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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Levi walked over. "It personally doesn't matter to me who cooks for us, you borh did great and I liked your dishes in different ways." he sat down next to Darrius. "I dont know what they were expecting, good food taste's like good food" he said quietly.
"Indeed we do." Darrius says, concuring with Ry. He finds a comfortable spot in the grass, and lays down, using his backpack as a pillow. His Pokemon encircle and lay down around him. "G'night everyone."
Robby pulls out a sleeping bag and pillow from his back pack and lies down in it while holding his egg. "Man, I'm really tired, especially after that battle with Landon." Robby says as his Pokemon also encircle him. "Good night guys, today was fun." Robby says as he almost instantly falls asleep while holding the egg close.
Levi layed down in a opening in the tree line looking up at the stars. "We're gonna buff you up for the Gym bud" he said looking down at Knox. "Pinch!" it said confidently. "Well...lets get some shut eye. With that, he slowly drifted into sleep. Then it happened, he saw himself being dragged into the woods by nothing. Just like he was dragged into Cerulean Cave in his dream. He looked around, panicked. "Knox!? Where are you!?" he yelled not being able to see his friend. He looked forward into the darkness that was approaching, those eyes......the faint purple glow brightened up and got warmer and warmer until they were a deep red. "No! What is-....Knox?" he said seeing his pokemon standing in the darkness. "......Pinch!" it yelled as it jumped on Levi. "Knox no!" he yelled. Then it ended, he woke up, cold ring of sweat around his collar like before, Knox still sleeping next to him. It was still the middle of the night so Levi didnt get up. "Whats happening...." he said to himself, slowly looking over at Knox. "What does that mean...." he sat there asking himself questions for most of the night.
Darrius sits up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep.
"Might as well go for a walk I suppose." he says quietly to himself, then steps out of the ring of Pokemon around him, and heads away from the group, towards the forest.
As Brief was in the forest still trying to have Bang master using Brick Break he hears something behind he turns his around and spots Darrius. "Hey Darrius beautiful night is it not why are you up so late I was planning to surprise you guys in the morning" said Brief to Darrius.
Ry smiled, "Sweet, but you can help." He said walking off, "Ocasionaly," he added smiling. He climbed a nearby tree and climbed from limb to linb, each on new tree, till he found the perfect one. He laid his head down and tried to sleep.
Robby woke up in the middle of the night due for no reason. Unable to go back to he walked down and sat next to the river with his egg in his arms. "I wonder what you'll hatch into." Robby said aloud as he looked up at the moon. Hearing this, Elekid woke up and ran over to Robby. "Ele?" Elekid asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"Oh, sorry to wake you buddy. I couldn't sleep." Robby said as Elekid sat next to him. "Elekid you will grow strong, I can feel it." Robby said to his friend. "Elekid!" Elekid responded with a determined face. "The road won't be easy, and you'll have struggles and doubts, but remember I will always be here and believe in you with all my heart." Robby said as he looked at Elekid with a smile
"Ele Ele." Elekid said with as his eyes shined. He then jumped on Robby and hugged him. "Hey buddy, that tickles stop." Robby said as he laughed along with Elekid.
'You and your Blaziken will go places' the thought continuously went through his head, Landon sat up in his sleeping bag, "Can't sleep," he mumbled to himself, he looked around and saw almost everyone was asleep, he got up and walked over to the lake. When Landon reached the lake he look off his shoes and dipped his feet into the water, "It's cold," he mumbled to himself, he heard footsteps behind him, he turned and saw Spike who joined him, "Relaxing isn't it?" Spike nodded in agreement, "Remember at the end of the Hoenn League when Kiawe approached us?" Spike nodded again, "Ever since that day I've been determined to achieve Mega Evolution, but now I think, no I KNOW, we should aim for Z-Moves, but hey that's just my crazy idea," Spike shook it's head in disagreement, "Blaze." Landon smiled, "Yeah maybe one day."
Robby then found himself within a dream
GRENINJA STRONGER! Robby heard someone yell with in his dream. He then began seeing old memories of Greninja? He heard the voice say again Take this Sawyer, this is everything Greninja and have got! Water Shuriken! He then heard the voice for a final time. It's okay Greninja, even if we are apart, we will still be connected. said the voice sadly.
Robby awoke to see the sun starting to come over the horizon. "What was that all about? Was I seeing Greninja's old memories?" Robby asked as he looked down to see Elekid sleeping in his lab right next the egg.
"Yeah I think Bang almost got Brick Break down packed well be careful while you out walking" Brief told Darrius as he went back to training with his Magmar as Bang smashes another boulder.
