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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)

Luckily for Kaz, however, Yukino is the most oblivious person out there, and fell for it. She laughed, and then said, "Well, then we'll just have to prove your old man wrong! There's nothing that can stop us!"

Yukino then noticed Daigo, and waved. She said, "Wassup! And I've been training here my whole life, so I don't see why I shouldn't."


Previously Sarah316
"Well then looks like the gang is all here."

Yumi walked towards the others with a big grin on her face. She had missed Kaz and Yukino's little discussion as she made her way over.

"Pleasure to see you all. Happy you could join us as well Kaz." Yumi said with a smile.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno woke up in a hospital bed and then he rubbed his head. (Hey that rhymes) He looked around and saw someone else in the room.

"Where am I? What happened?" he asked.

"Oh, you finally woke up. After the exam finished we went to the city and looked for injured people. You were seen collapsed to someone that said you need to come here. You're in a hospital room," the nurse said.

"I don't see why I needed to be here, I wasn't injured," Veno mumbled.

Unluckily for him, the nurse heard his comment and glared at him. "You needed to rest and you clearly wouldn't have had any energy to go home," she responded.

"Fine, but I'm heading back home now," Veno said. The nurse nodded in approval and Veno left the building. He decided not to fly home since it uses too much fuel. Once reaching his apartment, Veno quickly brushed his teeth and got dressed. "It's nice to have my own place to live," he said aloud as he left his home.

He was going to a bus stop to a field so he can practice in peace, when he saw a crowd of familiar people in a mostly empty area. After looking closer, he realized they were from U.A. He jogged over to them and asked,"Hey you're from the exams, right? What are you doing here?"
"funny I've never seen anyone around here when I come out here,it's usually so quiet so I come out here to draw under the shade"Daigo said stretching his arms and getting ready to train himself,he noticed Yumi walk up to them and agreed with her"yep the gangs back together,well if you don't include hiro,and the other one that I couldn't get his name"
Yukino looked at Daigo, and said, "Yeah, I like to come here to train because it's quiet, and I get to think to myself. But sometimes it's nice to have friends around to keep you company."

Yukino noticed Yumi, and said, "Hi, there Yumi! And could you not be so formal, we're friends after all!" Yukino noticed the guy from the exam, the one she had her eye on because of his quirk. She smiled at him, and said, "Well hello to you too. Yeah, I'm from the exams, my name is Yukino. And we're hoping to get some training done."
"Veno,how are you feeling they rushed you to the hospital as soon as the exam ended"Daigo pulled his phone out of his pockets,oh do you think I can get your numbers, we're a team after all"Daigo grinned as he created a small shard of ice


Previously 5DigitNeb
"I'm fine. I didn't even need to go to the hospital, I just needed some rest. If someone would've taken me to my apartment I would feel just as fine, but nobody knows where I live," Veno replied with a chuckle. He got closer to the shard, which unfortunately melted. (I hope this isn't too bad of autoing xD)"Nice to meet you, Yukino. I don't actually know half of the people that are here. Their names I mean. Wait... how hypocritical of me. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Veno, as Daigo said," he told the people. He took out his phone and typed his phone number while showing it to Daigo. Then he looked back at Yukino."So, how are you? Are you alright, after I so heroically saved you?" he asked jokingly with a smirk.
Yukino looked at Veno with a dumb-founded look, and said, "You saved...me!?"

Dammit! Why can't I look cool for once! I had to be saved twice during the exam! Ugh!

Yukino gave Daigo her number, and then looked at the rest of the members of the group, and said, "Hey guys, can I have your numbers too? After all, we're friends now, right!?"
Kaz gave a nod as she exchanged her number with everyone in the group. It was the polite thing to do after all.

"F-friends..." Kaz said to herself in a low voice, a small smile on her face. It felt...nice to have people she could call that.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi smiled as she also went to exchange numbers with the group. It felt good to expand her social circle and these guys seemed nice enough.

I can only hope we end up being classmates, but really what are the odds of that?


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno couldn't help but laugh at Yukino's face. He saw Kaz's and Yumi's numbers and memorized them. "Well, I'd like to be nice and all. And if I knew you guys better I would consider you as friends... but I don't even know half of your names. Sorry. Also, Yukino maybe you should calm down. Yes, I did save you, you beat the zero pointer and then started falling remember? Also you shouldn't ask people if their your friend crazy like that, no offense," he said. "If anyone want's my number, sure I'll give it. I don't know a lot of people so talking to other people in U.A. would be fun. As for the training... I don't know. I wanted to go in the field and practice my quirk by myself, but I guess I could work on my fitness?"
Yukino shared her number with the gang as well.

