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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)

Hiro smiled as he shook the man's hand. " Nice to meet you Veno." He said as he kept a smile on his face. " So what's your quirk." He asked.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Now I would like to be polite and all, but I feel like it should be a surprise. Anyways, we've had quite a bit of introductions already, where's the teacher?"Veno asked as he heard someone open the door. Veno turned around,"you, you're-"
Yukino looked at Ken, and said, "I'm fine. I've stayed up much later befor...."

Yukino was quickly interrupted by a grown man jumping into the classroom, from the window! The man looked like he just came from an explosion, covered in a lot smoke and bruises.

The man smiled, and then said, "Hey, kids! Sorry for coming so late! I had to deal with some villains." The man quickly brushed off all of the smoke from his trenchcoat, and then looked at the class, and said, "I am your homeroom teacher, Mr. Striker. I'll be your guide through most trips and all that jazz."

Yukino stared at Mr. Striker in awe. So cool!

Mr. Striker looked at the class, and said, "Well, now that I've introduced myself, how about we start introducing each other. Just raise your hand, and state your name and quirk." This way doing attendance isn't so boring.

Yukino raised up her hand, and said, "Yukino Miyamoto! Quirk: Absorption and Release! I can absorb any Emitter quirk, and release the power by double the amount!"


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Hello Mr. Striker, or should I say'hacker.' I'm Veno and my quirk is Pyrokenises," he said with his hand up. The he looked back at Hiro,"sorry for not giving you a surprise." He waited for others to introduce themselves as well so he could actually use his quirk.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi grinned and held her hand up to go next.

"I am Yumiko Amari. Though I go by Yumi. My Quirk is Giant's Gene, which means I can grow different parts of my body to the size of a giant." Yumi said with excitement in her voice.
Kaz took a deep breath before she held her hand up to go next.

"M-my name is Kazumi Fujiwara. T-though I prefer Kaz. My quirk is Generator, which a-allows me to emit and control electricity from m-my body." Kaz said to get her intro out of the way.
"nice to meet you Mr.Striker I am Daigo Taruga,my quirk is Cryokinesis
,I have the ability to create ice at any time I want, opposite of Veno's quirk"Daigo said with a confident look on his face
Ken smiled as he stood up and raised his hand. "My name is Ken Yuma, my Quirk ability is slimefication. It allows me to turn my body into slime." Ken explained. He tried to keep his Quirk explanation brief to save time.
Rowina ran through the doors of UA and up multiple flights of stairs "crap, crap, crap late on the first day!" Rowina said to herself as she pulled up infront of class 1-B and ran inside "I'm here!" Rowina yelled as she tripped as she entered the doorway and fell face first on the ground "ouch..."
Mr. Striker walked up to Rowina, and picked her up a bit. "Are you okay?" he asked. He quickly put her in a desk, and then said, "Well, we're all introducing each other. I am Mr. Striker your homeroom teacher. May you state your name and quirk?"

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker raised his hand, "The name's Parker. My quirk is called Oil Secretion and it let's me secrete oil from my skin, duh..." Parker didn't know how to make his quirk seem any cooler, so he kind of just went with it.
Rowina got up on her feet "oh, it's a pleasure to meet you sir" Rowina said as she shook Mr. Striker's hand and then went and stood behind an empty desk "my name is Rowina Young and my quirk is called weaponise" Rowina said as she pulled a computer mouse out of one of her messenger bags "esentially I can move the electricity from an object and form it into shapes out side of it" Rowina said as a blue energy came out of the mouse to form a blade of electricity
Kaz overheard Rowina's Quirk description and thought something over.

Could she use the electricity from my body? If she can...I hope I don't have to fight her...
Ryuji walked into class a bit later than the others and he had bags under his eyes and had come wearing his karate uniform as he was still half asleep. Then he spoke in a Drowsy voice "Yo, What up teach how you doing on this fine morning and sorry I'm late I lost track of time and it won't happen again."
As Seth climbed the stairs towards Class 1-B, wearing his new school uniform and a few bandages here and there, he thought of why he was doing this.

