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Ask to Join Life as a Hunter

Midnight was beginning to get tired so she threw her Dr. Pepper away and climbed into the air vent, closing the door behind her. She headed to her room, the route she knew quite well. She opened the vent to her room, closing it behind her, dropping onto her bed. She changed then layed down in her bed, but she couldn't sleep. She stared at the ceiling, thining about the day.
Zenix layed on his bed but couldn't sleep, no matter how many times he tried. He got up and exited his room. He walked down the hall and stood in front of Midnight's door. He knocked.
Midnight heard a knock and went to her door. She had put on black shorts and a black tank top to go to bed but she hadn't gone to bed. She's looked through the peek hole to see Zenix standing at her door. "What do you need?" She asked, her voice slightly sleepy.
Midnight was bit surprised but stayed still. "Yes, I'm fine and you didn't wake me. I couldn't fall asleep so it's alright," she answered, leaning against the door, wondering why he still wanted to know if she was okay.
Zenix looks down. "You're probably thinking why I'm checking on you," he said, guessing based on her personality, "Truth be told I don't even know myself. I guess....I just want you to be happy."
Midnight blushed a deep red and looked down at her floor. She wanted to say something but she was aware that she would stutter. "T-thank you," she said with as much courage as she could. She cursed herself for the slight stutter and the slight wavering in her voice
Zenix slightly blushed as he looked down. "Well... I guess I should get going," he said, "You need your sleep, and I don't want to be a bother. Goodnight." He then walked back to his room.
Midnight sighed in relief as she heard Zenix leave. She went to her bed, reaching for her first Pokémon that she got. Sure, he was an Eevee before but since he evolved he's been more... charming, if that's the right word to put. She clicked the Pokéball and out came Jack, her Shiny Sylveon. "It's been quiet a while, hasn't it?" She asked her Pokémon with a small smile. "Yes, though I will ask, why did you bring me out tonight?" He asked her with a slight smirk but most of all concern. "W-well-" she started a blush growing on her face. She told Jack everything that Zenix and her had talked about by the door earlier and what happened at the cliff, he never interrupted her since he was always a good listener. "So, what you're telling me is, you like him but you don't know how to tell him?" Jack asked her though she could tell he was quite angry about it. "N-no! I-I just don't k-know how to react to this!" She exclaimed, her blush growing. "Let's take a walk," he said then he jumped off of Midnight's bed, followed by Midnight. "Where would we go?" She asked him with curiosity as she opened her door, and followed her Sylveon to Zenix's door. "Knock," he said simply but Midnight didn't. "This is Zenix's room," she whispered to Jack in which he nodded, a stoic expression on his face. "I know. Knock," he said again, making Midnight worry but she knocked nonetheless.
Zenix layed on his bed. He was about to fall asleep but was stopped by the sound of the door knocking. He got up and opened the door. To his surprise, he saw that it was Midnight and she was with a shiny Sylveon. "Umm, hi Midnight," he said, "Did you anything?"
When the door opened Jack jumped on Zenix, growling at him. "Jack!" She yelled and attempted to get her Sylveon off of Zenix. Jack wasn't just growling though, he was snarling and he wanted to bite so bad but he knew he would get in trouble for doing this and he didn't want to get in too much trouble. "Jack get off of him!" She exclaimed, but Jack's ribbons headed over to Midnight's hands and legs, holding them still. "Let go, Jack," she said sternly, a hardness to her voice as her stone cold eyes stared at Jack's back.
Zenix was slammed down on the floor as Jack jumped on him. Zenix tried to get the Sylveon off of him but couldn't. As this went down, the Pokeball on Zenix's desk shook a bit and popped open, setting Charizard out. Charizard saw Jack attacking Zenix and used Shadow Claw to get him off. "Charizard!" Zenix scolded.
