarks as he ties his shoes.
"Sounds like a plan. We can head south, then hit the subway to get to outside of Vermillion. Then set up camp and relax for the day," Suggested Ry. He walked over to the video telephone and placed another call. A girl with brown curly hair's face apeared. A few words were exchanged and the call was ended. Ry walked back to the group.
"Yeah, sounds good to me too. I haven't camped in a while." Robby said as he packed up. "I wonder what kind of Pokémon we will see on the way." Robby said as he recalled all his Pokémon except elekid. "Come on elekid onto my shoulder." "Ele!" Elekid said as he jumped onto robbys shoulder.
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