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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)

"Well I'll see you guy's at school cause I'm off home and I feel like I'm gonna Pass out." spoke Ryuji as he walked out of the door and sprinted back Home to his aunt's house.
Kaz thought over Ken's words and opened to see Charles.

"Your father has had a change of heart. You are allowed to go to the party. He urgues you to be back before midnight and to have a con..." Charles said before Kaz ran up to give him a big hug.

"Thank you!" Kaz said with a smile as Charles gave a chuckle.

"I'm not the one to thank. Now then I am to escort you all there, so follow me." Charles said as he walked with Kaz downstairs and opened the main door.

"Follow me into the limo. There should be enough room for all of you...even you slime boy." Charles said having noticed the trail of slime exit Kaz's room. Charles led them to the large limo.
Yukino got into the limo, and she was in awe.

Woah! This is so cool! A limo, an actual limo! Ah! I can't hold in my excitement!

Yukino sat down, waiting for everybody else, but she couldn't really stay still.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi grinned as she jumped in the large limo along with Kaz and Yukino. This was all so exciting.

All right, now we can party and I won't feel any guilt!
Ken heard Charles. "Whoa butlers are perceptive." He said before quickly slipping downstairs and into the limo outside and sat beside Yukino before reforming into his human body. "Hey good going on convincing Kaz's father." He complemented. He was sweating slightly due to over use of his slime form.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno shrugged when Yukino shouted at him and smiled when Akiri agreed to let Kaz go to the party. Before he went inside the limo, he thanked Charles for helping them, even a little bit. He went inside and sat next to Kaz. "It's great that you could come to my party, though I'm still sorry about all the ruckus. I said you were Kaz to the others because of what I think I heard, but you never actually introduced yourself to me," he said.
Yukino chuckled, and said, "I don't really think he cared about what I had to say. I think it was the butler that persuaded him."

Yukino then looked at Veno and Kaz, and said, "I say making a ruckus out of things made it more fun!"
"Yeah. M-my name is Kazumi. But you can call me Kaz. Y-you didn't have t-to do this..." Kaz said in a low voice, she felt she was not worth all the trouble these guys went through. The driver turned to the group.

"So where is this party you all are going to anyway?" The driver asked once everyone was inside the limo.
Yukino looked at Kaz, and exclaimed, "Of course we had to do it! You're our friend! I didn't feel like having fun at the party because I was worried about you, you're my friend and I thought you deserved to party with us!"

Yukino then handed the driver a slip of paper with the directions on it.
"when are they going to be back, hopefully they persuaded Kaz's dad to let her come to the party,even though the party is pretty much over"Daigo took out the photo of him and his dad,Daigo's dad was killed trying to protect him and his mother who was also killed, suprisingly he survived the heartless villain that killed his parents
The drive took the directions and began to drive to the area of the party. Kaz sat there and thought over Yukino's words and let out a small smile.

"Thank you."

Soon enough the driver pulled up in front of the house and opened it for the group. The night of partying was now ready to begin.
Yukino got out of the limo, and exclaimed, "Let the party begin!"

Yukino then ran into the house, and started partying like there was no tomorrow. "Woo hoo!"


Previously Sarah316
Yumi grinned and was about to run in after Yukino, but turned and held her hand out for Kaz.

"Come on, let't put everything else aside and have some fun. You deserve that much." Yumi said with a grin.
Kaz grinned and held onto Yumi's hand as she would walk with her into the house and start to join the party. Kaz was nervous initally, but got more comfortable and began to have fun with it.

Thank you all. Thank you all so much...
Ken smiled and ran into the house to join everyone's else. "Alright!" He shouted excitedly.

The next morning, Ken was at his house getting ready for his first day of school. He put on his uniforme and walked to the front door. His mother walked up behind him. "Good luck Ken." She said. Ken turned around to look at her mother. "Thanks mom, bye." He said before exiting the house.
Hiro put on his uniform as he looked in the mirror. after many failed attempts the night prior he belived he finally got it down. He turned towards the door and started to walk out. He did his best to run to U.A. but do to the many falls he head the night prior he couldn't move fast without his body hurting.


Previously Sarah316
"Bye mom! Off to begin my path to being a hero!"

Yumi grinned as she put her uniform on and began to walk to the school. This was it, this was the U.A. Yumi was one step closer to her dream of being a pro hero. She just had to seize the moment!
Yukino woke up, and looked at the shining sun.

Today is the day, my first day at U.A.!

Yukino grabbed her diary, and started writing in it.

*insert month here* XX, XXXX
Dear Diary,
The party was great yesterday! Everyone looked like they had a great time, or at least I hope they did! Today is my first day at U.A.! I'm really nervous, but I know it'll be great! I still worry about my parents, but... Well, only the future will tell.
Yukino Miyamoto

Yukino grabbed her uniform, and put it on. She really wasn't a fan of the design, but she had to deal with it. And like that, she was out of the apartment.
Yukino looked at the entrance of the school, and even though she has already seen it, she was still in awe.

While outside, she noticed Yumi, and called out to her. "Yumi, over here!"


Previously Sarah316
Yumi turned and saw Yukino, a grin on her face as she walked over to her friend.