Jack was hit by the Shadow Claw and stumbled a bit, his ribbons coming a bit loose. Midnight took this opening as a chance and snatched Jack up, holding him tightly to her. "I'm sorry Zenix, Jack told me to knock so I knocked and then he attacked you like that, I'm sorry," she said again, holding her Pokémon a tad tighter, causing a whine from him.
Zenix was able to catch his breath and sat back up. "It's okay," he said taking a deep breath, "That's one feisty Pokemon." Charizard then nudged him apologetically. "It's okay, you did that to save me," Zenix said as he rubbed the black dragon's chin. Charizard then looked at Midnight apologetically.
Midnight smiled at the Charizard, knowing that he only did it to protect his trainer. "It's fine, Jack, was at fault," she said looking at Jack with a glare in which he only nervously smiled. Since she could hear what Pokémon said, she was kind of waiting for Charizard to say something but also not because if anyone knew she could hear Pokémon then they would probably try to use her, at least in her mind.
Zenix stood back up. "So, I'm guessing this is why your Sylveon wanted you to come here?" He asked. He then picked up Charizard's Pokeball and called him back to it.
Midnight sighed as Jack sort of relaxed in her arms. "I don't think Jack came to have a battle," Midnight said as she glanced down at Jack, her Shiny Sylveon. "You're right, I didn't," Jack told Midnight, making her roll her eyes.
Zenix put the Pokeball back on the desk and turned back to Midnight. "So umm....is there anything else that you needed?" He said as he looked down.
Midnight shook her head 'no' and looked at the floor. "I'm going to head to my room," she said as she squeezed Jack one more time, earning a whine from her Shiny Sylveon. She began to walk to her room when she set Jack down so Jack could walk since he's been in his Pokéball for nearly two months.
Zenix sighed to himself and slowly closed his door. He then proceeded to lie on his bed. 'What was that all about?' He thought to himself. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep.
When Jack and Midnight went into Midnight's room she closed the door and looked at Jack with a glare. "What was that about?" She asked with gritted teeth as she stared down at her Shiny Sylveon with anger in her eyes. "What? I was only protecting you," he said with a small smile. "You were not! You could've gotten you're self hurt! You are not a fighting Pokémon! I did not train you to be a fighting Pokémon," she yelled with anger as tears gathered in her eyes. "You could have been hurt," she said as she hung her head. She never liked any of her Pokémon being hurt and especially not her Shiny Sylveon. She didn't train him to be a fightingn Pokémon, she didn't really train him at all. She let him roam around and do whatever he wanted. Jack felt his trainers distress and began to nuzzle her legs. "It's okay, I wasn't hurt and by the sounds of it, he didn't seem to mind of how protective I was," he said, trying to cheer Midnight up. "Whatever," she mumbled, picking Jack up and nuzzling him. Jack purred and stayed still, wondering how tired Midnight was. Midnight yawned, setting Jack down and climbing into bed. She closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep, Jack curling up at her legs.
The morning came and Zenix woke up as soon as the sunlight hit his face. Just then, Janette's voice projected through the speakers, "Zenix, please come to my office immediately." Zenix got ready and make his way to her office.
When it was morning, Midnight woke up from the sound of speaker calling Zenix's name. She sat up, yawning and waking Jack up. Jack stretched with a yawn and looked at Midnight. Midnight sighed as she looked down at Jack on the bed. She stood up, Jack fallowing her lead. "I'm going to change," she said, heading to her closet to get some clothes then she headed to the restroom to change and get ready for the day. She changed into a black t-shirt and black jeans then exited the restroom. She walked to her door, opening it then waited for Jack to follow her out the door to the kitchen.
Zenix opened the door and entered Janette's office. "You wanted to see me?" He asked.

