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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)


Previously Sarah316
"You got this Kaz! Give it all you've got!" Yumi cried out in support as Kaz made her way to the starting line. Yumi didn't know what Kaz had in mind, but she was gonna support her friend no matter what.
Hiro walked up to his position he looked at Kaz and smiled gently. "Good luck." He said trying to be a little more friendly with the people. While he might prefer to be alone he knew that wasn't healthy for anyone.
After the race Ryuji walked off the track and walked over to Yukino's group. Then he spoke "I know when I'm beat I can see that you've won against me this time so congrats Yuki but think you'll be beaten by Yumi overall. This is just after all but hey see you later Yuki Hope you don't mess up and stop barfing or else we will work out you're weakness."
Tsurugi was now on the move he'd flown through the city in search of someone he could easily mess and had now found a homeless man in a alley who he thought it would be fun to mess with so he flew up to him in his Phoenix armour. It had eight black wings and the bird's face on it's chest which stared into the soul and through the helmet his eyes gleamed. He froze time then punched the man in his leg snapping it in half and then after it had been five second's the man screamed in pain and then he was knocked unconscious by a punch as Tsurugi the left the alley back to his hide away.
Hiro placed his hand right near the ground. "Repulse." He whispered as he propelled himself foreword. He did what he could to keep it stable as he hit the fifty meter mark. he kept going increasing his speed as he crossed the finish line. Blood dripped from his nose but he didn't mind it.
Kaz turned around quickly, giving a quick good luck back to Hiro, as she generated a ball of electricity and launched it at the ground which created an explosion to shot her forward. Kaz flew through the air till she landed around the 40 meter mark.

Not enough, more power.

Kaz quickly stood up and generated a ball of electricity more than twice as large as the one before and fired it once again at the ground to create an even larger explosion to rocket herself forward. Kaz managed to land on the 99 meter mark before she simply got up and aimed to jump past the finish line.
Mr. Striker announced the winner, "Kaz is the winner of this race! Next up is Ken and Ryota!"

Yukino smiled, and exclaimed, "I knew you could do it, Kaz!" Yukino glared at Ryuji, and said, "Stop calling me 'Yuki'! IT'S ANNOYING! And mind you're own business! I've been trying to work out my weakness!"
Kaz was shocked that she won before she turned to Hiro to return the hand shake.

"T-tank you. You were really good t-to." Kaz said with a small smile before she would walk back over towards the group.


Previously Sarah316
"Way to go Kaz I knew you could do it!" Yumi said with a big smile, though she did glance at Hiro for a moment.

He's really good to. Heck, this whole class is full of strong individuals. Good, I welcome the challenge!
Ken heard Mr. Striker call his name. He then walked to the starting line while readying himself by spinning his shoulder. "Alright finally my turn, time to show what got." He said to himself.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Thanks a lot for the support Yukino!" Parker did hate the attention, but admittedly felt a rush from winning the race.


"Good luck Ken!" Parker called out. Ken had been really nice to him and the others so he decided it best cheer him on. Not to mention, his quirk was extremely versatile and Parker was excited to see how Ken would use it in a race.
Hiro jumped up and looked they were waiting for that Ryota guy. He let out a breath. " Hey Teach is it alright if I run a couple of laps around the school." He asked. He needed to be alone and away from these people before their goodness infects him.
Mr. Striker looked at Hiro, and said, "No, you may not. I am right now your caretaker, and I need to make sure you're safe, so you have to stay here."

Yukino looked at Ken, and exclaimed, "I'm rooting for you buddy! You can do it!"
"Understood sir." He said before laying back on the ground. He let out a breath as he looked at the sky. ' Weird.' He thought as he looked at a cloud he could swear that it looked like a dog.
Ken glanced back towards Yukino and Parker. He gave a thumbs up. "Thanks guys. I'll do my best." He said with a determined voice. He turned back tond waited for Ryota to arrive.
Hiro yawned as he stood up. He walked up to the group of people. "Alright... try and be friendly.' He told himself. " Hello I'm Hiro. I figured I should probably introduce myself to you all." He said.
Ryota heard his name being called. He slowly approached the starting line."Ken huh, he can change his viscosity so I should watch my footing. Perhaps I should go all out right away so he has no chance to catch up..." He got into position before giving Ken a smile, "Good luck." His face quickly turned emotionless as he mumbled "6th Burst..." Again, his muscles and veins bulges and his pupils expand dramatically as he activates his quirk. "Ready." He said in a slightly rougher voice than before.
Hiro just shook his head as he walked away from them. ' Why did I even bother.' He asked as he went back to his isolated spot. He looked around before taking out his phone. He recived a messages.
' Hey big bro I had a great time at school today. The teachers here are so nice. I can't wait to tell you all about it in person.' Love Chie. Hiro smiled as he read the message at least he had someone in his corner. He started to text back. ' Congrats on your first day. I'll pick you up around four. What would you like for dinner tonight? Love Hiro."
As Yukino was cheering on for Ken, she then noticed that Hiro looked disappointed, and left the group.
Why is he so sad all the time? Wait... SHIT! I gotta do something!