She then glared at Veno, and said, "Are you calling me crazy?....Fair enough, but still! That was rude."

She then looked at the group, and said, "I didn't think any of you would be here, so I already finished my fitness training. Do you guys want to train on your fitness, or would you guys rather go and train our quirks?"
"ok got it"Daigo said putting the numbers into the phone"here's mine he said showing his number to the others"we could go out to the feild like veno said,why don't we spar, y'know a fight between friends we could practice our quirks and how to defend from things similar to our quirks"Daigo created another shard and watched it melt from Veno"like with venos ability to melt my ice"


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno grinned at Yukino's comment. "Yeah yeah, I said no offense. Anyways, thanks Daigo but I already had someone in mind in case we were going to spar. Yukino, battle me!" he shouted. He already had a strategy, a ridiculous one that Veno doubted would work, but it was still a strategy. "Let's see you beat me," he challenged once more.
"and Yumi and Kaz can battle each other as long that's ok with you two,and I can draw the fights"Daigo pulled out his notebook from a bag he brought with him besides,I don't hit girls"Daigo began to draw the fight between Veno and yukino
Ryuji had been carried out of the exam by some teachers and taken to the nurses office, once their he willed his armour to vanish and he could see afterwards how badly bruised his legs and left arm where. The nurse then informed that he would have to spend as she doubted that he would be able to walk so he just looked out of the window and what was going on nearby. There was one thing that he knew and that was the fact that he would be able to use his quirk again tomorrow so long as he got a good rest.
Ken was laying in his bed at home looking up at the celling. "Result will be sent next week." He said casually. He then yawn before he was called by his mother for breakfast. "Oh Breakfast." He said as he got up and walked downstairs.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi let out a grin as she got herself in position on the other side of the area and began to stretch.

"Well you heard him, let's have some fun Kaz." Yumi said, excitement showing for this sparring match.
"Eep! Okay..." Kaz let out as she got up and moved across from Yumi and began to emit electricity which crackled around her. Kaz gave a nod.

"O-okay...ready when you are..." Kaz said to Yumi.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"She's fast, but I'm just as fast!" Veno thought as he dodged the attack. "If she dodges my attacks, and she uses direct hits... then I guess this will be harder than I thought," he considered. Veno got into a defensive stance.

"Go on! Keep attacking!" he shouted.
Yukino glared at Daigo, and said, "You don't like to hit girls, huh? Well then, one day I'm going to provoke you to do the opposite."

Yukino laughed, and said to Veno, "Don't try to act all tough around me!"

Yukino then jumped into the air, and got behind Veno. She then aimed to kick him right in the back.


Previously Sarah316
"Don't hit girls huh? I'm sure a female villain is gonna love it when you go and do nothing to stop her." Yumi said to Daigo with a grin as she transformed her left hand into one of a giant.

Rather straight forward, but not like I have many options...

Yumi charged forward and aimed to deliver a punch to the sparky Kaz.
Kaz would jump to the side to avoid the large fist before she shot a small surge of electricity towards Yumi.

Even a glancing blow from t-that fist could be really bad. Gotta try and avoid it...


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno quickly got out of his defensive stance ducked to dodge the kick and then grabbed the leg. He threw the leg to the ground (you can decide whether she'll fall to the ground or not) and then blasted Yukino with at least a fifth of his fuel.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi groaned as she moved her hand in a defensive position and just tried to block the electricity. This proved tricky; she blocked the bulk of the blast but the electricity still traveled through her system which was not a pleasant experience.

Okay...blocking electricity not the best idea...still didn't hurt as much as it could have...

Yumi then slammed her large hand to the ground, which not only made a crater and shook it but also generated a dust cloud. Yumi would move through this and try to deliver a really powerful poke with her index finger to Kaz's back.
Yukino quickly put her hands out to the ground, and stopped any major damage from accuring.

She then looked at the blast, and smirked. "Thank you," she said, until she took her hands out and absorbed the attack. Yukino's hands were now covered in fire, and she said, "With my quirk, I double the power laid out at me. Your attack was around 20% of your power, well this attack is now 40% of your power!" Yukino then shot out a blast at Veno, hoping to cause some damage.
Kaz tried to scan for Yumi in the dust only to feel a powerful force send her flying as Yumi's giant index finger knocked her through the ground. Kaz panted a bit as she got to her feet.


Kaz shook it off and sent a surge of electricity in the direction of where she felt the attack from.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi would push her hand against the ground and launch herself in the air above the fading dust cloud. Yumi gave a grin.