Robby got up and carried and Elekid back to his other Pokemon and set then down next to them and then went on a morning jog. "I've got to train as well." Robby said to himself as he ran around the lake, seeing Landon and Spike Robby went up to them "Hey good morning, what are you doing up so early?" Robby asked as he stopped to talk.
"Not a pineapple!" Aaron yelled out as he jumped up from a nightmare " oh god not the pineapple one again..." Aaron said to himself as he was getting up
Levi got up when light from the sun hit his face. "Hm...tomorrow came quick' he said to himself with a smile before looking down at Knox, smile fading. Wonder whats gonna happen tonight.... he shook the thought out of his head before getting up and stretching, seeing that everyone started to wake up or already have. He checked on his pokemon. "Everything seems okay.." he said to himself. "Okay guys, you up for a morning spar?" his pokemon agreed all ready to fight. "Okay, Cronus and Orion, you guys go head to head in a battle alright? Vex you practice striking and Uri you practice improving your reflexes by dodging Vex's attacks." he gave the command and his pokemon immediately went at it. Powerful attacks being thrown back and forth, it sounded like a war was raging on. Levi stood there unfazed by the booms. "Great! Keep it up guys! Business as usual, work hard!" he said different things as it went on. "Pinch!" Knox said when he realized he wasnt being trained. "Dont worry Knox, ive got some plans for you" Levi said with a grin.
"Oh okay.. I'm not at the moment, just was on a morning jog" Robby said to Aaron as he looked over at his sleeping pokemon. "Sounds like Levi is though." Robby said as he hears the explosions.
Ry woke up with a start. He looked up to see a Pinsir, poking down on him. "Pinsir!" It shouted. it jumped down, knocking Ry out of the tree. "Waugh!" Ry shouted falling out of the tree. "Ow," he said rubbing his head.
Landon continued to sleep, until his eyes opened slightly, "Man did I fall asleep in the," he checked his feet and turned to see Spike, "Thanks bud, for dragging me out of the water," Landon stood up and went to join everyone
"Ry, are you alright?" Robby said with a laugh as he watched him fall out of the tree. He then turned to Landon, "What's for breakfast?" Robby said, "I'm hungry after jogging for like 6 miles."
Ry stood up, to walk towards his friends. "I guess pancakes," he said walking towards his backpack. Within a few minutes, he'd cooked up a bunch of Oran Berry Flapjacks. "Eat up." Ry said.
Levi walked up the small gathered group, battle cries could be heard behind him. "Great, food" he said taking a seat next to everyone else. "So, should we head in and explore Vermilion today? Maybe even let the people who are ready take on Lt. Surge." he looked up from his food waiting for a response.
"Thanks for the food!" Robby said as he dug in. "Oh, hey Aaron my name is Robby and over there are my pokemon, still sleeping of course." Robby said with a mouthful. Robby then noticed the strange band on Aaron's wrist, "Hey whats that bracelet on your wrist Aaron?" Robby asked.
Darrius moseys back into the campsite as the light of the sun raises over the horizon. He sees all his Pokemon slowly rousing themselves from their slumber. He ventures over to them, bidding them each a good morning as he recalls them to their Pokeballs.
"Morning everyone!" he says. "Are we ready to make way to Vermillion City today?"
"Hey Robby, my Pokemon are over there by the lake, and this is a Z-Ring, it's what allows me to use my Z-Moves" Aaron explained
"I actually think im gonna spend today out in the woods doing some work, ill challenge the gym tomorrow....probably" he said with a slight smile. I hope one day will be enough, he thought to himself before finishing his food. He looked over to at Darrius. "And morning" he said before getting up and walking back over to his pokemon.
"Wow, I've never seen pokemon like that before or a Z-Ring. Sounds cool though." Robby said as he got up and gave each of his pokemon a pokepuff and packed up, wrapping his egg in the sleeping bag and putting into his backpack.
Turning back to the rest of his friends, "I'm up for exploring Vermillion" Robby says as he recalls his pokemon except Elekid.
"It's one way for him and his Pokemon to further bond," Landon said as finished his pancakes, "One of the Trail Captians, Kiawe told me about them, anyway onto Vermilion."
As they walked to Vermilion Robby asked, "So your from Alola too Landon? Never been there before, but I'd like to go there on vacation one day."
Ry looked at his Pokegear. "Uh, crud, gotta go, I'll meet you guys in Vermilion!" He shouted running off. He entered Vermilion City, where he saw a girl with brown hair.

"Hey June," Ry said, "but why are you crying?" June turned to face him. "They stole Squirt." She said in between sobs. "I'll find him," Ry said nodding running to look for his friend's stolen pokemon.
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