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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"She's strong," Ry said nodding. He then looked at Baxter. "Chill down buddy." He said quietly. Baxter calmed down and watched the battle unfold.
"I'll have to pass, I already eat some Pangoro express earlier, see you." Robby said as he watched elekid and tyrouge play.
"Cool if anyone wants to join me I'll be at the nearby Pokemon Centre," Landon said as he left the gym, as he left the gym something caught his eye, "That's the Venomoth," he yelled as he began to chase it.
The blast of waters combined, but the Hydro Cannon prevailed, causing some serious damage to Gyrados. "Use Crunch, while he can't move!" Misty shouted. Gyrados, charged Cronus.
"Hopefully Landon doesn't get lost." Robby said with a little chuckle. "This battle is like a water show or something, I remember when this dude named Wallace came to Kalos and performed with his Milotic, it was really cool." Robby said he as water sprayed all over the place.
He doesnt have to move to do this! "Use Protect!" Levi yelled, Cronus was coated in a faint green light as Gyarados bit down. "Once you can move fire an Ice Beam into his mouth!"
"No way! I had no idea you could do that while recovering from a move like hydro cannon!" Robby exclaimed in awe. Robby then looked at Darrius, "Yeah you're right, he is a big show off, but a great trainer." Robby said.
Landon pulled out a Pokeball as he continued to chase the Venomoth, "Iwa Sandstorm!" he called, the Pokeball burst out with Iwa landing and immediately using Sandstorm to stop the Venomoth. "Bite Now!" Iwa leaped at Venomoth and bit onto it, "Now throw it down!" Landon called, Iwa swung the Venomoth to the ground, "Now go Pokeball!" Landon threw the Pokeball at the Venomoth. The Pokeball hit Venomoth and went inside, the Pokeball fell, Landon and Iwa watched in anticipation to see if their capture would be successful, Ping went the Pokeball signifying the capture of Venomoth. "Yes! We caught Venomoth!" Landon cried, he turned to Iwa, "Iwa how does the name Doku sound for our new partner?" LARVITAR! Iwa cried in approval. Landon smiled then turned to see his surrondings, "Iwa I think we may be stuck out here for the night," he turned to Iwa who sighed.
"Go Hurricane!" Misty shouted. Gyrados fired a energy tornado that swallowed up Cronus and the Ice Beam. "Now, you're trapped," Misty shouted at the boy.
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"But how long will that protest last before it gives out?" Robby asked as he proped his feet on the chair in front of him.
Hm.....what to do? "Alright Cronus! Fire a Hydro Cannon away from Gyarados!" Cronus fired the attack while balled up, he was sent soaring at Gyarados like a bullet.
"An interesting move, but it certainly might have it's downsides. Cronus will be right up in front of Gyarados, unable to otherwise attack due to Hydro Cannon's recharge. We'll see if it pays off." Darrius remarks. It's clear that his knowledge pool runs deep.
Gyrados took the hit and fell backwards defeated. Misty quickly recalled Gyrados and sent out Starmie. The water pokemon jumped onto the field. Starmie jumped in the water.
I was waiting for that, we're gonna end this quick. Levi thought to himself with a smirk. "Cronus use Ice Beam and freeze the water!" Cronus fired the attack and watched as the pool quickly turned solid.
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"Starmie! Use Rapid Spin and break through that ice!" Misty called. Starmie began spinning and shot towards the ice, smashing through it. "Now Starmie! Confuse Ray!" Misty called as Starmie launched the attack at Cronus.
"Dodge and use Skull Bash on the broken ice!" As Cronus slammed into the Ice it was sent flying around the room, several large shards began flying towards Starmie.
"Use Rapid Spin and break them," Misty called. Starmie began spinning and shattering the ice shards but one went flying and hit Starmie in the back. "Starmie! Can you get up," Misty cried, Starmie got up to it's trainer's call, "Good, now use Hydro Pump!" Starmie shot a Hydro Pump straight for Chronus
"Use Protect then follow up with Skull Bash" Cronus shielded against the attack then charged forward fast at Starmie. Wait for it.....wait.... "Now use Ice Beam!" Cronus closed the gap swiftly with Skull Bash then fired Ice Beam point blank.
"Starmie can't endure many more attacks." Robby said. "I wonder if she'll switch up her pokemon for me and darrius's battles."
"I hope she won't," Casys remarked. "I've been writing strategies to take down Gyrados and Starmie this whole time." If the Rock Slide maneuver doesn't work with Starmie, then Shiver can freeze then water with Ice Beam. Shadow Ball directly when it breaks through.
The point blank Ice Beam shot Starmie across the field and into the wall. "Starmie!" Misty cried, Starmie's jewel began blinking signifying it's defeat, Misty re-called Starmie and walked to the other side of the field, "You battled excellently, which is why I'm proud to present you with this Cascade badge," she said to Levi.
"Of course you may," Misty said, "I'll just need a quick minute for my Pokemon to be healed, I'll be right back." she said as she walked off.
Levi not paying attention to the words of everyone else rushed over to Cronus who was swaying lightly on his feet. Levi's eyes grew dark. "I should've switched out when I had the chance instead of risking your well being, im sorry" he said as he returned Cronus before walking up to Misty. "Thank you for the battle, it was well fought" with that he took the badge and walked over to his seat.
"It's okay, yes, let us began." Robby said as he drew a pokeball. "Gallade I choose you!" Robby exclaimed as he threw the pokeball. "Lade!" Gallade said as he came out.
"Yeah, no problem." Elekid jumped up onto Apollo and began climbing on his horn. A look of mild annoyance crossed the Heracross' face as he placed the Elekid on the seat next to him.
"Gyarados Go!" Misty cried as she threw the Pokeball, the Pokeball burst open sending Gyarados into the water. "You may have the first move," she called
"So Gyarados again." Robby said to himself. "Gallade you know what to do." Robby said confidently. Swords Dance appeared around Gallade and his power raise. Then. Gallade shot two Psycho Cuts straight at Gryarados.
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