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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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Levi looked down at Knox. "Well...who do you think?" Levi looked down at Knox who was bigger than the last time Robby has seen him. Looks like they havent noticed just how strong Knox is now.. Levi thought to himself, determined to prove Knox's new strength.
"Oh, I should have know. Hey, maybe Knox and Phanpy can be training buddies, seeing they're both ground types." Robby said as he looked down at Phanpy, who was rolling around in Robby's lap like it was trying to perform a move.
"Electabuzz!" Surge called as Electabuzz fell back unable to battle. Surge re-called Electabuzz and walked over to Moar and pulled out a Thunder Badge, "Kid you've earned this Badge, I hope you'll wear it with pride and use this same fighting spirit in the Indgo League." Surge turned to Levi, and yelled, "You're next kid! I'll be right back."
'' Well, thanks. '' Moar turns to alakazam. '' You were great. '' Moar takes Alakazam back and looks at the plane, seeing where Scourge screamed. He sees his friend Robby and someone else.
Levi took a deep breath before standing. We can do this, me and Knox.... he thought to himself as he made his way down to the field, Knox on his shoulder as stood there waiting for Surge. He looked up to Robby in the stands, giving a thumbs up. "We got this buddy.." he said to his pokemon.
Surge came sprinting back to the field, "Alright let's do this, Go Electrode!" Electrode burst out of the Pokeball and onto the field and began spinning around impatiently, "You've got the first move!"
"Hey Robby, okay? I can not talk now, but I'll be back." Moar says as he leaves the gym.He goes to the Pokémon Center.A few minutes later Moar returns to the Gym and sits in the audience, near By Robby
"Woah buddy calm down." Robby says to Phanpy as he continued to roll faster and faster. "Wait, are you trying to learn Rollout?" Robby asked. "Phan!" Phanpy said as he shook his head in confirmation. "That's awesome buddy! I bet you learned that from Electrode!" Robby said as he petted Phanpy on the head.
"Alright, Knox use Crunch!" Knox jolted from Levi's shoulder to field before charging at Electrode with surprising speed. "Pinch! Pinch! Pinch!" it yelled as it ran. Levi grinned widely. Theres that special training coming into play....
"If you mean this little one, this is Phanpy, but if you mean him. That is Levi, he is a pretty stronger trainer." Robby said as he looked at Moar.
"I'd like to see your Trapinch bite on this, Rollout Electrode!" Surge called as Electrode began spinning even faster charging straight at Knox.
"I know Levi will win this battle." Robby said with confidence as he and Phanpy ate a pokepuff. "I just can't wait until the tournament today." Robby said with a smile.
"Spin and use Dig!" Knox jumped and started spinning, the rotation causing him to just slightly veer right, barely dodging the oncoming Rollout. He dug under the ground out of sight. "Use Earth Power and Crunch!" The ground began to rumble under Electrode as the attack was about to fire, at the same time, Knox shot out of the ground, Crunch primed and ready to hit.
Electrode was sent flying into the air, and slammed against the ground unable to continue, "Good job Electrode, you did good," Surge said as he re-called his Pokemon, "Now go Magneton!" Magneton burst out of it's Pokeball ready to battle, "Flash Cannon!" Magneton shot a white beam at Knox immediately.
'' Me too. Well, let's wait for the tournament.'' Moar was tired, and he was not going to be able to go to the tournament. '' I do not think I'm going to do it. I'm very sleepy. I'm only finished.one more battle, and it's over for me. I'm finished. '' Moar tells Robby
"Dig again!" Knox disappeared in the ground just as the attack speed by. "Use Crunch and throw him in the air!" Knox shot out of the ground directly below Magneton, teeth glowing white as he attempted to latch onto Magneton and throw it up.
'' No, I'm not too tired. '' Moo speaks as he yawns, and gets up. 'I'm going to go to the ship. I can get in. Good, see you later.' 'Moar walks to the ship.

(OOC seriously, I'm going to sleep now. I'll be here at 12: EST or less. Good night, people. BIC)
"See ya at the tournament!" Robby says to Moar as he leaves. "Man, Knox is doing really good for it's first gym match!" Robby exclaimed as he watched Knox do work on the battlefield.
"You must not be familiar with Trapinch, they have some of the strongest jaws on the planet. Now Knox throw him!" Knox launched Magneton high into the air. Lets hope this works... Levi closed his eyes "Wait for it...." he said as Magneton hurdled towards the ground. "Now use Earth Power!" the attack shot up from the ground towards Magneton.
The Earth Power caused a huge eruption blow Magneton, "No, Magneton!" Surge called out, when the smoke cleared. Magneton laid on the ground unable to battle, "Now go! Riachu!" Surge called as he tossed his Pokeball, Raichu burst out of the Pokeball with a determined look in it's eye, "Riachu, Focus Blast!" Riachu shot a blue sphere directed towards Knox.
Robby looked down at his pokenav to check the time. "OOOH NO! I HAVE TO MEET HER IN TWO MINUTES!!" Robby yelled very loudly. "I'll meet you guys later!" Robby yelled down to his friends as he picked up Phanpy and ran out the door at full speed. "He's doing fine!" Robby yelled as he ran past Aaron.
Moar lies on the bed and sleeps ... a few minutes later he gets up and sees that figure again. He wonders if Robby or Ry had arrived. He leaves his room and walks on the ship.

As he sees that there is nobody, he returns in the Gym to see if they finish there. He arrives and sees Robby looking for something and the Battle of Live. '' Hi Robby, what are you looking for? '' Moar asks Robby
"Dodge!" Knox jumped to the side being grazed by the attack. "You good buddy!?" Levi yelled down to his teammate. "Pinch!" Knox yelled confidently. "Been saving this one....use Earthquake!" Knox slammed the ground hard causing it to shake violently. "Yes it worked!"
"I'm not looking for anything, I have to meet someone at the Performance hall!" Robby yells as he runs quickly past Moar. "Oh no, if I'm late I'll get slapped like Aaron almost did." Robby said aloud as he ran into the Performance hall.
"Riachu!" Surge called out, Raichu fell back unable to continue, Surge stood for a minute in shock, then began walking over to Levi, "Kid your Trapinch is awesome and so are you!" he exclaimed with joy as he pulled out a Thunder Badge, "Kid your Trapinch is going to turn into one amazing Flygon, with the strength it has now you could win the league." Surge held out the Thunder Badge, "Now please take this, the Thunder Badge you've earned it."

Landon came running into the gym gasping for air, "Please... tell me I didn't... miss to many... battles," he said before walking to the stands.
"Don't worry Landon, you didn't miss mine, and I've got Z-Moves coming your way" Aaron said cockily "Let's just hope Robby makes it here, he wanted to see one"
Levi took the badge and smiled. "Thanks, although I think its to early to make that call, this is technically Knox's first battle hehe" Levi said while scratching the back of his head. "Hey Landon, you missed mine but nothing super exciting happened."
Robby stops at the performance hall door and straightens, up, "It's just a childhood friend and a person who helps out Professor from time to time." Robby says, "But I do need you to wait out here." Robby says with a smile as he enters the building.
"Great, Go Setchi!" Aaron yelled as he threw the Pokeball into the air, out came an Alolan Geodude charged with electricity, ready to fight
A few minutes go by, but then Robby comes back out of the performance hall with a new pokedex and a yellowish cube in his hands. "Alright Moar, let's go back to the gym to see if anything major happened." Robby said as he put the items into his backpack. As they ran back toward the gym a girl walked out of the Performance hall and sighed as she watched Robby run toward the gym she then went to the port and got onto a plane and left.
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