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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)


Previously 5DigitNeb
Kambrio grunted. "That's because you're all worse than me," he said. Veno heard everything he said and he didn't really care. He just stared at him for a long time. "What's your problem?! These guys are all talk, and I bet no action, but you are just being creepy!" Kambrio asked annoyed. Veno resisted smirking and continued to stare at him. "That's it I'm outta here!" Kambrio shouted as he left the rest of the classmates that were looking at him. Veno decided to disregard what just happened and laid on the grass. He heard some others talking with a new person, but Veno just wanted to get more energy for the other tests.
Hiro slipped back into the group. He noticed some discomfort on a few of his classmates. He simply shook it off and laid back down looking at the sky. "So who's left." He said to no one in particular.
Ken stared at Kambrio he walked away then stood up and looked towards Yukino. "Just ignore him, he's probably not that tough anyways." He said shrugging. "He's probably acting all tough and mighty as if he's better than all of us so he can feel better about himself." He said mockingly. He noticed Veno staring at Kambrio. "Yeah, just don't pay attention to that moron." He said turning back to Yukino with his hands behind his head.
"glad we can all agree on that"said Daigo who sat down next to hiro and ken"but four armed guys aside,what do you think the next test is"Daigo asked scratching his hair"Do you think we could be battling each other,or something like that,heh"Daigo looked at ken confused
Yukino listened to Ken's advice, but she still had an angered expression. I swear that I'll beat Kambrio. Not because I care about how others see me, but from the way he's treating my friends!

The rest of the students did their ball throw, and Mr. Striker was ready to do the next challenge. "Alright," Mr. Striker said, "The next thing we have to do is the 100 meter dash. Up first is Yumi Amari and Kambrio Kasplazen, as they got the highest score in the last challenge."

Yukino looked at Yumi, and said, "You'll do great!"
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Previously Sarah316
Yumi gave a nod as she got in the starting line. Yumi would expand her right foot to that of a giant, tearing off her boot as well as some of her uniform's legging. Yumi got herself set for this little "race" to begin, waiting for the other student to get set.
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Previously 5DigitNeb
Kambrio had been doing muscle exercises to get ready for the next test. He heard his name called and headed back to the class. There, he saw a girl getting ready.

I hope this will be more fun than the dumb ball throwing test.

He got into ready position, with his feet at the edge of the starting line.
Mr. Striker noticed the two get ready, and then she grabbed a random gun out of nowhere, and shot it, meaning the signal to go.

Yukino was in the crowd, cheering on for Yumi. "Come on, Yumi! You gotta show that guy you're not a newbie! Show him that you can be a hero!"


Previously 5DigitNeb
As soon as Kambrio heard the shot, he used his legs and zoomed past the line swiftly, leaving a trail of dust behind.

Maybe my opponent won't be that easy, at least I hope so.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi slammed her giant foot to the ground and rocketed herself forward in a flash. As Yumi glided through the air, she returned her right foot to normal size and shifted her left leg to one of a giant; tearing off her other boot and some leggings as she slammed her left foot on the ground once she stopped gliding at around the 50 meter mark and slammed her foot on it to rocket herself forward once more.
And like that, the two students finished their 100 meter dash. Yumi was the one who won the match. Mr. Striker than said, "Alright, next up is Daigo and Seth."

Yukino cheers grew even louder, and she exclaimed, "Yeah, Yumi! I knew you could do it! Woo-hoo!"
"G-good job Y-yumi. You w-were amazing..." Kaz also called out, as loudly as her little voice could carry. Kaz remained close to Rowina during this test and was amazing by Yumi; who had so far been the student to beat in these fitness tests.

I wonder...if I'll ever be that strong...


Previously Sarah316
Yumi walked over to Yukino and Kaz with a big grin.

"Thanks guys. Though I have to ask, you think the school is gonna get mad I tore up their uniforms?" Yumi said with a grin a she showed off one of her bare feet and torn leggings that was a result of her enlarging her feet.
Hiro sighed as he took his ball out and stared to use his powers to control the ball. ' can this fucking be over with.' He thought as he started to toss the ball.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Kambrio left the class and went back to his exercises.

