"It is a hero's duty," Rin said gruffly, having heard Mary, "The gods chose us. We have no choice but to fight, and to kill these things."
"There is much to be learned, heroes," the teacher continued, "For now, I will pass you through a vertex attack simulation. For this, you will be blindfolded, amd you will have to search for a fake vertex soul, and destroy it quickly. This should mimic your experience in fighting wi"--
She froze suddenly, as did the attending Taisha members.
Rin's phone rang, and on the screen, there was a strange message, labelled, 'Forestize warning'.
Rin simply sighed. "Forget training," she grunted, "We're about to fight the capricorn vertex fir real."
And then the classroom melted away, and the heroes were once again dropped into a barrier made from colourful roots.