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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"I've gotta call an old friend and then I'll be doing some training for my battle against Misty," Landon replied before stuffing a fist full of fries in his mouth.
"Hmmm, he still seems troubled. Any way, I'm not sure Casys, what are we going to do guys?" Robby said as he recalled his pokemon except Elekid. "Alright, have fun, we'll meet you later." Robby said to Landon.
Casys finished his food and excused himself. He and Apollo took a walk back over to Nugget Bridge and sat down with their feet over the edge. "Apollo-," Casys said to his partner. "-Do you wanna try to Mega Evolve?" The Heracross nodded and together they walked to the side of the river. Casys replaced Apollo's Heracronite and together they began. "Apollo," Casys breathed, his eyes closing. Casys' Keystone began to glow a brilliant white light. Apollo's Heracronite began to glow the same color.
(OOC There is a lot of backstory on why they activate the Mega Evolution in such a way. I'm gonna be writing a story about their journey in Unova and that will explain it BIC)
Casys and Apollo's breathing sync up. They are in near-perfect harmony. Each bring their arms up in an "X", then they bring their arms down in an "O". They hold that position for a moment, then each of their arms snap out in an upside down "V". Tendrils of light erupt from their respective stones, overlapping and intertwining. Apollo is enveloped in a white light and, when it dissipates, he has Mega Evolved.

Apollo let's loose a roar, a purple light engulfing his eyes. "Oh, no-" Casys said before Apollo jumped into thee river, attacking all the wild Pokemon. Most of them try to flee, but the blue, serpentine Pokemon Casys saw earlier that day leaped out of the water. It's tail lit up, and it wrapped itself around Apollo's face. Apollo ripped the Pokemon from his head, then threw it into a tree. "Apollo, stop it!" Casys cried. Apollo looked into his eyes, the purple light leaving them for a moment. He was engulfed in a blue light, then he fell down into the river, his original form returned. Casys returned him to his Poke Ball, thhe could get to the Pokemon Center in timme.
After walking and thinking for awhile Levi made his way beck to the pokemon center, the egg now constantly giving off small noises. As he entered he saw Casys looking panicked. "Hey Casys whats up?" he asked with a worried expression, unsure what could've happened.
While walking down nugget bridge Robby sees what happens with Casys and Apollo. Robby whispers to himself, "So, this can be the terrifying side effects of mega evolution." He think though back to when he and Greninja passed out. He shook this off and ran after Casys. Once he got to the Pokemon center Robby asked, "Hey Casys, I saw what happened. Is Apollo ok?"
Landon, left the restaurant and began walking to the nearest Pokemon Centre, "Hopefully he isn't busy but if he is I'll just call Professor Rowan and ask him to send over one of my other Pokemon." He continued until he reached the Pokemon Centre and walked over the the transfer machine. Landon began dialing the number, then began listening to the ring until it had been picked, "Hello?" asked someone who was wearing an orange T-Shirt with brown hair, "Hey Arhi, it's Landon," Landon replied, "Hey Landon good to hear from you, I assume you want me to send Mizu?" Arhi said, "Yeah, you guessed it," Landon replied, "Sending Mizu, now," Arhi said, there was a flash where a Pokeball had appeared. Landon grabbed the Pokeball and hung up, as he left he saw everyone near the Nugget Bridge, he walked over and asked, "Everything okay?"
Casys left the blue Pokemon with Nurse Joy to be healed. When Levi and Robby asked him what happened, Casys replied, "Apollo has some, erm, problems with Mega Evolution. While we were in Unova, the remnants of Team Plasma kidnapped him and a few other Pokemon and committed horrifying experiments on them. The experiments made them stronger but took away their emotions. Mega Evolution reminds Apollo of that power and sometimes he can't handle it. It has some nasty side effects," Casys gestured at the blue, serpentine Pokemon who Nurse Joy and Chansey were prepping for healing.
Ry walked ot of the restaurant completely stuffed, with BAxter following closely behind. He then noticed everyone going to the Pokemon Center. He followed, and went inside. "What kind of pokemon is that?" He asked pointing to the blue pokemon.
Nurse Joy said to Ry, "This Pokemon is known as Dratini. They're really rare to find around here."

Casys perked up at the sound of this. "A Dratini?" Maybe it'll want to travel with me since I saved it.
"Wow, I've never seen a Dratini before!" Robby exclaimed. He then looked back at Casys,"What's team Plasma?" he asked
"A Dratini is a rare find," Landon said, "As for you Casys that Dratini had a dept it owes you for saving it, catching would seem reasonable," Landon said with a smirk.
"Yeah, I completely agree with Landon, but be careful with it around Apollo it might dislike it for.. you know..." Robby said as he went to the PC to research more about Dratini.
Nurse Joy took the Dratini into the back room. "That may be true," Casys replied to Landon, "But that'll be Dratini's choice, not mine."
"Alright good" Levi said before walking away from the chatter. He used the video phone to make a call. "Ah Levi, good to see you, hows everything going?" Professor Oak said with a smile. "Im ok...although, something weird did happen." he said unsure of his next words. "Well go on, tell me about it" Oak said with a concerned look on his face. "Well.....do you know anything about Cerulean Cave?" Levi couldnt help but to receive some answers. "Well I know its home to some very powerful pokemon and even at your level its a bad idea to enter" Levi looked slightly defeated. "Do you know anything else?" he asked hopeful. "Well....no that doesnt matter" Oak contemplated. "Nono, anything will help at this point Professor, please?" he begged. "Well there are rumors of powerful psychic type pokemon who wonders that cave defeating every trainer who dares enter, but a rumor is just a rumor and nothing more." Oak said plainly. "Well have you ever heard of that pokemon.....affecting people?" Oak gave Levi a serious look, "I suggest you stay away from that cave, even if they are just rumors psychic types have some strange abilites. Ive got to go Levi, call me later" and with that, Oak was gone. Strange abilities..... Levi thought to himself.
"Alright. So, who will challenge the gym next?" Robby said as he sat down. Robby then looked at Levi, "Are you sure you're okay? There's that grim look again." Robby asked as Elekid ran around him.
"I wouldn't mind challenging Misty." Casys remarked. He had a few strategies and had finally decided on the one he would use. This shuold be easier than Forrest.
"Alright then, let's go to the gym. So, Casys first then Landon, got it." Robby said as he got up. "Come on buddy unto my shoulder." Robby said to Elekid. "Ele!" Elekid said with a smile before he jumped onto Robby.
Levi walked over to the others. "So you guys ar- whoa!" he said running over to the pokemon egg. There was a crack forming at the top. "We're finally gonna see what Professor Birch's gift is" Levi said excitedly and the egg began to break more.
(OOC who's gonna be Misty for the challenges? BIC)

