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Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

Rin simply shrugged. "It was your first mission," she scoffed, "I was impressed with how well you handled that vertex, considering that you've never fought before. But, you do need to learn to control your powers, if we are to defeat all twelve vertexes."

The hero wandered over to a star map, hung from a tall structure on the roof. "There are twelve vertexes that we must defeat, in order to save the world," she explained, "All of them named after stars. That one we just defeated was Scorpio."
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Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"So...the next one would have to be Leo or Cancer." Ruby said. "I'll admit...I never thought Vertexes would be so...vulnerable like that." He shook his head. They might get stronger as we keep fighting them. He thought.
"Agreed. When I heard that this was a hero school, i thought we'd be saving kittens from trees, or giving the lost twenty dollar bill to its owner. THIS IS DIFFERENT!" Mary said, surprised at what the school was truly for, as her fighting gear was still on her. It was so comfortable, Maria never wanted to take it off.
Rin shook her head. "Our hero club is simply a front, I'm afraid," she answered, "We might host the odd charity bake sale, or put on a play for the kindergarteners, but our main duty is stopping vertexes from destroying humanity. The Taisha will tell us which vertex is coming next, but that will be all we hear from them."

The hero was a little put off by the boy's attitude, but nonetheless, continued. "That vertex was child's play, compared to some of the other ones we'll be facing. Many of the vertex's souls attack when exposed, unlike that one."
Mary's face went blank.

"I am happy to do this...but it may be overwhelming..." Maria said, before deadpanning.

Kai crawled onto Maria's shoulder, before she bet his scaly head. He was nervous during their first battle with the vertex, but he would get used to it. Mary knew it.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Fjord came out of Ruby's phone and jumped back onto his shoulder. He smiled at the site of the small dragon on him. "I'll follow Rin wherever she goes. That I swear." He said, ready for the next Vertex.
Rin nodded, and with that, her own fairy popped out of her phone, hovering by her shoulder.

"All things must come to pass," Nezu said, as always. The fairy knew no other words, and so, popped into conversation saying just that, regardless of whether or not it was appropriate.

Rin snorted at her fairy, before turning back to the others.

"It is a huge responsibility, but we've no choice but to accept it," Rin answered, "We have to learn to fight quickly, and efficiently, preferably without using...Mankai..."

The hero's voice trailed off, at the final word. Mankai was a power granted to heroes, only when they were unable to defeat vertexes using their own powers. Rin had seen one of the very first users of mankai do it to save her friend, but the cost of her mankai had been awful. Unknowingly, she had sacrificed her body to the gods, and wound up so disabled that she could no longer do anything for herself.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Mankai? As in that strong power but at a cost of something?" Ruby asked. He had read a few books about Mankai and how powerful it was, but the use of Mankai risked the use of something. Fjord looked anxiously at Ruby. "You must see what you're looking at." He simply said. Ruby shrugged and knew it was advice for the next Vertex, whichever star name it was.
"I'm surprised that you know the side effects, given what lengths the Taisha go to to prevent us from finding out, until we've used it," Rin said coolly, "But yes, that is what happens. It can be anything from the loss of your sense of taste, to the loss of the use of your legs. But Mankai only happens when we become too incapacitated to save ourselves, or the world, using our own powers."
"I don't know if I want to use it then...what can Mankai do? Not for disabling, but for power?" Maria said, getting interested.

Kai just went back into Mary's phone, scared at all the talk. Kai was sure a woos. He should be a cat.
Rin snorted, "Think of Mankai as a grimdark version of those upgrades that you see in magical girl shows," she explained, "When you use it, you get a massive burst of energy, and a whole new outfit, and a cool new weapon, which will most likely be a stronger version of the one you already have. You're like a living god, totally unstoppable."

Nezu landed by Rin's feet. "Oh, and you get another fairy. Another fairy means that you get another weapon to use, as well. And all you have to do for it is sacrifice part of your body to the Shinju-sama!"
Mary was adoring it all, until the part where he said you Only have to sacrifice part of your body, and she deadpanned, falling over a bit, before regaining balance, a deadpan still on her face.

