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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Damn, not even top 8! Guess I have a bit to work on." Parker said aloud as he started thinking of new ways he could train his physical prowess and quirk abilities.


"Hero training, huh? I know I've heard about this class, but I have no idea what we're gonna be doing. Hey Ken, do you know anything about this class?" Parker needed to know everything he could to get an edge, although not that he though about it, the teacher would probably explain once they got there.
Seth was walking along, silent as usual, a daunting look in his eyes as he trailed far behind everyone else. "4th place. This better not be a reflection of my future." He looked down at his right hand, trailing up to the small tube like hole in his wrist. Using his power barely hurt anymore, but it used to really stretch him. Hero training sounded easy enough, if he actually got to fight people he figured he was all set. And at least he had beaten some people that he hadn't in the entrance exam. "Wonder how Dad's doing..." he pondered.
Ryota looked at the scores genuinely surprised. "2nd place? Wasnt expecting to get that with my score on the ball throw..." He let his eyes trail up the list from bottom to top. "Hm, Yumika." Ryota mumbled to himself while looking around for the student. "Congrats on first place, means you'll have a lot of competition." He said approaching Yumika.


Previously Sarah316
Yukino turned to Ken and gave a smile to him.

"Thanks, but I have so much more to prove. And so have you." Yukino replied before she turned to Daigo to answer his question.

"I'm not sure, though I hope we get to spar, that would be fun." Yukino answered as they continued to walk to class.

Yumi turned to Ryota and greeted him with a grin as she followed the others.

"And I look forward to that. I'm aiming to reach for the very top, no fun in that if there is no competition." Yumi replied, showing her confidence.
Ryota grinned at Yumi, "Good, I expect competition. And I hope we can fight sometime." He was glad to see that someone had the same competitive mind set as him, and a powerful quirk to back it up. "You realize with how my quirk works I'll quickly be able to increase my power. Better keep on your toes." He gave a two finger salute before marching forward into the group.
Hiro stood at the training simulator. His phone vibrated he looked and saw that it was his boss.
" Hiro I'm sorry to bother you but can you come in at five. An quite and I need help with the children. You know how Kanji and Madoria can get." It read
He let out a breath but smiled. He texted back. ' I can do that. I'll probably have to bring Chie and Haruo with me. I doubt i'll be able to get a baby sitter this late notice.' He sent the message before waiting for this class to begin.


Previously Sarah316
"Oh I will." Yumi said with a grin as Ryota moved ahead, looking forward to a future matchup. Ryota's Quirk had a lot of potential and he'd be a force once he pushed it further beyond.

For now I can only enlarge one limb at a time. I need to find a way to improve myself. Getting stagnate is how you get left behind.
Kaz followed the other students, though she remained in the back. Kaz was thinking over how she could improve, or whether she could improve at all.

I-I know it's bad to constantly doubt myself, and I owe it to my friends to do my best, but what can I do to improve? With a limited voltage and one style of attack, I really don't have many options...
Ken arrived at the hero course training area, there were many tall building in place. "I suppose this is the place." Ken said to no one in particular. A howl could be heard from the side as a grey blur jumped out of a nearby tunnel and did a front flip before sticking the landing. The blur turned out to be a grey werewolf in jean shorts and wearing a kind of voice amplifier around his neck. "Hello kids, I welcome you all to the hero course training area." He said.
Yukino was astounded by the setting of the Hero Training class.

Then out of nowhere....

Yukino in awe looked at the werewolf, and exclaimed, "You're the Sonic Hero.... Blitz-Wolf! I've looked up to you ever since I was a little girl! Don't tell me you're teaching this class! That's so awesome!"

Yukino couldn't hold her excitement, other than her parents, Blitz-Wolf seemed like the coolest hero Yukino knew.
Ryuji was surprised at how the hero training class looked it felt like he was actually out in town but also made him more relaxed as it felt like he was actually helping people for once. Then he noticed that the teacher was a werewolf and yelled "Wait, the hell is there a wolf here that ain't realistic you don't find them on the streets, Although from the way Yuki's acting I'm guessing that you're a well known hero whose helped a lot of people."
Blitz-Wolf listened to Yukino. "Heh, its good to hear I still have fans." He then heard Ryuji and rubbed the back of his head. "We live in a world where there are people who can generate fire with their body, turn into animals, create object out of thin air and much more and you think me being a Wolf is weird?" He asked.


Previously Sarah316
"He makes a good point." Yumi said with a grin as she walked up to Blitz-Wolf.