"Hey there, you ready for the first day?" Yumi said, excitement all too evident as she spoke.
"I'll see you guys at U.A tomorrow"


Tomorrow morning, Daigo was putting his uniform on"I do not like this look,I'm keeping my headband"Daigo stuffed his clothes and his notebook into a bag and walked out of the door,he finally made it to U.A"wonder if the others are here already"Daigo noticed Yumi and yukino"well that answers my question,hey Yumi,yukino"Daigo walked up to them and smiled"have you seen the others"he asked
Hiro walked past two girls that where talking. He made his way to his class room and walked in He noticed that he was one of the first that arrived. He sat in the back far enough away from everyone else as he could.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno woke up early in the morning. "Ahh that party was amazing. But why am I awake, I can't even see the sun," he said as he looked out his window. Then he heard an alarm coming from his room. He entered and realized it his phone. "Now I remember!" he shouted. Veno began cleaning all the stuff which took about two hours. Then he got dressed and headed off to the bus stop near U.A.

While he was heading there he saw Daigo heading for two girls, which upon further inspection were Yumi and Yukino. "Where's Kaz?" he asked worriedly.
Not long after that question, a limo pulled up in front of the school. Kaz stepped out and thanked the driver before she walked over towards her friends. Kaz had a mini blush on her face.

"G-gotta admit, n-never expected to a-actually be in one of these uniforms..." Kaz said with a voice only a little louder than a whisper.
Ken also suddenly appeared beside everyone else. "Seems like we're all here." He said. "What's the point in talking here, lets go inside." He added as he started to walk toward the U.A. building.
Yukino smiled, and exclaimed, "Looks like the gangs all here! I got class 1-B. What did you guys get?"

Yukino was so exicted, she can finally prove to herself that she can be a great hero.
"she'll be here any second"Daigo saw kazumi get out of her limo and walk up to them"told ya,what's up kaz,oh I got class 1-B as well what about you Veno"Daigo asked as he leaned against the wall of U.A
Ken turned back to look towards Yukino. "I'm also in class 1-B." Ken said while standing in front of the front entrance. "Come on guys, Let's head inside." Ken called out to everyone else.


Previously Sarah316
"I'm class 1-B! This is amazing! Let's all go inside now." Yumi said with a grin as she would reach for Kaz's hand with the intent to help walk her inside. Poor girl was a bundle of nerves, Yumi had to show support and get Kaz going in her own way.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Class 1-B. Nice to see you again Kaz," Veno said as he followed Ken inside. He sat down near the front middle,"I wonder who's our homeroom teacher."

OOC: I tried but I'm afraid I'm restricted to using my phone so I guess that means a lot shorter posts
"T-thank you. I-I'm also class 1-Beeeeeeee!"

Kaz was interrupted as Yumi grabbed her and began to walk her towards the entrance after Ken.

Well, I'm happy Yumi is so excited...
Yukino looked at the school, and couldn't wait. She ran inside, she was able to run so fast, that she passed Yumi and Kaz.

Yukino finally made it to her desk, and sat there waiting for the teacher, and everyone else.
Hiro just scoffed. ' about time these guys show up.' he thought to himself. He took out a ball and started to make it float. He started at a low level trying to get his body more use to his telekinesis. 'If I had more control over this I might've gotten a higher score.' He thought as he stayed in his little corner waiting for the teacher to arrive.
"okay let's go"Daigo walked into the building looking for room 1-B"here it is"Daigo walked in and sat down next to the window"when's class going to start"Daigo sat his bag next to him"this is going to be awesome,huh your that student with the telekinesis from the exam,I never cought your name,mines Daigo"he asked hiro


Previously Sarah316
Yumi walked holding Kaz's hand as she took her seat on a desk, leaving the one next to her open for Kaz should she want it.

Wonder who our teacher is gonna be?
Hiro looked over and noticed Daigo. He smiled a little bit. " I'm Hiro." He said as the ball fell into his hand. He placed it on the desk as he offered the man his hand. " Nice to meet you." He said.
Kaz took a seat next to Yumi as she began to poke her index fingers against each other, trying to pass time as she waited for class to begin.

Man, I wonder what we are gonna learn? Who is gonna teach us? Will I screw everything up? No, don't think negative thoughts. Be positive...
Ken was sitting in the seat next to the one Yukino. "How is everyone actually?" He asked as he turned towards everyone else. "We stayed up partying pretty late last night." He said. "I'm fine because I'm a light sleeper." He added.
"nice to meet you hiro"Daigo shook hiro's hand"so hiro,what do you think we're going to learn,maybe we'll figure out how to use are quirks in more effective ways"Daigo created a ice ball in his hand and quickly dispersed the ice ball
"I hope so." He said. " I can't use my quirk for long periods of time without fainting from blood loss." He said as he looked at the Ice maker. " So what was this party all about?" He asked. " I was kind of hospitalized for most of yesterday."


Previously 5DigitNeb
"They're talking about the best celebration party ever, hosted by me!" Veno shouted while pointing at his face. "You're Hiro right? I'm Veno, I'm actually going to turn 16 in a couple weeks," he said as he extended his hand.