"Sounds nice, until I lose a body part." Mary said, trying to joke around.
"It's a heavy price to pay, I know, but it's either that, or possibly let the vertexes destroy the world," Rin said in an unusually casual manner, "And there's no telling what you'll lose, should you ever use it."

And then, the hero went back to reality. "But, I'd like to avoid using it, if possible," she continued, "Which means that we'll need to get really strong on our own. Defeating the eleven remaining vertexes, without using Mankai is a bloody tall order, but if we work well together, we might be able to pull it off. The world will be saved, nd we won't end up disabled."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Understood...another question. The whole transformation thing? How did that all work out?" Ruby asked. He wanted to know what had really happened when fighting Scorpio. Fjord looked at Rin with an intrigued look.
"I'm surprised that you don't know," Rin snorted, "I thought that the Taisha would have explained it to you when the Shinju-sama chose you, but I'll go over it again. The Taisha bargained with the Shinju-sama, back before Mankai and fairies were a thing, in order to give us specialised weapons and clothing, for fighting vertexes, so that we could actually kill them, instead of just pushing them away from the Shinju Barrier. Through the apps on our phones, we're able to ask the Shinju-sama for weapons, fairies, and our outfits, which are given to us during our transformation phases. We are free to use them at any time we please."

Nezu began scratching around Rin's feet, ears perking up at all of this information.
Maria nodded, getting what Rin was saying. Mary thought that this school was strange, but now she figured it wasn't strange, but it was cool.

"That's sweet!" Mary said, giving a thumbs up to the group.
Rin smiled. "It is kinda. Now, as the members of Sanshu Middle School Hero Club, it falls to us, and us only to save humanity. I, Yuzuki Rin, shall lead you, the mighty Hero Club, to victory!"

And Nezu chirruped affirmatively, sitting on the end of her fist.
Maria clapped at his speech, an innocent smile on her face, as Kai had crept from her phone, out of her bag, and onto Mary's head, looking at the group nervously. Mary pretended she didn't notice him, but his heavy and fearful breaths could make anyone notice he was there.
Rin panicked when she gazed down at her phone, noting the time. "Dammit! Me and my big mouth! We're gonna be late for Maths if we don't hurry!"

And Nezu dematerialised, going back into her phone, as the hero straightened her beige school dress.
As Maria started running after Rin, Kai froze, scared, before scampering into her backpack, and back into her phone. Mary seemed worried that Rin was worried, and then she heard Maths... this may be a normal subject!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Fjord flew back into Ruby's phone and Ruby ran after the two of them. "Math huh...seems easy enough.." He said quietly. Ruby put his phone in his pocket and turned it off before doing so.
"Yup, we may be heroes, but we still have to do normal school stuff!" Rin said sheepishly, sliding into the classroom

A tall, slim man scolded Rin as she came into the classroom. "Miss Yuzuki, you're late again!"

"Sorry about that, sir," the girl replied, "I had hero stuff to do..."

The teacher nodded, upon realising that today, Rin was with the new recruits, instead of using her hero status to get what she wanted. She was often guilty of that...

"Very well," and the teacher turned to face the class, "Everyone, we have some new students joining us today. They also happen to be this world's new heroes."

Rin took her place at the front of the class, bowing, as the other pupils gasped. New students... And all of them were heroes! They couldn't believe their ears.

"Miss Yuzuki, if you'd like to start with your introduction, please," the teacher ordered, "New pupils, please state your names, where you are from, and your theme flower."

Rin nodded. "Yuzuki Rin, sir! I am from Niigata, Japan, and my theme flower is the hellebore, the flower of anxiety, and relief."
Maria made her way into the room, nervous at all the new classmates she'd have, but she dusted off her blue school uniform skirt, and cleared her throat.

"Hi." Mary said, waving a hand shyly.

"I am Maria, but I liked to be called Mary. I come from Mexico, and my theme flower is a rose, the flower of promise, hope, and new beginnings." Mary finished, as she blushed nervously and sat in an empty desk next to Rin.
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Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Ruby Hoshi, sir. I'm from New York and my theme flower is the Jade Vine, the flower of wealth and prosperity." Ruby said boldly.
"Excellent. Now, everyone, before we begin the lesson, let us give thanks to the Shinju-sama, and to the heroes who protect this world."