"Hey there, huge fan and really happy you are gonna be a teacher." Yumi said to Blitz-Wolf, happy one of her favorite pro heroes was gonna be a teacher.
Blitz-Wolf smiled. "Aww, you're making me blush." He then refocused himself. "Now onto the training exercise. The rules are simple, you students will be paired up 2 by 2, one group will be the 'villains' and guard a makeshift bomb on top of one of these buildings here and the other group will play the 'heroes' and try to ether get to the bomb to disarm it or wrap the villains in this tape to capture them." He said pulling out a roll of tape. "If the timer runs out, the villain team wins. So, does everyone understand the rules of this training exercise?" He asked out loud.
Kaz, though a little nervous, slowly raised her hand.

"W-why does a hero school h-have an e-exercise where you can even p-play the villain?" Kaz asked the teacher.
Yukino looked excited, and exclaimed, "Awesome! I've always wanted to have an experience like this!"

Yukino looked at Kaz, and said, "Isn't it obvious, Kaz? Playing the villain will get you into their mindset, how they feel, ectsetara. So, when we become heroes, we can understand a villain a little bit more, and help people better."
" For training proposes." Hiro cut in as he looked at Kaz. " Do you think you'll be able to handle a villain if you just do simple exercises." He said. His phone vibrated. He picked it up and smiled as he read the message.

' Hiro heard you'll be working tonight." The message read. " That is like so cool I want to know everything about UA. sincerely Usagi."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno rushed over to where the next class was located and smiled at the instructor.

Isn't it great all the teachers here are awesome pro heroes?

Then he turned to Yukino. "Thanks for the explanation but I have one thing to say. That didn't actually seem obvious," he remarked.
Blitz-Wolf heard Yukino's explanation. "Right, that's precisely the reason why." He said with a awkward smile, he did not know why either so Yukino stepping in was a big save for him. "Now for the pairs." He said as he pulled out a hat with pieces of paper in it. "You will be a piece of paper out of this hat, each of them has a letter on them and you will be paired accordingly." He said. "Heroes don't always pick who they are working with so this is a good way to have you experience that." He added.
Hiro stood where he was. ' does it really matter who I'm paired with.' He thought. ' we'll probably going to fail anyway since for some reason this place just shits all over me.' He thought. ' maybe I should just drop out. Have a perminate job at the orphanage and keep Chie and Yosuke safe.' He thought as he stared at the hat.
Ryuji heard this and thought to himself alright it seems fair to pick our teammates out of a hat. Then he reached into the hat pulling out a piece of paper and spoke "Alright I'll look after everyone has grabbed a piece of paper but for now I'm just going to sit by a wall so I'll see you in a bit."
"you seem troubled need some advice," Growled a voice inside Ryuji's head once he had sat down " If not I just thought I'd tell you I sensed Pheonix for a brief moment and honestly as you are now you don't stand a chance but in other news I can sense you will soon gain more power."
"Shut up Dragon I don't need your advice," Yelled Ryuji after the voice had finished speaking " I'll find out what happened to my brother trust me."
Davis reluctantly glanced at the hat. He had spent so much time working and tinkering he had stayed an invisible boy, and hadn't really been apart of anything. He had kept his social awareness extremely low, and no one had actually realized his existence.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi glanced over and saw a kid, Davis, who she did not recognize.

Probably anti-social, well I'm gonna fix that!

"Hey there, I don't think I recognize you. My name is Yumi." Yumi said with a smile as she walked over to Davis. Yumi couldn't help herself, she was a social girl by nature and hated seeing people alone. She made a mental note to go talk to that Hiro guy after this as well.
Hiro grabbed his letter and walked back to his area. He looked at it and memorized it. ' wonder who I might be paired with.' He thought as he let out a breath and waited for the exercise to begin.
"Davis," Davis said suddenly as he was awoken from his thoughts. He gave a wave with his robotic arm and gave a grin, "Nnice to meet you."

"She must think I'm antisocial considering how I've been acting. I better change that or I'll never make any friends." Davis quickly thought.

"My arm was off its caliber and I was giving it a good check over when I found a few fuses and blown shortcircuits, so I ended up fixing them, considering staff can only heal natural body part. After that I ended up doing that, I ended upgrading it throughly. I must have seemed like I was pretty antisocial, huh. Sorry. Well anyways, it's a pleasure." He said ending his ramble by putting his robotic arm out for a handshake.


Previously Sarah316
"Wow a robot arm, that's cool!" Yumi said with a big grin as she shook his robotic hand.

Man this class just gets better and better. Seriously, I wonder if I can get this guy to make me a robot arm? That would be amazing!
Kaz reaches into the hat and pulls out her piece of paper before she decided to walk over to Yumi and the guy she was talking to. Kaz was nervous about all this.