"Alright, then." Casys said. He walked up to the counter and asked Nurse Joy how the Dratini was. "He's just coming out of the heal chamber now, actually." Casys was relieved to see the energetic Dratini on the stretcher, slithering around and cheering. "Do you wanna journey with me, Dratini?" It jumped onto the counter and nuzzled it's head against his gloved hand. "Okay, then." Casys touched a Dive Ball to Dratini's head and it was suckeed into the Ball.

Casys turned to tell the others, but saw that Levi's egg was hatching. "I wonder what it'll hatch into," Casys said as he walked over to join them.
Levi leaned in, Vex popping out of her pokeball and watched. "The egg cracked open and a pokemon slowly stumbked out. It had a small body and a large head, it had an almost orange color with white stripes and powerul looking teeth. "Trapinch!" it said as it stumbled forward towards Levi. He smiled wide steadying the Trapinch as it walked towards him. Thanks professor.... he thought to himself as Trapinch nuzzled up against his leg.
"A Trapinch no way, Levi how lucky are you," Landon said, "Congrats." Landon got up a began to leave the Pokemon Centre, heading for the gym.
"Wow, that can evolve into a Flygon right? Thats so cool." Robby said as he watched the little Trapinch move around. "Landon wait for me!" Robby yelled as he ran toward the door.
"Nice, a Trapinch-," Casys said to Levi. "-You're a lucky guy, Levi." With that, Casys left the Pokemon Center and started walking toward the Gym. He called out Apollo, who was well rested and had a clearer head. "Are you ready for this?" Apollo nodded. Together, they pushed open the doors of the gym and started toward the battlefield.
"They sure are pumped, right Elekid." Robby said as he enter the gym. "Elekid!" Elekid responded. "Good luck Casys, Apollo!" Robby yelled as he took a seat.
Levi looked the small Trapinch in the eyes. Strange....almost like... he thought as he saw a small twinkle of purple flash across the Trapinch's eyes. "Knox......" he said without knowing it. "Piiinch!" the Trapinch liked the word. "Huh....okay, guess ill call you Knox, wouldnt be my first choice but if you like it....it works" he said with a smile before holding a pokeball out towards the newly named Knox. "You wanna come with me?" Levi asked with Vex gesturing for the Trapinch to join. "....pinch!" it said before nudging the pokeball, being sucked inside.

Levi smiled. "Welcome....Knox"
(OOC I guess I'll act as Misty for your battles BIC)
The lights in the gym flicker on, "I've been excepting you guys to come back." Misty said with a confident smile. "This will be a two on two battle, you may have the first move, challenger." Misty said as she got ready. "Go Gyarados!" Misty yelled.

"So, Gyarados again. Let's see how Casys handles this." Robby said as he propped up his feet.
Apollo stepped forward. "Apollo, fill the water with Rock Slide!" Rocks poured down and splashed into the water, filling it in some places. Watch out for Hurricanes, bud, Casys tried to tell Apollo with his eyes.
Levi got up staring down at the pokeball in his hand. "Team member number four...glad to have you" he said quietly before turning to the last few people in the center. "Shall we go watch the battles?" he asked as he left the center and made his way to the gym. "Ah so Casys will battle her first, wonder if he can get the quickest win" Levi said to Robby as he sat down.
"Gyarados, destroy all the rocks with Hydro Pump!" Misty yelled as rocks filled the pool.

"Yeah, we'll have to see, he is at a disadvantage. Hurricane could really hurt Apollo." Robby said to Levi.
"Apollo," Casys called, "Get in close with Night Slash!" Apollo's arm glowed black as he ran in and swung upward at Gyrados' neck.
The Night Slash hit Gyarados directly, Gyarados stubbled back, but got back up with a roar. "Gyarados now, use hurricane!" Misty yelled as Gyarados started creating a giant whirlwind.

"Here it comes, how will he over come this?" Robby asked as the whirlwind started to ingulf Apollo.
Vex was floating next to Levi when it nudged on Knox's pokeball bringing it out. "..pinch?" it said as it sleepily looked up. "Ninjask!" Vex said happily. "So you wanna get to know our knew buddy huh Vex?" Levi said with a smile pulling Knox onto his lap where the pokemon curled up. "We'll have to introduce you to the rest of the team later" Levi smiled while gently petting Knox"
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