Janette was holding a Luxury Ball as she faced Zenix. "Yes, since you've been doing such a good job, I thought I should give you a reward," she said and threw the Luxury Ball at Zenix.

Zenix caught the ball and asked, "What is it?"

"It's a Gardevoir," Janette answered, "I found her moping about her dead trainer last night and thought you could be its next trainer."

Zenix looked at the ball for a bit and then bowed down at Janette. "Thank you for this gift," he said, "I will continue to work hard." He then proceeded to leave her office.
Midnight sighed as she and Jack made their way to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat, Jack?" She asked her Shiny Sylveon, knowing that he didn't like Pokémon food and always ate human food. "Hmm, how about some grape juice," he said, jumping onto a chair and sitting on it. Midnight smile, knowing that Jack loved grape juice and how adorable it was. "Yeah," she said, grabbing some grape juice out of the fridge and pouring it into a bowl. She gave Jack the grape juice, his eyes lighting up at the sight of it before lapping it up quite neatly. Midnight put the grape juice away and got herself a glass of water, sitting across from her Sylveon that was happily drinking his own drink. Midnight smiled before taking a drink of water.
Jaggedwoke up destroyed from the night before and went with his pokemon to go eat something. "Gallade, catch." Jagged said drowsily as he tossed Gallade an apple. "Chandelure." He yelled as he tossed him another apple. He grabbed an apple and some orange juice for himself and walked over to the table where midnight was sitting. "Hey, what's your name?" He asked so drowsily that he almost fell to sleep.
Midnight looked at Jagged, setting her drink down. Jack looked up from drinking his grape juice and lifted his head up, looking at Jagged. "Midnight, yours?" Midnight asked as she looked at Jagged, noticing how sleepy he sounded. Jack nearly laughed at how sleepy Jagged was but Midnight caught him before he could, sending her him a glare.
"Name's Jagged, we've met before I believe, I'm just too tired to realize this until just now." He said as he held his head up. "I was outside all night yesterday." He said
Midnight nodded as she looked back at Jagged. "Yes, I can tell," she said as she looked at Jagged, sleepiness evident on him. Jack snickered and Midnight sent him a glare, shutting him up very quickly. Midnight had no doubt changed in the past week, her cobalt blue eyes weren't stone cold anymore and she seemed relaxed instead of how stiff she usually is and Jack had noticed it. He was worried but curious as to why she was acting like that, he knew that she was losing her edge but somehow Midnight didn't notice herself changing at all.
"Well anyways, I'm leaving, not that you're boring it's just that I'm taking the guys to the training room while I sleep." Jagged said as he finished his juice and stood up. "Don't get killed." He joked as he walked away with his pokemon.
Midnight chuckled at Jagged's joke and looked at Jack who was looking at her weirdly. "What?" She asked Jack as she glared at him. "Hm, nothing," he said then he resumed to drink his grape juice. Midnight rolled her eyes, taking another sip of water.
Zenix walks down the hall to his room. He then sees a letter in front of his door. He picked up the letter and saw that it was an invitation to a fancy get-together for tomorrow night. He opened the door and set the letter on his desk to look at later.
"Alright guys, stay in here for about thirty minutes and come back to my room when you guys are done." Jagged said to his pokemon as he walked back to his room to see a note on the door, he grabbed it crumpled it up and went to lay on his bed. "Nobody, cares about a get together." He said. "Wait! A get together?!" He yelled as he ran to uncrumple the paper to read it. "Woah." He said to himself.
Midnight sighed as she thought about when she was a young Pokémon Hunter then she remembered the get-togther with all of the Hunter Agencies that they hadn't had in years. "Jack, lets go," she said as she grabbed Jack's bowl, rinsing it out in the sink as well as her glass of water, telling herself hat she would wash it later. She walked fast to her room, Jack following close bwhind. "What's the hurry?!" Jack exclaimed as he followed Midnight back to her room. "The get-together, remember? I think they're having it this year," she said as she looked at the note on the door and smiled. "So we are going," she muttered as she grabbed the note, walking into her room with Jack at her heels and closed her door. "I have one dress that I like so I will wear it tomorrow night," she told herself as she glanced toward her closet then back at the note. "Dress? You have a dress? Who knew?" Her Shiny Sylveon muttered to himself as he jumped on Midnight's bed.
Zenix closed the door, brought out the Luxury Ball and sent out the Gardevoir. A female shiny Gardevoir appeared before him. She open her eyes and looked up at Zenix. "Um, hi," he said, "I'm your....new trainer." Gardevoir looked up and down to inspect him. A tear then fell from her eye, indicating that she's still sad about the loss of her trainer. Zenix noticed and felt bad for her. Gardevoir then hugged Zenix and cried on his shoulder. Zenix proceeded to rub the back of her head to cheer her up.
Jagged woke up becuase his pokemon came back. "Oh hey guys, how'd training go?" He asked them as the chandelure held put a pokeball. "Hey, wait what's that?" He asked them asked he just continued to try to give it to him he took the ball and hit the button to which a Shinx appeared and began to lick Jagged. "Woah. Hey buddy what's your name?" He asked the shinx as his Gallade slapped him. "Ow, bud, what the heck?!" He asked the Gallade as the Gallade walked over to one of the drawers in Jagged's room and pulled out a small photo that was framed. Jagged examined the photo and saw his mother, him, his father, Ralts, and a Shinx. Jagged sat there staring at the photo wondering until he remembered, his father had a Luxray and his mother had a Luxio, they were both killed along with his mother and the shinx was their child. "I remember." Jagged whispered. He remembered that he had fogotten a piece of his past. "Wait how'd you guys." He asked them as Gallade tried to explain, he teleported in and out of the room. "You, you went back to the house, didn't you?" He said as the Gallade nodded with a frown. "We said we'd never go back. But you did, and Shinx was abondened and we never knew." Jagged said as he went to go hug his pokemon and the shinx jumped onto Jagged's head. "I'll take care of you, like I never did ten years ago." Jagged said as he gave the Shinx a berry and let it sleep on his bed.
Midnight remembered that everyone got the letter and would go though it would be everyone else's first time going. She thought about it for a second when she felt a Pokémon in distress, horribly sad. It overwhelmed her and she got tears in her eyes. She rushed out of her room, leaving a very surprised Jack. Midnight felt the Pokémon was in Zenix's room and knocked on the door rapidly.
As Gardevoir continued to hug Zenix and cry on his shoulder, a rapid knock was coming from the door. Zenix didn't know what to do. He didn't know if anybody should see this. "Umm...i-it's open..." He said, which he'll probably regret.
Midnight stumbled as she opened the door to Zenix's room, tears almost ready to fall. "It hurts," she said as she looked at the crying Gardevoir that was hugging Zenix. "P-please calm down," she said on the verge of tears for the poor Gardevoir.