I hope I get to be on a hero team...
Ken drew a paper out of the hat and walked back.
After everyone picked from the hate. Blitz-Wolf walked back to a wall with a button. "Alright students, at the beginning of the year, you were all requested to send your Quirk info to us so that we may make you ideal costumes, some of you even made special requirements." He then pressed the button and a trap door opened up and a tray with many suitcases came out of it. "You're costumes are all ready, get changed and come back here so we can start the training course." He explained.
Hiro took his suite case and went somewhere private. He put on his costume. It consisted of a navy blue head gear that was able to lower his brain waves allowing him to lessen his quirks negative effects. his torso was the same navy blue It was light and flexible allowing him to move quickly His legs were of a light red material.
He walked back to the field and waited for them.
Oh my hero costume design. Alright, hope it doesn't look silly outside of my notebook...

Kaz grabbed her suitcase and went to a nearby restroom and got a stall to herself to change into.


Kaz came out wearing a black suit with matching colored boots, gloves and helmet. Kaz's suit had a single blue lightning bolt patch along her chest and stomach. Two more blue lightning bolt patches ran along the outside sides of her legs. Another pair ran along her arms and one more ran along her back.

Alright, hopefully these patches work like they are supposed to.
After Daigo picked a paper,he grabbed the suitcase that contained his costume and went to change,when he opened the suitcase,he saw his costume,it was a icy blue metallic suit with black lines coursing through it with shard like points on the arms of the suit,there was no mask however"this is supposed to amplify my quirk,I'll be the judge of that"Daigo walked back to blitz-wolf in his costume,he saw Kaz's and hiro's, costume"woah,your outfits are cool,are they supposed to help with your quirks,or are they just for looks"Daigo asked examining his suit
"See you on the battlefield, Yumi," Davis said, breaking the handshake, and waving goodbye with his other hand. He grabbed his briefcase and walked towards the boy's changing room. In his pocket was his number.
The boy stepped out onto the battlefield looking completely different. His suit was a red sleeveless jumper, with a black glove over his real arm and black boots. And topping it all off was a red helmet with a green visor, which was currently flipped up revealing Davis' face. The boy had already memorized his letter and was ready to go.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi gave a nod as she grabbed her briefcase and went to the girl's room to go change. Time to see what her costume look liked.


Yumi emerged with a grey skin-tight suit with red flame designs. She wore grey boots with black outlines and a gray alien looking mask with antennas and bright yellow eyes.

Alright, if they designed this right the material should grow along with my body meaning I don't have to worry about any wardrobe mishaps. Still only one way to test that out...

Yumi made her way to the area with the other costumed students.
Kaz turned to Daigo, taking a moment to admire his costume as she did everyone else, before she decided to answer.

"Y-yes. These lightning pads act as batteries. Storing my electricity in them and having it ready for use while I regain my stamina; since using my Quirk drains my stamina and my own "inner" batter s-so to say." Kaz explained to the best of her ability.
"that makes sense...I guess,anyways my costume is supposed to severely drop my body temperature,and just like my quirk is weaker when it's hot my quirk is stronger when it's cold,and the super cold body temperature isn't a problem for me since I'm extremely tolerate to cold thanks to my quirk"Daigo was just repeating what the suit was said to do on a note that was in the suitcase"maybe we're on the same team,I got B on the paper I got from the hat, you"
"Hey Yumi! That suit is out of this world!" Davis shouted giving a wave and a chuckle. He joined the group of students and grinned. "I'm Davis Yuto. It's a pleasure." Internally the boy felt like some kind of knockoff power ranger, but it still worked for him. There were compartments along the belt he was wearing that allowed him to store scrap pieces and tools, which helped alot. However he wasn't sure how it would help his stamina issue and burning through carbs. But he assumed he would figure out later.


Previously Sarah316
"Thanks, I like your costume as well!" Yumi said with a grin, taking a moment to get a feel of the material and stretching her arms and legs. It felt very flexible, which was a good sign. Yumi practiced some punches and kicks.

Alright, seems to not slow my movements. Still the only real test will come when I use my Quirk with it.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker was one of the last ones to head up to grab his paper and suit. He went behind a wall around the corner to change and after a minute or so he returned to his classmates in his suit. It was a cool black suit made out of a material that allowed his oil to roll off his body without any residue, preventing him from getting stuck in it or blowing himself up. It didn't have a headpiece, but it did have a cape with some holes and tears in it near the bottom as a design choice. Finally the tips of his fingers had small round pieces of metal, flint and steel. When he snapped his fingers numerous sparks would fly out and if he did it right, his oil would ignite and eventually explode. "Hey guys, your costumes are amazing! Mine is pretty plain looking compared to yours."
"I don't know. Mine seems kinda like a space cartoon character. You guys think the visor was a bit too much?" Davis said flipping down his green visor, covering his face. He turned his head and stretched his limbs seeing how the suit effected his movements. It seemed that he could move freely. What he had remembered reading about the suit, was the fact it was fire retardant and wouldn't tear easy. Other than that, he felt it was all a bit dorky.