Two years ago, he was so inspired by the pro heroes he met at the counselling to go out and clear his family name, training or no training. He got himself caught up in a robbery, which despite him managing to stop (heavily injuring the robber in the process), he had caused some major damage due to letting the robber's quirk go wild. And, coincidentally enough, the first person at the scene after was Endeavour, the 2nd ranked Pro hero and the hero who stopped his father's career as a supervillain short.
"What? I'm trying to make up for it, like they said. They all said, we don't want another Slayspike! Then let me do something else!"
Endeavour approached him, looking down.
"You failed terribly here, in every way. Your family is a clan of no-good lowlives and nothing I've seen here will change that!" He yelled.

Stupid number 2. His rank is literally a turd. But hey, guess they both knew how it felt to just lose out on what you wanted. If nothing else, he could take satisfaction that he was here now and that they were both in the same situation. He barged through the door, interrupting what was going on. He knew what was about to happen, taking the apple he was eating out of his mouth and holding it in his arm towards the direction of the back wall of the class. "Seth Kunaita, and my quirk does this." He tossed the apple into the air, launching a short chainspike from the arm that used to be holding it. The apple was pierced, launched all the way to the back wall where the chainspike stuck it in. He then made his way to a seat at the back of the class.
Ken watched Seth demonstrate his Quirk and walk to the back of the room. "Well he seems nice." He said sarcastically to himself as he glanced back towards Seth before looking forward again.
Ryuji walked to a desk after watching Seth's demonstration and sat down but instead of on the chair he sat on the desk. Then spoke Beginning to tell the teacher his name "My name is Ryuji Shoku, My quirk is dragon bone armour it let's me create a suit of armour that improves my strength and defences and I study Karate as well."
Hiro waited for his turn. " I'm Hiro Adachi." He said as he looked at the teacher. " My quick is telekinesis." He said as he sat back down. Short and too the point just like hiro liked it. He started to get back to his training keeping the small rubber balls into the air for a long period of time.
Ryota sat in the back of the class with his arms behind his head listening to everyone speak. "Hm. Lots of powerful quirks, should be fun." Ryota grinned before standing up. "Uh, hey I'm Ryota Takahashi, and my quirk is Rush. It allows me pump large amounts of adrenaline through my body to increase my capabilities." He nodded to the class before sitting back down.
The rest of the students then introduced themselves.

Mr. Striker laughed, and then said, "No wonder you guys are the top 15 students of the school in this year's exam! All of your quirks are amazing! You're all going to be great heroes!" Mr. Striker smirked, and then said, "Now...how about we test out those quirks!? All of you, wear this athletic uniform, and head outside!"


Mr. Striker and the students headed outside.

Mr. Striker then said, "As for U.A. tradition, we will have you students do a fitness test. In Junior High, you all weren't allowed to use your quirks to make it more 'fair'. But now, you all can use your quirks, and hone your skills."

Yukino was in awe. She couldn't wait. But...she wasn't really into the athletic uniform she had to wear.

Mr. Striker then looked at the class, and said, "Alright, class, up first is the ball throw! And we'll go in the order of the exams top placement students! Rowina, you're a recommended student so you'll go last." Mr. Striker looked at the list, and said, "Up first is Daigo Taruga. Let's see what you got."
"great,more outfits I have to wear"Daigo put on his the outfit Mr.Striker gave them
Outside, Daigo was troubled as Mr.Striker explained the ball toss"how the heck am I going to use my quirk to throw a ball"he wispered,when Mr.Striker called him up Daigo stood there for a second thinking of how he was going to do this"got it"Daigo grinned as he threw the ball up into the air and placed his hand on the ground,a blue glow appeared on the ground next to Daigo,as the ball fell back down a ice Piller shot out of the ground launching the ball"wait for it"the ball was about to land but before it could another Piller shot out of the ground launching it once more"now I'm done"Daigo shattered the pillers and walked back to the others
Mr. Striker looked at his phone, and looked at the score Daigo got. Mr. Striker showed the class, and Daigo got 695.4 meters. Mr. Striker then said, "Yukino Miyamoto, you're next."

