Huh? Oops... looks like I missed a lot. Now that I look at the Solareon... or was it solreon? Anyways, the fluffy things ont the legs look like wings now. And your gym leaders..... Wow, they are AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!! no, wait... more than awesome... In my opinion, unbeatable.
Artie, I never knew you had a clone. (I call almost everyone I know by a nickname. Artiste, you are now Artie in my world.)
Nah, Myouki, I wouldn't call you Myou for two reasons:
1) Because it's not my style, and
2) Because someone else came up with it, not me.
Maybe Kiki, because of the "ki" at the end? Or even Myoukesto...... Just kidding. Miki/ Myki, anyone?
And as for Soleon.... A fluffy cloud on its neck? Or on its body? I guess the idea is lame, though.......
How do you pronounce your name? It would help me a lot if I knew how to ponounce it.
OOH!!! My modified one is up that was modified by you!? Impressive..... I congratulate your modifying techniques, Kiki! (Yep, you are now kiki.) If only my sprites were as good as yours... *sniffle*
This one looks SOO much "cooler" than the first. Refuse to fly= bad weather.... heh, me likey! Maybe you should start working on the other sprites.... Just a suggestion.
And now, time for my all time infamous.... Cheese Song. (Made it up in the 5th grade!)
I like cheese, cheese, cheese!
Cheese is good! for... everyone!
If you know who I am, just pm me, if you'd like. Eheheh... (I typed this because I was bored.)
Thanks for encouraging me, Kiki! But my sprites still look bad... oh well, practice makes almost perfect (because NOTHING is perfect in my world... and this world, actually. Sorta...)
Yeah, I know. But I Kinda like it... You're talking about the seventh, right? My favorite of the series is still the third book... Gosh, the books seem to include more deaths after the 4th book.
Oh, and just to let ya'll know, I'm giving out spoilers to anyone who wants it. Just pm me. (Sorry if this post was off topic...)
You got skillz he looks hard to sprite....
Well.... Frankly, he looks too young. And his head is too big. MAN, I hate the heads nintendo gave the sprites... They're fat, and rounder than a Coconut.
juan?...... ah, ok, i just looked him up... i guess i missed that episode in the anime, plus i never got emerald ^^;
Lucky. Trust me. Juan is a complete dork in the anime.
And, I love the Soleon. I came up with Atmospheon But, the Trade Wind Pokemon? Genius!
Ooh, what about a Regigigas Cosplayer? Or a Chimchar/evolved form Cosplayer. But, please, don't do both. It, for some reason, makes me feel guilty of adding much work.
I can't wait to see 'em, Myouki. ^^
Did you see the amazing Misty sprite somebody subitted to the new thread? That thing is blasted awesome. I'm sure yours will be better, though.
I know I'm a suck-up, get over it. >=]
Hm. They are great but I do see a huge lack of shading.
I disagree with you, Artiste. The dress/skirt thingy has shading. ;D Meheheh.......
Myouki, did you scratch those sprites?