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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"The girl right there." Robby said as he pointed June, who was two seats away. "How'd you not notice her at all. She's been here the whole time." Robby said as he cleaned his egg.
June considered slapping all of the boys, but instead sat back down.

Ry watched as the explosion hit. "Fuego go with Mach Punch!" Ry shouted. Fuego rushed through the smoke and aimed a Mach Punch for Raichu. "Infernape!" Fuego roared.
Levi healed his team before heading back out to the field they were training on. "Okay Knox, our training is almost done" he grinned while stretching. "Now we're gonna spend the rest of the time we've got working on a new move, think you can handle it buddy?" he asked Knox with a grin. "Pinpinch!" Knox said ready to get back to work. "Okay, here we go!"
"You may want to train more Moar if you want to take on Ry he is no push over I battled him and lost" Brief lazily spoke to Moar. Bang starts to get excited when he sees Fuego in action his body starts to heat up making Brief sweat a little. "....Man why is it getting so hot in here" Brief turns to Bang and can see the heat radiating off of him from his excitement. "You really like watching Fuego battle don't you" Brief Magmar simply nods not wanting to looking away.
"Rai!" Raichu yelled as it feel back, being hit with the mach punch. It was unable to battle. "Grr, Again?" Surge asked to himself as he walked up to Ry with the Thunder Badge. "Here is the Thunder Badge, Congrats on your victory." Surge said enthusiastically as he handed the badge to Ry.

Robby: "Wooo that was a great battle! Good job Ry!" Robby yelled down to his friend.
Aaron got up and sat next to June "So what's happening between you and Ry, you seem to like him but he looks oblivious, is that how it is or is he just a crappy boyfriend or..." Aaron started to get flustered at the end not wanting to sound rude... or get hit
"You are going to get slapped Aaron." Robby said as he warned Aaron, "Girls don't like being teased about their love life.. I know from experience." Robby said as he rubbed his cheek.
June snapped at him. She had a hand raised to slap him but turned to see Ry walking off the battlefield. She rushed over and said, "I'm heading to the Pokémon center." RY shrugged as she ran off. "I'm Ry," he said nodding to Moar. "Go win!" Ry shouted to Landon as he hit the field.
"Alright let's start this!" Surge said as he came out to the battlefield. "You know the rules. I'm tired of saying em." Surge said.
"Electrode, Go!" Surge yelled as he threw out Electrode's ball.

Robby: "Aaron you got so lucky. You were about to get slapped." Robby said as he laughed.
"Hey Landon let Surge know I want to challenge him after your battle" Brief yells to Landon on the battlefield he turns to Moar. "Ok kid I will spar with you follow me" Brief lazily tells Moar as he walks out of gym he stops. "Almost forgot congrats on the win Ry" he yells as he continues outside.
"Alright Doku! Let's Go!" Landon called as he tossed Doku's Pokeball into the air, "VENOMOTH!" It yelled, "Use Sleep Powder!" Doku began waving spores towards Electrode.
"Electrode use Rollout to avoid it! Then charge it!" Surge yelled
"Electrode!" Electrode said as it rolled around the Sleep Powder and flew into the air speeding right toward Doku.
Brief and Moar are outside in the street with a small crowd watching them. "Ok Moar this is going to be a one on one battle, Now Beat em down Drago!" Brief saids as he releases his Druddigon the mighty roars letting his trainer know that he is ready for battle. The two pokemon stare each other down. "Ok Moar you can have the first move"
Doku was hit by the Rollout attack and sent it back, "Don't give up Doku, use Sludge Bomb!" Doku immediately shot a Sludge Bomb attack at Electrode
Electrode was hit with the sludge bomb and was poisoned. "Err, Electrode let's finish it! Explosion!" Surge yelled
"Trode!" Electrode yelled as it turned white then exploded, causing the whole room to shake.

Robby: "Explosion? He tried that on Aegislash, but it had no effect because Aegislash is a Ghost type." Robby said as he watched the battle carefully.
"Earthquake," Casys yelled to Eon. The Dragonair thrust his tail into the ground, forcing it to shake wildly. His opponent, a young trainer from Vermillion, yelled in dismay as his Rhyhorn was blown back, fainted. "Good battle, kid." Casys said to him as he walked away. Eon slithered to his side and Casys pet his head. "Good job, bud," Casys whispered. The pair had been working on Earthquake all day, not keen to lose their Vermillion Gym Battle. Casys and Eon walked down Route 6, looking for strong opponents. Casys was just about to give up when he saw Levi training a bit farther up the path. "Hey, Levi!" He called.
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The big wave crashes down on top of Drago. "Its going to take more than water to stop Drago use Thunder Punch" Brief calmly spoke Drago's fist becomes electrified he rushes toward Feraligator.
"Doku!" Landon called into the cloud of smoke. When the smoke had cleared Landon saw both Doku and Electrode were unable to battle, "Return Doku you did great," he said as he re-called his Pokemon, Landon though his next Pokeball, "Spike let's heat things up!" Spike burst out of it's Pokeball and onto the field.
'' Feraligator! Use Cut! '' Feraligator, instantly cut the thunderbolt.'' Feraligator returns! '' Feraligator returns to pokeball'' Alakazam, it's up to you! '' Alakazam leaves Pokeball
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"Finally, I knocked out one of their pokemon." Surge said as he recalled Electrode. "Go Magneton, Use Thunder Wave!" Surge yelled as he sent out Magneton.
"Magneton!" Magneton said as it shot a wave of electricity straight at Spike.
"Spike! Flamethrower!" Landon called, Spike shot a Flamethrower at the Thunder Wave stopping the attack, "Now Blaze Kick!" Spike leaped towards Magneton with Blaze Kick.
"Okay Knox! lets us- oh hey Casys" Levi said pausing his training. "You challenge the gym yet?" he asked while Knox ran up and jumped onto Levi's shoulder.
The Blaze Kick hits Magneton almost knocking out, but sturdy activated, allowing Magneton to hang in there. "We don't have much time, Magneton use Thunder!" Surge yelled as he clenched his fists.
"ttton!!" Magneton yelled as he shot a powerful Thunder right at Spike.

Robby: Robby looked down at his egg as it glowed three times. "It's going to hatch real soon. I can't wait." Robby said with a smile "Ele!" Elekid said, agreeing.
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