Yukino was in awe from Daigo's score. Holy shit! He's good! But I'll just have to do better! Yukino grabbed a ball, and went up to the field. In all honesty, she was nervous. After Daigo's score, she didn't want to seem like a loser to everybody else. Ugh, I know I'm going to regret this, but...

Yukino threw the ball into the air, but she gave the ball a blast using all of her power, causing it to go even further. The ball then landed.

Mr. Striker checked his phone, and showed Yukino's score to the rest of the class; 700.5 meters.

Yukino noticed her score and she got excited. "Yes! YE..." Yukino exclaimed, before she was interrupted by her gag reflex. She quickly ran away from the class, and threw up behind a bush.

Mr. Striker then said, "Alright, up next is Ryuji Shoku."
Ken saw Yukino run behind a bush and throw up. He walked behind her. "Oh hey, are you alright?" He asked leaning towards her. "Does this have anything to do with your Quirk?" He asked.
Ryuji hadn't changed into his gym clothes and kept his karate uniform as because of his quirk no one would see them anyway. So when he was called he grabbed a ball and walked to the field
"Alright Dragon time for the fun to begin Don't you agree," Yelled Ryuji as his Armour took shape around his body and then he put ton's of pressure on the ball and threw it " well that look's alright to me sir so Just tell me my score later but let me guess Veno's next cause I did tie for second place with someone."
Then he walked back to the class and laid down looking up at the sky thinking to himself.
Yukino tried to get up, but she felt really weak. She then looked at Ken, and said, "Ugh...*hiccup* I'm fine. This is just a side-effect of my quirk. If I absorb, or use in my case, to much power, I become terribly ill in the stomach. But, I'm fine now. I really want to see everybody else's score!" Yukino then walked back, and sat down, ready to watch everybody else's score.

Mr. Striker got Ryuji's score on his phone; 694.5 meters. "Alright, Veno Kasplazen, you're up next," he said.

Oooh, I can't wait to see Veno's score! Yukino thought.
"she beat me 5 meters,congrats...uh yukino are you okay?"Daigo asked as yukino ran into a bush
"Gross,I can handle blood,but vomit grosses me out"Daigo looked away disgusted
Hiro quickly changed into his gym clothes and fallowed them out. He watched as the first two threw the ball. He was studing their quirks finding any weakness he could so that if he ever had too he would learn to use it against them.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno finished changing into his gym clothes and went outside. He was studying how Ryuji, Yukino, and Daigo threw the ball and went very far. Then, Yukino left swiftly and though Veno wanted to see what was wrong, others already headed to her.

It seems people here are quite caring. Strange, I thought most people with amazing quirks would only care about themselves, negative thinking I suppose.

His thoughts were disrupted when Mr. Striker called his name. Veno took the ball and said to himself,"Let's see how much heat this ball can handle." He threw the ball and used his quirk to blast it far away, then he flew to the ball while it was beginning to fall and blasted it once more. "That should be enough," he muttered as he headed back to the class.
Mr. Striker looked at his phone, and he smirked. He then said, "Looks like we got a tie for first place currently!" Mr. Striker then showed the class Veno's score; 700.5, just like Yukino's.

Yukino was in awe. She then looked at Veno, and exclaimed, "Looks like we got the same! Nice job!"