At this point, it doesn't matter. Most quirks can easily beat mine, so if they exploit their quirk to go past me, doesn't matter. But if someone wants a real fight, I'm gonna bring on the pain

Veno smirked at Kambrio's loss, at least that was how he saw it. "Nice job Yumi. My quirk isn't really suited for stuff like this, but I can see how I can use it to beat my opponent in the 100 meter race. You will probably be number one in these tests," he said.
"how the hell am I going to do this"said Daigo who was walking up to the line

If I can do what I did in the ball toss I could propel myself forward enough to pass the line with record time,or I could brake my legs in the process

"well it's worth a shot"Daigo got in a running stance as his hands began to glow

Now I just have to wait for Mr striker to give the signal

"Let's do this!"Daigo grinned
Seth looked to the student next to him. He seemed to be preparing to use his quirk, and was really going overboard on the running thing. Seth just sort of stretched out a bit, secretly planning out where he was going to launch his chainspikes.

"Kid's probably going to repeat what he did in first time, or possibly freeze the floor. But he doesn't seem to be that powerful. If I aim my Chainspikes just off the sides of the track, at these exact positions, he would wait until the other guy was ahead, and sling himself from them like a catapult. The main problem was whether he would be able to reel the chain back in in time to break his fall, and swing himself even further in the process. He didn't even have to run except from the first run up if he got it right. There was also the possibility the ice could block him off, so that's why he wanted to wait until he had moved a bit so he had space to swing.
Ryota looked around at his classmates, "Hm, everyone would be fun to fight. Although..." He thought looking to Kambrio then Seth, " Some people seem like they might be a problem" Ryota shook the thought out of his head while turning his attention to the race.
Seth instantly commenced with setting up his plan, he had lined up the shot already, the Chainspikes sinking into the ground. Pulling them back as far as he could, he ran forward at top speed, jumping into the air in a kicking motion and catapulting himself, retracting the chainspikes into his arms once he was in full motion. It was still a distance until the end, so just before he was about to slam into the ground he aimed his feet towards the ground, launching chainspikes from his sides, and using the opportunity to bounce and sling himself into the air. From there on out, he was falling at high speeds, the end just in sight. "Just need... to make... one... last... swing!" He fired a final chainspike from his arm, swinging downwards, and swinging around the chainspike and sliding just across the mark.
Immediately Daigo shot a Piller out of the ground and launching him, near the end of the dash Daigo began to fall,before he landed he used his quirk to freeze the ground below him,as he landed he slid and past the finish line"phew, that was close,wonder who won"Daigo walked towards Mr striker and asked"so who one?"
Mr. Striker looked at everybody, and said, "Seth is the winner of the race. Next up is Yukino and Veno."

Yukino smirked, and ran up to the starting line. She stood in position, and waited for Veno. Time to show everybody what I'm made of!


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno rushed to the starting line. "Hey Yukino, are you going to use your quirk, steal my blast, and use the flames to push yourself to the finish line? Or are you going to not use your quirk, outspeed me, and win even though I blasted myself to the finish line?" he asked.
"damn,I lost"Daigo walked back to the others"good luck Veno,you to yukino"Daigo lie down looking at the sky"hopefully I'll have better luck at the other tests"Daigo shot a shard up at a cloud trying to Peirce it, however it didn't reach it,it fell back down and landed next to him"holy shit!"Daigo jumped up,freaked out from his act"I'm gonna get myself killed like this"


Previously Sarah316
"Yukino! You got this!" Yumi called out. She didn't have anything against Veno, but Yukino supported her during her race so it was only fair Yumi supported Yukuno now.
"Y-Yukino, Veno do your best!" Kaz called out, cheering for both friends equally. Kaz wouldn't feel right supporting one friend over another; just wasn't in her.
Hiro yawned as he stood up. He walked a little bit away from the group as he started to do pushups. He needed to train to be in decent form taken the fact of these guys skills. Even if he really didn't care about them, and why should he care their here to learn not make friends. He just shook his head as he continued to work out.
"This should be fun to watch," Spoke Ryuji as he walked over to watch Yukino and Veno's race and then he yelled out "Hey Yuki don't go easy on him because he's your friend and Neither should you Veno but to liven thing's up after all the race's I'll fight any of you how does that sound Guys!"
Yukino smiled at Veno, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to do either!" Yukino then glared back at Ryuji, and exclaimed, "DON'T CALL ME 'YUKI'! GOT IT!" Yukino then stared right in front of her.