Yukino looked at Hiro, and exclaimed, "Wait! Come back! I'm sorry for being rude! I'm Yukino!"
Hiro put his phone in his pocket as he walked back. " Nice to meet you Yukino." He said with a warm smile on his face. "So what made you decide to become a hero?" He asked wanting to get to know her.
Yukino put her hand on the back of her head, and blushed a little. She was never really asked that question. "Um...well you see," she said, "I mean.... I don't really think my story is all that special. I don't really want to talk about it, though. So....why do you want to be a hero?"
His smile dropped. He took out his phone and showed the screen. It had a girl around a year younger than him and a little child no older than four. " This is why." He said as he looked at her. " our parents died in a fire a year ago." He said. " We moved around from orphanage to orphanage. We didn't want to be separated you know." He said. " I almost gave up hope until Red Tornado showed up at the orphanage we were at. He said that anyone can be a hero. So I decided to man up and become one to get us out of this life. Heroes do get paid fairly decent as is. I got papers allowing me to take my sister and little brother out of the orphanage and moved into a small apartment. The state is paying for the apartment but I still have to have a job to take care of food water and electricity. While we might be "independent" a social worker comes by every few weeks to check on us. If I slip up then the three of us will have to return to our most recent orphanage." He said. he then shook his head. " Sorry I don't think you wanted to hear the life story of the class's loner." He said.
Ken smiled at Ryota before looking at the track. "He's able to increase his physical abilities with just a thought from what I seen from him so far, better go full throttle from the start." He said before hearing the starting shot.
Ken jumped forwards using both his legs and arms for speed then shifted into slime. He then morphed into a green ball and rolled past the finish line with great speed.
As Ryota heard the shot he rushed forward, his feet cracking the ground at the starting point when he speed off. As he rushed past the finish line his legs were a blur. He stopped and began breathing heavily as he powered down. Not sure of the results as he was to focused on running.
Yukino looked down, and said, "I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know if this will make you feel better, but...I know how you feel. The only thing is I don't know if my parents are dead, and I don't have any siblings to worry about."

Mr. Striker announced the winner, "The winner is Ryota!"

Yukino looked at Ken, and said, "You did your best. But with his quirk, anyone was bound to lose a race against him."

The rest of the students did their races, and after that all of the other trials were completed.


"Alright, here is the placement all of you made in the fitness trials," Mr. Striker said.
  1. Yumika Amari
  2. Ryota Takahashi
  3. Kambrio Helmfler
  4. Seth Kunaita
  5. Yukino Miyamoto
  6. Ken Yuma
  7. Ryuji Shoku
  8. Veno and Kaz
The rest of the students then were announced. (And sorry @Jagson But Hiro got last place)

Yukino looked at the results, and mumbled, "Oh, man. Not even top 3." She then looked at Yumi, and said, "Good job on getting number one!"
Ken reformed and stood up, he heard Yukino and smiled. "Yeah I guess its was kind of obvious who would win that." He said. He looked at the result of the fitness test when they were displayed. "Number 6 huh, not bad." He said to himself.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno fell back to sleep after he finished with the tests. He woke up after a while and smiled with his results. "Great, i expected to be the worst in the history of the exams," he said with a chuckle. Veno turned to face Yukino and the rest of them. "Hey Yukino, guess you didn't steal first this time. Nice job Yumi, i did say you were going to be on the top. And Kaz, at least you didn't do worse than me," he told them.
Hiro looked at his placement and whistled. " Sounds about right." He said. " I just have to work harder than the rest of you." He said as he stood up and walked away from the group. ' I don't have time to make friends.' He thought as he recived a text from Chie.
' pork romen.' It said. He smiled a little bit. " At least one of us can have a decent social life."
"I'm so far down the list I don't even know what place I got,damnit"Daigo was annoyed with what place he got but he decided to congratulate Yumi on her win"nice job Yumi"Daigo knew about the 2vs2 test but not the ones before it
Kaz walked over to Yumi with a small smile.

"C-congrats Yumi. Y-you were amazing..." Kaz said, though she frowned and glanced at the ground to avoid eye contact.

Yeah, about what I expected...
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Previously Sarah316
"Well how about that?" Yumi said with a grin, obviously happy she finished first. It was only a fitness test, but she still was proud of her performance. Yumi turned to Yukino, Veno, Veno & Kaz and heard them congratulate them.

"Thanks guys!" Yumi said with a smile, but she saw Kaz was a obviously down from her ranking as she went over to pat her friend on the back.

"Like I said with the exam results, these don't mean much of anything. Really you should just see it as more of a reason to improve and get even better. Trust me, your Quirk has a lot more potential than mine. So don't let this get you down in the dumps." Yumi said with a grin.
Hiro rolled his eyes before walking away. He was tired of the hypocritical bullshit that was this class. 'Maybe I should go into vigilanti justice.' He thought. ' I wouldn't have to deal with these guys anymore.' He thought as he waited to be dismissed or whatever the teacher had planned.
"T-thank you." Kaz said to Yumi with a small smile, one that vanished as she saw the student Hiro walk off alone. Kaz didn't know why, but she couldn't help but feel a little sad for him.

He seems...so alone...
Yukino pouted, and said to Veno, "Yeah, but I'm glad that Yumi made it to the first spot."

Mr. Striker looked at the class, and then said, "Well, that concludes Homeroom. The next class you all will be heading to is Hero Training. Good luck."

Yukino was in awe, and said, "I wonder what we'll be doing next class. But it doesn't matter to me much, I'm just going to show everybody that I can be a great hero!"
"whatever." He said as he started making his way to the next class. 'I'll just fail this as well.' he thought as he continued to walk there.
Ken heard Mr. striker say what their next class will be. "Alright let's get going then." He thought as he started walking. He walked next to Yukino. "You know, you've already proven yourself quite a bit now." He said.
"wonder what we'll be doing in that class, probably learning to battle villains,hey,yukino"Daigo ran up to the others as he wanted to hear what they were thinking"yukino,what do you think we'll be doing in hero training"