Mr. Striker then said, "It's Ken Yuma's turn next."
Ken heard Mr. Striker call his name. "Cool, its my turn." Ken said before walking to the throwing range and picked up the ball. He stretched his arm behind him. "Alright, full swing!" He said as he flailed his stretched arm forward and flicked the ball forwards with great speed. Ken looked at the ball when it touched the ground. "Huh, doesn't seem like it went as far as the ones before me." He thought to himself before he turned around to walk back to everyone.
Mr. Striker checked his phone, and looked at Ken's score; 561.65 meters. Interesting, these students have remarkable quirks. Mr. Striker then said, "Seth Kunaita, you're up next."

Yukino patted Ken's back, and said, "You did great! You're slime powers are so freaky, but cool!"

Ken looked at Yukino and laughed slightly. "Thanks I guess." He said casually. He then rubbed the back of his head. "Your Quirk is great too." He said, complementing back.
Kaz began to shake in place and took a few deep breaths, any outsider could tell she was nervous.

What do I do? H-how can I compare with t-these amazing classmates of mine?


Previously Sarah316
Yumi glanced over and saw Kaz was once more a ball of nerves. With a grin she went over to give her friend a pat on the back.

"Don't worry about it, just go out there when it is your time and do your best. You will be great. Just believe in yourself." Yumi advised.
Yukino smiled, and said, "Thanks, Ken! But you know what they say, each quirk has it own perks and um...disperks(?) I don't know."

Yukino noticed Kaz shake, and she then said, "Come on, Kaz! You gotta prove your dad wrong! Face your fears, and become the hero you want to be!"
Kaz heard Yumi and Yukino's encouragements and gave a nod. That made her feel a little better.

"T-thanks..." Kaz said with a soft voice.
Seth looked around at all his new classmates around him. Some of them were being all... soft. If they weren't prepared for this, why were they here? He stepped up to make his throw. Even with his quirk, and physical advantage, he couldn't best those before him. But he could play the waiting game. His quirk gave an advantage in almost every possible physical test, and even those who also had a quirk like that had their limits from overusing it. If he got just... good results for everything he could make it out on top. Take it easy, one chain'll do it. He thought about the angle from which he should be throwing. Should he attempt to throw upwards then impale it upwards with the chain? Risky, it could just nosedive. Too low, and he ran the risk of it not going far enough. He'd have to make a combination of the two.

Throwing the ball with all of his strength at a medium angle, it was already a pretty good throw before his quirk. Just as it started to descend, and it was about at the height of his head, he fired an extremely long chainspike from his wrist. The timing had to be just right. And it was, the chainspike stabbing through the softball at high speeds. That was when he had to let the chain stop, releasing it from his wrist to continue. The ball and chainspike flew onwards, like a spear, gradually descending until it reached it's stopping point, even burrowing along the ground before it stopped fully. He didn't exactly smash it out of the park, but he didn't have to.
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Mr. Striker looked at his phone, and was in disbelief. There's no way....How could this have happened!? Seth's score then appeared, it was...it was..... 700.5! Three students made the same score!? Dammit, my job is going to be harder now!

Yukino was in awe, the guy looked strong, and she liked that. She looked at Seth, and then exclaimed, "Your quirk is even stronger than I thought! Good job!"

Mr. Striker coughed, and then said, "Well, Kaz Fujiwara, you're up next."

Yukino looked at Kaz, and then said, "Good luck. I know you'll do great!" She gave Kaz a reassuring thumbs up.
Kaz took a deep breath, giving a nod of acknowledgement to Yukino before she walked up with the ball in hand. Kaz began to generate some electricity in her hands.

Can't use too much, or I'll destroy the ball. Have to use just enough to give it a boost.

Kaz then would wind up and deliver a pitch with all her strength while at the same time she pushed against the ball with an electric shock. It wasn't an overly large shock, but the electricity did help push the tossed ball through the air. Kaz saw that, while it didn't travel as far as some of the top throwers, it did fly much further than she expected. It was...average from that Kaz saw; though that was just a guess. Kaz walked back to the crowd.

Wasn't the best, but I just hope I didn't make a fool of myself...