Mr. Striker got his pistol ready, and shot it.

And like that Yukino went running, but... she still had some quirk energy inside of her! She kept making blasts behind her, pushing her along.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno smirked. "It's not like he said it's against the rules..." he thought as he began running. He put his hands facing behind him which blasted him across the field. Then he changed the direction of the hands in front of Yukino and blasted flames. After, he proceeded to blast across the field.
Yukino quickly absorbed Veno's flames. Thanks for the boost! The blast Yukino made were now more powerful than before, and she was able to keep up with Veno.

The race finished, and Mr. Striker said, "It's a tie! Both Yukino and Veno made it to the finish line at the same time! Next up is Parker and Ryuji."

Yukino jumped up in glee, and exclaimed, "Yeah! I didn't lose! I technically didn't win either, but....still." She then turned to Parker, and said, "I'll be rooting for you budd..." Yukino then covered her mouth, and exclaimed, "OH CRAP! NOT AGAIN!" Yukino then started running towards the same bush from before, and started throwing up...again.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker didn't know how to feel. He was nervous because of who he was racing, and also excited knowing people where cheering him on. Then again, the person cheering him on just started vomiting... Maybe not the best way to boost his confidence. "Thanks Yukino... I guess?" Parker made his way to the starting line and started getting ready. He stripped off his shoes and socks and prepared his arms.
Daigo was going to congratulate them on the tie as he should have done with the others"nice job,with the tie an all"he walked over to parker,"hey, good luck out there parker,don't slip up,heh"
Ryuji walked over to the starting line and got in position.His armour shining in the sunlight and then he yelled "Dragon don't fail me now old friend but hey it's time to get this party underway don't you agree pal."
Seth waited silently. He was happy with the win he picked up. He was rather surprised with those two... what where they called? Yukino and Veno. "What is it with her and ties?" He wondered. She had tied for first place on the entrance exam, and tied in both physical exercises so far. "I feel like there's room and the setup for a really insulting nickname here but I just can't quite find one." Thinking about it, in his list of people he would have to crush to reach the top (basically just the exam top students list), her and Daigo were the final step. He had just beaten Daigo, but he wanted something more... concrete than a race to prove that. Although maybe he was getting ahead of himself. Ken was the person he was directly behind. However, Ryota and Kambrio seemed interesting, and he would want to battle them too.
Mr. Striker shot his pistol, commencing the race between Parker and Ryuji. The quirks those two have could prove useful for this race, let's just see if they're smart enough to figure out how to use them.

Yukino finished vomitting, and went back to the crowd, watching the incoming race. Yukino couldn't help, however, but keep her interest in Seth. He wasn't the kind to talk a lot, but he always seemed like he was thinking about something.
At the sound of the pistol Ryuji shot down the track at his maxium speed. Then at the 50 meter mark he put all the strength he could muster into a jump that sent him flying through the air. Then he he said to himself "Thank you, dragon you really are helpful and one we will Surpass mum and show her our hatred for her."

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker heard the gunshot next to him and took off down the track. After his first couple steps he started letting oil out of the soles of his feet, combining this with pressurized oil from his palms let him slide down the track pretty quickly. Ryuji got a head start and so Parker needed to catch up fast, he didn't want to let down the people cheering for him. He knew it might backfire and weaken him, but he maximized the oil output from his palms and started speeding up.
The students finished their race, and Mr. Striker announced the winner, "Parker is the winner of this race! Up next is Kaz and Hiro!"

Yukino cheered for Parker. "Good job! I knew you had it in you!" Yukino then looked at Kaz, and said, "Alright, Kaz, I know you can do it!"
Kaz took a deep breath as she gave a nod to Yukino before she walked up to the starting line. Kaz really didn't have a plan or strategy in mind so she scrambled to make one up.

Oh god what can I do? I need to think of some way to use my Quirk for this, but how? Come on Kaz think think...