Rin knew exactly what this meant. She stood proudly before the blackboard, hands behind her back.

"All rise!"

The class got up, bowing deeply to the heroes.

"And to the Shinju-sama!"

Rin, along with the rest of the class, turned and bowed to a large shimenawa, with several paper ornaments. Each of them had the family names of the new heroes inscribed on them, along with bouquets of their theme flower. Rin's was at the top, along with a large hellebore arrangement.

And with that, the teacher cleared his throat. "Now, everyone, let's begin the lesson. Please turn to page 105 of your maths workbooks."

Rin went back to her seat, sighing deeply, She half-wished that a vertex would appear, so that she could get out of this...
Maria took out her large Math book, and flipped to page one-hundred five, looking at the book. She took a glance at her engraved name, and the bouquet of roses, and she smiled, happy she was appreciated.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Ruby sat in his seat and flipped his math book to page 105. This seemed easy enough since math was his favorite subject. He looked back at the names of his comrades and the flowers then smiled. He looked at Mary and looked back at his book.
Rin, meanwhile, totally hated maths. It had always been her worst subject, and she frequently fell behind in class... How she'd love it, if she could skip it, for whatever reason.

"Boy, I hope we don't get any of those nasty vertexes coming during Maths," Rin said loudly, and then paused, waiting for the classroom to freeze, and for her and the other heroes to be transported to the Jukai...But no vertex ever came.

"Man, this is boring!" she complained, "I hate maths! I'd rather fight all twelve vertexes at once than do this!"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"You'll get used to it Rin...Math isn't hard. Its actually easy to memorize." Ruby said to Rin. Ruby had a favor maths and he loved it just because of the numbers.
Rin pouted. "Maths is so boring, though! When I ever gonna need to know what quadratic equations are in real life?!"

A darker thought entered the hero's head. "Dammit, I'm a hero! A legendary warrior, chosen by the gods, and yet I'm here, doing maths! This suuuucks!"
Maria had no problem with maths class, and finished her answers easily. She noticed Rin pouting about maths, and Maria lifted herself over her desk, whispering to Rin,

"I can help with the answers, if you want me to."

Mary was reasonably good at maths, and she enjoyed the subject to, so it didn't hurt to give answers to a student, did it?
Rin shook her head. Despite her hatred of the subject, Rin refused to simply cheat at it, in order to pass. She'd considered such a thing dishonourable, and morally reprehensible all her life...And she blamed that on her grandma, who was forever going on about honour.

"It's fine," she mumbled, "A hero never cheats! So, struggle I may, I must complete this by myself...Sadly."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Ruby finished his math questions, which were pretty easy once he began to understand it. It was tough but it was easy now that I hang of it...hopefully next time the teacher will give us a challenge. He thought, grinning. He looked over on his shoulder and remembered Fjord was in his phone. Ruby sighed and put his head on his desk. "That's my little buddy that's missing." He muttered.
"We're not allowed to have our fairies out during lesson, unless the teacher says so," Rin muttered, "Which reminds me, next, all of the other kids have P.E, while we have... A special lesson, just for heroes."
"I asked to help you, not cheat." Maria said, slumping back in her desk.

Then she heard the special lesson for heroes, but she didn't praise or anything. But she hated gym class, so that was a bonus, she guessed.
"Very well. Now, according to the Taisha, I'm not allowed to tell you what this 'special lesson' involves until you get there, but you'll see it soon enough. Let's just say that there's a reason that only heroes are made to do it."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Sounds intriguing...can't wait..." Ruby said, sarcastically. He seemed pretty upset that fairies can't be out in class but it was the rules and he had to follow them. "I'm guessing its training but hell if I know." He muttered to Rin.
Rin stuck her tongue out, settling back in her seat. Truth be told, she couldn't wait for training to begin. Up until she'd become a hero, Rin hadn't had much going for her in her life. She'd had no friends, wasn't particularly good at anything, and had it rough at home, but when the Taisha had approached her, and told her that she had been selected to be a hero, she'd finally had something going for her. Rin wasn't just a sad little schoolgirl anymore. She was a legendary warrior, chosen by the gods, and she felt prouder when she was in battle than she ever had before.