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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"Yeah, she switched out Gyarados, so are you the last one that needs to challenge Misty Darrius?" Robby said as he watched the giant Lapras leap into the air.
"Yes, i believe so. Though I don't play on using Kingsly. I have him for battling with Lt. Surge."
"Tar?" Kingsly sniffs curiously at the little Trapinch before picking it up and placing it on his head. "Tar."
The Blaze Kick hits Lapras right in its weak spot, not knocking out but doing some serious damage and causing a burn. "Lapras! Hang in there, let's finish this, use Perish Song!" Misty yelled in desperation to knock out Spike.
"She's resorting to Perish Song?!" Robby exclaimed. Hearing Darrius's comment about Lt. Surge he asks, "Who is Lt. Surge?"
"Spike we don't have much time!" Landon called, "Now use Flamethrower and give it everything you've got!" "BLAZE!" Spike roared across the field before unleashing the Flamethrower.
"The Gym Leader in Vermillion City, the next Gym Leader we'll all have to face. He uses electric type Pokemon, and Kingsly there does well in dealing with electric types." Darrius responds, intently watching Misty's strategy with her Lapras.
Lapras was completely engulfed in the Flamethrower and took burn damage, knocking it out. "Good job Lapras, you did your best." Misty said with a sigh. "Congrats, you and your Blazakin where completely in sync. Here is your Cascade badge." Misty said with a smile.

"Oh electric types huh. Guess I'll use Gallade and Aegislash, maybe even try out Elekid." Robby said as he watched the giant Flamethrower covered the field.
"Thank you very much!" Landon said as he accepted his badge, "Spike check it out the Cascade Badge!" "blaze...ken" Spike called back as it fell from exhaustion, "Alright Spike, take a well earned rest," Landon said as he re-called Spike. "Darrius good luck in your battle!" Landon said to Darrius as he walked to the stands.
"Good job Landon. That was really impressive that you were able to win at a disadvantage like that." Robby said as Landon came to the stands. Robby then look toward the battlefield and yelled, "Good luck Darrius!"
Darrius approached his edge of the battlefield, then pulled a Pokeball from his belt.
"Time to show 'em what you got Storm!" he shouts as he tosses the ball. His Raichu bursts forth onto one of the platforms.
"Rairai!" Storm cries confidently.
"Storm, use Thunderbolt!" Darrius calls.
"Rai! RAAAICHUUUU!" Raichu hurls a large bolt of electricity towards the Gyarados.
"Thanks, it was much more difficult than I had expected," Landon replied as he began to watch Darrius' battle, "Gyarados has really got to be feeling that."
"Gyarados avoid it by going underwater and use Dragon Dance!" Misty yelled as the thunderbolt flew right passed the spot Gyarados was just in. The water glowed a dark blue as Gyarados's speed and power raised.
"Wow, a Raichu, I think Darrius might beat your record Casys." Levi said with a grin spread across his face. "Pinch!" Knox cried in excitement. "Oh yeah, these are the first battles you've ever seen huh buddy? I bet its pretty intense" Knox looked over at Levi with a happy look "Trapinch!" he said happily.
"Raichu, put your tail in the water and use Discharge!" Darrius calls, thinking quickly.
"Rai!" Raichu dips its tail into the pool, then fires off it's attack. The entire pool lights up with electricity.
Gyarados roars in pain, but hangs on. "Gyarados, now use earthquake!" Misty yells as Gyarados tries to recover from the discharge.

"Yeah, he might just beat Casys record!" Robby says as he watches the battle continue.
"That was a good strategy," Casys remarked. He quickly wrote it down in his notebook. If fighting a water-dwelling Pokemon with an Electric-Type, use Electric move in water: water is a good conductor.
"Yeah he did say he's been doing this for a while." Robby said. "Now, how will he avoid this earthquake?" Robby asked as he watched Gyarados attack.
"Storm, jump up and hit the water with a thunderbolt!"
"Rai!" Raichu jumps into the air as the shockwave from Gyarados' earthquake rocks the gym.
"RAICHUU!" Storm hurls another thunderbolt into the pool, lighting it up yet again with electricity.
"Thats what I thought would've happened" Levi said with a smile. The real question is if he plans to switch out when Misty does... Levi thought to himself. "Hey good move Darrius!" Levi yelled as the water lit up like a light show.
Gyarados falls over and faints. Misty calls back Gyarados and says "You clearly are a very good trainer, so why don't I used my ace on you, how will you handle this?" Misty asked "Kingdra I choose you! Start off with Dragon Dance!"
"Aw man....wish I had a chance to fight Kingdra!" Levi thought aloud. He slumped back in his seat grumpily thinking of the challenge he could've had. At least I get to see it in action I guess....
"Storm's electric attacks won't be as powerful against Kingdra as they were against Gyarados due to Kingdra being half dragon type," Landon said as he continued watch the battle intensely.
"You're right. Looks like Misty tried to prepare for electric types." Robby said as the pokemon continued to clash.
"Storm, return!" Darrius calls. Storm jumps from the platform to his side, and Darrius unclips the Luxury ball from his necklace.
"Your turn Sol!" he calls, tossing the ball into the air. The Absol bursts forth onto the platform. "Sol!" Her Absolite glints brightly in the light of the Gym.
"Sol, use Night Slash!" Darrius shouts. She responds as ordered, charging towards the Kingdra, a purplish-black energy cloaking her claws, and she strikes at it.
"Kingdra dodge and use Dragon Pulse!" Misty yelled as Kindra swiftly dodge the night slash and shot a powerful dragon pulse straight for Sol.

"Sol? This will diffidently get interesting." Robby said as he saw the Absolite gleam in the light.
"Sol, cut through it with Psycho cut!" Darrius calls. Sol responds in kind, sending a blade of psychic energy into the the pulse of draconic energy, the smoke from the resulting explosion hiding Sol from view.
"Kingdra, shoot a Hyrdo Pump into the water to splash it up to clear the smoke!" Misty called out. Kingdra did this, clearing most of the smoke. "There it is, Draco Meteor full power!!" Misty yelled. Bright Orange lights filled the gym as Meteors fell from the sky.
"How will Darrius over come this?! That is like the strongest dragon type move!" Robby exclaimed as he watched the orange light spread through out the battlefield.
"Sol, dodge it!" Darrius shouted. She attempts to dodge it, but gets knocked to the next platform from the attack.
"Crap. Okay, time to get serious Sol!" Darrius kisses his Mega Ring, and the Key stone begins to harmonize with Sol's Absolite.
"Unleash your true power Sol, Mega Evolve!" He calls. A burst of light surrounded Sol, and unleashes her Mega form.
"Now Sol, Night Slash!" Darrius calls. Sol lunges forwards, her speed increased from the Mega Evolution, and strikes at Kingdra.
"Get ready!" Levi yelled as it rained large meteors, Cronus popped out of his pokeball and shielded the other trainers from the oncoming storm. "One problem with Draco Meteor, its got such a wide range it can fly off the field and potentially hurt the spectators." he said confidently.
Kingdra is hit directly with this Night Slash and is shot and slammed into the gym wall, creating a crater in the wall. "I would except nothing less from a mega evolution trainer." Misty said with smile as she recalled Kingdra. "Well, you beat me so here is the Cascade badge, congratulations!" Misty said as she handed Darrius the badge.
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