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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Levi got up and stretched his neck. "Hopefully theres something interesting" he walked towards the exit with his friends, holding the pokemon egg in his arms while they walked. "Not gonna miss the moment it hatches" he mumbled with a smile.
Robby approached his friends with Aegislash by his side. "Alright guys I'm ready, lets explore." Robby said as Aegislash looked at everyone with curiosity. "Thanks, Ry. This guy was the second pokemon I caught in Kalos."
Levi looked back at Aegislash with the same curiosity. Wow....now that is something new! he though to himself "Hey what region is Aegislash from?" he asked, not realizing he'd been staring for awhile.
"He is from Kalos, he helped me out a lot during maybe battles. He's been sick for a while, but now he is better and ready to travel with me again!" Robby exclaimed as patted Aegislash on it's hilt/head.
"Yup!" Robby said "Slash!" Aegislash also said, confirming this. "I can remember the day I found him as a little honedge terrorizing some kids at a park." Robby said with a laugh. "He was quite the roughneck back then." Robby said.
"Never seen one before...alright lets head out!" Levi said walking out the door. As they made there way down the street he noticed that there was a cave sitting on a piece of land separate from the other parts of the city. Hm...wonder whats over there. he thought as he took Cronus' pokeball out. "Hey buddy lets go check that place out" he said hopping on Cronus' back and swimming over there. He felt a scary presence as he approached the cave. Whats......... A jolly looking man jumped out in front of him making him fall back. "H-hey there kiddo, dont go in this cave until your a bit stronger, unnaturally powerful pokemon dwell down there!" he said smiling down at the boy. Levi got up and looked back at the cave befroe going back and meeting up with the others. "Weird guy.." he said to his friends before walking off.
"Nothing....just......." Levi realized he trailed off before returning his attention to his friends. "That guy just seemed to jolly to be normal haha!" Levi said before he continued to walk forward. Man....why was I so scared?
"Maybe he was excited, like I am before a battle," Ry suggested. He gave a goofy smile, trying his best trying to get rid of any tension.
"Uh yeah, lets get something to eat heheh" Levi said walking towards a shop near bye. "Who wants what!" he said walking in the doors, placing his egg in his backpack so he could carry food.
"Maybe.." Robby said, he then said, "What if he was a ghost who passed a way in that cave and is haunting it?"
"Eh, ghosts aren't real." Robby said debunking his own theory. "Same here! I'm really hungry!" Robby replied as his stomach growled.
"Yeah, you're right." Robby replied to Landon as he looked at menu. "I'll a sandwhich and chips with a momo milk please." Robby said to the waitress.
(OOC My notifications weren't working, just pretend Casys was with you the whole time)

Casys broke away from the rest of the group, walking over to the Poke Mart. He and Apollo browsed the shelves, looking for supplies for when they left Cerulean City. Apollo has nervously rubbing his left hand over his Heracronite, and Casys said to him, "Are you sure you don't want me to hold on to that for you?" Apollo hesitated before nodding. Casys detached the Mega Stone from Apollo's sleeve, and they left the Poke Mart to meet up with everyone else. After a minute's walk, the pair entered the restaurant and sat down with the rest of the group. "Is there anything good here?" Casys asked Levi.
Ry lifted his face from the pile of food, he was currently devouring. "Everything," he mumbled. Baxter nodded in agreement. The waitress walked over to him, and was surprised to see that the trainer had almost eaten all of his food.
"All right, everyone come out, time to eat!" Robby said as he sat down next to Levi with his food. When all Robby's pokemon came out he gave them each some pokemon food and a pokepuff. "Geez, did you even taste anything?" Robby asked as he saw Ry devour all his food.
(OOC If we go to restaurants a lot then you're gonna have to deal with a lot of Pokemon food BIC)

"Okay, then-" Casys replied to Ry. Looks like they're doing breakfast all day. "I'll take the scrambled Exeggcute with ketchup and hash browns-," he told the waitress. "-and for a drink I'll take a Chesto juice."
Levi was halfway through his burger when he stopped in his tracks. Breathing heavily he felt scared like he did before. But...where?! he thought quickly before looking down at his egg. It gave him a vibe that it hadnt before. "Wha....." he thought outloud before the feeling faded and he slowly picked his food back up. Eyeing the egg as he ate. Hm.....
Elekid had taken some of Charizards's food. Charizard roared and shot a Flamethrower heading straight for Elekid, but Elekid dodged the Flamethrower had hit Robby instead. "*cough* not again." Robby said as he fell out of his chair.
"I really hope the scrambled Exeggcute is just a name..." Landon said with worry as he waited for his food to arrive. A waiter had come by with Landon's food, Landon grabbed the food and began to dig into the mixed grill, "AAAAAAHHHH!" he cried as his face turned bright red.
"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Robby asked as he got up and threw another pokepuff to Charizard, calming it.
"Well at least you didn't just take a Flamethrower to the face, hahaha." Robby said as he sat back down in his chair and began eating.
"Close enough," Landon replied as he drank his Lemonade, "Worth it though," he mumbled as he continued to eat this time cooling it down before eating.
The waitress set Casys' food before him, and Casys thanked her as she walked away. Casys put a straw in the Chesto Juice and Apollo happily began drinking. Casys hungrily dug into his Exeggcute. "So, what are you guys doing for the rest of the day?"
Robby and his pokemon all finished their food. "Wow that was good! So, Levi, what do you think is in that egg. Maybe it will be something super rare like a Goomey or a Dratini." Robby said as he looked at Levi's egg.
Levi finished his food before getting up and grabbing his bag. "So....gonna take a short walk, clear my head, think about the next gym battle" he said to his friends before heading out. He took the egg out of his backpack and stared at it as he walked. Man....what was that about? he thought to himself.
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