"Kaz! Show me what you've got!" Yumi called out as she would retract her fist and turned her left leg into one of a giant. This would tear half her pants and shoe off but that didn't concern the girl as she would aim to deliver a stomp on Kaz.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno flew up into the air using minimal fuel but his feet still got stung. He went back down and began strategizing. "I wonder..." he began thinking. He gathered nearly all of his fuel and blasted the flames at Yukino. "Let's see you attack me with 160% of my power!" he shouted. Even if the attack didn't do anything, Veno already used pretty much the rest of his quirk's power. He still had raw energy from nutrients which would help him recharge. Either way, whether the attack would hit or not, the battle would be finished.
Kaz charged up more electricity as she glanced up at Yumi. However, before she could fire...

Okay, how much should I use? I don't want to overuse and hurt her, but if it is too weak it won't do anything. Oh darn it why can't I figure this prop...

Kaz spent too much time thinking and had to choice but to dodge the giant foot rather than respond with an attack of her own. However the shock wave from the foot making impact knocked her back and against a nearby tree. Kaz was a little slow to get up, in part of the pain mostly out of shame.
Shit! I can't take that much power! And how the hell is he using so much power at once!?

Yukino came up with a plan, but she wasn't sure if it would work or not. Yukino absorbed half of the power of the blast, and dodging the rest of the blast. Yukino smirked at Veno, and then exclaimed, "Here, take 80% of your power!" She then shot out the blast towards Veno.

This should do some major damage!
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Previously 5DigitNeb
"If she's giving me the same thing I gave her... still that's a lot of power," Veno thought. Since the blast would be too big for him to duck, he did the only possible solution to dodge the flames. He fell on his face to the ground and only some of his hoodie got burned. He rolled around to prevent more flames and got back up again. "I'm not defeated, you're not defeated, so let's leave it at a draw. I sparred with you to practice using my quirk, which I did. But now I can't anymore so there's no point to continue this battle. Anyways, I'm going to go home and rest, then I'll be training in the field. See ya later," Veno said as he put his hands in his hoodie's pockets and headed for his apartment once more.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi returned to her leg to normal size as she landed on the ground before she walked over to Kaz.

"You okay? That was a fun battle..." Yumu said with a smile as she offered a hand to help Kaz.

You didn't fire that electricity at the end. Why?
A week has passed since the entrance exams. Ken was sitting in his house chilling when his mother ran in carrying a letter. "Ken! A letter has arrived for you." She said. "Ken's eyes widened when he saw it. "Thanks mom." He said as he took the letter as went to his room. "This is it, time to see if I made the cut." He said to himself quietly as he opened the envelope.


Previously Sarah316
"It's here!"

Yumi grinned as she ran into the living room when her mother called out that received a letter from the U.A. Yumi grabbed the letter and tore it open.

I had to have made the cut, I had to!

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker had gone to get the mail, he lived by himself so it's not like somebody else could do it. As he opened the mailbox and started going through the contents, he came to a letter with the U.A. seal on it. "This is it!" Parker thought, "I'll know if I got in" he rushed back to his apartment forgetting the rest of the mail he had dropped.
"Did you get any letters from the U.A. Charles?"

"No sir, I have not."

"Good. Remember to give me the letter first before Kazumi can get to it. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

Kaz's father and the butler, Charles, had a discussion concerned the U.A. letter Kaz was expected to receive. Charles left the area and, making sure Kaz's father didn't see him, walked into Kaz's room with a letter in hand.

"Your U.A. letter has arrived miss Kazumi." Charles explained as Kaz took the letter and sat on her bed with it.

"Thank you." Kaz said with a smile as she would stare at the letter, eventually she took a deep breath and began to open it.
Yukino smiled at everyone, and said, "Training today was great! I'll see you all later!"


And like that, a week had passed. Yukino was in her apartment snoozing, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Who the hell can that be?

Yukino went up to the door, and noticed the mailman had a letter. "Are you Miss Yukino Miyamoto?" the mailman asked. Yukino replied with, "Yep, that's me." The mailman handed Yukino the letter, and left.

Yukino observed the letter, and noticed that it was from U.A. Oh yeah, now it's time to see if I made it in or not.
Ryuji was in the middle of training in his family's garden when he saw the mailman put a letter in the post box and out of the corner of his eye he noticed the U.A stamp. He immediately ran to the post box and picked up the letter and yelled out to the postman "Hey thanks for the letter Joe, Now it's time let's see if I actually made it in to U.A then."